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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 677 KB, 700x528, B7NYjsiCUAEdoeW.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
612279 No.612279 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance guys:/, pls buy.

>> No.612280


Whoa, thanks for the heads up

>> No.612282

Why on Earth would I ever want to buy?

>> No.612325

I'd rather pay one of you fags to suck my dick 20 times.

>> No.612333

will do, need 2 grand asap

>> No.612334

Done, pull that salami out.

>> No.612340
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Open wide queers

>> No.612380

PLS BUY ;_; only $213 right now

>> No.612383
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>Mfw I see bitcoin plummeting

>> No.612388


>> No.612404

>guys it's going to 10k


I wonder how many buttcoin NEETs have an hero'd from its price collapse

>> No.612408

I feel sorry for people that bought in when it was 1k per bitcoin

>> No.612413

Why? It happens, someone loses you win.

>> No.612437
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Down to $210 on btc-e

>> No.612439

>tfw you heard about bitcoin on a gaming site of all places years ago when it was like 10 cents a coin and still never bought.

>> No.612444

>tfw i cant sell it because i live with my parents and dont have a utility bill ;_;

>> No.612466
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>Twf sold a year ago at 800-1000$
>People told me that I'm retarded and should have held till the eventual 40 000$

>> No.612472

It just jumped from 217 to 223 ITS HAPPENING!

>> No.612485

You know that you can go to any exchanger site and convert it to digital FIAT, and keep it there while the storm is over right?

>> No.612498
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Idiot "investment club" of students I knew majoring in Finance pooled their money to go all-in at around $950 with the thesis that it will "overtake gold" and start replacing currencies.

They used cash advances from credit cards, borrowed money from parents/relatives completely gung ho on the idea. I'm not sure how much they pooled together but among 8 of them, it was well over 50k for sure (most likely closer to 80-90k).

They punched out of it all in the mid 500s. Epic teabagging. The got logjammed like I've never seen before. Completely suicidal. 3 of them took the following semester off to repay debt.

Moral of the story is if it tastes like shit and smells of fart, it's probably not candy.

>> No.612511
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I remember this one idiot that lost his inheritance of 750k during the fucking CLIMB from 250 to 1k.

He pretty much panicked during every little notch and made fuckterrible decisions and got absolutely screwed over this.
Can't remember what happened to him in the end.

Best part was that half of that inheritance belonged to his sister.
He lost that too.


Funniest thing about Bitcoin is to see the financial "pros" lose their heads over the infinitely growing magical profits.
At some point, their estimates went full retard and we started getting those "40k for sure!" predictions.

It seems that the lone sceptical fucker that predicted 10$ Bitcoin during summer 2015 is going to be right.

>> No.612530
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I think I have that thread saved somewhere. Yep I found it. http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1r88vl/need_advice_on_inheritance_arbitrage_family_etc/

>> No.612619

And in other Bitcoin-related news
>A teenage Bitcoin trader beat his lawyer roommate to death with a hammer in their upscale Astoria apartment Monday afternoon during a fight about money, sources said.

>> No.612671


>> No.612680




>> No.612699

>Managed to drop to $150 for almost half an hour
10/10 would invest again

>> No.612801


Top lel... Well someone's gotta lose for others to gain, that's the harsh reality of the pyramid scheme.

>> No.612825

Why exactly is bitcoin tanking? is it just because of bitstamp?

>> No.612826

mtgox forcing the price down before next month's trial. i know this because of my knowledge.

>> No.612835

I still cant wrap my head around bitcoin ,what i want to know though is the actual bitcoin system impenetrable? can the creator shut down the entire system? if you are mining these coins where are you mining them from? where is central source?

How is it possible that people can hack the system and steal bitcoins,is the original program flawed in any way?

Another question is,if a btc is worth say 100USD how do you pay for an item thats worth maybe 35 USD?

>> No.612846

get a load of this faggot: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=924571.msg10150741#msg10150741

>> No.612847

>is the actual bitcoin system impenetrable?
so far
>can the creator shut down the entire system?
nope. no more than utorrent can be shut down.
>where are you mining them from?
the wallet awards coins when mined
>How is it possible that people can hack the system and steal bitcoins
they can't. you need someone's wallet.dat and password
>is the original program flawed in any way?
in any way...? surely. but funds are safe
>can i only spend whole coins?
you know those two decimal places after your usd? btc has 8 of them. 0.000000001BTC is currently worth $0.0000001939

>> No.612853

Thanks bud

>> No.612870

>tfw bought 0.5 coins at $600.

Well, at least its just $300 i lost.

>> No.612887

Bitcoin has to be one of the biggest failures of 2014 and will fade into obsurity in 2015. This one will go into the history books.

>> No.612964

This is just delicious. Anyone have more stories?

>> No.612976

Whats the point of buying bitcoins? Building infrastructure where you collect fees for btc transactions (exchanges/services/etc...) now that I understand. But buying BTC and hoping it goes up... after it steadily dropped for a year, come on.
>Disclaimer: I did possess a few butts.

>> No.612990
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I saved all of them just in case some butter tries to proselytize around me. I have one from that gambler on reddit that killed himself and the 'suicide' of autumn ratke.

>> No.613046
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She could have dated me and chosen life.

>> No.613060
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>> No.613079
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>Bitcoin actually is in the $100's
Holy shit when did this happen.
We're only one fortnight into 2015.
my penis can only get SO hard.

>> No.613083
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Last night. It plummeted to $152.

>> No.613085

silk road sells viagra. wanna buy some btc?

>> No.613118

getting people to believe in your FunBucks makes them more valuable.
Bonus: I printed my own FunBucks. No you can't print your own FunBucks anymore. I'm not a scam artist Im an early adopter.

>> No.613124

so where should I buy at?

$10? $1? $0.10? $0.01? $0.000001?

>> No.613125

You just shouldn't.

>> No.613128

i just bought 110 btc. i think the bottom is reached. see you in a few weeks poorfags

>> No.613133

k. Have fun.

>> No.613135
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See you at ~100$ in a week or two.

>> No.613136

post proof and timestamp with trip so we can all laugh at you

>> No.613137

congrats on wasting your money

>> No.613141
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You should go to Vegas. They'll give you free drinks while you gamble away your money on slot machines.

>> No.613142



>> No.613149

seems legit. wallet address?

>> No.613155

Sometimes I dont know when you guys are trolling or not. Then again I do believe that even if you are trolling, there are people out there that really are that stupid. I hope for your sake you are parodying them not actually being serious.

>> No.613161
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You can't tell that people are trolling when you know people are that dumb. It's the mark of a good troll to make it seem like a position that someone would take. He got me to reply so I give him a 9/10 troll. If he's serious he's the biggest fucking idiot on 4chan right now.

>> No.613170

So how low do you think it will go? I only want to buy when it bottoms out.

>> No.613174

Anyone wanna sell me 1 bitcoin for 1 dogecoin.

It might seem like a bad trade now but by tomorrow you'll be kicking yourselves.

>> No.613175

so much hate wow.
i missed the big bubble last year and only waited for the btc to drop again so i could enter cheaply
and the price is going up and im not the only one who is buying right now, guess who buys all the bitcoin from the desperate sellers now haha
you making me rich

>> No.613180

>I only want to buy when it bottoms out.
Why do you think BTC have a bottom? What will encourage it to stay above a certain threshold?

>> No.613183
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>the price is going up

>> No.613188

If I had a decent amount of fiat I would be buying too.

Too bad I just have bitcoin.

>> No.613199


Pretty much this.

People don't seem to understand that there's absolutely nothing holding up the price.
There's no reason why it wouldn't drop to 80$ 50$ or even lower.
This shit climbed due to pure speculation and well organized pumps.

Hell, we're already at 150-180~.
None of the people holding these coins believed that it would happen and it's going even lower in the future.

I wonder, how long will it be viable to mine these damn things.
The miners can't be making a profit with these prices, they were already complaining at 400~ that they're getting fucked.

>> No.613213

Post the link to the transaction and sign the message with your bitcoin address.

>> No.613233

im at work now but ok ill post that shit when im back home. see you in 4 hours fags

>> No.613307
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>Mfw Bitcoin is STILL going down

>> No.613310

That Bitcoin girl was a legit qt, too bad she an heroed m8. :^(

>> No.613352

>“She was one of those ‘up and down’ types, by all accounts.."

ffs.. 25-Storeys worth of down, of late.. can always rely on the nypost to dig up the most sympathetic quote.

>> No.613367

I guess her investments were just FALLING a bit too much as of late, anon

>> No.613381
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It's not the fall that kills you though. It's the sudden stop at the bottom. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned from this, but bitcoiners will refuse, passionately, to learn anything.

>> No.613424
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It will go back up again in the next 1-2 years

>> No.613436

I like how Bitcoiners started making long term predictions because they were getting beat on for so many failed short term ones. My favorite is the "$50k bitcoin in 3-5 years!". That way you have to wait 6 years to laugh at them.