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File: 18 KB, 520x350, ElliotWaveSPY (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6101741 No.6101741 [Reply] [Original]

We enter 4th wave.
Newfags panic.


>> No.6101835

So do I fucking buy now or what? ENGLISH PLEASE

>> No.6101846

dont tell people about elliot waves.sage

>> No.6101877

Translation: buy

>> No.6101921


>> No.6102005

Seriously. This.

I'll have to refactor my bots.

>> No.6102120

Thank you anon fueling up now

>> No.6102188

Too late for that

>> No.6102193
File: 51 KB, 1019x640, 1515110257278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they won't figure it out in time and will forget before it happens again.

>> No.6102213

Is this the secret whales use? Im looking it up and posting it all over fb

>> No.6102291

>believing in unproven, unfounded voodoo, black magic bullshit
stay poor

>> No.6102381
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>> No.6102450

Being too lazy to put any effort into learning something. Stay poor new fag

>> No.6102458

Bump i want all normies to discover elliot wave and 1.68

>> No.6102704

Mandelbrot, the fractal and chaos pioneer called it subjective, with mixed results. It's a coin toss. If it was accurate, everyone would be billionaires.
>muh muh e-elliot waves, desu
Literally garbage. The only way to lamboland is to diversify.

>> No.6102757

here's your reply

>> No.6102805

diversity is our strength r-right

>> No.6102884

I've used it reliably for over a year. The only time Elliott waves have failed me is when btc unexpectedly went from $3000 to $20000.

The reason everybody isn't a billionaire is because people like you choose to ignore what works.

>> No.6102980

>i've been successful using objective analysis, and therefore am good at guessing

>> No.6103006

Sooooo by this chart ETH will be at 5k soon and I should sell off some bitcoin and invest more into ETH?

>> No.6103015

last dip i had 50k in gains and shit myself when it dropped to 35k in gains. I held strong.

Now yesterday I had 90k in gains but this morning it's only 81k. I could cash out, but...


>> No.6103084

sorry bro but this is not the fourth wave... we just exited peak 1 above the C bottom.

>> No.6103085


>> No.6103128

and ETH literally just hit peak 5 and is on its way to bottom A.... you really arent good at TA dipshit

>> No.6103130

Paint it over the actual bitcoin chart, dumbass.

>> No.6103171


Literally the only market that is on 4th wave is certain non-eth alt markets like ENG, PASC, XRB, ADA.

the pump cycle goes btc, eth, alts, btc, eth, alts.. how does nobody else realize this shit?

>> No.6103232

>not 2nd
also saged, shut the fuck up

>> No.6103253


>> No.6103350

We've finished C>1 and now we are going down to sub 10k$. Hopefully it won't get artificially saved again via Tethers this time. I will truly enjoy BTCtards tears.

>> No.6103354
File: 22 KB, 468x659, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6103452

literally exactly what i said.. im gonna enjoy watching the tears with my 50k fiat cashed out.. suck it poorfag dumbfucks who think theyre smarter than the market..

hey dipshit.. ive got a question for you.. if everyone in the market believes it is crashing, what do you think the market is gonna do? do you think it's gonna go the way you want it because you read some graphs wrong.. or do you think its gonna go with the psychology and momentum of the market?

have fun catching the falling knife you dumb fuck. never buy in a downtrend

>> No.6103485

i am gonna keep this thread out of archive until bitcoin is at 10k just so i can make fun of this dumb fucking nigger OP

>> No.6103586

i love bitcoin.
i've held bitcoin for quite some time.
i will be back into bitcoin...
after this drop..

and it will drop.

i will be repositioning in.. i sold at 16900 so ive already saved myself over $7000 dollars of losses.

>> No.6103614

>if everyone in the market believes it is crashing
nah, they think the'll be able to buy things cheap. we're in an echo chamber. everyone is still sitting on the sidlines.
>15 million Coinbase accounts
>128 million US households
t. 64D chess champion

>> No.6103638

so will your elliot wave tell you if china will regulate miners? no kek

TA only works if you actually know the cause of it and when youre dealing with bots

>> No.6103699

I wish for BTC to die. But I need the market to live.

>> No.6103778


>Vitalik used his obtuse and childish understanding of global economy to create a 100 billion dollars platform from where to carry on his communist politics
Vitalik is now a gorillionaire

>> No.6103815

You should do that regardless

>> No.6103826

You guys are not looking at the primary wave.

>> No.6103872


You think we're in a fucking DOWNtrend?
Are you delusional?

This market is still extremely euphoric and you're about to miss out on lots of gains.

Bitcoin may not be the best coin to hold right now (I think with major players getting involved it's easy to keep it moving sideways while other coins get pumped to oblivion) so pick some other promising coins and make some fucking money.

>> No.6104038

That’s what I’m thinking bought my first crypto last night 350 into ETH 300 into bitcoin waiting for ETH to drop below 950 then gonna sell off 1-150 worth of Bitcoin and buy more ETH, if ETH drops below 8-900 by next week will buy another 3-400 dollars worth. Seem like a decent strategy? Might split 1-200 between DBC/LINK as well throughout the week.

>> No.6104129

fuck i spit my coffee out that was so funny

>> No.6104418
File: 38 KB, 618x762, mcfee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6104451


i guarantee you this stupid nigger doesnt know what a satoshi is.

i guarantee you this dumb fucking nigger literally thinks "eth is decoupled from btc".

>> No.6104751


>Not decoupled.
Why isn't the ETH/BTC chart a straight horizontal line?

>> No.6104843
File: 94 KB, 1243x690, btc price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are in a consolidation period right now

>> No.6104918

dude there's a pump cycle are you retarded? it goes btc, eth, other alts, btc eth, other alts..

and eth follows btc pretty much exactly with a lag of maybe 2 days...

enjoy your bags and your tears.

>> No.6105013

Пoшeл нaхyй пидop нaйдy и выeбy тeбя в жoпy

>> No.6105351

The satoshi value of eth has been falling steadily and hard since yesterday... tick tock dumb fock

>> No.6105842

yeah next pump will be to 30k probably, despite bitcoin being a dinosaur piece of shit

reality is most investors are brainless-wojack tier retards that understand nothing about blockchain or crypto and just want to get rich quick

the rest are buying BTC and ETH to get alts or to accumulate more before infrastructure upgrades make them BTC and ETH standard worldwide currency

>hurr durr paradigm shift won't happen

yes it fucking will. Everything is being globalized, and not in the kike way. Everyone reading, use your pea-brains. What has completely changed the world recently? What was the last paradigm shift?


This is just the continuation of the Internet-age and its not slowing down. Waiting for a BTC 50-80% correction is not worth it even though it literally doesn't have the tech to make it worth with this much volume- because it WILL have that tech in 3 years.

>Will this bubble pop?

no. Go look at the dow jones industrial average over the last 100 years. WILL THAT BUBBLE POP? no. Truth be told nothing is more useless than fiat, every nigger and their fatherless son has fiat, which is printed more and more everyday with nothing to back it. It is completely valueless, even worse it loses value over time

Stocks? Real estate? Gold? even BTC?

they don't lose value over the long run since they're not fiat, and 3 out of the 4 I listed are immutable assets.

sorry for the rant I just took some vyvanse

>> No.6105929

Maybe because it just had a huge pump? It's still up 8% retard

>> No.6106002
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>> No.6106099

I'm going to tell all my co-workers about this.

>> No.6106152

Congrats. I made that much in an hour from Alts.

>> No.6106279


screen capped, I just took some adderall coincidentally

>> No.6106301

more of these please

>> No.6106361

We need one for BAT man