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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 333 KB, 1031x547, coinbase ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6053896 No.6053896 [Reply] [Original]

>thought XRP will crash to 1 cent
>think Coinbase won't list it
>will miss the upcoming mars mission

will /bizpol/tards finally fuck off from this board when XRP hits $8 and dethrones the old impotent king?

>> No.6054185
File: 77 KB, 725x483, ripple king 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will submit to the king and pretend they are oldfag ripplers

>> No.6054600
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They are terrified, that's for sure. I want all emotional traders to fuck off. I don't care if they are from /pol/ or /lgbt/. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE MONEY.

>> No.6054725

XRP is by far the shittiest coin like wtf the CEO appears on TV all day and the price is dropping instead of going up. i cant see XRP going above 3 usd unless the ceo does a school shooting or smthing

>> No.6054775

But the argument is what will you count as money? Free crypto currency or your bank-issued slave collars?

>> No.6054968

retarded emotional trader detected

we are not freedom fighters

we are here to make money

if crypto defeats fiat, we switch to crypto

only goal: MAKE MORE MONEY

>> No.6055081

XRP isn't a crypto currency, brainlet.

>> No.6055215

They aren't talking about XRP dethroning ripple you brainlet, its about BCH, open your eyes sheeple

>> No.6055255
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>scared btrash shill

I understand your fear. Btrash's pitch is "fast and cheap". Ripple is faster, cheaper and even more decentralized.

Btrash will be $10 by EOY.

>> No.6055279


Whatever it takes to rid us of these pol basement dwellers. We're here to make chad money.

>> No.6055360

Shaking in my boots.

>> No.6055453

>shilling on twitter
>shilling o 4chan
>his employer started a massive anti-ripple campaign
>I-I'm not scaredd. I swear.

>> No.6055684

>I'm a paid shill
>shilling coins I hold wouldn't be beneficial

Why do retards like you exist? At any rate, knowing how crypto work automatically makes a person anti XRP, or at least acknowledge that it isn't a crypto and don't care.

>> No.6056120

Its going above $3 today though

>> No.6056522

I'm heavily invested in XRP, but won't the TPS drop under load? ETH was fast at one point too before it was actually adopted and used.

>> No.6056686

ETH is still fast as fuck compared to BTC and USD transfers.

>> No.6056863


>knowing how crypto work automatically makes a person anti XRP,

I know exactly how cryptos work. I also know that I don't give a flying rats ass. I'm in this for dollars, not satoshis.

>> No.6056896

True that, I've bought a bunch of shit online with eth and payment is super quick

>> No.6057040

>literally incapable of reading the rest of the sentence, still includes the comma in his green text


>> No.6057109

Thats the thing
>Ive bought a bunch of shit with ripple
Said nobody ever and will nobody ever say because its a shitcoin with no utility lol

i dont hold any btc btw

>> No.6057190


because I don't agree with your assertion that XRP isn't a crypto. derp.

>> No.6057286


Ripple was never intended to be a consumer coin, dipshit.

>> No.6057352
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"Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa. "

the reason is that it doesn't use proof-of-work, a ledger is considered valid when a supermajority (80% of the network) agree on it. agreeing doesn't take computational power.

>> No.6057387

1) Ripple network doesn't need XRP 2) banks can't hold XRP because of BASEL III 3) XRP gives you no dividends and is backed by nothing 4) XRP has 20x the market cap of stripe 5) stripe has an established network and great technology 6) ripple is open source, and could be implemented by stripe at any moment. QED, the price is massively over valued.

>> No.6057441

Then you don't know what a crypto is. If trust applied to crypto then all the digital money projects before bitcoin would still be here. You think mining is just to create coins, because you're stupid. Which is okay, this market will sort you out soon .

>> No.6057458
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2015 - Banks will never use Ripple. $XRP is dead. Sorry bag holders.

2016 - Bank announcements are just proof of concepts, they'll never go live. $XRP is dead.

2017 - Fine, 70+ banks are going live and Cuallix is using it but they don't use $XRP. How come dumb bag holders don't get this?

2018 - ...

>> No.6057572

Thats the point the king has to be a jack of ALL trades you cant be the king if you are like
>uhh no sorry cant do that.

And as of now ripple is shit and has no utility

There is already the wave of 3.0 coins coming up and ripple just aint no part of that

ripple will suffer the same fate as ethereum started a few months ago just fading slowly into obscurity

>> No.6057644
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Love the meme, there are already other cryptos that have more transactions per second and others that are cheaper.
>mfw they shill this garbage to you to make XRP look superior.

>> No.6057655


"A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets."

>but... but.... muh mining

Nobody gives a fuck. Mining is an antiquated waste of time and power. Half the coins int he top 100 aren't mineable, tardnugget.

>> No.6057675
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>> No.6057692

Sounds like chainlink would be a better candidate

Why use a shitcoin like ripple that has exactly none unique features might as well just use groestl haha

>> No.6057694

By cheaper I mean transaction fee wise.

>> No.6057730
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>> No.6057738


>settles transactions in 4 seconds
>saves banks money
>no utility

yeah, ok.

>> No.6057744


>> No.6057802

Why is the king naked?

>> No.6057852


Prove it.

>> No.6057864

Oh wow vaporware

Soon™ Just like all the dozens other coins with vaporware technology

Ripple has no unique technology like i said might as well use groestl maybe they will announce soon how you can pee at the items in the store with their new Pisspayment method.

For connecting purposes as i said chainlink is a much better candidate has the better brand name and logo.

>> No.6057912

>settles transactions in 4 seconds
>saves banks money
>no utility

yeah, ok.

>> No.6057971

>ominous global money transfer companies
Does the greasy jew dev have their logos as stickers on his computer in a selfie?

>> No.6057972
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the "cheaper/faster" coins like RaiBlocks are a joke. No one takes DAG seriously. The team is shitting its pants now, just search raiblocks on twitter.

Also you are retarded if you think businesses and banks just jump on the latest tech coded by anonymous fags in their basement. You must build reputation and relationship with them for years. You must provide professional support. That's exactly what Ripple is doing. Ripple also hires top security companies to review the code.

>> No.6057987

Theyre secured by trust, how fucking many times do we need to repeat this? The average IQ of this board has taken a steep decline over the past month, good fucking god.

>> No.6057993
File: 549 KB, 1228x646, xrpfundamentals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can Groestl also match all of the fundamentals of pic related? No?

Then Ripple wins. It's not just about the tech, it's who you're rubbing shoulders with as well.

>> No.6058016

just like tether huh

>> No.6058040


I said prove it, not continue your baseless blathering. Proof requires evidence.

>> No.6058095

Yes we are newfag. And ripple kills off crypto so you only get short term gains. You are dumb as fuck.

>> No.6058098

Ripple is future and will make me a millionare.

>> No.6058110

That are not fundamentals. That are rumours. Fundamentals are technology ripple is just a btc copcat tho but it is fast™

I heard dgb is fast too and minecraft will integrate them to be mined while playing

>> No.6058153

Who the fuck argues in favor of Tether?

>doesn't even understand how transactions are validated with his token

So as I was saying about IQ...

>> No.6058159
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>Not even trying to hide it

>> No.6058172
File: 243 KB, 736x660, Stell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are going to be so btfo it's not even going to be funny. I'm going to buy a separate hard drive with my gains just for the wojacks

>> No.6058207


>literal sourced facts are rumors

Holy shit you're a fucking idiot. Go away.

>> No.6058212
File: 340 KB, 2048x1364, zuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark of the beast

>> No.6058230
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People that follow hype/reputation rather than the revolutionary tech, gg crypto is donezo. Literally does nothing but get controlled by (((them))).

>> No.6058265

>price keeps dropping

meanwhile makes higher highs
stay poor faggot

>> No.6058277

Whats the difference between tether and ripple?
>both centralized
>both under heavy control of a few people

Oh wait tether atleast has the "pegging" to the dollar so yeah tether wins i guess

>> No.6058279
File: 149 KB, 400x400, ECA PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ECA has sub 1 second transactions,
BURST runs IOTA tangle and has free transactions scaling up with the size of the network to millions of transactions per second.

>> No.6058280

no you dumb fuck

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated (LEDGERS ARE SIGNED CRYPTOGRAPHICALLY)
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators

tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.

>> No.6058377

Oh yeah and trust the devs dont use the tens of billions of coins to fuck with the market no thanks.

ripple is not decentralized

Ripple is merely fiat 2.0 and fiat is the reason we are here in the first place

>> No.6058403

>doesn't realize Stellar was a fork from Ripple
>doesn't realize I invested in Stellar too

>> No.6058444

>muh fiat

come up with new FUD, please.

It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC: you need to modify the software and get people, exchanges, businesses and organisations to adopt the scam against their rational self interest.

Also, the following would happen.
1- XRP's price would collapse immediately
2- Their main source of revenue would be gone.
3- Their reputation, the most important thing you need in this business, would be irrevocably destroyed. No one, not users nor banks would trust them ever again
4- they would be sued into oblivion by the institutional buyers who bought directly from them under the fixed supply assumption

>> No.6058456


>devs dont use the tens of billions of coins to fuck with the market

What is an escrow,

>Ripple is merely fiat

FIAT: Inflationary
XRP: Deflationary

you're not very good at this.

>> No.6058463

>doesn't realize Stellar is better than Ripple
>doesn't realize Stellar has a better dev team
>doesn't realize Stellar has better connections

>> No.6058475

Again who is arguing in favor of Tether?

>this pasta again

That isn't how hashpower is distributed and your 10s of nepotallisitic validators literally proves my point, how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.6058517


Let me know when Stellar matches >>6057993

>> No.6058536

>It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC:


>> No.6058586

They dont need to "print" they had these tens of billions of coins from the start and back then we called those things premine scams.

Arent you worried that banks dont even have a place in the future with atomic swap and technology like chainlink? Even lightning network if it ever gets done.

The banking system is a deprecated overhead that will die in the next 20 years and ripple will die with it.

>> No.6058599
File: 551 KB, 1410x1145, Ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K I'll hit you up weeks ago

>> No.6058651
File: 110 KB, 716x548, chicoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that's not how hashpower is distributed.

yes it is, dumbass. way to put your faith in fucking communists.

>> No.6058653

When the fuck is xlm going to moon again?!

>> No.6058677

No that's how it's distributed. Bitmain owns several pools.

10 of reputable non related entities under different jurisdictions. 80% supermajority is required. anyone chooses the validators he wants to trust. If an entity misbehaves, other will simply remove it. also double spending is not possible. if you manage to control 21% of validators with a miracle, all you can do is stop transactions, that's all, no double spending possible, and people will remove you from their list and the network will continue to function again.

>> No.6058686
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Any minute now

>> No.6058748

Alright can we all agree guys:

>Ripple has no unique features
>Its only speculative worth comes from banking rumors
>It will never have a place in consumer markets
>Due to banks as we know them disappearing it will never have a place in the financial sector.

It may do 2x, 10x who knows but as it is it provides no use to the market other than speculations on rumors that shouldnt even matter for the future.

>> No.6058770
File: 95 KB, 613x561, ripple xrp revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare"


locking is great. you know what happens when founders coins are not locked or if they don't have coins??

litecoin: charlie dumped on the noobs and said he will leave soon

vitalik: threatening the community to leave

bitcoin: core devs don't give a fuck. They didn't increase the blocksize temporarily and as a result, it became unusable. slow and expensive as fuck.

incentives matter, and I'm comfy as fuck because Ripple Labs is working full time to pump my bags.

>> No.6058804

Idc what xrp does. I'm in it for the big bux.

>> No.6058842

you aint getting big bux from ripple tho literally every other coin will outperform ripple this year as its already too high for its own good.

>> No.6058879

i dont care, when ripple hits $10 ill be swing trading it for something cheap.

>> No.6058915
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1509817153249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unsourced garbage


Face it your payment network is nigger tier and not a break through at all.

>> No.6058920


>Banks disappearing

Topkek. Banks aren't going anywhere you fucking retard.

Tell me something, retard: In your anarchical fantasy land - who secures money for the elderly or infirmed? Who issues loans and lines of credit for homes, business expansions, etc? Who acts as a payment processor?

Fucking millennial brainlets...

>> No.6058940

alright ill watch you do that from the moon then because meanwhile there where several obvious 50x that have actual use and technology

>> No.6058974


Why don't you look up where those pools are you fucking moron.

>> No.6059006

Yes anyone can be a validator but your validations won't be valid because your not trusted on the network and will just fork off.

>> No.6059054

Smart contracts, dapps and more more to come. If you retard think in times of ai's becoming a real thing and more and more jobs disappearing the banks are magically safe from that then you are the massive retard desu

banks will disappear right after the truckers nothing you boomer piece of shit and your jew friends can do about it

>> No.6059066

of course there is, im not heavily invested in cripple. I've got other coins that are better.

>> No.6059158


>implying grandma is going to understand "smart contracts and dapps"
>Thinks truckers, the indisputable lifeblood of any civilized country, are going to disappear

Holy GOD...delusional doesn't even begin to describe you

>> No.6059230
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>doesn't understand the implications of this space at all

>> No.6059252

Self driving vehicles will take out truckers

>> No.6059389

why do you think bitcoiners were begging bitcoin exchanges and businesses to not name segwit2x as bitcoin?

the economic majority matters

Ripple allows FREE forks, you don't have to suck chinese cock to mine for you. If enough number of people agree with you, your fork will matter.

in bitcoin: 1- you have to find miners 2- your network will be insecure if it doesn't have majority of hash power

>> No.6059405

fuck you and your shitcoin

>> No.6059406

>Ripple is ... even more decentralized.

>> No.6059452

>Things technology never evolved to be user friendly after a while

>What is apple
>What is the internet

says the one investing into a coin with 130 billion dollar marketcap with NO UTILITY expecting it to somehow do a 100x because of an industry that will disappear in our lifetime

LOOK you are speculating under the assumptions that

Banks are gonna use your shitcoin

This creates somehow enough demand in a shrinking sector to make it somehow moon

The Blockchain technology doesnt evolve at all anymore

The competition sleeps

4 HUGE assumptions everyone calls you rightly a retard for

>> No.6059503

Your self driving vehicle will self drive you into a concrete wall and a big truck with a big trucker inside will come and run over what's left

>> No.6059599

The big trucker is already turned into a soyboy supported by traitors like you who sold his fellow countrymen to the jews.

>> No.6059722
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>> No.6059745

In none of that XRP is better. XRP validators are are already large entities with no credentials other than they were nepotistically chosen by Ripple Labs.

In crypto currency communities have the ability to fork off and support their new fork with proof and people can decide with their sats if they want to be apart of that.

In centralized payment networks its complete autocracy.

>> No.6059795

-breathes in-


>> No.6059887

You're dumb as fuck. Musk has trucks ready for 2021 and some google renegade has self driving rigs read to go to market q1 2019

>> No.6060306

MIT, Microsoft and and all others were chosen based on merit.

It takes one call from the chinse gov to get Jihan to do what they want. Good luck convincing 10s of non related entities around the world.

>In none of that XRP is better.

read that post again, forking in Ripple is FREE. you don't have to beg miners. Bitcoin almost got destroyed 2 months ago because few companies colluded with the miners.

PoW is slow and expensive garbage that requires infinite inflation. Bitcoin's 21 million cap will be removed.

>> No.6060663

>all XRP was created at its inception
>creators took 20% Ripple Labs 80%
>all distribution is done one sided
>all validators are picked based on subjective "merit" authorized by Ripple Labs
>thinks this is a good thing
>thinks such a system isn't susceptible to collusion
>doesn't even know how traditional banking works

China chimping out on Bitcoin miners would be a fucking godsend are you kidding me? It would drive more innovation from the West. Besides anyone who's been in this game long enough is looking at Monero now anyway.

>> No.6061324

>all XRP was created at its inception

this is a good thing. mining is expensive, slow and requires infinite inflation. Do you think I'm kidding? Blockstream and other influential people in the space think this is highly likely:

>creators took 20% Ripple Labs 80%

Ripple Labs share is less than 60%.

that's also a good thing. see >>6058770
>all validators are picked based on subjective "merit" authorized by Ripple Labs

Ripple's list is optional. Participants can ignore it in the future. Participants can fork for free. Participants can remove bad actors.

Risk of double spending: none, unlike bitcoin, your bitch ass node has to accept the longest chain, which means bitmain can corrupt the entire ecosystem.

>doesn't even know how traditional banking works
two months ago, 4 months company to decide to hardfork and use bitcoin's name for that hardfork. they also called it off.

if you think proof-of-work protects you, you are delusional.

>> No.6061432

We've already covered why who validates your transactions in XRP is not optional, I'm doing this again. I'm aware of the fuckery with Blockstream, why do you think Bitcoin isn't at 100k right now?

>> No.6061592

everyone validates you dumb ass, "trusted validatros" only role is to agree on a transaction order?

what ensures that bitcoin will follow the same rules tomorrow? what makes a hardfork an alt or an upgrade?

>> No.6061652

>only role is to agree on a transaction order?

only role is to agree on a transaction order

>> No.6061817

>what ensures that bitcoin will follow the same rules tomorrow?

>what makes a hardfork an alt or an upgrade?

>> No.6061955

the only legitimate sem-argument I've heard against ripple is "muh kikes" which is probably true but at the end of the day its still gains. I'm getting in for long hodls and I'm a poorfag

>> No.6062254


Self driving vehicles will never be mainstream.

Jesus Christ you people are utterly insane. Can you even imagine the lawsuits that are going to arise when one of these things flips it's shit or gets hacked and drives a family of 4 off a fucking bridge?

>> No.6062353

>Self driving vehicles will never be mainstream.
Neither will internet or crypto currency lmao

>> No.6062507


Internet and crypto-currency does not drive down a road at 70 mph with live people onboard you fucking MORON.

>> No.6062509

"The king has no clothes"
subtle jab at a shitly made coin shilled by jews on to black people. Nice reference if you meant to make it.

>> No.6062730

Neither does a truck when we build autonomous only road networks. Preferably a tunnel system.

>> No.6062789

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who is aware that banks in a couple of years will be the one using exchanges in purchasing these cryptocurrencies.
In 2019 at least being such a Stanley Morgan Deutsch Goldman Sachs will obtain the legal options to invest in crypto

>> No.6062846


Yeah, we're totally going to build a secondary highway system to every city, and every retailer and service provider in that city.

Do you even hear yourself, dumbass?

>> No.6062918


how do you measure? and what if most businesses and exchanges decide to treat the hardfork as an upgrade, not an alt?

>> No.6063024

shoo shoo jewish fidgetspinner shill

>> No.6063058

Private enterprise that wants to reduce lead times, statist cuck.

>how do you measure?
>what if most businesses and exchanges decide to treat the hardfork as an upgrade, not an alt?
Its entirely up to exchanges and users how what fork they want to recognize.

>> No.6063131


so you want miners consensus, not users consensus, of course, you are employed by a mining cartel.

>> No.6063151
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>with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.
And we all know who the goyim trust.

>> No.6063172


It has to do with logistics, not statism you ignorant assclown.

Do you have any idea the amount of land in private hands that would have to be bought and/or eminent-domained out of private ownership to even BEGIN such a project? You are literally living in a fucking fantasy world.

>> No.6063231

they would be making a decision

with bitcoin, you have to trust the richest, which is currently a midget gook living under the chinse regime.

>> No.6063286
File: 100 KB, 733x464, IMG_3818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The banking system is a deprecated overhead that will die in the next 20 years and ripple will die with it.

>> No.6063436

Coinbase wont ever list a centralized shit coin like ripple. Here's a hint what he was talking about, bch

>> No.6063475


>> No.6063482

Ripple is the future. Put in $1mil in it at .20

It's going to the moon.

>> No.6063524

VISA does several trillion in transactions each day. And that's just one company.

100 trillion on a global financial scale is a possibility.

This is not to say that XRP will be pushing all of this shit through, but even if they get a small piece of the pie over the years, the current crypto coin market cap would be a laughable number in comparison to what's out there.

>> No.6063656

Free market, literally anyone can acquire hashpower. You don't ask permission, you just do it. Consensus issues or fears of a cartel as you put it result in forks. Bitcoin Core/Blockstream don't like ASIC Boost and made it impossible to mine on their chain, for example. As have others. Just one way a decentralized global market competes.

You're right massive private projects never go through like that and Keystone Pipeline acquired all that land via eminent domain.

>> No.6063724

You are aware that XRP went from €0.20 to over €2 in December. It's normal that its being corrected before it goes up again.

>> No.6063726


>a 4 foot wide pipe vs a fucking freeway system

Just shut up you idiot. You are completely out of your element.

>> No.6063798

You sell out years of gains for omen x10. You r*ddit niggers are seriously the dumbest mother fuckers to grace gods green earth. You come here after ‘Mirin our gains, get jelly that we don’t spoon feed you to make you rich, and sell out for one x10 gains because “huhurrr don’t bet against the Jews if you can’t beat em join em hurrrrr”, failing to realize we HAVE been beating them.

You’re flushing 3-4 years of future gains down the toilet for 1 x10 pump off of what is essentially the fiat of crypto. And then you have the audacity to say “it’s about making money”. No wonder you fucking losers subscribe to loser ideologies. No wonder Hitler wanted to gas you all. What you’re doing is just another testament to the type of person you are and the ideologies you subscribe too. It’s not even about ethics. You’re fucking up future money as well.

I hope to god you all kill yourselves when your 3k you made off ripple fizzles out over the next 3 months because you spent it all on dumb shit.

>> No.6063825

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.

>> No.6063841

The whitepapers/tech only matter for the long-haul. If you are here to make money, then what matters is: what are your noob crypto coworkers talking about? What Twitter garbage are they reading? What does the guy on reddit with a lot of posts say about it?

>> No.6063868


Daily reminder soros and the kikes are behind bitcoin and ripple

>> No.6063924

>thinks this is your typical freeway system
>isn't aware of the capabilities of modern engineering

I bet there is a pilot system to test the concept within 2 years. Lets open up a multisig and take a bet. Using a smart contract to determine the winner at the end of 2 years. Oh wait nevermind you're a Cripple cuck and can't into smart contracts.