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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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603593 No.603593 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ what are some some good books that I can read that are about economics?

I heard Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a good read.

>> No.603598
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Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a great read if you're a 13 year old angsty conspiracy theorist. It's to 13 year olds what Marcus Aurelius' Meditations is to 1st year Philosophy Majors, or Ayn Rand is to high school libertarians. You're bound to change your mind when you actually read something worth reading.

>> No.603606

Like I said I only heard of the book from someone. However I might still read it for shits and giggles and because it's economics. It's not like this sort of shit would rub off on me anyway.

Shit I'm even thinking of reading the Communist Manifesto

>> No.603639

I'm calling the book garbage and not worth reading.

>> No.603671


The thing that shocked me most about the Communist Manifesto was how true its observations about economies were...not in the sense of lefties and communist dictatorships, but about how money quietly destroys aristocracies, makes the middle class rich, and forces cultures to change for the sake of efficiency, modernizing backwards traditions. There's even a quote about how the free market is going to open up China and make it a superpower. He said this in the 1800s.

I feel like Marx wanted the working class to realize how much capital they could control collectively, not the idea of pretending money doesn't exist and all wages are equal. He predicted that the sons and daughters of miners, peasants and steelworkers would become the new ruling class, and in a way this happened with 'tiger' economies like Singapore and Ireland. The idea of the working class taking control seems closer to modern Scandanavian countries than non-democratic soviet states...I'd argue only Yugoslavia came close with their workers being equal shareholders in the company.

>> No.603681


So what is worth reading in your opinion?

>> No.603697

Steven Keen's, Debunking Economics is really good.

>> No.603836


Ha Joon Chang
Michael Hudson
Friedrich List
Mariana Mazzucato
Erik Reinert

>> No.603837


It's more politics than economics. Machiavellian too and I think it focuses on espionage, assasinations, blackmail, extortion and bribing which fall into the realm of politics don't you think? I'm not sure but I've just skimmed a couple of chapters and also read a handful of book reviews on it years ago. Always meant to go back and read it through and through because it's so unique.

>> No.603882


Read it i am studying 2nd of economics in college and this book is good to understand how AMURICA expand their freedom and democracy over the world exploiting natural resources from third world countries. The book is a little bit boring but interesting. Also you can see John Perkins youtube and tells you the same that the book in less time.

>> No.603886
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there you go

>> No.603892
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>crossing out Clason


>> No.603904


Does Taleb mock every type of TA and use of computation to predict, manage and profit from regularly occuring risks? If so, its a little unsettling to me because there absolutely are people who contradict his view and many seem to be succeeding across a steady timeline.

>> No.604354
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This is a good list, and I'm glad you crossed out Clason.