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6018796 No.6018796 [Reply] [Original]

>getting high
>listening to '60s psych records
>making tons of money at crypto

Will life ever be better than this?

Also, buy NEO DBC and DRGN

>> No.6018925
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This is pretty much my life too, but with vaporwave, DMT and furry porn. Life doesn't get much sweeter, anon.

>> No.6019070

Sounds comfy too. I've never taken DMT, is it fun?

>> No.6019189


My nigga

>> No.6019310

Do you listen to Captain Beefheart?

>> No.6019384

Not really. Listening to the Yardbirds currently, I may throw on some Them next

>> No.6019473
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It will be hands down be the most intense and spiritual experience of your life if you dose big enough. 40mg should give a solid breakthrough experience for anyone if vaped properly.

I cannot recommend it enough, the experience is beyond words. It's like you peel the curtain of reality back and get to see the machinery behind the simulation. It's an intensely bright, geometric, hyperactive world full of boisterous elves and jester entities. I think going through life without trying DMT is like going through life without having sex, or without falling in love. You're missing out on something truly irreplicable and fundamental to the human experience.

Anyways. Back to whacking it to tiger-people and hunting for green dildos.

>> No.6019535

Sounds sick. Where do I get it?

>> No.6019661

>context of post
Vorefags should be shot.

>> No.6019718

With about $50 in startup supplies it can be extracted at home from select ethnobotanicals. dmt-nexus is a great resource. That's as far as I'll say on a business/crypto board for fear of going off-topic. DYOR for the rest.

Have you ever done other psychedelics like shrooms or acid? You know the first time you took them, you probably thought "this changes everything!" afterward? It's like that, all over again. There's life before DMT, and life after. I'm not fucking kidding.

Trust me, it's worth the trouble of extracting it yourself. Makes the trip at the end so much more rewarding, and you can rest easy knowing what you're smoking is what you think it is.

>> No.6019944

I've done acid and shrooms a bunch, but I read some shit by Terence McKenna about DMT and I want to try it now. I'll look up how to extract myself.

What coins are you holding?

>> No.6020117

XLM, LINK, REQ mostly. I was getting bored waiting for XLM to relaunch so I sold off 50k or so and spread them over a bunch of shitcoins like BBT and TAU. Probably was a stupid move.

>> No.6020406
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>> No.6020448


>> No.6020500
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love peace and happiness to you my BRAIN GANG FAMILY!

Here is a picture of delicious cookies for us to dream of while we rise to our dreams with DBC!!

>> No.6020610

25K DBC get HYPE!!!

Can't wait to see it hit $5

>> No.6021093
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Have you ever tried Morning Glory Seeds/LSA. Pretty fun desu. 8 hour high.

>> No.6021105

Damn dude thanks for flashbacks to undergrad philosophy courses

>> No.6021183

Eat healthy for max brain gains

>> No.6021463

DBC NEO LINK DRGN here. Good picks op

>> No.6021966

I took it and thought I died. Shit was intense.