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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6016533 No.6016533 [Reply] [Original]

What is your endgame?

Will any of you guys be joining me in the autistic pursuit of higher and higher magic numbers even after we all make it? I'd like to live in a tropical tax haven and spend my days at coffee shops doing crypto-things on an iPad with my fellow nuevo-rich /biz/bros.

>> No.6016713

Same here. We should get a crypto island.

I wanna spend money by scanning qr codes to spend xlm.
I wanna tip my driver with litecoin,
I wanna rent a hotel with bytecoin.
I wanna pay for movies with blocktix.
I wanna play blackjack with fun.
I wanna buy weed with potcoin.
I wanna store my family photos in Enigma.
I wanna stack my bitcoin in my BTC bank.

I don't wanna cash out. I wanna live in a fully crypto economy.

>> No.6016779

>retire parents
>retire myself
>financial freedom
>residual income keeps compounding itself
>private jet
>multiple homes
>still have time for myself
>true friends
>loving wife
>happy family

>> No.6016822

I just want to live a comfy NEET lifestyle and never leave my house.

>> No.6016852

>artificial mobile island
>legitimate country
>crypto economy
>tax haven

>> No.6016919

This is literally what everyone on here wants. They talk about tropical islands and shit but in reality they just want to be left alone in their room and have every meal delivered to them until they die and shit all over their desk chairs, all of their coins permanently out of circulation because they gave no one the private keys.

>> No.6016934

i just want a small-medium house and enough passive income to live comfortably being able to travel every few months

>> No.6017005
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> he knows

>> No.6017118

>Pay sister's loans.
>Pay mother's mortgage.
>Sustain myself until university graduation.
>Get a job.
That's it. I don't need millions.

>> No.6017148


>> No.6017152

For the longest time I didn't know what I wanted to do when I tried thinking about it, it was just nothing. Then I realized that IS what I want! To literally do nothing but be a lazy neet, and trade shitcoins while my betters keep civilization going.

>> No.6017216


>> No.6017239

Really just want to pay off like $30k of stupid credit card debt, and maybe work on the mortgage. And buy a Jeep. In that order.

>> No.6017243
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>> No.6017342
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I think we will see something like this develop with the massive transfer of wealth facilitated by blockchain technology.

This will bring us to the most peculiar divide in society ever seen before - those of us who understood and adopted cryptocurrency, and the rest of society, still afraid of the magical numbers.

In fact, all of this wondering about a secret island where only us cool cryptobros hang out and spend our money and live in luxury... I mean, now I wonder where that must actually exist already. Wealth is nothing new. This already exists, doesn't it?

Island Anons, where are you? Are you in Mythical Greece?

>> No.6017479

I just cashed some gains out to pay off six figure student loan debt. I'll gradually put in $50k more fiat in 2018. I want to become a millionaire by eoy.

>> No.6017556

cayman islands

>> No.6017572

I'd want to feel like I've won the race. Be able to get my parents a nice house and fund my brothers education. Growing up fairly poor I'd like to switch the trend in my immediate family.

Although some nice vacation spots are gunna be nice my own home and a nice GT-R would make me happy.

>> No.6017621

100k and im out

At 40k now

>> No.6017663

What about using our gains to fund a business that accepts crypto?
A restaurant, or brewery perhaps? That allows people to pay via QR and crypto in addition to cash.
I have a business plan for this just looking for more capital...

>> No.6017803


I guess the boring answer is the right one this time. Switzerland, Monaco, etc.

Must be nice. Maybe we will meet up somewhere in a place like that but create our own Crypto Valley and get cozy for the rest of our lives. Zug, CH seems like a good option.

>> No.6017916

I just want a comfy life where I don't have to worry about pulling money together just to survive. I used my disability back pay check to buy crypto and I'm already making more money than my parents. I never went to college so I don't have debts to pay and it takes basically zero effort to pay my rent. I never thought I'd have a decent life and crypto finally gave me hope. I've never really had money like normies do and now I'm on track to have 5 figures for the first time in my life by next month. Crypto literally saved my life.

>> No.6017967

i'm happy for you.

>> No.6018063

Nice, how did you learn about crypto?

>> No.6018280

lol what a faggot

>> No.6018284

I can empathize with you anon, I'm a loser from a family of losers (not that I think they are bad just not successful) and crypto is going to change that from me so I can produce something great from my family for a change.

>> No.6018403

I think we can fund our own seastead with the neetbux we are making. Look at Hong-Kong for example. A tiny little safe haven of a free market economy, which is doing amazingly well. They are so dependent on foreign trade that they literally cannot do anything but keep the market free, and in return foreign investment flows in and makes the nation wealthy.

We could do just that. Fund our own island, either by buying a natural island or building an artifical one, and building it up from the ground up.

>> No.6018546
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No we really just want lambos and smoking hot wife

>> No.6018650

I've spent the last decade building a lucrative career but I hate it, and I only do it to provide for my wife and kids, who are my whole world. I want to make enough that I can keep giving them the life they deserve and not have to do this fucking job anymore.

>> No.6019204

>true friends
>loving wife

Yeah, I bet they will truly like you and not your millions in your bank account

>> No.6019238

who hurt u

>> No.6019315
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thats why i larp as middle class before i get married

>> No.6019459

yeah the true friends bit when u have $$$$$

>> No.6019470

I would likely still invest even if i had fuck you money and set for life. It's fun. Sort of like a clicker game. I like the numbers to go up even if the numbers are meaningless.

>> No.6019571

i know i know there seems to be a division like history has never seen before .... those who get crypto and those that don't

>> No.6019605

The normies will catch on and the Dems will put a stop to the crypto gains by taxing the shit out of it. If dems take Congress in 2018 it's over.

>> No.6019681

>implying trump hasnt already fucked everyone over by taxing cypto-to-crypto trading

>> No.6019895
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Sometimes I look at people and I see nothing worth liking, anon

>> No.6019899

How is someone in crypto so dumb?

>> No.6019978


This but I think we could conceivably "take over" (corporate) a place that already exists. You know how Silicon Valley just sort of took over the Bay Area? I think we are going to see something like that but with cryptos. A central hub for comfy living and financial magic that most people cannot comprehend. A wizard's enclave in the mountains.

Switzerland still sounds like the best option in my opinion.


Stay faithful and patient and you will make it.


Autistic master race in the wild. God bless, anon. May future business students be forced to study your excel mastery.

>> No.6019997

actually that tax is pretty fair for the bracket I'm in and after 1 year it's 0%

>> No.6020006
