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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 660x450, IMG_3017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6015261 No.6015261 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready for trx tonight

>> No.6015301


The announcement is tonight? I thought it wasn't later until the middle of next week

>> No.6015317

What announcement

>> No.6015318

it's not tonight.
it's just going to dip a little bit.

>> No.6015341

Let me ask itc. What does tron even do? Can somebody explain to me. Srs quesiton

>> No.6015356

Tonight? I think it's tomorrow or something

>> No.6015447


They will be announcing what five companies Tron will be partnering with

>> No.6015449

Tonight it's going up

>> No.6015460

What do you mean "what does tron even do"? What does any coin do outside of BTC, BCH, ETH and LTC?
Read their websites.

>> No.6015468

It creates hype

>> No.6015492

I heard it's alphabet

>> No.6015598

I'm thinking of buying putting 1k euros into this.

Am I gonna regret it, /BIZ/ ?

>> No.6015652

this is a shit post. there is no announcement.

>> No.6015692

Here, I'll fill you in on faggot OP's shilling. TRX is opening up on two South Korean gookchanges today and a couple more in 3 days. Not sure how the gooks will react to it after yesterdays shitshow, but you're seeing a dip right now because the gooks are buying it up so they can pump it and dump it on those two new exchanges.

It should shoot up here in another hour or so. Hence the whale activity keeping it down on Binance. They're accumulating it for another semi-epic dump. It should get back up around 2000 sats by midnight EST or 1.5 hours from now so if you want to go for a ride, get in now.

Or you can just sit here and FUD on it, your choice. It's still a shitcoin with no future other than getting pumped like a stray dog.

>> No.6015704


what the fuck that would be huge


if the anon above me is correct, we're all going to make it


Justin confirmed an announcement will be given next week with five companies in his stream yesterday. 0/10 FUD

>> No.6015827

The TRX crypto dogs english site also goes up.

>> No.6015837

Not at all. Look at the price and the coming announcements.
Hype creates volume as we all know.

I didn't save the picture of upcoming announcements, but there were like 6 this month alone. Two upcoming announcements on the 8th and 10th though which are 2 new exchanges that will allow TRX.

>> No.6016125
File: 15 KB, 578x128, 1515040168001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just went all in (200k tron). Didnt read the whitepaper kek

Sadly I will probably end up making money

>> No.6016336

Well sadly the partnership is not with westerm company, its just with another chinese one called QZone

If you mever heard of it thats normal, this is not huge, it was over hyped, expect a correction down to 5 or 4

>> No.6016339

You could buy almost any coin and make money guaranteed

>> No.6016363

where should I set my sell order?

>> No.6016372

bro nobody reads the whitepaper

>> No.6016420

I really don't know how much it's going to go up

>> No.6016451


Ah yes, a partnership with a social media company owned by fucking TENCENT is "normal, not huge and overhyped".

Even if this was a random fud you literally said nothing of value lmao

>> No.6016544
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i really like this money chink

he seems like a cool guy and i feel like he wants to make us all money

i feel like he loves this coin not just because it's making him rich i feel he wants to be a pioneer in blockchain technology

i was an early holder of OMG got in at like $1 and i always hated that fucking faggot jun and his retarded hypebeast bullshit, but for some reasoni like when justin does it even though i didn't hold the coin. i finally bought in today on this dip, 70k tron. please take us to the promised land money chink.

am i deluded?

>> No.6016664

Tron is going down to 100 sats.

>> No.6016711

No I just went all in

>> No.6016742


If you look now there is two wales bots pushing the price down. It will bottom out around 960 sats then they'll take the brakes off. It will rise up around 1070, dip a bit then skyrocket. If you want to buy in, now is the time to do it. There are going to be some people really pissed off at me if there are enough buys that hit it right now because the guys playing with the price only have a couple hundred bitcoins on their bots. It may shoot higher than 2000, but don't get greedy

>> No.6016769

I quadrupled down. Let's hope it hit bottom, for now

>> No.6017088

Lots of fake buy walls tonight that move as soon as they get hit. I'm thinking this will bottom out around 850 sats just like it did twice today from the same level

>> No.6017150

Got out of this yesterday just in time.

>> No.6017252

Put a limit order in. How low should I buy?

>> No.6017389

I literally and unironically read the entire REQ whitepaper. That's it though

>> No.6017477


So what time is this announcement supposed to occur?

>> No.6017500

>gets off right before blastoff
>phew got off in time lol

>> No.6017536

They're literally defending XVG in the Tronix subreddits. This coin has to be vaporware then. I'm incredibly skeptical of this now.

>> No.6017537

Doesn't matter, it's going up now. Too late buddy

>> No.6017706


You're the one who just said it could hit 2k.. it's not even half that.

>> No.6017718

TRX is going straight to 1 cent

>> No.6017738

shit dropped lick a rock in the last two hours of everyone shilling

>> No.6017742
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Was this guy telling the truth?

It's about to be pumped

>> No.6017783

you really think that it could go that high in 5 minutes? How fucking new are you?

>> No.6017795

hes right so far

>> No.6017913


Who said 5 minutes? I never even specified a time frame you illiterate faggot, I asked when the announcement was expected. I'm not expecting it to 2x instantly.

>> No.6017920


>> No.6018033

Get in or stay poor

>> No.6018061

you think they'll do this tonight?
Doesn't seem like it...but what do I know goyim?

>> No.6018206


>> No.6018222
File: 64 KB, 660x384, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 9.19.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will bottom out around 960 sats
Hory sheet

>> No.6018249

lol go to bed nothing will happen tonight

>> No.6018264

Bitcoin just took a little dump, but pump is still on

>> No.6018382

Yes yes the flames are fueled

>> No.6018482
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>> No.6018555
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Time to make bank, but no matter how many thousands of dollars I made, my mom will still call me a degenerate retard with no life skills

>> No.6018587

The FUD surge on biz made me even more confident that TRX is going to do well

>> No.6018642

best buying range right now look at the chart in 15m it’s a perfect demand zone just going sideways which is a great sign it’s gonna moon

>> No.6018768

Jesus im getting blue balls here.

>> No.6018846


>> No.6018906

Anon who warned us needs to post an address if I make money I want to send you a gift srs af

>> No.6018910

mine fell off, my body is so ready.

>> No.6018934

not tonight youfucking dork.
go to bed.

>> No.6018937
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>> No.6018940

biz im prepped to buy what are the signs right before it moons?

>> No.6018980


I'm trusting this anon here >>6016742

>> No.6018981

Don't sweat it. Keep your money, giving it away as saying thanks is why you are poor.

>> No.6019013 [DELETED] 

Post a wallet address that isn't Bitcoin nigger I will tip you if the prophecy is fulfilled

>> No.6019073


just waiting for this pnd shitcoin to dump

normies will learn an expensive lesson LOL

>> No.6019115

Post an address faggot we start a new trend today

>> No.6019216

Keep your fucking FUD. Sorry you got burnt JUSTed yesterday, but Justin was pissed that round eyes mocked him because of his live stream. He wants this shitcoin at minimum of $.25 to look good to his investors. I'm done telling you idiots to buy in and go for a ride, but obviously you hate free money. Go back to your bazingacoin thread jackass

>> No.6019286

When does the moon mission start srsly

>> No.6019288


I trust you anon, you seem like a knowledgeable, loveable, huggable young chap.

>> No.6019309

Just bought 2000 TRX

>> No.6019343

probably gonna hit a low of like .13-.14 cents tonight

>> No.6019391

Just bought 6.2 bil

>> No.6019441


After it hits the peak, how low do you think it'll go? Want to know when I should buy back in

>> No.6019467

nice just bought 100k

>> No.6019487
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1506132923107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're seeing a dip right now because the gooks are buying it up

>> No.6019561

Shit is creepily sideways as fuck dunno if I wanna touch this shit could moon or crater in any moment

>> No.6019659

shut the fuck up no you didn't

>> No.6019708

i bought in

hard to see it tanking lower than this honestly, maybe 10-20% but not cratering

even when he exposed himself as the stuttering pothead that runs this scam on cam yesterday it only dipped to like 750 before it got massively bought up for like 1300 in a couple minutes

idk tho

>> No.6019717
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>> No.6019726
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i'll have 100k if this dogshit dog game works out

>> No.6019747

It's midnight

>> No.6019759

it will eventually

>> No.6019962

Look at the chart it was just at 30 cents you don't think it's gonna correct back up to at least 20-25 soon?

>> No.6019977

>new coins going up on a sunday
>not a monday

nice try shill

>> No.6019986

Do it, ez gains

>> No.6020008

i think it's right where it should be. and we are lucky for that.

>> No.6020025

It will in the next 12 hours lol

>> No.6020144
File: 1.04 MB, 1438x1079, miner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


16-17 is the correction. Shit was just at 3 a few days ago.

>> No.6020293


>> No.6020301

even that feels a little high

>> No.6020506

Just went all in on TRX at 1k sats... Please dont JUST me /biz/. What time are you guys expecting the pump to start? in EST

>> No.6020634

It's happening!

>> No.6020635

Knowledge bump

>> No.6020680


>> No.6020689


Bro just shut the fuck up and hold a coin for more than 40 minutes

>> No.6020709

I made 25k today. Still doesn't feel real. I guess it won't until I cash out (lol) and have the money in my bank account.

I used to get so hyped when I'd make eve a grand now I just feel numb when I have gains like this and want more, and pissed when I lose. Maybe I should just move it all to ETH and walk away for six months but this is a once in a lifetime chance.

>> No.6020722

How high will this pump go? .20?

>> No.6020744

??? I'm just wondering so I know if I should sleep or not, dickhead

>> No.6020747
File: 51 KB, 699x624, TRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone prove you're in on TRON the god coin

>> No.6020768

fuck this overbought hypecoin
needs to dump to 500 sats so you normies kill yourselves

>> No.6020770
File: 264 KB, 462x493, Link_Wind_Waker_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was promised a pump, why is this shit currently dumping? Fuck you shilllls.

>> No.6020784
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>> No.6020792

on what? congrats man
i turned 2500 into about 10k, so im getting there too!

ETH would be a good move

>> No.6020876
File: 7 KB, 69x33, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 9.32.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 9 full pages of trondogs :-)

>> No.6020880

So it's cratering lol

>> No.6020899

I managed to double my ETH stack buying APPC close to the bottom yesterday. Almost panick sold, if I waited and didn't sell at 2x I could have 3x'd it... Now ETH is moong and Lend.

Feels kind of unreal. This is the first time in a long time I went to bed feeling like my blockfolio will be higher when I wake up since China banned crypto and I woke up -75% back in August.

Times are good boys, let's make the most of it but not stick around too long.

>> No.6020955

quit jerking each other off and help us poorfags get gains

>> No.6020978

Buy trx

>> No.6020994

I have 86K, sold them temporarily to ride the QTM announcement 10x and then buy back later.

>> No.6021139

Its been flying sideways for 2 hours and ive been steadily watching it whens the moon supposed to come

>> No.6021180
File: 95 KB, 1200x1000, DS6XSwQW0AAgl9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 10k more, everyone is saying this is the turning point, let's see what I can get, will just watch TRX's graphic for the next 10 hours and see what I can make.

>> No.6021190

if you arent HODLing right now, you are a beta cuck bitch and deserve to lose all your money desu. this is going to moon over night

>> No.6021283

I need to get into technical ANALsis

>> No.6021286

take all the credit cards out of your mother/grandmothers purse, deposit the maximum amounts into an exchange, buy trx, never pay back gains. let them deal with the banks about how they got card scammed

>> No.6021309

>tfw youre a noob that got FOMO'd bad and bought into trx at 27 cents
>now its 16-18 cents fluctuating

I want to believe


>> No.6021409

This coin is doomed. DID you guys even research Justin Sun? He's a shill lord who has fucked people over for years in crypto. I'm going to LOL when he dumps his bags on you guys.

>> No.6021427

lol what a shit announcement. fucking litecucks.

>> No.6021431
File: 201 KB, 2263x1017, TRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not forget that TRON is the top token in market cap. for those full of FUD this is a reliable buy, you'll never lose money on this

>> No.6021487


>> No.6021530

God I can't. Wait for this piece of shit to dump on you faggots so I can witness the mass suicides. It will be glorious.

>> No.6021547

It's not too late to buy back in anon

>> No.6021583

nu biz

>> No.6021687

Sorry guise. I've been smoking a lot of meth this week and have only had a few hours sleep since christmas. I forgot about the pump. My bad bros

>> No.6021793
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>> No.6021858

worst TA i've ever seen

>> No.6021861

I'm never falling for this meme coin again

>> No.6022046

that 2.7 mil buy wall is just a nessy

>> No.6022121

Someone found some TRX/Alibaba connections in GitHub

Can anyone confirm?


>> No.6022567

no shit people who used to work for alibaba are now developing tron

>> No.6022636

it also mentions coinbase :|

public class Blockchain {
public static final String GENESIS_COINBASE_DATA = "0x00";
public static final String genesisCoinbaseData = "0x10";

>> No.6022648

So what was the announcement? has it already come? is it tonight?

>> No.6022686

Why are you still hodling this trash? I got out just in time, but that time window is rapidly shrinking.


>> No.6022706
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Feeling pretty comfy right now.

>> No.6022707

Fuck this coin. If I wake up and it hasn't mooned, Imma gonna rape OP

>> No.6022713


0/10 FUD

Once the announcement with 5 partners comes later in the week, this coin will spike hard

>> No.6022817

Up we go niggers. Better buy now

>> No.6022950
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big if true

>> No.6023075


>> No.6023145
File: 506 KB, 678x471, tronlambo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought the dip justin time, lambo sun

>> No.6023149

Holding other alts while I wait for the moon

>> No.6023169

im too nervous for this shit, im selling, it keeps going down more than its going up

>> No.6023223

Nigger its been steady at .16-.17 for like 3 hours

>> No.6023301

WHEN is it happening

>> No.6023316


fucking newfag hahahahahahaha

>> No.6023345


Please don't use the n word mate.

>> No.6023420


Go ahead. Sell. Fuck you and your $200 you limp wristed soft handed faggot. Go cash out and enjoy working at McDonalds you brokedick loser

>> No.6023493

Do you prefer jiggaboo, spook, coon, groid, monkey over niggers?

>> No.6023528


99% of the people on /biz/ are from /pol/ such as myself

>> No.6023569

Well you could have nice 300-400$ at the end of the day.

>> No.6023702

t. redditor

>> No.6023736
File: 43 KB, 450x339, IMG_0117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok buddy, I won't use the n word :)

>> No.6023746


It's r*ddit you newfag, don't spell the whole thing out

>> No.6023751

Do you know where you are? How much (((Ripple))) do you own?

>> No.6023759

HODL faggot how new are you?

>> No.6024068

Shut up you porch monkey nigger faggot

>> No.6024148



>> No.6024307
File: 66 KB, 720x707, 1509077478994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW you bought in at 0.03 cents and you don't really care about the dips