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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 333 KB, 1031x547, coinbase ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6010376 No.6010376 [Reply] [Original]

See pic related.

to verify:
>ctrl + F: dethrone

-Coinbase denied BCH "rumors" then added it days later (ahead of the announced schedule).

-Coinbase said a month ago in several interviews they will add new coins in January

-Brian Armstrong wants to tank Bitcoin. Millions of dollars of his company's money is locked in bitcoin because cost of transfer > money (fees are based on transaction size, not value).

-Brian hates Bitcoin Core developers and said more than once that he wants them gone.

-Brian tried to double the blocksize with segwit2x to bail out his company but failed.

-Coinbase tried to replace Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash. Only withdrawals was supposed to be allowed for a while, he did the exact opposite to prevent a massive dump and stabilize the price.

-Coinbase shills Bitcoin Cash. It has a note on the transaction form saying "Bitcoin Cash transactions are cheap and fast"

Adding XRP is Brian Armstrong's best shot at Bitcoin. If you think he will miss it, you are retarded. Brian simply wants to avoid inside trading accusations. If Coinbase wasn't planning to add anything, why would he say anything?

In few days, you will wake and find XRP at $5 and listed on Coinbase.

>> No.6010466

ctrl + f: dethroning

>> No.6010503

xrp is the future

>> No.6010687
File: 105 KB, 601x597, ripple chip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. this is just in. Imagine trying to do that with Bitcoin.

>> No.6010737
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this,

>> No.6010788


>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


>> No.6010821

will ripple hit bitcoin levels ?

>> No.6010993

if it gets listed on coinbase? without a doubt. if it doesn't, it will take a bit longer. Ripple speaks to an industry worth trillions, not billions. Bitcoin is only good for speculation now and merchants are dropping it, even Microsoft just dropped it.

>> No.6011205
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>> No.6011310
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah. $15,000 ripple here we come

>> No.6011343
File: 17 KB, 291x388, disdainforhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is full of shit...xrp isnt a 'coin' and Coinbase wants nothing to do with it
Jesus fucking Christ people wake up

>> No.6011423

thx bought 50k

>> No.6011665

he was probably talking about market cap

>> No.6011774


>> No.6012102
File: 8 KB, 211x239, 1515034943553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fomo bought a few hundred ripple at $3. The second I got it, I started feeling like I'd made a huge mistake. Obviously if ripple makes it to coinbase then I made the right bet, but otherwise I'm probably too much of a brainlet to be trading cryptos.

>> No.6012393

you can't time the market mate, think long term. the fundamentals are solid and many bullish news are on the way. $3 would be considered very very cheap in a year.

>> No.6012426

FOMO'd, don't fuck me over OP

>> No.6012592

don't worry, this is literally the only crypto with real world use.

>> No.6012721

fake. fag

>> No.6012748
File: 4 KB, 221x250, 1515032091893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$3 would be considered very very cheap in a year.
That's essentially my bet. I plan to hold for at least a year, but can't help but wonder at the same time if I might be retarded.

>> No.6012877

We're all retarded mate this is /biz/

>> No.6012907
File: 128 KB, 1024x720, crypto trader 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013489

b ump

>> No.6013629 [DELETED] 


First 100k users who sign up no longer have to pay trading fees for a very long time. Hurry up, we already reached 90k registered users.


>> No.6013741

Honestly though what would it hurt if you were reasonable or hold a reasonable amount? I only got 1000 but I don’t mind holding for the next two to five years

>> No.6013813

This will be great because XRP is my big hold. Got 1000 of them @ $3. When this sucker gets to $1000 I'm cashing out and getting a <desirable object>.

>> No.6014393

>No blue check mark
Fake and gay. And if it's not, then we have some fucking issues. Reading his other favorites this guy is as fucking kike as they come which just adds more circumstancial evidence to the fact that ripple is the most kike coin ever being used to con goys out of ethereum and bitcoin.

>inb4 r*dditfugees "if you can't beat em join em" shills
There's a reason why no one flees a free, white man's society to live in a socialist hellhole

>> No.6014594

Coinbase listing didn't raise the price of bcash, so why would it help ripple?

>> No.6014756

It raised the price of bcash almost 300%!!!

>> No.6014773

Are you stupid? It went straight to 3.5K

>> No.6014832
File: 616 KB, 554x903, Bg4InQc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6014929


if u think xrp is going to 1000 i have a bridge 2 sell u

>> No.6014947

>There's a reason why no one flees a free, white man's society to live in a socialist hellhole

ripple is winning, socialist hellholes aren't. retarded analogy.

>> No.6015584

>>No blue check mark

kill yourself:


his account is mention on bio

>> No.6015794

All xrp has to do is raise its market cap by Ann additional $244B (overtaking btc) and you can DOUBLE your money anon! I’m sure the extra 60B XRP withheld from circulation will never enter the market either!

>> No.6015845

the more bitches like armstrong try to destroy bitcoin the higher it goes.

>> No.6015933

>ripple is winning
you late adopters will rationalize anything won't you?

>> No.6015999

Banks always win and that’s a fact

>> No.6016084


>$800 billion current crypto market cap
>$288 billion is in BTC market cap

>$123 billion current XRP market cap at $3.17/XRP
>$1,000 * 38,739,144,847 (current circulating supply) = 38 trillion market cap, representing 97.9% of hypothetical crypto market cap, not mentioning that this would make it worth more than all of USA's stock markets combined.

>being this retarded

If you were trolling, congratulations man. Otherwise, please take you rmoney out of crypto before you lose it all.

>> No.6016119

bought 9k at $0.2. bought 2k at $2.5. Planning to accumulate more.

>> No.6016154
File: 3.38 MB, 5312x2988, 20180107_131239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont have one yet.


Do it for my puppy

>> No.6016275

the great thing about ripple is that its created out of thin air so if they ever need to add more coins its really easy. they dont even have to mine them!

>> No.6016329


They will over the next 5 years. Ripple have stated this publicly.

Does anyone here actually follow the industry? Sweet baby Jesus.

>> No.6016383

Armstrong loves ETH btw - do you think he's happy about his baby losing 2nd place?

Screen cap this - next coin on coinbase is an ERC20.

>> No.6016390

Daily reminder that literally NO BANKS are signed up to use XRP.

>> No.6016415



>> No.6016442

>CONFIRMED: Coinbase will add XRP

that is not a confirmation
that is a speculation based on his twitter likes...

>> No.6016449
File: 231 KB, 1536x1214, 66FF0DC7-6CDF-49CF-8763-3DE0B18BF04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your shit coin

>> No.6016466
File: 39 KB, 347x464, 1447197390723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In few days, you will wake and find XRP at $5 and listed on Coinbase.
More like $15.
Your not telling me anything I don't know OP, why else would I be hodling fucking ripple.

>> No.6016495


this. if you haven't been hoarding good utility erc20s you are ignorant of surroundings.

>> No.6016511

Provide proof. The New York times can't find a bank that says they will. All we have is the word of the Ripple CEO that they have banks lined up.

>> No.6016549

And a fake profile at that.

>> No.6016553

Are you waiting until some eventually do to start buying in?
This is a very interesting strategy.

>> No.6016611

he added bitcoin cash you fucking retard, that was supposed to dethrone bitcoin

He hates Bitcoin more than he like Ethereum. He actually used to hate ALL alts and called them a distraction in a tweet 1-2 years ago, but he got sick of Core developers and decided to bet on something else.

There's only one two ways to unlock the funds:
1- increase the blocksize
2- tank bitcoin so fees would go down

he's trying to save his company

>> No.6016653

knowing the times, they probably changed the definition of "bank" and decided no real banks exist

>> No.6016676

God I fucking hate Ripple.

It's the epitome of "Normie reads 1 article on Crypto and thinks he/she knows more than you" coin. I've never wanted a coin to tank harder than Ripple, which probably means it will moon again.

>> No.6016681

Everyone, even your grandmother will be using it. Doesn't matter if financial institutions will use it or not.


>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


>> No.6016738

does this mean mexico can pay for our wall at lightning speed?

>> No.6016755


Not the NY Times. A contributor who is a core cuck (author of digital gold lol) decided to ignore the TWO interviews Ripple set up for him and instead quoted "anonymous sources". It's FUD mate.

>> No.6016793

That's what you're going with? Conspiracy by the times who has no interest in seeing this fail?

I'm more suspicious of claims that the Ripple CEO can't seem to back up. He only kept 60 billion coins for himself. He wouldn't have any incentive to lie, would he?

>> No.6016794

emotional trading always ends with tears

>> No.6016878

The entire stock market is created from thin air!

>> No.6016908

This has future Black Mirror written all over it

>> No.6016918

lie? absolutely not, thats honestly a ridiculous assertion.

purposefully misinterpret with enough breathing room to avoid being called a retard? yes.

>> No.6016951

The supply is fixed retard.

It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC: you need to modify the software and get people, exchanges, businesses and organisations to adopt the scam against their rational self interest.
Also, the following would happen.
1- XRP's price would collapse immediately
2- Their main source of revenue would be gone.
3- Their reputation, the most important thing you need in this business, would be irrevocably destroyed. No one, not users nor banks would trust them ever again
4- they would be sued into oblivion by the institutional buyers who bought directly from them under the fixed supply assumption

>> No.6016955

A tiny wire transfer service who doubts the utility of XRP unless banks get on board.

It's not happening guys.

>> No.6016989

You probably have tens, if not hundreds, of friends. You sound like a likable feller!


>> No.6017108

Stop making so much sense.
/biz/ isn't used to it.

>> No.6017207
File: 341 KB, 2048x1285, 65050BED-A3D6-4226-B3DC-B4F52A4CDEDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike.

60 billion XRP are held by a couple people.


>> No.6017281



>> No.6017301
File: 95 KB, 613x561, ripple xrp revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

>> No.6017348

take ur antisemitism to /pol/ stormfag. you will scare away all bag holding normies.

>> No.6017394

>Using coinbase in the year 2000+18


S a g e

>> No.6017492

Do you have a link to that thread?

>> No.6017521

Coinbase has BTC on its hands. BCH was just the test pilot. Buy XRP when Coinbase kills BTC, sell XRP prior to massive dump. Buy XRB for new kind. You're welcome anones.

>> No.6017639
File: 559 KB, 1024x595, 1510167262226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC


>> No.6017646

>you can't time the market mate
No, no, no. YOU can't time the market, mate

>> No.6017656
File: 305 KB, 1493x785, 27696B3C-E3A3-4E5D-9ABD-4C14F9B95F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple =/ XRP retard.

>> No.6017789
File: 75 KB, 663x535, ripple pay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.



>> No.6017852

>Do you know who's selling XRP? Banks
Um... no, sweetie. The banks aren't allowed to publicly exchange the XRP they buy to burn on their internal trades.

>> No.6017859


>> No.6017921

Ripple requires XRP, XRP does not require Ripple. Idiot. Ripple is a network tool built off the XRP trunk.

>> No.6018013
File: 314 KB, 1494x793, B37A503A-722A-487A-9C59-EDE05047931C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one bank using XRP.

>> No.6018071

JBC (61 banks). Pilot ends January 31st.

>> No.6018195

>aren't allowed

who can stop them? if their XRP are somehow different to all the others then they aren't really XRP at all

ripple (company) != ripple (token)

>> No.6018218

K. So no banks are using XRP.

>> No.6018330

yep at most they will be using the technology that XRP also uses, much like how any bank could run their own completely private bitcoin clone

>> No.6018358

No shit. People are batshit crazy if they think Banks will use XRP.

>> No.6018367

They contract in to use the Ripplenet. If they break the contract Ripple can stop their transactions. They'd be fucked.

>I don't know what a pilot is
If you want to act dumb, fine. Coming in February when adoption is announced for internal transfers, XRP is going to shoot up past $5. People like you don't deserve that knowledge though. I hope you stay out of XRP.

>> No.6018378

If XRP is the future, then congratulations because cryptocurrency is fucking dead you assholes! YOU RUINED IT

>> No.6018409


Because these things go straight to general production use without testing right? Especially things that have never been done before in a heavily regulated industry where trillions of dollars are involved right? Pilot means production test before general release. It's happening. Why are you so emotional about this?

>> No.6018433

You’re just living in a fairy tale.

The New York Times already confirmed no banks are using XRP or planning on using it.

>> No.6018444

XRP will just be a catalyst for adoption of crypto, it won't be THE crypto. Other projects still in alpha and beta that serve functions XRP cannot.

>> No.6018449

priced in

>> No.6018478

I'm here to make money. Not to help some future humans with their trade.

>> No.6018489
File: 1014 KB, 1514x1569, 31C748C0-B8DE-45EB-A19B-E009EAD03CFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6018530

Ripple is the coin that is going to be responsible for a lot of normie suicides.

>> No.6018544



>> No.6018553

This NYT reporter who has been routinely busted for bogus anonymous sources and flat out lies for the past 3 years FUDs XRP and I'm supposed to believe him? Yeah, no thanks. I'll wait until the real news at the end of this month. I'm already 20x in the green.

>> No.6018554
File: 182 KB, 1528x920, 851DE742-6CA1-410C-AF25-69DB1F68DD56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect dethroning soon
Yeah, from the #1 Gen 4 coin ICX

>> No.6018625

>what is the mark of the beats.

>> No.6018655
File: 17 KB, 274x242, LongdayofShekels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Ripple may even hit $1,000,000!!!!

>> No.6018683

beast* holy shit

>> No.6018706

ripple (the company) can stop transactions? lmao why would anyone want to buy XRP if they can do that????

>> No.6018709

This is FUD. That's a NYT contributor's private Twitter account. Check Garlinghouse's reply in the same thread. The guy turned down TWO interviews with banks that Ripple set up for him. He's also a core cuck who wrote the book digital gold. He's buttflustered the dinosaur is about to die.

But feel free to remain in your emotionally charged willful ignorance IDGAF mate.

>> No.6018744

You faggots always fall for bait.

>> No.6018758

I take it you've never worked in an enterprise before. You typically license use of software equipment and services. Same applies to using a crypto transaction technology.

>> No.6018773


Gateways can stop transactions. There's no big stop button in Ripple HQ. More FUD.

>> No.6018840

Sad part is that none of you fudsters have the facts straight. You literally haven't taken a day to actually get to know what you're shitting on. How can I take you seriously?

>> No.6018888

stfu with this fake news, ripple going into free fall soon

>> No.6018899

Market cap doesn't mean anything.

>> No.6018938

Then bitcoin and eth will be worthless and we'll switch to another coin...

>> No.6019475

If I buy one will I make it?

>> No.6019540

Yeah this. How fucking stupid. Literally this country's holy book warns us about this very thing

>> No.6019598

That thread is causing me to have SERIOUS doubts with XRP. That and cliff highs new report basically calling ripple a piece of shit.

>> No.6019692
File: 470 KB, 1668x757, 82AF0F59-E065-4B3A-86B6-A28C67D40FBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is going to .00005

>> No.6019780

>not xrp/usd

what a retard



would look similar to this because bitcoin is rising against everything, retard.

>> No.6020031

Trade your shittles for btc while you can.

>> No.6020075
File: 96 KB, 740x744, 1514751121248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group


they are targeting XRP

>> No.6020080

Nu-coiner detected.

>> No.6020113

>pump 100 billion crypto

Are they retarded?

>> No.6020116

*Your interpretation of ancient middle-easterners' holy book

>> No.6020171


>. Bitcoin is only good for speculation now and merchants are dropping it, even Microsoft just dropped it days ago.

keep hodling until the very end, corecuck.

>> No.6020255

My friends and others in Europe are trying to get xrp removed from coin market cap. Ripple is killing crypto. Why do you want to ruin a good thing

>> No.6020279

>Quoting some random anon as if it makes some kind of argument
Newfag please

>> No.6020331

You're a fucking idiot dude. Anyone who has been in crypto long enough measures crypto in sats.

>> No.6020340



>> No.6020389

>OP doesn't know a bitcoin fork is coming soon

>> No.6020399

I want ripple gone

>> No.6020418

crypto darwinism faggot, evolve or lose your market cap.

Bitcoin refused to evolve so it will be dethroned. It's a matter of time. Brian is warming his cock, prepare your anus, corecucks.

>> No.6020443


>T. Edgemaster

>> No.6020529

Yea NYT is very credible and unbiased

>> No.6020558

All your shitcoins including Ripple are worthless.

Bitcoin is king.

>> No.6020637

Nobody gives a shit about forks anymore. The only fork that ever mattered was BCH. Blockstream killed bitcoin. I just hope it can hold #1 long enough to hold off Ripple.

>> No.6020698


you cannot tell me, you cannot tell me this isn't the future

>> No.6020723
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1428163328855s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I thought core devs were just paranoid about coinbase

They really are the cabal folk

>> No.6020772
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha dream on faggot

Ripple makes Bitcoin Cash obsolete. Faster and cheaper. it's game over once it gets listed on coinbase. Better unload those bags now.

>> No.6020780

Banks pumping and dumping assets.

Are you like 18?

Banks create bubbles every 10 years based on lies and deception, that’s how they make their money.

>> No.6020799

These dubs want ripple gone. It's like they don't realize that they are paying to destroy something that made everyone start making money and having control over their own money.
Lol crypto Darwinism nice buzzword. You supporting people who are actively trying to destroy crypto. Darwinism at it's finest. It's like your the zebra fag just laying down in front of lions. Sad!

>> No.6020882

I can't read chink

>> No.6020892

If you don't think that people don't care about the BTCP fork, then you sir are a joke.

>> No.6020905

Stop it, fuckwit. Coinbase isnt adding any new coins in 2018

>> No.6020927
File: 41 KB, 645x773, 1515128793888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is impressive for a centralized payment network

>> No.6020929

>stop making superior products, no one will want to buy my inferior product

go bitch to crypto developers instead of blaming Ripple, faggot.

>> No.6020953

I have Monero, I'm good.

>> No.6020987

And monero has it's issues it needs to fix too.
>I hope they do soon

>> No.6020998
File: 103 KB, 591x687, cobra bitcoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more decentralized than bitcoin
-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.
pic related is owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org

>> No.6021036

I think 2018 is going to be about privacy and utility... normies will have their runs though

>> No.6021126

Go home to Facebook and shill ripple there. Youll have better luck there.

>> No.6021172
File: 384 KB, 1644x749, FDB71890-34E9-4680-8DF7-AE3F86A93DE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once XRP breaks 2.50 it’s over.

>> No.6021272

go home to /pol/, retard, you will have a better luck with muh jews autistic screeching.

>> No.6021329
File: 18 KB, 200x226, 1510298919410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks nepotism and trust is the same as blockchain's proof algos

>> No.6021345

google translate

>> No.6021354

Agreed, Q2 is looking particularly well for Monero.

>> No.6021432
File: 129 KB, 354x504, AE1180F0-44F2-418A-903B-2005FB805042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’re not falling for the Ripple scam

>> No.6021448

everyone validates, there's no trust, "trusted validators" only role is to agree on a certain order of transactions to prevent double spending.

unlike bitcoin, double spending is not possible with ripple.

in bitcoin you have to accept the longest chain, no matter what, even it means corrupting the whole ecosystem.

Ripple is a cool usable technology. For drugs and other illegal stuff just use monero.

>> No.6021594

>banks around the world are betting on ripple to catch them up in the cryptoworld
>/biz/ is FUDing the coin the FINANCIAL INSTITUTION is getting behind
Learn to accept their surrender core cucks, else you will get destroyed hoping for their complete collapse.

This is literally the path forward if you truly believe crypto can be a legitimate currency.

>> No.6021664
File: 2.05 MB, 1668x1856, B1CE61CA-86B7-4D7D-B4EE-2AEBF73AC5F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean “Banks” that are mining Bitcoin and used as proof Ripple is being adopted by “Banks”?

>> No.6021712

the people that blindly hate ripple are just embarrassing. were all here to make money. stop being little faggy children

>> No.6021734
File: 53 KB, 469x469, 1514622507377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only double spend on bitcoin because Kikestream put in RBF. Which isn't on BCH or Monero, which I don't want for illegal activity. I don't want the pizza boy to see my networth and rob me, soyboi. Not everyone validates that's an outright lie. Anyone can validate, but their validation isn't recognized by the network because they aren't a trusted validator, this is called a "fork" in blockchain, but instead of predetermined validators you have competing validators "miners". There are no miners in xrp, because there is no reason to, because everything is based off of trust, not proof. Ripple isn't a crypto currency. People lie, math doesn't. Fuck you're centralized kike coin.

>> No.6021837

Youre a fucking idiot. Since when has the first of anything's kind remained the best?

Is the wheel the same as it was when it was invented? Im pretty sure its not.

Bitcoin was the first of its kind and therefore is doomed to have irrepairable flaws. Innovation is where the money is, and Bitcoin is sure to lose its throne.

>> No.6021853

The extremely loud, extremely stupid ancaps are by far the worst part about crypto.

>> No.6021923

>Bitcoin is sure to lose its throne
How can you say that when a former antivirus salesman and current grifter says that bitcoin will soon be worth a million billion zillion dollars a coin???

Not so smart now, are you.

>> No.6021935

US dollar has been best for 100 years.

>> No.6021994

theyre just retards. in any aspect

>> No.6021996
File: 195 KB, 1425x934, E5720F43-F7C9-4B58-B0D6-0813D057B06E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ripple is being adopted by Banks


>> No.6022095

how many of these years the dollar was backed by gold?

you clearly don't know what you are talking about

your bitch ass bitcoin node has to accept the longest chain, this means the ledger can be rolled back. right now, bitmain owns more than 50% of the hash power in bitcoin and almost 100% for bitcoincash.

Satoshi's vision was 1 cpu = 1 miner = 1 vote

his vision failed the day asic mining was born.

>> No.6022191

Yes you can. Buying ATH is always a stupid move.

>> No.6022242

unless it keeps going. did your TA not tell you that? fagtard

>> No.6022278
File: 262 KB, 1138x809, FD45FBDA-10A2-42E8-B3C4-4D4F3EAE73F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi's vision was 1 cpu = 1 miner = 1 vote

Are you braindead?


>> No.6022296 [DELETED] 


>> No.6022362
File: 252 KB, 1428x1291, muhripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are a stupid nigger

>> No.6022421

Bitcoin isn't the only crypto currency retard. and Bitmain doesn't own more than 50% of the hashing power. Show me where Satoshi said 1cup = 1 miner = 1 vote you fucking imbecile.


>> No.6022461

>tests new ip

>omits the part where gdax says these are guidlines and can ignore them if they want to

>doesn't know that Ripple is much more decentralized than Bitcoin or any other crypto

kys, pajeet.

>> No.6022639
File: 42 KB, 747x315, jlkisfdajlk;sfda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 nodes
>ripple labs owns over half

top kek

>> No.6022651

Brian is s nigger and the Jews will ruin him like they do with all their nigger slaves. Being a nigger, he is just too fucking dumb to realize it.

>> No.6022690

/pol/ colonized three boards. Protect what benefits you. It's like your actually a crypto jew or something. LINK will devour ripple.

>> No.6022762

They also pick the other half.

>> No.6023205


old article

you are very desperate

ripple runs just 10, and by the end of 2018, it will run 0, the number keeps decreasing, they invest a lot of time to find reliable non related organisations to run validators like MIT and Microsoft (yes that's true, google it)

also a supermajority ( at least 80%) is required for a ledger to be considered valid.

with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power which is currently bitmain

>> No.6023276

>court order declares your coins are stolen
>Microsoft and MIT comply

>> No.6023347

read the whitepaper you fucking nigger (ctrl + f "vote")

bitmain has patents on creating efficient asic miners and sues the shit out of several asic manufacturers.

we aren't in the decentralized future that he envisioned. his vision failed.

he thought inflation and high fees are an acceptable cost for decentralization, now we have inflation, high fees and centralization.

PoW is a broken garbage and that's why you are terrified, that's why you spend much time in every ripple thread. Still not too late to sell your shitty bags.

>> No.6023405

>the great thing about ripple is that its created out of thin air so if they ever need to add more coins its really easy. they dont even have to mine them!

Great isn't it. Just like fiat.

They can even permanently freeze your XRP anytime they like.

>> No.6023410

validators are from public and private entities all around the world. a court order would apply just to one country, would be very useless.

and validators only role is to agree on a certain order of transactions.

>> No.6023478

>Microsoft and MIT forced to declare your coins stolen
>Ripple is forked

Say bye bye to Microsoft or MIT as a ledger.

>> No.6023583

You fucking jackass! 1 CPU 1 Vote isn't the restrictive limits to 1 Miner. Holy fucking shit kys