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File: 448 KB, 2055x2055, B72CD1E2-1378-4B50-A0A3-C98E4AF0E930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6010226 No.6010226 [Reply] [Original]

Pewdiepie it

>> No.6010735

Kek BAT forever.

Pump it felix.

>> No.6010850

Pewdiepie flashed BAT in one of his recent videos. Most popular youtuber who is fighting against his content being de-monetized due to censorship

he will unironically take us to the moon

>> No.6010963


I'd be so happy if this were true

>> No.6011022


here you go anon, served on a silver fucking plate


>> No.6011047

He flashed an article about bat
Like, not even bats site or anything

>> No.6011065

second this. Quit being a faggot and post the screeencap OP, I'm not going to watch one of his shitty videos to find out you're telling the truth.

>> No.6011172


Yea but it means he's aware of it. If he ever legitimately shills it we're golden.

>> No.6011187

the amount of e:s clearly suggest you need to calm the fuck down you retard. hold bitcoin it is the reserve currency even pewdiepie will fall back on eventually and you dont need to daytrade for this you can go fishing or play baseball with your imaginary friends instead

>> No.6011243
File: 554 KB, 1242x680, D7EB82E2-4D35-4C52-AD52-1BA946FAC26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 minute into the video link the other Anon posted in the thread.

>> No.6011249 [DELETED] 


First 100k users who sign up no longer have to pay trading fees for a very long time. It's useful.

Speaking of backwater station exchanges... anyone still trying to margin trade on Bitmex?

>> No.6011292

Neat, thanks Anon.

Chances are that it was unintentional and he just pulled up a random article, but I'm still hopeful

>> No.6011319

He won't shill anything, are you deluded? Literally a millionaire, why would he risk his reputation by shilling some obscure shitcoin?

>> No.6011381

If you google ‘pewdiepie bat’ there’s some reddit post about him and Eich having some common interests.

>> No.6011385


Why would he risk his reputation
>Hey guys i'm using this new thing called BAT i just watch ads on my page and i'll receive the money directly instead of being cut-off by youtube. Thanks for all the support :3

>> No.6011420
File: 53 KB, 640x480, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he wants to get paid in BAT instead of youtube funny money + GOogle keeps demonitizing his videos. ARE YOU EVEN AWARE OF THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE. DOES ADPOCALYPSE MEAN NOTHING TO YOU??!!

>> No.6011440

He already got busted calling someone a nigger, how much more reputation can he lose?

>> No.6011460

The guy said nigger on a livestream. Pretty sure he doesn’t give a fuck about promoting some innovative tech.

>> No.6011479

>calls people niggers on stream
>still most popular youtuber in world

Hmm rly tickles the noggin

>> No.6011513

what a fucking nigger you are >>6011319 :^)

>> No.6011601

The phone call that saved /biz/

>> No.6011605

What a fuckin >>>6000000

>> No.6011700

Does anyone know if Felix is in Crypto? He fucking made vids about /b/ and lurks /pol/ so there has to be a chance that he posts here. R-right bros?

>> No.6011745

I mean he makes so much money he doesnt have to worry about finding other sources , but maybe

>> No.6011765

I mean if he can get away with that I don't see how talking about bat for 30 seconds will be the end of his career...

>> No.6011820

hes always browsing chan in his vids if we spam this meme enough on boards he goes to he'll probably react to it

>> No.6011857

Faggot brainlets, he simply googled "Youtube adpocalypse" and took screenshots of some of the top results.


>> No.6011862

This. Fuck. How do we start this operation. He always makes videos in responses to meme submissions on reddit or something. If we use meme magic can we get pewdiepie talking about it?

>> No.6011935

sounds like what we need is some extra fabulous BAT/pewdiepie combo memes

>> No.6011959

We start making pewdiepie bat memes and spread them all over chan and reddit. Do we have any meme magicians in the thread?

>> No.6011966

Pretty much
But he's into reddit right now

>> No.6011971

If meme magic can elect a POTUS it can do this too

>> No.6012043


Lads we need to get on this. Get the memes going.

>> No.6012049

make a reddit post on pewdiepie asking 'what did he mean by this' @ flashing the BAT article in his video

>> No.6012079

Someone let /pol/ know about this. We have a lot of overlap but the more the merrier.

>> No.6012092

Fr and vote with all our reddit accounts.

Not that I have one though but whoever does.

>> No.6012128

sorry anons he's siding with po.et

>> No.6012129

yes anon, and whats glorious is he doesnt even have to talk about it, even a clip of him going "wtf is BAT" would be enough to get started

>> No.6012157

Thatll get nowhere you retarded ass. He and his followers are literally all about memes not “Excuse me sir Felix, what did thou meanest with this image flashery of the Basic Attention Token?”

Working on some memes now. Brb.

>> No.6012182

We need to upvote this thread with all our power

>> No.6012187
File: 625 KB, 500x667, 1515027479155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW my normie friend who shilled me BAT didn't even know about the apocalypse.

>> No.6012194
File: 342 KB, 680x680, 1499614281544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone get on this. Make terrible jokes about his chair or some shit, and the only answer is more Raiblocks.

>> No.6012213

Who has a reddit account? I know I don’t and I feel most of you guys are the same. Who can get the ball rolling on this?

>> No.6012261

I'm brain stormin

>> No.6012265

We’re shilling bat, idiot. Pewdiepie bat memes people, use the chair though, he loves that shit.

>> No.6012306

If we can get the BAT subreddit in on this it would be glorious. We might be able to get the ball rolling on upvotes. Either that or just flood his subreddit with BAT memes.

>> No.6012318

Is this actually happening oh god

>> No.6012343
File: 68 KB, 209x211, 1509186547839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any big youtubers actually behind this? Is it ATH at the moment? Should I buy or wait for a dip?

>> No.6012351
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pewds if you're reading this, you owe us this.

>> No.6012374
File: 162 KB, 590x593, 12CBDDC4-B0B6-460F-A922-2580107597C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Include me in the screencap

>> No.6012454

Do you actually make a big deal out of him saying "nigger"? You know that using "nigger" brings hysteria only for people in US?

>> No.6012581

what's teh chair?

>> No.6012716


> Is it ATH at the moment?

No it was bouncing between 5000-7000 sats for a loooong time before dipping hard recently, now its making its way back

>> No.6012862

Thanks man

>> No.6013007

He views most popular meme submissions of the recent week. If you manage somehow to scrap over 1k upvotes on your BAT meme, then you have a chance, but I hardly imagine somehow anyone upvoting a meme with BAT cryptocurrency in it.

>> No.6013055

How can we make this appeal to normies?

>> No.6013117

GIF of Pewdiepie slapping bogdanoff with a BAT logo as his hand

>> No.6013154

Put a pepe on it

>> No.6013157

maybe shilling it as the adpocalypse destroyer/saviour - say we need pewd's help to beat it?

>> No.6013159

Uh... how about all BAT hodlers on 4chan and the BAT subreddit?? That could easily get 1k+

>> No.6013205

theres definitely not 1k of us who have reddit accounts that will upvote it, the only way we can get something like that is if we maybe try and shill the idea to the bat subreddit, although i'm not sure how that will go down there?

>> No.6013254

Watch his recent videos of reviewing memes. Try to understand current trend. Create an actually funny meme or just something that requires a lot of effort (music, drawing). Put logo of BAT somewhere at noticeable position. If he will recognize it - you got what you need.

>> No.6013274

Looks like they're already up for the idea:


>> No.6013278

Please don't pump this until I'm done accumulating you FUCKS

>> No.6013297

takes 30 seconds to make. would worth the pump if we could do it. Is there a BAT discord? we could shill it there

>> No.6013301
File: 97 KB, 779x660, bravepew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing stellar but let's get some balls rolling

>> No.6013302

He uses 4chan for his skrata du flora du videos

>> No.6013304

Pewdiepie is a racist and sexist.
I'm not buying anything he shills. And neither will any self-respecting person.
Neither will the edgy teenage boys who watch his videos. Kids can't buy BTC that easily.

>> No.6013308

damn this is a seriously intense mission and I am about to go to bed, do we have any dedicated autists who can handle this operation? Dubs names the operation.

>> No.6013335


>> No.6013439
File: 2.36 MB, 1440x2560, 1510152839903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is gonna get real

>> No.6013494

He's neither the racist nor sexist. Read less media articles about him. He is not that dumb to hate someone only based of their skin tone or sex.

>> No.6013500

Great addition, we should save these and make sure we spread them like herpes. Here, other boards, bat subreddit, pewdiepie subreddit.

Anyone here articulate enough to write some copy pasta we can use when posting about this operation in the future?

>> No.6013524

Fucking Electra has a discord and there's no BAT one?

>> No.6013576
File: 600 KB, 2820x2168, batpewds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6013682

this is good as it could definitely make him curious about BAT, even pulling this up in a vid saying something like "I keep seeing this fucking BAT meme everywhere and I don't know what it means"

What if the sheer obscurity of it IS the meme?

>> No.6013711

Post your memes on /r/PewdiepieSubmissions, then we'll upboat them to the moon.

>> No.6013720

That boys and girls, is meme magic.

>> No.6013791

Discord is for basement projects trying to hype their vaporware. BAT is a professional development project.

>> No.6013862

can someone just make him into a literal bat, feasting on the BAT logo

>> No.6013965


do pewdiepie's face on a man operating a bat signal ... but the symbol in the sky is the BAT logo

>> No.6014027

Also can we get a batman meme going some how? PewDiePie as the BAT man

>> No.6014170


everyone on this board needs to hold at least 10k.

then we need to convice his audience to start buying BAT, and start talking about it.

make a thread on pewdiepie forum where we submit all these pewdiepie BAT memes. it will all mindfuck them into FOMO into this shit. and they start talking about it.

>> No.6014199
File: 328 KB, 668x739, robots-pump-markets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz, explain how most all alts on an Exchange, Binance for example, begin pumping almost at the same time like they are now.

Who's behind this shit? The Exchanges? It's so goddamn coordinated you can see charts damn near mirror each others movements.

>> No.6014237


>> No.6014240
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x1088, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6014256

Nice, just bought 10k.

>> No.6014311

turn this motherfucker into BATman immediately

>> No.6014321

It's the chinese hive mind doing a coordinated PnD on NEETs who don't sleep

>> No.6014376

I upvoted even tho this meme fucking sucks

>> No.6014394

Nahh its mostly money flowing in and out of ETH/BTC as they float around

>> No.6014539

Did my part jarheads

>> No.6014578


It'll happen naturally, eventually. BAT is an awesome idea and has a great team behind it unlike all these other shitcoins.BRAVE has a legitimate business strategy and BAT is just a part of the bigger picture.

If you believe in the project, download BRAVE. Try it out. Use it. Seriously, it's an awesome browser and the more people that use it, the more valuable BAT becomes.

>> No.6014591

Keep those comments and upvotes coming boys. The top posts have thousands of upvotes. Can we make it?

>> No.6014834

fuck I got a great meme idea but realized I haven't installed photshop since I reinstalled my computer, torrenting it now keep the tread running boys

>> No.6014849

Going very well so far guys. Keep it up.

>> No.6014891

I feel weird calling it that. Like if someone forced me to advertise against my will on a channel i sure as fuck wouldn't like it.

>> No.6014918

Were getting downvoted, fucking PLEEEEEBITTTTTTTTT

>> No.6015092

He is not the most popular youtuber. You people need to look up subscribes versus actual views. Having 50m,sub/4m average ,views means your actual fan pool is way lower. Logan Paul has 15m,sub/6m average views. Logan Paul has way more actual power. PDP is like an overvalued stock.

>> No.6015101
File: 30 KB, 200x200, AC6F9133-41B9-4A3A-8A25-9472FE935866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the advice fellas i just bought a ton of bat this shit is going to the moon

>> No.6015116


>Everyone can make money on youtube views >unless you say stuff that goes against Google's SJW leanings
>in which case you're basically blacklisted and people can only find your videos by specifically searching for them

>not censorship

>> No.6015255

>Logan Paul
Do you understand that your shilling won't work on 12 yo retarded fucks?
>inb4 pewdiepie viewer base is same age
Majority of it is 18+ i guarantee you.

>> No.6015348

Is not censorship if people don't wanna advertise with you. If i make "Anon Fried Shrimp" and the host of the show i advertise on start calling people "niggers" you bet im pulling out.

>> No.6015781


Google/YT isn't the host of the show

It's basically the people who provide network infrastructure deciding what content should thrive

All they have to do is say 'this person's views dont reflect our own' but instead they decide to pro-actively destroy it

>> No.6015857
File: 1.97 MB, 400x535, 1486341140967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6016018


>> No.6016151


Kek'd at this one. Who made this lol.

>> No.6016327

This is a good idea

>> No.6016588

Shit post but upvoted and commented

>> No.6016599

If we can get his attention first.

Just his basic attention.

>> No.6016690

possible meme phrase? 'Felix, can we have your basic attention.'

>> No.6016692

Thx anon

>> No.6016897

Not a bad idea at all anon!

>> No.6016915
File: 911 KB, 4096x2375, titanBAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually there is an "unofficial" BAT discord listed on the BAT subreddit info. It's pretty quiet right now though. invite: AJkqjmC

Occasional chatter on there, and live reddit/twitter feed updates which i find useful. The official team/community is only on rocketchat, which is stupid imo in terms of increasing adoption awareness. but what do i know.

>> No.6017008

guerilla marketing channel
