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5987654 No.5987654 [Reply] [Original]

>put my entire portfolio (88k) into TRON




>> No.5987693

just wait a few days

>> No.5987800

how retarded do you need to be to go all in on a twitter shilled memecoin with no product @ all time high.
stay poor faggot no sympathy for you

>> No.5987830

You got justined, now sell and repeat.

>> No.5987959

My dumbass friend went all in ETC a few weeks ago and is missing the alt pumps of a lifetime.
I even fucking built him a solid portfolio including Neo, Icx, and Kcs but he sold all to try to get rich off a etc coinbase listing. Fucking normies man

>> No.5988040
File: 3 KB, 112x125, 1512302117871s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe someone could be this retarded. Why the fuck would you buy TRON?

>> No.5988073
File: 2 KB, 301x59, aaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confido is literally worth more than Tron.

>> No.5988114

get financially raped, OP :^)

>> No.5988157
File: 721 KB, 249x172, 1507932251902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you go allin on a coin that just went 250%? Its almost like you want someone to dump on your face or something,

>> No.5988160

Im fucked too my man. Obviously not as much money but I had all 700 of my dollarydoos in it and now I have about 400 bucks sitting in BAT while I silently hope it helps soothe the pain.

Also relevant yt


>> No.5988191

Because Tron was an exit scam. Did you think a coin that went to the top 10 in a week would be anything but?

>> No.5988219

Atleast hold till it goes up or wait for next weeks announcement, reddit normies will jump on it again!

>> No.5988281

This you need to sell before people realise that TRON is a shitcoin that does nothing and has no future. Wait for the next announcement and if you see a spike just SELL.

>> No.5988325

Why would you go in NOW? Not saying it won't go back up, but you waited a long time to jump on the TRON 80s pastel LED laser motorcycle.

>> No.5988389


couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.5988430
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1515224746807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the past month, I try to stay away from price related tweets, but it’s hard because price is such an important aspect of TRON growth. And whenever I tweet about TRON price or even just good or bad news, I get accused of doing it for personal benefit. Some people even think I short TRON! So in a sense, it is conflict of interest for me to hold TRON and tweet about it because I have so much influence. I have always refrained from buying/selling TRON before or after my major tweets, but this is something only I know. And there will always be a doubt on whether any of my actions were to further my own personal wealth above the success of TRON and crypto-currency in general.
For this reason, in the past few days, I have sold and donated all my TRON. TRON has been very good for me financially, so I am well off enough that I no longer need to tie my financial success to TRON’s success. For the first time in 6+ weeks, I no longer own a single TRON that’s not stored in a physical TRON. (I do have a few of those as collectibles.) This is definitely a weird feeling, but also somehow refreshing. Don’t worry. I’m not quitting TRON. I will still spend all my time working on TRON. When TRON succeeds, I will still be rewarded in lots of different ways, just not directly via ownership of coins. I now believe this is the best way for me to continue to oversee TRON’s growth.
Please don’t ask me how many coins I sold or at what price. I can tell you that the amount of coins was a small percentage of Binance’s daily volume and it did not crash the market.

>> No.5988524


>> No.5988891

lol sucks to be you. bitcoin HODL only