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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5966267 No.5966267 [Reply] [Original]

You'd have to be fucking stupid not to be holding OMG and ETH right now.

Last year I'd say 85% of you cucks would have been better off holding BTC rather than trading.

If you guys had any sense at all you'd see the trends of the last few months. ETH is silently and quickly becoming the standard for trading and stability.

OMG is fucking $20, this shit will easily be $500 by June. I'm not even trying to shill, just amazed by you greedy millennials trying to make a mil overnight with shitcoins.

>> No.5966574

Yeah, OMG is kinda a no brainer for 2018.

>> No.5966611

Totally agree, especially about OMG.

>> No.5966677

Why the fuck would we hold eth it's basically stagnant relative to the market

>> No.5966799

Long term hold you cuck.

>> No.5966848

>ETH is silently and quickly becoming the standard for trading and stability
>silently and quickly
Lolno. It's doing neither of those.

I'm still all in BTC for trading's sake.

>> No.5966855

if it breaks $30 by eom then i'll bite

>> No.5966936

Eth is solid af

>> No.5966964


>> No.5966984

Why OMG? I would understand NEO, but skateboard lmao coin?

>> No.5967124

Oh look a cashie. The most cucked of all.

>> No.5967247

OMG will moon so hard, no one here is ready. Too busy filling their bags with fuggen Kin, Dent, Paccoin wtf

>> No.5967571


Still not as good as other long term holds Jesus are you dumb?

>> No.5967611

around what quarter you think?

>> No.5967635

bc theyre shills

>> No.5967642

this guy is a new summerfag

You were literally me when I started in Feb last year, BTC looked like a stupid hold because of it's stability.

>> No.5967678
File: 35 KB, 443x332, 41F62136-AB1D-404F-BBD2-2EEBD2BB69F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG and PPT are going to go crazy this year. Agreed OP.

>> No.5967691

>>ETH is silently and quickly becoming the standard for trading and stability
Look at the trading sites? You haven't noticed more and more coins being added to ETH trading? You haven't noticed most blockfolio screenshots referring to ETH>ALT trading?

BTC's fees are ridiculous, more and more are swapping to ETH, it's just stupid to be trading and moving around BTC right now. Normies and big money see this.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not writing off Buttcoin, but you're an ignorant bastard if you can't see that ETH is going to be the big winner this year.

>> No.5967766
File: 66 KB, 419x249, 1512216873257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ppl are about to get completely fucked on.
glad i woke up and sold stupid shit to get out of it....MANA, FUN, SC (maybe SC...still undecided).

the launch will be swift and extremely unexpected. and by then it will be too late. same for QASH.

it will be XRB all over again except not on a shitty exchange.

>> No.5967768

I see faggots jumping on fucking TRON to try to make 10x overnight. Just fucking learn from last year and stick to the solid alts with big gains in monthly pumps. Faggots see 120% but trust me, you end up losing alot too, in the end you might be up but you would have been better off with solid coins. Again, look at performance last year in reference to BTC.

>> No.5967796

Pretty much this.

>> No.5968117

>if you can't see that ETH is going to be the big winner this year
Nobody is saying it won't you doublenigger, but it sure as hell isn't even close yet. BTC is king in volume, market cap, and general liquidity by a mile.

>> No.5968144

Most people thought buying into ETH this time last year would be great if it 10x and hit $100 by eoy, it literally happened in a couple of months.

OMG is next bizfags, get fucking ready

>> No.5968201

are you arguing against me or for me? You literally have no logic in your arguments.

>not saying ETH won't be the big winner
>BTC is most used right now

>> No.5968276

$500 for an ECR20 token? What about the skateboard. I used to have OMG. Sold those bags and never looked backed. A few months ago it was one of the most fuddy coins on /biz along with LINK.

>> No.5968305

Are you retarded you subhuman ape? No shit ETH is going to become the standard eventually, but it isn't even close right now. If you aren't trading in BTC then you are either poor or a monkey like yourself.

>> No.5968316
File: 20 KB, 454x324, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Q1 already. Look at the roadmap. Plus, Jun said it will be a little bit earlier than expected.

>> No.5968336

It's going to move to its own blockchain in the near future (Plasma.io)

>> No.5968337

>still falls for the ERC20 token therefore shit meme.

if you already sold it's too late for you.

>> No.5968348

>isn't even close right now
it's gaining alt trade volume EVERY SINGLE DAY
you'd have to be retarded to be trading in BTC, calling me a nigger doesn't validate your argument, it just makes you look retarded.

>> No.5968350

I am not in crypto for longterm. Only for quick buck. This shit will soon be regulsted and it will collapse stupid n>>5966799
ew fags

>> No.5968413

Long term in crypto is 12 months.

you obviously don't understand how cryptocurrency works. regulation doesn't stop it.

Look at the China regulatory FUD last year, you're probably too new to remember though.
They literally banned trading, next month BTC was up 150%.

do some reading and stop talking shit with your bros and considering it fact

>> No.5968448

Sure thing Tyrone. I guess that's why the general volume on Bittrex is 25x higher for BTC than ETH.

Filthy groid.

>> No.5968504

>ETH is silently and quickly becoming the standard for trading and stability.
Nigga it got choked out by crypto kitties. Gas prices have been climbing exponentially. By the time they get plasma btc will have lightning and we will be right back where we started. You are right about omg though.

>> No.5968569

atm sitting on 2k omg. will buy more with my wanchain ico gains o/