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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5937027 No.5937027 [Reply] [Original]

hi im a girl and i dont want to be an ewhore so how do i invest money into coins smartly and make money like in a year? i have $1000

>> No.5937061

show your tits and i'll tell you

>> No.5937132

You show tits or GTFO thats how

>> No.5937177

please help im serious
where should i do research?

>> No.5937194

Word of advice since you appear new. Do not ever reveal you are female on 4chan or all you'll get is
>tits or BTFO

You could have easily left that part out so you'd get actual fucking responses otherwise you look like you're trying to get attention.

>> No.5937234

Post bobs and I'll tell you about BZC ;)

>> No.5937276

with your dumb ass you should probably play it safe and buy an eth or some xmr

>> No.5937300

Why the fuck is it relevant to your question at all to include 'hi im a girl'

>> No.5937321
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show the mammaries onegai

>> No.5937332


>> No.5937366

buy low sell high. never case pumps. DYOR. get out of shitcoins when btc wakes up.
That is all for now.

>> No.5937381

but i want to make 10x my initial investment

>> No.5937500

marry me for a green card and i'll give you 10k

t. spic

>> No.5937506


Choose 3 random coins from here and invest 300$ in each :


Or, if you want to play safe, invest ~100$ in each of them.

>> No.5937539

The easiest method is to find somewhere that you can exchange the money for eth. Then exchange that on binance for one of the coins that is making moves right now (XLM, TRX, FUN, REQ are my suggestions.)

>> No.5937555

Roasties gtfo crypto. You ruin everything you touch and will panic sell and kill the market.

Just be a whore.

>> No.5937576

buy low marketcap coins like BNTY, PRL, ELIX on Kucoin, signup with this refcode:

>> No.5937604
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join a signal group and follow the signals, m'lady.


>> No.5937667

If you just want to buy and hold for a year, buy XMR. It won't make you a millionaire but it'll blow that 1k up nicely with no effort.
If you want short term gains try ETN.
Also please show vegene.

>> No.5937710

Dont listen to these dirty pajeets buy Bitbean and hodl your purity it's the most precious resource there is.

>> No.5937759

>saying you're a girl on a board you know will tell you to show tits or gtfo
>not just asking for advice like a normal person
>nice larp bud

>> No.5937770

Post more qt frog girls

>> No.5937802
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Heyo fellow fem human. All in on one low cap, low circulating supply coin, then split into a mid cap coin once you hit 10k. You'll probably panic sell anyway.

>> No.5937828

pssst hey girl come a little closer

yeah like this

close your eyes i will wisper u a coin


>> No.5937830

thank you
thank you
can someone say if this is legit?
where do you do your research?
i dont get what this means

>> No.5937849

You craved the attention by being a dumb cunt stating you were a girl. Now pay the price of showing your tits with biz written on them with a sharpie. Otherwise I can't help you.

>> No.5937905

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a female crypto investor, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.5937909

Buy ethereum
Go on ethdelta
get $1000 of UFR
hodl for a year
get 10-100x gains

>> No.5937906

>im a girl
This was your first mistake, you might as well make a new thread without that part and itd be much better

>> No.5938106
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Buy Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (XBT / BTC) using Coinbase/GDAX, Kraken or a similar exchange.

Head over to Binance www binance com/? ref = 10733933 and follow these instructions to register and get the ETH or BTC address to deposit your newly purchased $ETH or $BTC
Once your ETH or BTC is deposited and confirmed, you will see it in 'Deposit Withdrawals'

Head over to https://www.binance.com/trade.html?symbol=LINK_ETH for ETH or https://www.binance.com/trade.html?symbol=LINK_BTC for BTC

Set a Limit or Market order depending on what you want [**see bottom of post if confused between Limit or Market]

Wait for order to be filled! $PROFIT$

>> No.5938116

A year? You can make 20x on UFR in 2 months mate, look at its mcap. All these shills are buying it up so it's basically guaranteed to rise

>> No.5938211

show bobs and vegene

>> No.5938318
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>Implying we want women to get rich

Beat it roastie.

>> No.5938341

wow maybe you really are a girl...
acting all retarded and shit

tits or gtfo now

>> No.5938371

im not trying to be rich, i'm trying to retire early and not be on the street

>> No.5938400

>I need that little extra bit of validation and attention by saying I'm a girl

Fucking vaginas

>> No.5938441
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I'm a lady too...
Ignore the unpleasant folks on here they are just sexist pigs that cant accept that women have brains and feelings and arent actually sexual objects for them to wank over.
I would recommend researching different Altcoins on here and also check out 'Crypto Lark' on Youtube. Coinmarketcap is also essential. Try and do lots of research and pick a few decent coins rather than loads of random ones.
Buy ETH or BTC on Coinbase and then transfer to Binance to buy your crypto of choice.
I have ADA, TRX, XLM, XRP, FUN, BURST. Started off with £300 in Oct and now have nearly £3000.
Good Luck xx

>> No.5938456

tits or gtfo

>> No.5938484

It's starting. Instead of shirking away from the risk, women are evolving. They ask the men how to do something and when it invariabley fails, they can point the blame at them. And if by chance, this boob bucket makes it big, the name of Anon will forever be wiped from her vocabulary. The bubble's popping, just like that pussy.

>> No.5938524

shitty question. But it’s mostly buy and hold. If you find one good coin with a lowmkcap that looks like it’s about to be hyped just hold it for longer than two weeks

>> No.5938621

Sorry for being harsh but this is strictly a mans market
We don't need roasties infesting it now do we

Your market is taking off clothes and making insane profits, we sadly cannot join that market

Now ... pics.... and we will send you coins
Or beat it

>> No.5938627
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Lemme help cus I'm autistic

Buy eth on a place like gemini or GDAX with USD

Use eth and not btc because A. btc has stupid high trans fees and B. Because its a shit coin

You need to buy eth because you can't use USD to buy coins like REQ, XMR, etc. You can use USD to buy LTC, ETH, BTC, and a few others but those are the main ones.

Trade in eth it's fast, relatively steady, and the basis for a lot of coins

Next you're gonna wanna make an account on a site like kucoin, binance, or bittrex to trade from crypto to crypto. I think binance and bittrex have closed account creation so ku may be your best shot. Use my ref if you do: 1yR76

Next never listen to biz ever. Only come here to find new coins to research and shitpost

If you want my advice on some solid coins to get rn I'd recommend SALT, XLM, and DRGN. Again, do your own research read the whitepapers of coins. Whitepapers are a general breakdown of what a coin does. Use investopedia to define terms you don't get.

Good luck

>> No.5938648

After reviewing this thread I realized it will get more attention than any other thread currently on /biz/.

Sad beta soyboys.

>> No.5938672


>> No.5938724
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Why would you say you are a girl then you stupid whore,

God this bait is terrible

>> No.5938725

Agree with you - BTC is expensive and slow :-)
And defo check out whitepapers

>> No.5938740 [DELETED] 

Get some btc and wait for the pump signal to buy and sell with 100x profit at https://discord dot /eNmqhTa

>> No.5938763

>hi im a girl give me advice


>> No.5938848

oh and do you have to pay taxes when you cash out?

>> No.5939003

I just lurk here, 90% of what is mentioned is trash or pump & dump, you need to learn to read the zeitgeist. Anything that seems legit I skimread whitepaper and look at charts before jumping in.

>> No.5939053

"Im a girl"

Go fuck yourself

>> No.5939101

>"im a girl"

>> No.5939133

>or BTFO

>> No.5939220

BUY DBC, but open bobs first.

>> No.5939536
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The absolute state of biz. She's not going to suck your dick Mr. White Knight

>> No.5939637
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Buy bat. Do the research. Basic attention token. You can look all you eant but no coin has as much upside potential as bat

>> No.5939757


>> No.5939994

Be a real whore. Guaranteed returns for what you already do best, no gambling required.

>> No.5940056

Most likely, depending where you live. In the US you're really supposed to pay taxes after each taxable event including crypto to crypto trades, so basically each year you pay taxes for that years trades even if you don't cash into fiat.

>> No.5940145

Occasionally there's good posts such as yours though...

>> No.5940369

Women are coming in. Even my sister and mother want to invest in crypto, abort ship. I repeat, abort ship.

>> No.5941109

More like send them my way, I have a few bags they can hold for me.
Bitches love bags anyway.

>> No.5941275

This OP, but use KuCoin instead of Binance and send LTC instead of BTC/ETH because there's a delay for these currencies.

>> No.5941457
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Tits or gtfo whore