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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5924829 No.5924829 [Reply] [Original]

To whoever has been shilling this over the last week: Thank you.

>> No.5924932

who else here in the >10M KIN club ?

>> No.5925038

They just monetized Kik messenger, an actual real life fucking product

>> No.5925042

too late?

>> No.5925120

friend just bought another 8 eth worth of kin, I don't think so that you are too late. use ED with ~90 gas and you should be fine at .x6 eth

>> No.5925216

Is ED safe?

>> No.5925377

Is getting fucked up the ass by a AIDS-ridden faggot safe if he wears three condoms?

>> No.5925589

if you know how to handle it, yes. if you don't have a nano ledger and never used it before you could lose everything in your eth adress. if you master ED I promise you you'll make 6 digits in the next couple months

>> No.5925748

sounds like something id do

>> No.5925816

These assholes keep raising the gas price by 30 every time i make a transaction. There's easy fucking arbitrage everywhere but noone can take advantage of it

>> No.5925937


>> No.5926019

I want to moon, but Etherdelta scares me

>> No.5926032

mercatox a better option then?

>> No.5926088

That's pretty optimistic. It won't even create a transaction for me unless I up the gas price by 30 from my last one, just gives me a "insufficient funds or need more gas" message.

>> No.5926093

tfw I have a couple hundred KIN from my fee split on COSS

Exchange coin holders are truly the highest form of life.

>> No.5926124
File: 264 KB, 2080x1400, 1514668061932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor protocol offers it. Can just use metamask. Easy peasy.

>> No.5926183

If you actually buy this coin you are not meant to be a fucking crypto trader because you have absolutely 0 fucking brain cells.

Niche coin with a shit team, no goals, no notable members, no technology, no great ideas, nothing except the name "kik" which isn't even a good name in the first place, only ~15m actual users (stop bullshitting your 300m kik users meme, it's fake as fuck) and no one even uses that app, let alone would buy shit.

You people investing in KIN are like buying fucking Riot points on league and hoping they will give you gains you dumbass mongrels.

>> No.5926271

You're retarded. They are giving a wallet to EVERY SINGLE KIK USER. Whether they use it or not, this will be the largest userbase in the history of crypto. And do you really think people don't use Kik? It's the 7th most popular messaging app in the world.

>> No.5926528

YOU are a fucking retard. Holy shit, your ignorance just shines through in this post. Are you even reading what you fucking type? What does it matter if all users get a wallet if 95% of them are dead accounts?

You are a fucking idiot, and you will lose your entire capital put into this complete bubble of a shitcoin.

let me know when an actual popular messaging app without a measly amount of active users makes a currency, like snapchat.

>> No.5926611
File: 7 KB, 225x225, pepecrypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor tokens mmm

>> No.5926642

Why 90 gas? Default is 4 right?
Is it because eth network is saturated as fuck?

>> No.5926717

Kim has 300 million active users.
If only 5% of them use this coin it's like 10 times more users than Bitcoin.

>> No.5926814
File: 36 KB, 840x409, 1504312184169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to wait for 30+ minutes to place an order then good luck with 4 gas.
this is the transaction cost on eth now.

>> No.5926861

No fudd but the other anon has a valid point. 300 million REGISTERED users but only like 15-16 million active accounts. Dyor


>> No.5926881


>> No.5926898

5% of them would use it for purchases for ONLY the fucking kik app. So even then, maybe 1% out of that 5% of users would actually spend shit. So no, you're wrong.

>> No.5927194

So an unreleased product with, at the very least, 3 million potential users is still worth $600 million dollars. Hmm, I guess I'll just have to put my money somewhere else.

>> No.5927250

Alright, 5% of 8 million ACTIVE Kik users is 400k people. That's still A LOT of users for a cryptocurrency. Tell me what other crypto has that many users (aside Bitcoin and Ethereum).

>> No.5927370

pack your bags boys this is a long term hodl

>> No.5927570

It doesn't matter at this point. Everyone will buy because it is cheap as fuck. Just buy now and take profits when it 10x. Faggot.