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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 1424x824, vote this goy to the moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5918671 No.5918671 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes i go on the iota reddit to point out that being a bunch of soyboy cucks doesn't make their technology any better and i get downvoted to the ground. Reminder that if you want to keep this shithole half decent point out the redditors where you see them and keep content at least a little bit racist, gorish or perhaps loli.

>> No.5918737
File: 44 KB, 400x204, 1515060262250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking normie faggot gook niggers. no place for redditards on the moon

>> No.5918770

go back to >>>/pol/ you fucking racist degenerate perverted freak of nature.

>> No.5918792

the cancer that is killing this site is redditors coming here and pretending like they're part of the cool kids now

>> No.5918818
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we have always been here cunt.

>> No.5918824

the cancer that is killing this board is thinking that being a "cool kid" is more important than making money

>> No.5918844

as if redditors contribute anything to the discussion. Why do you think they come here?

>> No.5918853

redditors are GROSS and can FUCK OFF

>> No.5918875

Kek how new are you fag we've been here since day one

>> No.5918881

the cancer is uneducated 'no i really did have a college education in STEM!!!!' American republicans that are fucking blinded by perserve fear their position in society will be lost by more equality of the races because they know they are worthless piece of shit and won't amount to anything in life ever.

>> No.5918895
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>> No.5918911
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>> No.5919019

the cancer is right wing contrarians who only post about how much they hate anyone who isn't a white male because it makes them feel better about being the scum of society

>> No.5919042
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>> No.5919056

Found the redditor

>> No.5919059

fuck off tranny faggot, this isn't a reddit board.

>> No.5919066

white people are all that prevents the world from turning into the dark ages.

>> No.5919085

Even funnier when they claim superiority only to have their IQ charts show that Jews and east Asians have far higher IQ, the one measure they cling to when shitting on people.

>> No.5919135
File: 21 KB, 248x189, 1484691086695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what brand of normie you are, you cannot deny that the only reason you're here is because you need us to make money.

Youre literally sucking on our dicks for knowledge about this market, hoping it can bring you out of your hippie poverty.

Lol, Sad!

>> No.5919185
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>> No.5919215


>> No.5919251


>> No.5919279
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cool kid here. AMA.

>> No.5919397
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really makes you think huh

>> No.5919609
File: 27 KB, 315x325, 1513352061676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop with this tribal bullshit.

We need both ends of the spectrum to succeed. Just find common ground instead of trying to fit into a certain group whatever it might be.

Fucking identity politics.

>> No.5919678

>We need both ends of the spectrum to succeed.

>> No.5919778

>degenerate perverted freak of nature.

That sounds like you are projecting, be it that you are a shitskin, homo or feminist.
If you want to live in a dreamworld you need to get out of crypto and out of this site.

>> No.5919896
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1986797115d14aa8bf4754c64db32be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le doland reddit faggot detected
you have to go back

>> No.5919897

The autistic spectrum?

>> No.5919902

Oh wow, pol looks cool! Thanks, anon. I felt so alone before seeing this. Now I know there are others like me!

>> No.5919968

that too i guess

>> No.5920065
File: 267 KB, 800x820, b93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true faggot we love everyone they just need to go back so we can live in our white ethnostates and they can live in their brown/yellow ones.
At least read some /pol/ instead of generalizing.
Also you have to go back too, you reddit refugee

>> No.5920157

Fuck commies, trannies, shitskins, faggots, and kikes. I don't want them to win. Them winning means I lose.

>> No.5920160

'fucking identity politics'

are you able to spout your own opinions or do you get all of them off milo