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File: 61 KB, 1000x600, timg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5899477 No.5899477 [Reply] [Original]

this is literally NEO at 5$, but it will actually catch on because it's supported by the Chinese government

>real partnerships with actual companies

>partnership with the government of china
link: https://medium.com/@vechainofficial/vechains-national-level-partnership-b3bc792cb1f1

>shilled by early facebook investor Jim Breyer as best crypto to invest in for 2018
link: https://www.quora.com/Which-cryptocurrency-should-I-invest-in-in-2018-Why/answer/Jim-Breyer

>ceo Sunny Lu has 10 years of experience working in with luxury products such as louis vuitton in China (luxury authentication is a major early stage use case)

>VeChain foundation is located in singapore where are the rich and smart chinks go.

>Shanghai office with a develop team of 40 hard working chinks

Why are you not all in yet?
Oh, you are buying Tron high?

>> No.5899549

>tfw 427 ven
lets get this fuckin show on the road

>> No.5899552

$1b market cap and you're saying this is neo at $5 lol?

t. vtc holder

>> No.5899576

more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/78p34q/vechain_allinone_thread/

Anyways, yes I am all in, and yes I am shilling it. But consider it a favor, this shit is relatively low market cap and ready to explode once those government of china sell walls come down.

>> No.5899585

tron just went from 1billion to 18billion in like 2 weeks dumbass. you think that vaporwave shit can do this and this cant?

>> No.5899619

Now this is a good op.
All in 40k ven. Ready to go.
I hope there are news tommorow to add fuel.
Destroying 5 walls of 70 btc each day.

We will all make it

>> No.5899621

I didn't do any math, im prob off. But yes, half of the supply for this coin is going to be locked up in masternodes soon, so you could consider the market cap by half at the end of the day.

>> No.5899659

I still go some NEO and ICX, shall I trade for Vechain and go all in?

>> No.5899744

how do i know those partnerships and government support isnt fake? convince me

>> No.5899761

I went all in. DYOR and you probably will want to as well.

>> No.5899787

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

>> No.5899807

is it really that simple?

>> No.5899835


What is your price prediction for this coin Q1 and Q2 anon?

>> No.5899840

it could be, but I doubt Jim Breyer would be shilling it in that case lol. He is rich enough he wouldnt take a bribe to shill some scammy bullshit.

A whale bro I know shilled it to me as well.

But theoretically they could have all of us fooled. Unless someone here speaks chink and can verify everything 100%

>> No.5899844


>> No.5899885

dont worry, youl have time. It will take another day or 2 for those sell walls to be eaten through.

>> No.5899892

buy before 4$ with me guys

>> No.5899985

doing your own research is yea, but you have to take risks if you want a 10x in this game.

>> No.5900086

I couldn't tell you, I haven't even been involed in crypto for that long.

I would guess we will see a very comfy 10% gain per day for the next week or 2 with little to no dips. No one who owns this actually wants to sell it, if they do, they will just buy back lower. meaning it wont dip far.

Once we break all those sell walls (literally put there by the VeChain foundation, not traders), shit will go parabolic, and I wouldnt be suprised to see this with a 10bn market cap within a month or 2.

>> No.5900136

Check this out. These guys are literally not shady. This is the type of shit that gives me confidence going all in on a relatively low market cap coin.


>> No.5900189

should i sell my fun to buy ven?

>> No.5900264

let us go.

>> No.5900275

I would. Going 50/50 might be more reasonable if you are a reasonable person.

>> No.5900329

hurry up the sell wall is being eating. You probably have 20 minutes before another 40 btc wall is gone.

>> No.5900378

Yeh except NEO is a real project and this is just a crazy marketing gimmick.

>> No.5900517


>being this dumb lol , go to your phone app store and search vechain

>> No.5900529

Why the fuck would a reputable business like PwC be partnered with them?

Don't buy it then. Good luck with your NEO

>> No.5900658

I've got 260.
Fuck it I'm gonna sell all my alts I made profit on and I buy more of this.
Gotta risk it to win the biscuit

>> No.5900986

Should I move my 400 XRB into this? I feel like they're both strong contenders. Already have 750 VEN but I feel like it's not enough.

>> No.5901083

Honestly if PboC is true we will see biggest moonshot crypto has ever seen.

But even without that Vechain will go x50 soon.

>> No.5901105

what is PBoC please explain sensei

>> No.5901133

>tfw only 60 ven

>> No.5901181


Peoples Bank of China anon.

>> No.5901202

you will make it,because its not only about money.

>> No.5901241

I dont want to make a binance account to buy this piece of shit

>> No.5901250

oh you're in this for other reasons? please. tell me.

>> No.5901258

im out of breath
theres so much shilling im grabbing my dick

could this finally be it? the lambo mission?

>> No.5901278

I have 80 ENG, should I sell that and buy more VEN? (poorfag)

>> No.5901313
File: 55 KB, 500x398, 1513321793924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you hold 10K VEN & 10 GIOTA this year.

buying gf

>> No.5901338

At the EOY those 60 coins will be worth a lot. Take that and put it into the next coin to moon in 2019 and you will make it. Chase the GOOD LONG TERM PUMPS. Short term pumps are dangerous. Anything With a moon mission lasting less than a month is to high a risk. You wanna be cozy and calm. Not panicking wondering if today’s the day it’s going to crash. You will make it anon. We all will.

>> No.5901392

anyone else having problems withdrawing from binance?

>> No.5901437

look man, I am shilling this hard because I feel bad for these noobs pnd chasers buying TRON high instead of a gem like this. I want as many people to make it as possible

>> No.5901476

what are you withdrawing?

>> No.5901496


Well you can't anyways

>Must suck always being late to the party

>> No.5901532

>i dont want to make a binance account
thats perfect anon, because registrations are currently closed

>> No.5901596

IMO its not too late. I have a little extra fiat (6k) i will drop on this probably tommorow. There isn't much difference between 4 and 5 dollars when its going to 30

>> No.5901599

Vechain.....been waiting 30 mins for the email confirmation to withdraw

>> No.5901787

these fucking sell walls, how much money do these guys have

>> No.5901828

80/20 VEN/ICR right now

>> No.5901848

kek im keeping mine on binance

>> No.5901909

/the state of biz

>> No.5902019

eng is good and in the dip
no reason to sell it even for ven

>> No.5902181

listening to this while i see those walls getting eaten


>> No.5902228
File: 125 KB, 3264x2448, 0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too excited to sleep

>> No.5902257

So comfy.

I'm content with everything right now.

>> No.5902343

>75K Venlet
>Can't even afford a Mjolnir node

>> No.5902426

feels good being onboard another NEO level run this early boys, second million in 6 months coming up

>> No.5902427

Gib some

>> No.5902455
File: 241 KB, 2048x1368, cryptobae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've been talkin bout this pump in our group here. come join anons

discord gg/mCwfgns

>> No.5902573

Put your computer to sleep. And mediate for 10 minutes. Just sit in a relaxed but alert position, clear your mind, and focus on your breath. Anytime you have a though, acknowledge it and leave it behind, focus back in on your breathing. Come back 10 mins later, and see that the sell wall has been breached.

brb imma do this right now

>> No.5902615

talk me out of dumping my omisego stack right now for ven. currently holding 11k ven btw

>> No.5902679

if you want a million inside 3 months you're going to have to at LEAST double your ven stack. we'll be at $30-40 by then

>> No.5902718

>tfw only 350 ven

>> No.5902733

do it nig. Literally the only sellers are weak hands and the VeChain foundation. once they are done its to the fucking moon. Everyone i know who owns VEN wants to buy more if it dips and has faith in it long term. No one is planning to sell if it goes up 20%, andif they do its just to buy back 5% lower.

>> No.5902749

fug, gut-wrenching decision
been in omg too long

>> No.5903033

40k ven here, i haven't slept this well in months, every night is like blissful death, then i wake up smile and exercise freely my penis exposed and ready for another day

>> No.5903070

This is the first time in several months I have been so excited about a coin. The potential here is HUGE, and will actually be used unlike Cardano which is just a whitepaper.

>> No.5903176

Why on fucking Earth would the VeChain foundation sell? Or are you talking about the suppression walls on Binance?

>> No.5903303

Buy now or wait for a pull back?

>> No.5903337
File: 5 KB, 291x106, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost 600k VEN here. I'm feeling mighty /comfy/

>> No.5903342

welcome to the limit

>> No.5903549
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1496458836911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's going to be at least a week before I can get my money into crypto
>tfw this is going to moon well before then

>> No.5903556

hmmm very cool :o

>> No.5903615
File: 16 KB, 300x225, block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a shower and opened my phone with $2k more dollars in crypto. Is there a better feeling?

>> No.5903703
File: 162 KB, 200x200, Vkool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some OC to strengthen your hands friends

>> No.5903709

Just buy, sell wall going down.

>> No.5903724


>> No.5903841

I see no dip

>> No.5903885

are you too retarded to see. It just went down almost .20 usd

>> No.5903902
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>> No.5903942
File: 2.78 MB, 760x424, YjllNjY2OTBjYyMveWJIMDcwOHYzLWF2aFRIaE96STBSM2YxT0VFPS9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpOnF1YWxpdHkoODApL2h0dHBzOi8vczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpY3ltaWMtaW1hZ2VzL2U5ZXcwd2xtc2RhdjNsOXJjM2Zyc2ds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we have liftoff boys

>> No.5904054

because they have a shitload and they need money to increase their marketing, hiring, bribing the chinese gov.

Once they bribe the chinese gov to support them and pick them to run al the blockchain contracts its true moon hour.

>> No.5904066

The chinks are trying to make this the moon to trump all previous moons. This shit is insanity.

>> No.5904133

my eth has been stuck in binance limbo for 24 hours now. FUCK binance.

>> No.5904292

good lord. god bless you.

>> No.5904306

sry im nub to crypto, why should i choose this over trx?

>> No.5904367

this shit has partnerships with chinese government and is supported by some of the biggest companies of the world. many companies in the world will soon use it to decentralize themselves. it is ethereum for big business. they are building smart-cities in china.

long term this will beat trx to a fucking pulp

>> No.5904424

Everything will beat TRX to a fucking pulp once they pump and dumb and normies start pink wojaking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5904605

What are the rewards for a strength node in this? considering dropping another 30k to get to 10k for a node.

>> No.5904655

+ 33% more POWER

>> No.5904711

any idea what the price of power is gonna be like?

>> No.5904729

The existence of all these normies asking about trx is all the proof I need that crypto will die a horrible flame out death in 1 to 2 months I plan to accrue as much in this time as possible and spend all of it on prositutes

>> No.5904771

Devs have said it will completely up to the community, they won't make the price.

>> No.5904787

I saw one redditor do some legit looking math and he came up with 59 dollars. But that seems ridiculous. I see something around NEO gas prices. AKA also an ass load of money.

>> No.5904873

hmmm Id have to liquidate some other solid holds to scrounge the ~30k to get to a strength node. Is this thing gonna moon tomorrow or what?

>> No.5904916

do i have to do anything with my tokens in mew when it goes on its own blockchain? how will i get POWER?

>> No.5904936

I LOVE NEO. So i will get VEchain.

>> No.5904955

The moon will start this month and won't stop... if PBoC rumors are confirmed and you're not in yet you probably won't be able to because this went from a 10x to a 300x

>> No.5904958

Strength node is only 10k VEN right? Or are you saying 30k $$$ to get it? And i mean it most likely wont moon tomorrow, these walls have kept it down for a very long time, but it really is anyone's guess on when the whales will let up.

But I would say by tomorrow another 10 to 20% increase would be fair to bet on.

>> No.5904972

Noobs don't understand that the world has been needing a project like this for decades and VeChain will be THE premier coin, especially in Asia where all the early adopters are.

>> No.5904981

China is seen worldwide as the purveyor of cheap knockoff shit (for good reason) but now they're building the system that will allow you to scan a chip in a Louis Vuitton and know 100% if it's real of knockoff. Of course the govt is going to buoy this. There is a billion Chinese people about to wake up to crypto, 2018 is the year of the chinkcoin. Take a look at some of the marketing that the VeChain Foundation is putting out, especially the new video. Its a little weird and ostentatious but that's because it's not a commercial for the west, the whole thing is VERY Chinese. Chinkcoin 2018 remember this.

>> No.5905043

oi you're a fuckwit

>> No.5905072
File: 83 KB, 826x1000, IMG_20171218_135141_739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped 90% of my ITC bags and bought 16k VEN. I have no clue what it is (I skimmed OP's post i guess).

Am I going to make it? Where is this going in 3months 6 months 12 months?

>> No.5905119


>> No.5905165

You just made it. Hold and live off your node for life. I fucking hate you.

>> No.5905204

fucking all in boys I tried to tell you since late december

>> No.5905212

Anon is right, literally just live off of the node for the rest of your days. It prints money

>> No.5905220


wtf dude

>> No.5905225

some people think tomorrow is the day when the walls go down, but we dont really know.

>> No.5905255

People dropping 40k into something they didn't even bother to get a SLIGHT idea of. Christ, what a time to be alive.

>> No.5905281

>tfw wagecuck trying to run away from the system, no bank account and no money until I get paid next week

VeChain is one of the few I've ever been really optimistic about. How do I /in/ without money? Is it worthy to try to mine some ETH or something and exchange it for VEN?

>> No.5905288

what is a note?
can i make that with stellars too? i have 20k

>> No.5905295

am broke tho how much money should i even put in? will 100 usd even net me anything?

>> No.5905296
File: 43 KB, 820x820, bruoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5905364

16k Venlet here, should I go all in and liquidate my XLM, really weak hands right now, cant get a 50k node tho, would end somewhere around 30k

>> No.5905397

You literally have no money?

>> No.5905401

damn 16, v nice. I could only get 400 before using all my capital.

>> No.5905418

Ethereum mining died 2-3 years ago pal

>> No.5905437


>> No.5905477

well do the quick maffs, right now 100 nets you about 30, if those 30 will be worth 200 dollar EOY yoou have made 6k out of your measly 100

>> No.5905493

40k ven here, think I can hit 1 million this year ?

>> No.5905517

i should've gotten more. damn

only have 201

>> No.5905526

woops we are at 4,16$ mb, but you get the point, you are buying google stocks when 50% of the world doesnt even have a pc, do the maffs son

>> No.5905544
File: 11 KB, 620x349, sadaffleck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poorfag and only holding 50ven

>> No.5905548

I have a similar amount. I think it might be possible.

If certain rumors end up confirmed, it's a wrap. Otherwise it's a maybe.

>> No.5905550

Of course I leave without a laptop and my authenticator. Will the sell walls hold up until tomorrow morning so I can buy in? Fml

>> No.5905569

you gonna hit 10k$ eoy

>> No.5905574

probably multi yes

>> No.5905599

If PBOC rumors are real you're getting an 800x

>> No.5905603

no one knows my guy

>> No.5905630

They have an announcement coming later right?

>> No.5905634


>> No.5905678
File: 84 KB, 1080x535, 20180104_221140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just bought 7.

>> No.5905693

u rite. I shall escape being a wagecuck when my paycheck comes in.

>> No.5905705
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1381864046121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gotta wait another day for fiat funds to go through to buy VEN

I'm missing the fucking DIP

>> No.5905710

Guys I am so fucking hyped for VeChain that I literally browse /biz/ threads for VeChain content all day. I feel that constant kind of anxiety that you get from good things, but like for the whole fucking day.

I'm probably going to have a fucking cardiac arrest when this shit moons. HOLD ME BROTHERS.

>> No.5905752

Looking comfy af anon-sama

>> No.5905811

Just bought some more VEN

>> No.5905814


>> No.5905815

you are already a possible future billionaire wtf are you doing here, get yourself a nice girl, booze and life the life

>> No.5905865


He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.5905937

Thats the binance wallet

>> No.5905970


>> No.5905975

Wanna send me that 607.8610295 to clean up your balance? I'll zucc ya dicc

>> No.5906054


looks fishy

>> No.5906059

"Does anyone know how to do math??? or do people like to claim numbers. If you think VeChain will only get to $50-100, I'm sorry but you are ignorant and naive to see the truth. Why did ripple go 32000% just last year? Did you know your math says that Vechain will only go 2500%...

So what you're saying is that VeChain is so shitty that it can only go 25x with a shitty low market cap still. Bitcoin went 17x last year with the HIGHEST market cap at the time.

All of your math is extremely off. Did you account for growth in the market when you did your 50-100 dollar a coin analysis like I have? No because none of you are as intelligent as I am. You have to account for partnerships, growth potential, marketability etc etc.

So what you are saying is VeChain is trash. By making a prediction of 50-100 apiece makes you people look like trash. It will easily go to 250 apiece EOY. EASILY. No I'm not shilling, I did my fucking research and math you fucking noobs. It's like calculus, 1+1 sometimes needs you to consider thermodynamics and wind direction in complex scenarios (not the greatest example so please pardon me and follow that thought).

868,000,000 total coins.... More than half locked up to foundation and founders and strongest interest of partners. leaves approximately 434,00,000 to then! have 255,00,00 locked down is various nodes. This equals approximately 190,000,000...

Now here's some more math and common sense combined. Do you not think that 10,000 people, ONLY, 10,000 would want an extra smaller node themselves? What is 10,000 people times a minimum of 10,000 VET to obtain the smallest node? It's another 100,000,000... So from how hot this coin is, how GREAT! the bonus's that it gives (VOTING RIGHTS AS WELL HELLO!!!!), this is probably one of the only coins no one will want to get rid of. Only increasing the value. If there is approximately 100,000,000 circulating, divided by a 40 billion Market cap(LESS THAN HALF OF RIPPLE OR ETHER!!!!)

>> No.5906128

Yes the wallet of an exchange looks fishy... holy fuck wheres the biz IQ chart when you need it

>> No.5906376

I can get hold of like 20 bucks from my roommate at most by next week. Then hope to god that some exchange gets to validate my account. Living off Monero faucets and shitcoin mining atm.

>> No.5906391

Even if they don't, their partnership with Pwc should be enough to send this way past other shitcoins.

>> No.5906403


>> No.5906457

Assuming this stays at $4, I can afford 50 coins lul. What are EOY projections again?

>> No.5906475

Minimum 50$

>> No.5906485

Trying to make 10k by the end of january. WILL I MAKE IT WITH THIS STACK?

7,200 FUN
340 VEN
10 XRB

>> No.5906492

80 - 500$

>> No.5906571

if the People's Bank of China rumors are real you're looking at $500+

>> No.5906594

Its at ath...

>> No.5906653

Tommorrow this is gonna be dip

>> No.5906701

Dont worry, these walls will ensure you wont miss too many potential gains. The true pink wojacks will be those trying to get funds on the 15th when rebranding occurs and likely more news is announced

>> No.5906818

Tempted to buy a masternode just because I like collecting them. But the optimism in this thread makes me uneasy. Anyone got any FUD to balance out this presentation?

>> No.5906833

Am I too late? It's at $4.05

>> No.5906857

There's literally none because this project is gold.

>> No.5906898


>> No.5906916

legalize whaling there is massive pod of them than can feed us all. slay the beasts!

>> No.5906926

Only sincere fud I’ve ever seen is that you can’t confirm the Chinese gov partnership.... while true China gov wouldn’t let them tout it as much as they do if they didn’t actually have a partnership

>> No.5906932


Surely someone has some criticism of VEN. I've already placed a 10k buy limit order but I'm on the verge of just pulling the trigger and doing it market.

>> No.5906963

this could just be a giant sell off instead of whales "suppressing price". but thats the only fud i know of

>> No.5906978

If this is as valuable as TRX we're looking at 18x. Just fucking buy and feel /comfy/ in two weeks

>> No.5907013


lol'd irl

youre gonna make it bro

>> No.5907026
File: 319 KB, 600x702, ru7wnqf36poz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not believing the PBOC rumors

>> No.5907079

How many VEN for a masternode?

>> No.5907082

even without pboc this thing is rigged to explode.

>> No.5907137

I'm a big VEN fan, but here's some criticism.

VEN is surrounded by unconfirmed rumors (BMW, PBoC).

About half of VEN's multi-billion dollar partnerships have only been announced through the VeChain foundation themselves. That said, they still have more than almost any other group in the top 100.

Their RFID technology is not as cutting-edge as some of their competition. This is not as big of a deal as it might sound, as they're selling Blockchain as a service, not RFID systems.

>> No.5907159

I bought 350 VEN


>> No.5907173


Would it be fair to say that even if they only grew modestly, relative to the hype, that it would still be a worthwhile investment?

>> No.5907202


>> No.5907222
File: 118 KB, 679x960, 1515106156893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then 50k
then 150k

>> No.5907256

this tbqh

>> No.5907442

>mjolnir node
>thunder node
>strength node

This is not a serious enterprise.

>> No.5907456

don't mean to cause fud but i heard that after the sell walls are down whales might dump? might be wrong here. what happens after the sell walls fall?

>> No.5907465
File: 480 KB, 672x846, kimyungmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally after starting crypto I'm on a rocketship to the moon before it took off

>> No.5907482

>Aftee the whales sell all of their Ven they are going to dump their Ven

>> No.5907488

fellow venlet here with 252, will probably buy more if dbc moons hard like it seems it will

>> No.5907505


>> No.5907506

You should also look into

>Oyster Pearl
>DeepBrain Chain

>> No.5907531

Fucking newfags

>> No.5907555

man i don't know i read some fud i guess. alright then so how highs this gonna go within a week you guys think speculatively speaking?

>> No.5907571

this thing is 3x-4x by the 16th

>> No.5907628

Sell NEO for VEN right now? Wait for a pullback?

>> No.5907635

damn should i double down and pull out of enj for this? they have a wallet coming up in like two days.

>> No.5907640

holy shit every VEN thread blows up. Two days ago literally no one was shilling VEN

>> No.5907666

I did anon. I did.

>> No.5907695

2k late to the game could had double last night

>> No.5907784


>> No.5907798

that's what I did like a week ago. Went all in on vechain with $20-30k because of a cocacolakid shill post. It's over $80k now.

>> No.5907827

its crashing! up!

>> No.5907844


Yep. Did already! Now just debating if I should buy now or wait for a dip

>> No.5907862

fuck i hate how slow that old man BTC is to move. hurry up you old bastard get in my wallet.

>> No.5907870
File: 387 KB, 576x617, 2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably x2 but you're in an echo chamber. VEN generates thor power so no one wants to sell or daytrade. just hodl even if it dips it's a no lose

>> No.5907941

cool thanks. makes me keep my enj in place.

>> No.5907966

shill me why ven is gonna make us rich and is /our coin/ and i will give u 50 ven

>> No.5907996

>it's called "google"
>this is not a serious enterprise

>> No.5908043

>passively generates thor power
>you can run a node if you have enough and basically live off that
>big news coming
>the fucking chinese gov might use it
>working product
>undervalued (look at that market cap!!)

can answer some questions if you want.
tip me here

>> No.5908055

Partnerships with billion dollar companies, including Microsoft, Healthcare.co, PwC, etc.

Rumored partnerships with the PBoC, the Chinese government, and BMW.

Whales are forcing the price down so they can accumulate

Due for a moon mission, but price suppression is pushing it down. It's gonna pop off.

Actually a good idea.

Chinese Steve Jobs as leader.


>> No.5908060

>CEO of VeChain is CTO of Louis Vutton
>VEN will provide dividends in the future
>Receiving funding from PWC, one of the biggest accounting firms in the world
>Has been around since 2015
>VeChain has a national partnership with the US government

I could keep going on.

>> No.5908103

The Chinese government is already using it. They're using a new smart city called that "Gui'an New Area" as a testbed. The million dollar question is, will they roll out this tech to all of China?

>> No.5908128

easy 3x by the 16th; 5x by end of Feb

possible PBOC rumors - and at that point we're talking 200x

someone's gotta make the first move in China and ven is as good a candidate as any

eating through walls - strong demand

>> No.5908135

I actually knew that I was just typing fast cause I'm a poorfag and that 50 ven could really help

>> No.5908212

Solves an actual problem that real world agricultural producers has been facing for ages: the problem of transparency. The agricultural sector truly desires a blockchain solution for their problem. Quoting a comment that sold me on it, VeChain does it by securing

>Total visibility. With blockchain, every event that occurs in the supply chain can be a recorded transaction, chronologically logged and visible to every participant. Each timestamped transaction—from activity in the field to delivery at the store—is linked to a previous block and can be viewed or added to, but the data that’s already recorded cannot be changed.
>Security. Blockchain uses cryptography that ensures records and transactions can’t be changed or counterfeited, so no party can cheat the system—there’s one source of truth. And, because blockchain is decentralized and distributed, with millions of personal computers holding the record blocks submitted by other users, it’s difficult for a hacker to take down or corrupt the system.
>Traceability. Blockchain’s unshakable record of every transaction makes it a natural support system for food safety and traceability. This visibility to a commodity’s movement through all stages of processing and distribution can play an important role in preventing contaminated food from reaching consumers. Blockchain creates universally transparent transactions, but what does that mean for fresh produce and the cold chain? With blockchain technology, all parties involved can see all events in the supply chain, from field to consumer. Consider, for example, the clarity, planning power, and product knowledge you’d have if you could see everything that has to do with the produce you need in your store. With blockchain, you could see which seed varieties were used, planting times and conditions, yield forecasts, harvest information, packing updates, and shipment details.

>> No.5908246


I did as well. I bought 30k. It's been a wonderful past two days. From dying in 8 comments to this. I might make it...

>> No.5908388
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Good time to get in?

>> No.5908422
File: 33 KB, 326x312, 6182293+_e52698e80c419fb961da437839f99c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anytime before next month, yes

>> No.5908443
File: 14 KB, 341x238, bogmacron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just bought in for 1k
you all better not be pulling my chain

>> No.5908473

Doubles confirm time to buy this shit.

>> No.5908474

At $4? Fuck yeah.

Could be the BTC or NEO for China at best; at worst you're taking home $50 per coin before the crash

>> No.5908487

So is this an easy 20x? More?

>> No.5908532

If it breaks 30K tomorrow then yes.

>> No.5908577

I've spend some time on etherscan looking at VEN flow on Binance wallet.
It hovers at 16m token for now.
Out transaction greatly outnumber in transactions, but small in general, while in transcaion are big but rare.
I also see a lot of arbitraging between exchanges.

So VEN spreads around between multiple holders, it kinda supports the theory that sell walls are put by Vechain themselves.

>> No.5908601
File: 49 KB, 495x442, yeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, I also own exactly 1k worth! brothas

>> No.5908656

These sell walls make my life miserable and bitter.

>> No.5908658
File: 25 KB, 512x512, 1499102566384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird ... i think you're onto something anon..

i dont understand how this is in their interest?

are they basically making it look like there's a bunch of people selling when in reality they aren't? is this just to scare people from investing? or is it mainly so others place their sells underneath the big whale sell order.

>> No.5908667

She's cresting again. Sleep tight gains.

>> No.5908819

maybe to have a more natural rise

>> No.5908821

in big

>> No.5908944


It's to show potential enterprise business partners this is a controlled rise and ensure it won't be pumped and dumped. They will release major news in the next week or two, drop the walls, and VET will go on the biggest bull run in history straight to and past $100B. Screencap this shit

>> No.5909043

anyone have a pet dragon to fucken take these walls down? it works i saw it on game of thrones. you just need to fly at it at make the dragon fuck the wall up.

>> No.5909085

keep going im almost finished

>> No.5909099

I am a conservative ETF investor. I hold vun, spdr, zwb and the FAANG stocks.

I watched some cryptos moon past me but not this.

The main thing to remember about this crypto is this crypto is trying to shake Chinese stigma of counterfeit and cheap shit. Starting the testing with wines and luxury

>> No.5909108

what the fuck that 100 btc wall just evaporated

>> No.5909157
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>> No.5909229

*silently moons*

>> No.5909238

LRC is mooning idiots. Founders of NEO and Qtum are advisors...

>> No.5909240

guys the busy are comign in the price is rising we are mooning!

>> No.5909320
File: 65 KB, 539x960, Neo hahaha cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5909336
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>> No.5909353

when have you seen a sell wall like this? i really do want to know? i want to look at the charts to compare. this is fucken mental

>> No.5909436
File: 18 KB, 160x188, sunny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't expect it to ever just moon up guys. If you're in VEN, you're in it for the long haul. Boy genius Sunny is gonna keep the growth steady as fuck until $50 minimum EOY.

>> No.5909447

you realise they get taken down as well right

>> No.5909454


i feel like 8 of these 60 BTC walls have been evaporated, just for a 100 BTC wall to take its place

where in the fuck is this all coming from

>> No.5909460

Get the fuck in this is the next Chink Moonmission.

>> No.5909467
File: 18 KB, 268x326, 6369493+_026c6aa51d718a732b1ed60806d7b4d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5909487


Not for VEN, I've been staring at the charts the whole time

>> No.5909579

Should I buy now or wait for a dip

>> No.5909583

Are you prepared for 1,000,000,000 chink normies to get into crypto and buy a PRC backed coin?

>> No.5909607

buy now

anything under $20 is a steal for this

>> No.5909619

If you don't mind waiting a while

>> No.5909657

top fucking kek

>> No.5909710

>wait for a dip
>dip never comes

>> No.5909719

I highly recommend after you save a couple BTC aside after this bubble save 25% of all your profits in seperate wallets. Who fucking knows about the tech some of these companies could pull off. I mean this is really the beginning. Even people who have money and are successful cant buy into this shit if they are computer illiterate. Plus with Zuck saying he is gonna look into crypto normies will be all over this shit. Guys what a time to be alive. Hold half your profits for this one till 2019 trust me,

>> No.5909769
File: 811 KB, 500x519, 1514873427278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy now.

>> No.5909794

i been waitin for a dip at 3 somethin, fuck it just feels shitty to fomo in now FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.5909843

this is hardly FOMO

just wait until the Chinese middle class catches wind of this

>> No.5909856
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 31283910312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already bought 25k VEN sub 20k sats

>> No.5909859

Damn I feel for you anon, if you don’t get in now you’re gonna fomo at 5$ cut your losses... lowest she’s ever gonna go again is maybe 3.8

>> No.5910013
File: 34 KB, 480x513, 887c37_6360962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dumbass shouldn't be making money like this but this and DBC are mooning like armstrong

>> No.5910035

in all honesty i can't fud it except for partnership partners aren't showing off ven back to them

>> No.5910037

haven't been able to transfer anything from MEW to binance and now an hour has gone by... have i lost my coins? one is pending, other one doesn't even show up

>> No.5910065

do you really think they'd go this far to fake it all though? that would be a mind fuck

>> No.5910131

I bought earlier this week.

Never seen shilling like this in my life. And crypto is nothing but shilling. This has to moon just based on the ridiculous hype and shilling

>> No.5910139

unless you sent it to the wrong address you will be fine

>> No.5910195

I cashed out of Ark and put all my money in XLM and it's down 7%

What should I do? Pull out half and put it in VEN?

>> No.5910255

>What should I do? Pull out half and put it in VEN?

>buy high sell low to chase unconfirmed pumps

no you fucking retard just hold

>> No.5910319

it's the wild west right now partner

BTC gonna fall flat on its face soon enough and the money will have to go elsewhere

>> No.5910322

Thanks famalan

Half my portfolio is stable holds. The other is moon chasing. Past few weeks has turned me into a moon kiddie

>> No.5910327

yeah exactly my thoughts too, after thinking through everything that's the only way i could start to fud it

>> No.5910340

thanks, i need to sell off some other coins

>> No.5910383




>> No.5910393

i don't see how this doesn't moon, it's like NEO but better, and NEO is considered a strong as fuck hold

>> No.5910419

This is an elaborate scam, set in motion by PwC, the chinese government, and several multi-billion dollar companies just to shill you personally out of your shekels.

>> No.5910426

calm down anon it's going to be pussy and lambos in a month

>> No.5910435

it is mooning it is just in slow motion because of these fucking walls

>> No.5910449

does it really cost like $20 to send ven from binance to mew? they're asking for 5 ven

>> No.5910507
File: 5 KB, 247x204, roll-safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem bro, roll safe

>> No.5910567
File: 27 KB, 480x356, B2u30V4IUAAPYuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus dude it's at all time high

>> No.5910639

fucking kek

>> No.5910658

>believing this

fucking kys

>> No.5910661

It's everyday at ath. Best hold in crypto right now.

>> No.5910665


This Great Wall is the weirdest shit ever.

>> No.5910710

stay poor

>> No.5910723

It is pretty ridiculous. They have not taken into account that the price has jumped.

>> No.5910731

>Vengolians trying to break the Great Walls of China


>> No.5910733

wanted to invest in RLC really but for whatever reason failed to make accounts in all of their supported exchanges. Gonna sell 40% of my XML to this hoping it keeps mooning since i got a binance acc ready. *crosses fingers

>> No.5910899

Looks promising. Anyone have a link to the whitepaper in english?

>> No.5910976

Wait how much

>> No.5910978

sold my DBC for this and DBC took off 60%. It better bring me lambo soon

>> No.5911036

>737 btc wall
Fuck me

>> No.5911126

They don't have a whitepaper out. They have an exhaustive financial report though. Whitepapers are a meme.

>> No.5911150

Dealt with walls that high before, no biggie

>> No.5911153

>13.98 ven
im the king of poorfags

>> No.5911161



>> No.5911194

Do you think it'll get corrected?

I have my VET spread out.

>> No.5911232

Whitepapers are literally for projects that have no fucking product whatsoever amd are trying to take your money based on promises. Ven already has a product

>> No.5911274

I really hope so. The future cost of ven is high. 5 ven is like 100 bucks in a few months.

>> No.5911391

Just looking for a technical rundown from the devs themselves is all. I'll look into the financial reports

>> No.5911479

dumb money > smart money

>> No.5911493

Does Apple have a whitepaper?

A whitepaper is a technical proposal. VeChain is a business that already has clients, partners and tech that is in-use today.

>> No.5911564
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im memeing . i have a fuck ton of VEN don't worry.

The second these fake walls disappear there's no fucking knowing what happens.

>> No.5911632

$20 at the end of next week. The Chinks are making us rich.

>> No.5912090

at $20 my portfolio goes from good to great here's hoping

>> No.5912110

should I sell my req for it?

>> No.5912285

probably. i have req too, but are req announcing multiple partnerships weekly? i allocated some of all of portfolio to ven

>> No.5912345

How do we know the sell wall will be gone this weekend?

>> No.5912555

Crazy Chinks, look at what happend to tron.

>> No.5912593

have 300k i could pump into ven - should i do it?

>> No.5912621

bought 40k tron for 250 bucks after they airdroped everyone 500 TRX. I'm just holding it to see where it takes me, can't believe Tron in the last 2 days, its stupid but i like it

>> No.5912686

if you want 1mil minimum before EOY yes

>> No.5912698

Do you want to make a million in profit in less than 2 weeks? Then yeah

>> No.5912763

x3 EOY? i wanted to put these 300k into WAN when its launching like 3 weeks from now.

do you think we will pump this high? is there any news comming out?

>> No.5912814

x3 is my absolute bare minimum any of year, i conservatively say it can still 10x and generously say it can 30x

>> No.5912849

end of year*

>> No.5912877

ok - sure. just wanted an opinion on shorttherm gains. thx

>> No.5912900

12 eoy is great but come on that’s nothing in this market lol with the hype this coin has 20$ by end of January is conservative I think not even exaggerating

January is packed with news throughout multiple conferences and partnerships to be announced, the rebrand, the ceo says there’s news that is going to blow our minds bigger than the Chinese gov partnership multiple exchanges being listed it’s just all falling into place man I recommend you look into it some more this thing is going to xrb I see 30 billion marketcap by end of q1 easily

>> No.5913011

ok thanks. when will the mindblowing news drop?

>> No.5913025

whats with VEN - THOR, do i receive THOR if i hold my VEN (VET) at Binance?

>> No.5913039

If I put £200 into Vechain, what do you guys predict by end of January or end of next year???

>> No.5913088


>> No.5913208


>> No.5913234

I’m not sure I expect before the 15th

>> No.5913337

tfw you should have ditched btc holding for ven a month ago to be comfy af with a thunder node. fuck you btc