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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5852385 No.5852385 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone I try to talk into getting into crypto even with just a small amount of cash, they instantly say it sucks. I tried pitching Tron and a few other coins to people and they didn't even want to hear me explain it. They think everything other than grinding at work everyday is a scam. I'm an outcast at work now and they call me a Tron cult member who's getting scammed.

I'm already up a lot in gains in every coin i invested in but don't want to tell them yet until it's a lot more so i can rub it in their faces for not even giving me a chance to explain crypto.

I fucking hate normies i cant wait to pull up to work in a lambo and put my 2 weeks

>be me
>trading cryptos on my cell phone at work
>young black kid snatches my phone out of my hands
>i freak out and shove him up against a window
>not too hard cause i dont want the window to break
>he shoves me back harder cause no window behind me
>other co-worker gets in between us and break us up
>black kid throws my phone across the room into a pretzel bowl
>pretzels all over the floor
>grab phone and storm out of the room
>go somewhere private and make sure my phone is ok
>check account balance
>all good
>go sit down on my phone and back to checking prices
>co-worker who broke us up gets in my face and says
>i tell him to get the fuck out of my face or i'll kick his ass
>i'm bluffing but i don't wanna look like a pussy in front of everyone
>plus i'm the victim here, the black guy started it
>2 other co-workers chime in and take his side
>now 3 co-workers simultaneously threatening and yelling at me
>one who i thought was my friend betrayed me
>i tell them all to fuck off cause i don't give a shit what they think
>go home
>no one talks to me now at work

now i have to make it big or i'm fucked

>> No.5852445

What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't talk about crypto with normies.

>> No.5852470

we need them to buy our bags one day

>> No.5852534

nice thread tim

>> No.5852565
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it's ok, anon. you're gonna make it.
choose only people you trust and love.
or have helped you bigtime.

>> No.5852586


Why would you tell people who wanna kick your ass that you made it? You wanna get kidnapped? Just make it and fuck there wives after thy leave get wet for your lambo.

>> No.5852601

Where the fuck do you work? A prison?

>> No.5852636

Around blacks, never relax

>> No.5852640


they're pussy's they aren't gonna kidnap me.

>> No.5852727
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>i freak out and shove him up against a window

nice power fantasy OP

also, do you work in Walmart?

>> No.5852730


Apparently OP is high-functioning acoustic, let him be.

>> No.5852755

And you want to make these people rich?

Where do you work fucking KFC?

>> No.5852763

Just stay quiet, because one day, you're going to rock up in a good car, have a model girlfriend, and they'll ask you how did you do it, and then you can just laugh in their faces and not tell them.

>> No.5852769
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>>young black kid snatches my phone out of my hands
Get a new job. Stay away from blacks. Avoid trading in the presence of other people if you can. You don't want to be logged in when other people can steal your phone.

>> No.5852775

I hate to be racist but..

>thinking u can teach niggers about crypto

>> No.5852785

be honest, OP

how new are you, and how much btc do you have

>> No.5852806

you gotta realise normies get shilled MLM schemes from the friends and dont even do that shit. why would they do some fancy pancy internet meme money with a co worker

>> No.5852813

This place of business sounds awful as fuck and I hope you make it and are generally nice to people when you do make it. Perhaps a little volunteerism and philanthropy.

>> No.5852818

NEVER talk to normans about crypto, there are only two outcomes when talking to normans about something with which they aren't familiar, and in crypto they are:

1. They think you're weird and a loser for knowing about it if you aren't rich yet
2. They begin to resent you and think your wealth is unearned if you've made a decent amount of money

>> No.5852819


Listen, OP. Niggers won't even touch crypto unless one of their celebrity faggot friends starts talking about it, and then they're all in on it. They are a hivemind.

If some black rapper endorsed Jazz, and then another one did and another etc, I can 100% guarantee you that the entire black community would start listening to Jazz instead of rap/ghetto music.

>> No.5852832

To be fair, once you go big in a coin you become a MLM salesman for that coin.

>> No.5852848


>telling normies about your gains

I shiggy diggy anon. Keep everything to yourself so they're just left wondering when you disappear to lambo land.

When I hit multiple six figures, most of the people I know right now will probably never hear from me again.

It's better that way. Trust me.

>> No.5852851

Lmao we need to get a nigger rapping about LINK or something imagine all the EBT bucks that would start pouring in

>> No.5852881
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>they're pussy's they aren't gonna kidnap me.
Almost every black person in america knows someone who has been in prison or a gang. You really wanna risk it?

>> No.5853008

not now, i did because i thought we were friends and it would make me the cool guy

>> No.5853100
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>being this autistic

>> No.5853108

Listen to this guy. The only people who deserve to get rich from crypto are the people autistic enough to research it and buy into it. Let the normies grind their lives away at soul-crushing jobs, when we're rich, we'll still need normies on the bottom rungs to wash our lambos.

>> No.5853294
File: 131 KB, 653x981, DD57C7EA-B3C8-493D-A26F-56440A89E3F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out white boi
They’re learning

>> No.5853459

You just experienced the fun thing of niggers having normie friends that can't possibly believe a nigger would do any crimes

>> No.5853486

>not beating the shit out of that black idiot right then and there

You a pussy.
Is this normal in America? I’ve seen people get stabbed for less.

>> No.5853506

Chimpville cold this time of year?

>> No.5853529

Sounds like a good way to reclaim my tax money.

>> No.5853530
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>> No.5853605

Literally everyone, "anon, you know about that bitcoin stuff, right?" never mention it, end up telling everyone i know about exchanges, how to buy altcoins, and how to cash out. REEEEEEEE

>> No.5853650

holy fuck, it really is normie coin

>> No.5853833

God that shit is cancer

>> No.5853903
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Look at this /pol/ nocoiner trying to troll 4chan's finest

>> No.5853907

They will change their minds at some point. And that's when you'll cash out.

>> No.5854090

Just flex on those desk jockie cunts when you make it and come in to work to quit. Gold chains and shit nigga. If they want to be wage slaves forever so be it