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58473001 No.58473001 [Reply] [Original]

>the most bullish fundamentals and partnerships in crypto
>the most bearish price action

Why the discrepancy?

>> No.58473011

chainlink alone disproves the fabled efficient market hypothesis

>> No.58473021

Are you saying market is retarded?

>> No.58473026

That is self evident

>> No.58473035

came here to post this

>> No.58473037

Not really. Clearly the VC’s know something we don’t. Otherwise chainlink would already be in top 3.

>> No.58473058
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What the actual fuck

>> No.58473089

nobody wants us to make it. We lose.

>> No.58473098
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>> No.58473105


What the fuck is Sergey doing?

>> No.58473131
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1% away from losing another rank

>> No.58473180

kek baggies

>> No.58473213

Part of the problem may be that the fundamentals and partnerships are of the sort that to not generate a need for the LINK token.

>> No.58473215

It’s all your faults that Link is low like it is… you had the perfect opportunity to hold the project hostage… all we had to do was refuse to stake. But all you cocksuckers lined up to stake the second it became available. We all fucking knew the price wouldn’t go up when staking opened up. And this is the shit 4chan is supposed to do. Fuck with people/system whatever. What does 4chan own? 25% of the supply? 10% min? All we had to do was hold our link and not stake until they sended the price. Bunch of cucked faggots I’m invested with.

Muuuh build muuuuh rewards. Fucking faggots.

>> No.58473245

the token is not needed

>> No.58473427 [DELETED] 

The community is full of Retardio people and holders, so no surprise for me

>> No.58473576

and memes keep mooning
if you still believe in fundamentals, tech and ayadayada or that any coins aren't more than money grabs, you're a moron. blockchains aren't disruptive tech. they're nothing more than vaporware
that pos will die this cycle

>> No.58473582

sergey says thanks suckers

>> No.58473620
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>> No.58473903
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The answer is extremely straightforward

>> No.58473910

The thing is they DONT know what we know.

>> No.58474045
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It's almost like the average crypto trader is a bumbling retard who doesn't know shit about dick. That can't be, can it?

>> No.58474085

Do they know how to make ice cream soup?

>> No.58474187

The problem is normies think that even if all the public parnership's announcements specify their future use of LINK, as long as there isn't any current use they can just ignore it till it begins is 'slow' uptrend. They'll buy in when its $100+ saying they are early on the 'run up'.

There is clearly going to be more demand for LINK than any other token, but since the product which will generate that demand isn't actually out yet they don't believe it ever will.

Smart contracts are disruptive. There are other DLTs than blockchain. The simple fact that you refer to blockchains as non-disruptive, incorrectly assuming that they are the only type of smart contract medium that exists, just goes to show how ignorant you are.

No, the smartest investors are looking at how to capitalize on the adoption of smart contracts. You could make a single bet on your execution platform of choice, but the early anons were betting on a multi-chain future and its clearly paid off and will continue to do so.

>> No.58474357

came here to post this

>> No.58474381

>no demand
Ccip is generating fees

>> No.58474389
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It's simple, Chainlink is undervalued. At some point LINK will become popular and all the bullish fundamental news will properly be priced in. Retail doesn't care about LINK and institutional investors any care about btc and ETH right now. Right now only some cultists, a few whales (who want the price to stay suppressed) and some institutional insiders are buying or getting link OTC. Me personally, I am just going to sit tight and wait for my ducks to quack.

>> No.58474403

Everything about Chainlink has come down to the long shot of institutional moneys using their services…and there is no guarantee even then the price will go up

Actually, all of crypto hangs on this promise right now. It’s not even a clown market anymore. It’s just sad

>> No.58474408

>Everything about Chainlink has come down to the long shot of institutional moneys using their services
Not true, Chainlink absolutely blew up within the crypto market first, and became dominant in that space years ago.

>> No.58474418
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This lmao

>> No.58474427
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You're barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.58474486

>Here is the truth of crypto
Projects that have not delivered and are still building are bullish for speculation because there's no real way to value it. Once a product is launched the price action goes to shit because its being valued on adoption and revenue metrics. Therefore, LINK price action will remain in the toilet until Chainlink gets global adoption (which is highly unlikely).

>> No.58474491

Anyone here have the "roadmap" for Chainlink staking? I tried to find it on the official site but I just couldn't halp pls

>> No.58474498
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Nah, actual product launches are in fact very bullish.
Which is exactly why they dump Bitcoin every time Chainlink launches something.

>> No.58474513

I'm giving you the traders mindset to make it. Believe whatever you want bro

>> No.58474533

And even when it comes to adoption, it's not the actual adoption that makes coins pump, it's the promise of adoption.
See the Hedera-Blackrock thing.

>> No.58474567

at this point I feel sorry for you, I can't even bring myself to make fun of you

>> No.58474579

First time on an imageboard?

>> No.58474580

he's been here since 2020(his buy in)

>> No.58474598

fud is on full force again

>> No.58474606

why, because I exposed your low effort spam?

>> No.58474623
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>exposed for reposting images on 4channel

>> No.58474639
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>I'm simply reposting innocent 4chan maymays
cool story bro

>> No.58474648

Nothing innocent about the blatant price suppression.

>> No.58474654

First time on internet? You have a good GSOH

>> No.58474675
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>> No.58474678

>Look ma, I'm fighting the spammers with spam!

>> No.58474680
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>> No.58474682

why did LINK dump today by its own? where is the suppression here?

>> No.58474687

pretty soon you'll be making collages of my warosu hyperlinks KEK

>> No.58474688
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>> No.58474693
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>> No.58474698
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>by its own

>> No.58474707

Linkies are the dumbest bunch for thinking utility has meaning in crypto. Spoiler : it doesn't, it's a ponzi scheme and always has been. Let me explain this to you linkies : you SELL a coin to people, it doesn't MATTER in the slightest if it works or not. You are selling THIN AIR. People see a name attached to an image first and foremost. Who would buy a nerdy blue piece of shit that doesn't give any appeal to people and is called "Chainlink"? Just who?? Chain fucking link hahaha
Imagine being inside the head of a normie for just a minute and hear a pathetic linkie mumble :
>b-but you know nothing! the partnership! the tech!
Nobody fucking cares about that outside of bagholders. Absolute no fucking body.
While your little linkie peabrain was waiting for it to go above $20, I had a 1600% return investment on meme coins in just 2 months. TWO MONTHS you fucking retards. Now do yourself a favor and drop this turd of a coin before it eats you from the inside.

>> No.58474721
File: 66 KB, 1162x765, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even begin to imagine what kind of mental illness drives a man to create and keep these useless collages on his devices
congrats on your latest OC btw, can't wait to see it spammed to death
care explaining pic rel? it sure looks it's dumping against the market to me, but you might have some more screencaps for me

>> No.58474735

>care explaining pic rel? it sure looks it's dumping against the market to me
Most of the top 20 is doing the exact same thing as Link

>> No.58474747
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>> No.58474771

except for BTC?

>> No.58474777

I’m still not selling.I can wait years. It’s all or nothing for me.

>> No.58474787

Holy trips of truth! Checked!
Never selling, WAGMI

>> No.58474797

So all we have to do is time the market perfectly?
Great advice, thanks bro.

>> No.58474806

We gonna make it!

>> No.58474815

No, the market is pricing Chainlink efficiently. The problem is Sergey basically controls the price with how much of the supply he holds/dumps.

>> No.58474824


This is why I don't dare sell my chainlinkies

my chainlinkies will remain super stinky.

This shit is way too adopted by now, it's low price is not sustainable, as soon as sirgay doesn't dump the price will explode to 500+

>> No.58474895

Coincidentally, the majority of people who have made it are long term holders of Bitcoin/Eth. Linkies will be the same

>> No.58475059

Isn't it strange how there are all these weirdos who want everyone else to lose? I couldn't be like that. I suppose most of them lost loads along the way and are all salty about having to buy in at the same price as normies

>> No.58475095

Faggots love to try say the price was rising while supply expanded years ago… retards do not understand supply and demand.

All that means was that demand back then was so high that despite sergeys big fat steamy dumps, it still performed insanely well from 2017 to mod 2020.

Ever since then the demand has fallen more and more and more, and it cant keep up with the expanding supply anymore.

If Sergey had not been dumping, Link could probably have gone to 300k sats or $50 or so even back in mid 2020, instead of 170k sats and $50. Maybe even higher, and solidified itself as rank 3 or permanently high with inertia like XRP or ADA etc.

Instead he dumped. This also became a negative feedback loop where the demand no longer exceeded the expanding supply, and people lost interest slowly as that practically became a meme.

>> No.58475157

You mean like this guy ^^^ >>58475095 -salty af and spends his time trying to put people off. Bet he lost a shit load and can't handle feeling like a fucking idiot. Guess what, mate? You're not some crypto-wizard like you thought you were. You're a normie, like all the other normies out there who regularly lose money. Except, they move on while you can't let go. Guess what? I still have ALL my Link and it's ALL staked. How does THAT feel?

>> No.58475256

he was right tho... if you didn't get in pre '20 there's no reason for anyone new to buy.

And fyi, virtue signaling about earning sub bank interest on a volatile asset that drops 90% in bear markets is laughable. The staking rewards don't even compound...amateur hour

>> No.58475285

Link will rise with the tide in the next year.
It’ll probably do a 3x in sats, and whatever BTC peaks at will be LINKs top in USD, so, probably BTC peaks at 150k or so. Thats about $90.
Then it’ll crash 90% again. It’ll also probably never reach that high in sats again.

You’ll act like it is some victory, first stop to $1k, when in real terms, its fading and losing value, and you’d be better off dumping for BTC at such a point and never looking back.

Eth has not even overcome this. I pity you

>> No.58475289

price manipulation due to constant dumping from creators

>> No.58475379

what about all the link that was supposed to be tied up in contracts as collateral? is that still in the books or did the chainlink team abandon this approach because that would actually make us some money?

>> No.58475406
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linktards can't stop taking da L, now they are here explaining why their shitcoin isn't that horrible even tho it's bearish as fuck
disgusting clusterfuck of a poojeetcoin

keep waiting, you can play some wilder world while you are it KEK

>> No.58475444

>BTC barely moves for 2 months
>LINK aggressively dumps 40%
Xirs, what went wrong?? Is it the Bulgarians? Is it Aden's all powerful twitter account? Should Sirgay hire more transjesters into $300k/year HR positions? More community advocates? Meanwhile the CCIP revenue of $1000 per day is really impressive, easily justifying dumping tokens worth $3bn.

During the last 4 years, only a single other asset performed as poorly as LINK. Maybe the older ones of you still remember it, it's called XRP.

Congrats to this Linkies, seriously.

>> No.58475521


also still nobody answere >>58475379

>> No.58475626
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Some of the best performers dump more supply though.
Your argument is completely moot.

>> No.58475651

However, SOL is backed by its casino and LINK is still struggling to find any use case

>> No.58475659

Mr Salty ((You)) lost it. Mainly on Bancor, but also got fucked by Linkpool. Look at him now lolol
Looooooossseeerrrrr kek he'll never recover mentally hehehe

>> No.58475685
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>LINK is still struggling to find any use case

>> No.58475713

very nice, yet apparently the LINK token is irrelevant to this use case.

>> No.58475728
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On the contrary

>> No.58475756

>timestamp: 2020
great so this technology is the reason why the price appreciated so much over the last 4 years

>> No.58475785

The price doesn't appreciate because of suppression.
To give an example: adoption by Compound was probably the single biggest event in Chainlink's path to this >>58475685
And Bitcoin dumped like 10% as soon as the Compound news dropped.

>> No.58475905

because link price is still 99% hot air totally dependant on the whole crypto market, while it was supposed to be different, and the one token with actual use case/demand

>> No.58475926

>Link bad because crypto bad

>> No.58477484

There are announcement after announcement of people starting development of products using CCIP or joining BUILD to do the same. No other project has this many consistent announcement publicly stating they are planning to use said protocol. Demand is clearly there, people are just developing.

They can put up collateral while fulfilling jobs in order to meet the security demands of the person who specified the criteria of their DON. This is already a thing fucktard.