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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58455826 No.58455826 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58455849

WAGMI my man

>> No.58455858
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Kek bagholders

>> No.58455862

>3.2 link fees

>> No.58455887

when you ccip from one chain to another, the wallet address is the same on both ends? so the token stays in the wallet but effectively exists on another chain that's not eth mainnet?
sorry, i never use this stuff

>> No.58455914 [DELETED] 

What a retardio time to sell kek
sold at peak glad I saw it coming

>> No.58455972

What's the significance of this?

>> No.58456009
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>> No.58456285

>more washtrading by the same address responsible for 99% of the traffic on ccip


>> No.58456405

nothing. i cant tell if OP is a troll or not, but there are 2-5 full time bagholders who defend chainlink at all costs. they hang around like some desperate people after the lights come on at the club and its over.

I dont even know who they are fighting with anymore lol. as if anyone gives a shit about 3.2 link fees. nobody is using CCIP. Xswap is made by Chainlink founders and all the volume was airdrop farming.
Sergey literally admitted he spent years going round to banks and institutions "talking to the wrong people".

I'm not saying other serious projects are doing any better, but Link is not going to reach its former highs ever again. not even close lol, and i mean in sats. maybe it can muster up $100 before a 90% crash in the coming years. forget $1000 ever lmao.

I can literally just buy stock to flip on Ebay and 3x my money guaranteed, and i'm actually in control of that and its outcome. not some fat loser who gets rich either way. What is the fucking point of holding out for LINK for a chance at a 3x, or if lucky a 6x?

>> No.58456430

Idk why posting the Chainlink chart is never not funny

>> No.58456432

You can see when they go to bed and wake up on warosu just by searching “pool”. They’re most likely paid advocates bc they do it for 8+ hours a day

>> No.58456441
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For me its just glancing at CMC numbers like pic related. Linkies say its the god protocol future of finance that banks and shit are lusting over. But there it is dumping as much or more as any random shitcoin. Tron came out in the same month in the same year as Link, and there it is three ranks higher despite it having little reason for existing. Funny to think the god protocol could get flipped by Litecoin at any time.

>> No.58456474
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I've noticed this too. And there's always the "pools closed" poster too. I'm actually in the pool with 10k staked, but if it was just that, i'd be losing my shit if I wasn't making plays on memecoins. The cost opportunity is absolutely cooked, and dumb OP should post whats more relevant, which is CCIP daily revenue.

>> No.58456494
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>b-b-b-but price!

the biggest losers of 2024

>> No.58456495
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>> No.58456496
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>> No.58456498
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>> No.58456499
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>> No.58456501
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>> No.58456502
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>> No.58456506
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>> No.58456527


You've been posting the same type of stupid shit and "leads" or "crumbs" for 7 fucking years. the price is $13. it was higher 5 FUCKING YEARS AGO.

You are fucking deluded. you will ALWAYS find some sort of stupid fucking lead or crumb to baghold just like any other bagholder for any other coin. wake the fuck up. Just because with Chainlink it is better than a skateboard sticker doesn't change SHIT. materially it has meant absolutely nothing yet you have done this for 7 years.

Go look at what BTC did in 7 years. then look at what Eth did in half that. Hell even look at what ADA did in half that. Trx, or wahtever stupid bullshit coin that has been around as long as LINK. those were despite building and having NOTHING.

Chainlink was a GOOD investment back then and made sense, even if it just did not materialise. it has been a a terrible investment ever since the token economics became clearer.

>> No.58456538

Bitcoin dumped on every crumb materializing.
There's nothing organic about Link's price action these past years.

>> No.58456545

kek writing all that, read three words and called you a fag

biggest losers of 2024, fud c u c k

>> No.58456548
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Its the same bullshit day in day out for the past 5 years. Pic related is 5 years old. I have pages and pages of "breadcrumbs" saved from 2017 until 2020. When I look at new breadcrumbs its basically the same stuff ive saved. I could post them and you wouldn't even know they were from 4-5 years ago.

>> No.58456551
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And then Swift posts a literal integration experiment with Chainlink, and of course pic related happens.

>> No.58456554

Tron is the most utilised blockchain on the planet, it’s used for third world stablecoin remittances.

>> No.58456559
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Swift has posted about Chainlink on their twitter page before. Its a literal nothingburger. I specifically remember anons being ecstatic over it.

>> No.58456564

>Swift aren't working with Chainlink
>Swift are working with Chainlink but it's just a PoC and they never mention it
>Okay, Swift are working with Chainlink and it's going live in a bout a year but they've mentioned it loads of times on their Twitter page so it's meaningless and you should sell your Link
the absolute state kek

>> No.58456570
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I never said to sell your LINK. My point is its the same rhetoric for the past 7 years At what point do they actually release something? If they haven't done it by now, what makes you think they ever will? Seriously consider this. I hold LINK knowing full well the "swift integration" is a garbage claim and until its substantiated by some piece of software it will remain so. Swift wants to look like they are innovating, and Sergey wants to look like hes making progress. Neither of these are true. Open your eyes.

>> No.58456572

You don't have to release anything to pump.

>> No.58456576

Unlocks are massively bearish in the current meta. No one wants to buy LINK because they know Sergey is waiting to take a fat dump on everyone the minute it sees some price action.

Why do you think its bullish when a dev nukes a chart and there's a community takeover? VC's are losing it because no one is buying their bags because no one wants to get nuked by unlocks.

>> No.58456577

Kek the absolute state

>> No.58456578

Holy non sequitur.

>Unlocks are massively bearish
Tell it to Solana, Fantom, Matic, Hedera, ...

>> No.58456580
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>Fantom, Matic, Hedera, ...

You think these are bullish?

SOL is the only bullish one here and its offset by the massive volume it has everyday.

>> No.58456581

>You think these are bullish?
lmao, the first three were the top performers in 2023, and Hedera doubled in price on fake news two weeks ago.

>> No.58456582
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Lmao your out of your f*kn mind. Knew I was getting into some retarded shit posting. Later dude.

>> No.58456583

kek check the charts.
FTM, Matic, and SOL were the three best performing top coins of 2023.
All while unlocking more uncirculating supply than Link.

Hedera unlocked more than Link too, and it doubled on a single piece of news.
And that news turned out to be fake, so you know the pump was 100% pure speculation.

>> No.58456636

>the biggest losers of 2024
I mean have you checked your folio advocate :)

>> No.58456641

It’s chain links paid advocate, just make fun of them and move on

>> No.58456659

You hold link

>> No.58456825

PSA - ive been posting this the past year but it never hurts to remind people: when the bull case for your past cycle dead altcoin becomes “mommy life isnt fair, these other coins pumped”…you are not in a good place

>> No.58456832

you've been posting that for a whole year? lmao

>> No.58456859

You lead a truly sad life, holy shit

>> No.58456875

>a whole year

As you’ll see here, all the cult member has going is trying to “win” semantic arguments. Obviously I dont post it every day, but periodically over a year.

You cant get emotional about investing. Put your fragile ego aside and take it as a learning opportunity to not marry a dead alt. You will bounce back from this little boy

>> No.58456880

>You cant get emotional about investing

Says the faggot who's been stalking a coin he doesn't like for a year lmao

>> No.58456904

over a whole year though lmao wtf

>> No.58456917

>dead altcoin
>Literally the most active development in all of crypto across 3 million coins
>Literally the second most used token in all of crypto just behind ETH
So which coins are not dead, in your world, anon?

>> No.58456973

I just know this anon struck a nerve by all the unhinged baggie replies he got
seethe harder broke shills, nobody is buying your shitty, astroturfed erc token

>> No.58457061

>struck a nerve
>seethe harder

Says the faggot who's been stalking a coin he doesn't like for a year lmao

>> No.58457150

>incoherent ramblings
thanks for emphasizing my point, schizo baggie

>> No.58457543

>>incoherent ramblings
I wrote a single line.
You're blinded by your seethe.

>> No.58457692

>integration experiment
are you stupid? They only thing thats going to gie value to the token is if swift and every other institution goes live. PoC's experiments do fuck all for actual tokenomics. everyone knows this and choose not to bag hold

>> No.58457921

>They only thing thats going to gie value to the token is if swift and every other institution goes live.

lol bullshit.
Hedera doubled on fake Blackrock news, purely on speculation.
Same thing happened to ETH after the EEA was announced in 2017.

>> No.58458032

the price right now is down. You are not living in reality

>> No.58458728

I literally just told you what happened in reality. You need more meds.

>> No.58458824

Desu. Kekfuddies really are pathetic

>> No.58459065

>checks price.
>dumped more
yah get rekt kid

>> No.58459086

Doesn't change the facts of what I said.

>> No.58459098

linkbtc kek

>> No.58459654

>kek just a cross chain bridge
A ton of those exist already, 7 long years for this...boring.

>> No.58459658

>Not to mention 28 minute wait time

>> No.58459674

>a ton of those exist already

And hows that working out for you buddy?

>> No.58459697

so it's slower, less secure, and more expensive than what ICP is doing right now
kek baggies

>> No.58459711
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>> No.58459725

>>Literally the second most used token in all of crypto just behind ETH
This is just delusional. Link's not even in the top 100 of "used" tokens.
>Literally the most active development in all of crypto across 3 million coins
Factually untrue but sure, they do have a very busy github commit history. Easy to do when you have 650 developers with all of them all being paid for by token dumps. What value has this brought the token?

>> No.58459726

I've bridged maybe a few hundred transactions through a dozen protocols and I've literally never had an issue.

Do you actually test things out yourself or do you just listen to doomsaying by CLG and other link advocate fags?

>> No.58459796

it's all gravy until a chain with bridged TVL gets obliterated. Ronin, Multichain, Nomad got people turborekt. The Wormhole hack would have been devastating but Jump plugged the hole with magic money

>> No.58459798

>he doesnt realize l2s all have native bridges now
third parties no longer needed
chainlink is like xrp was in 2021, a product only fit for the last cycle.

>> No.58459804

nobody gives a fuck. a bunch of meme shit coins and other totally useless scams were "lost" on bridges a few weeks or months before they would rug anyway.

What makes you think CCIP will have any demand considering 99% of transactions are just these stupid memecoins and airdrop farming and scams? are such projects going to go through the lengthy and secure/expensive long term process of integrating CCIP? lol no.

As said many times, LINK has not just failed, but all of crypto has. Even ETH. Not much Sergey can do about that, but he made a stupid choice of expanding his operation to gargantuan levels for a market that doesn't exist.

>> No.58459826

>a bunch of meme shit coins
no it was a lot of ETH. the most used crypto network btw. it sounds like you don't understand market fit very well so good luck with your investments btw (lol)