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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58437723 No.58437723 [Reply] [Original]

Is email verification a way out? I think it's killing the 4chan board, and activities and engagement are decreasing day by day.

>> No.58437766

Is it really effective?

>> No.58437812

Jannies are making it difficult to post on biz. kek

>> No.58437813

Not really

>> No.58437966
File: 2 KB, 125x119, 16871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is effective. It killed the biz board.

>> No.58437970

why do you still come here? Just go to /bant/

>> No.58438036

Who cares? The freedom of speech is at stake. lol

>> No.58438084
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sure thing bro let me share a board with 50% cuck porn spam

>> No.58438443
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>> No.58438523
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It's effective because the board is basically now just stone cold linkies and zoomer apu ethusiasts who also have a clubhouse they hideout in over on /bant/. There aren't many of us but it's a lot less brown. Feels like a win.

>> No.58439291

kek. Definitely a win for Jannies.

>> No.58439300

i would take nigger infested biz from a month ago easily, this has become the type of board you show up for 15 minutes once a day AT MOST, still cant fathom how they think this was a good idea to overnight kill a board and just leave it bleeding out like it is, could probably have one moderator total for this board

>> No.58439335
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 00010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the way to show proof of dead internet theory, haven't seen as many links or mumus lately shilling their shit as it used to be, maybe biz has been dead for longer that we think.

>> No.58439565

How do we get out of this loop if we don't have them shilling? The space only thrives on speculation. Don't get me wrong, I hate those bots.

>> No.58439603

It was designed to kill this place
No. It only keeps away the real people. Jeets and people motivated enough to make bots are posting here for $. They’ll never stop. This just kills the casual posters

>> No.58439914

not only that but that some dudes been banned from shilling random stuff. One got permabaned for shilling $truf. I feel like risking my neck here, but fuck the jannies and fuck them in the ass.

>> No.58439921

>No. It only keeps away the real people. Jeets and people motivated enough to make bots are posting here for $. They’ll never stop. This just kills the casual posters

this sadly the truth.

>> No.58439924

that's bs, who would pay for shitposting in a dead board?

>> No.58439927

>It is effective. It killed the biz board.
maybe TOO effective.... place looks like an empty cantina.

>> No.58439929

truflation is shit and you know it.

>> No.58439930

I think it just a coin like many many others. and that's it.

>> No.58440014

Because Jannies think it's just memes, kek. If it's RWA or AA related stuff, it couldn't be deleted.

>> No.58440045

Another hype called narrative.

>> No.58440048

>freedom of speech
make a new email address and sign up with that, boom you're done
It impinges on "free speech" as much as having a web accessible device does

>> No.58440049

Jannies? I rape 'em
Buy Litecoin

>> No.58440064

It wield the power to sway investor sentiment and drive market trends, Anon.

>> No.58440097

Most Jannies are into crypto too. But the problem is they're LINK marxists, that's why the LINK posts always get spared. If I had more funds, I'd add more tokens that I can stake to earn NAI rewards

>> No.58440101

Maybe you just don't understand this sector, and you're just speaking nonsense.

>> No.58440114

I hold that shit on my MetaMask, will transfer it to the AB official smart wallet soon. What else?

>> No.58440142

How has following this strategy helped you make money?

>> No.58440161

Just buy a pass

>> No.58440178

I wonder why some anon still basing their investment strategy off conspiracies and nonsense like this. Remember
many jurisdictions worldwide do not allow on-chain issuance and recording of RWAs. How's this going to grow?

>> No.58440179

Passive income shouldn't be ignored. I'm curious how long this market downturn will last, especially with CZ's four-month jail sentence.

>> No.58440189

Use your head Anon. Crypto enthusiasts love a good narrative, and that's because where there's a narrative, there's opportunity.

>> No.58440205


Same shit got hype but had no impact. The entire crypto eco has always been slow-clapped. complete sip-up right from the start. I'm done trading.

>> No.58440210

What's the relationship between CZ and the market downturn? He's no longer part of Binance and I'm already planning to move my assets to HoldStation and DUA wallet.

>> No.58440230

Lmao, CZ plays a big role in the crypto market, and he's still a co-founder of Binance despite stepping down as CEO. Well, good luck with your holdings, wherever they may be.

>> No.58440239

With the emergence of Polygonid, Nexeraid, Oreid, I foresee their future being bright since they are all mechanisms for compliance solutions.

>> No.58440251

Not just that anon, but If they offer a self-custodial experience with banking level security then count me in.

>> No.58440255

>What's the relationship between CZ and the market downturn

This has nothing to do with him; just a few crypto bedswerver manipulating the entire market to buy cheap.

>> No.58440272

That doesn't change the fact that Binance is no longer a reliable exchange. I still trade on it, but I prefer storing my assets in self-custody smart wallets that utilize SSI.

>> No.58440283

>Just go to /bant/
You freak, do they have /bant or you have just created it out of your low IQ brain?

>> No.58440284

It still has and another major FUD that's causing the crypto market to decline. I just hope for a reversal; otherwise, we'll see another dip. Just wishing for more money today.

>> No.58440291

I think wallets that have account abstraction features are great and can play a part in the future.

>> No.58440295 [DELETED] 

My dad fucks me while I sleep

>> No.58440304

Every crypto wallet is a smart one but what do you call that?

>> No.58440310

Or HODL at TerraStation where Do Kwon was sentenced, since you're a mad Pajeet.

>> No.58440316

So basically, if they can attack CZ, they can attack any powerful figure in crypto that's capable of making impact. Ya'll should know that governments across the world hate crypto because it is taking that financial power and control from them. They fucking hate us. I hate these politicians. Motherfuckers.

>> No.58440323

Kek, trading is quite risky. I prefer holding and staking.

>> No.58440330

One packed with self custody, self sovereign and privacy features will be ideal for oldfag like myself.

>> No.58440345

The market is based on sentiments and always reacts to positive and bad news. I'll use this opportunity to buy low mcap utility tokens on Coinstore.

>> No.58440357

deal with what works best for you.

>> No.58440371

Why the hate for Binance? Just think, if Binance were to collapse, it could be worse than the collapse of FTX. Think jeets.

>> No.58440385

It emerged as a promising concept, gaining widespread adoption since Vitalik championed it.

>> No.58440403

You're based, Anon. Funds are SAFU. Just make sure to put some of your holdings in any AA wallets.

>> No.58440414

He claimed our funds are safu, but I'm not in for such a wild claim. The same happened with FTX, and it was regarded as an oversight before the Saga.

>> No.58440429

Funds are SAFU as long as you manage your wallet well. Some newbies confirm sketchy transactions and end up losing everything.

>> No.58440447

I feel sorry for them. The ability to set transaction limits will at least help in staying safe in the space.

>> No.58440455

>AA wallets.

I think this area of wallet depends much on centralize hierarchy. I wonder how privacy is maintained.

>> No.58440464

That's based, Anon. Some of the smartfags will prefer putting their tokens to work to earn NAI rewards.

>> No.58440475

That's how it goes. Maybe folks just don't know enough about it. Can't blame 'em, but hopefully, they'll learn.

>> No.58440512

Are we really safe now? I've seen people panicking and getting scammed. It's hard to know what to believe anymore.

>> No.58440546

But it is significantly reduces the risk of potential security breaches.

>> No.58440562

I'm always after the solution that would give me total control over my digital identity, assets, and privacy.

>> No.58440605

But you know, there's no perfect solution, so it's still not entirely safe, if you think so. Anyway, let's see how it goes.

>> No.58440639

absolutely. nothing seem real anymore to me. After CZ, who is next, Gary?

>> No.58440656

Testies. Testies.
>file no longer exists on every image

>> No.58440665

depend on the security framework and approach utilize.

>> No.58440669

If weak-handed investors start selling, they'll likely FOMO back in later. If people panic due to their platform choice, then they haven't done enough research. It's all about being educated.

>> No.58440671
File: 162 KB, 1320x736, dominatrixes_fort_lauderdale_commission_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total control
It will be expensive. Very expensive.

>> No.58440682

Bullshit engagement from jeets pushing hbar, charles hosk and chainlink are decreasing. butt overall the board hasnt been this good in years.

>> No.58440683

>the link fud has been mitigated
>oh no i did love it so
the place is 10 times better now. it only seems quiet because genuine posters fucked off to twitter. don't expect them back overnight. besides, twitter is better anyway.

>> No.58440693

I really miss the old good days when biz was overrun by bots. Where are the linkers? linkers? I miss discussing with those delusional linkzard enthusiastic to sell their bags.

>> No.58440704

It sure does to me

Haven't seen any retarded shilling recently so it's clearly working

>> No.58440706

Why do they have to make things so complicated? They're not helping people to earn money.

>> No.58440723

>Haven't seen any retarded shilling recently so it's clearly working

obviously. With time, we'll most likely see real humans back.

>> No.58440768

That's what I've been observing. I think it's starting to show results. That's good sign.

>> No.58440861

Don't use a wallet unless you're sure of which one to utilize. Find where your daily activities match. Simple.

>> No.58440954

Which security framework do you think will actually be worth mass adoption? Seems like DeFi hacks have been decreasing lately.

>> No.58440978


NPC wajok spotted.. help ya self to go through before shitposting.

>> No.58441004

yeah, it is and i love it.

>> No.58441025

I think it's just advice. That's probably why noobs often get hacked, they're closed-minded like you.

>> No.58441046

Sell your bags

>> No.58441139

Don't bother selling in this market. It's just a blip. Stay calm and take a break kek.

>> No.58441223

It got rid of the street shitting jeet shills and constant chainlink fudders so imo it was a success

>> No.58441230 [DELETED] 

Everyone gonna hop on the sharkroll train and that’ll be the end of 4chan kek

>> No.58441235

email verification goes against the very heart and soul of 4chan

>> No.58441346

closed minded when what was said was completely out of context. You must have tag the wrong cunt.

>> No.58441460

I'm not a geek nor a dev but if I se one, i can tell.

>> No.58441523

it's just done for the very best for this biz.

>> No.58441578

sell and buy the dip dip dip.

>> No.58442027

Ya know, I don't see those LPL CHUDDIE KIDDOS or any of that other spammy crap anymore, either. Now every reply in the threads actually looks like it's from a real person. If anything, this whole thing just showed how dead this board really was

>> No.58442140

Love whatt they have done. less spammy now.

>> No.58442180

Absolutely, it is, but I hate it because here it is like a graveyard.

>> No.58442281

Honestly, the captcha drives me nuts. Half the time I can't even make out what the hell the letters or numbers are supposed to be. Most times, I just don't bother posting because I don't have the patience for it. At least the email verification is a breeze to set up. They gotta ditch that captcha

>> No.58442285

I love the new minimum shilling 4chan, that I paid for it. So all the missing traffic will increase profits and keep this honeypot alive longer

>> No.58443597

it just kills the usual kind of poster here. I saw it happen literally live, there was ssnc advocates talking about how brc20 could be actually useful and pretty much exploitable for earns, and now its just the usual chainlink copeposting threads and the newest BASE and Runes "projects"

>> No.58443707
