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58422436 No.58422436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm 30. Sunday night. Alone. No gf. No friends. No house. No nothing.
Crypto it's my only shot or give me death.

>> No.58422441
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I just stop caring, i'm a change man now and even when i'm losing money i keep holding and playing Blocklords pretending nothing is happening
Crypto changed me, i'm not the man i used to be

>> No.58422443
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Uninspired = undesired, its hard my man but try to find joy rolling that boulder up a hill no matter how meaningless it truly is

>> No.58422450

>wahhh wahhh wahhhhhhhh

holy shit shut the fuck up

>> No.58422539

make sure to drink every day

>> No.58422549

basically same lol

>> No.58422783
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well, considering the green numbers now there are some good little gems in dextools
but still I recommend you not to think too much about your situation, less when we are starting the halving, you need your head concentrated

>> No.58422799

It's never too late, anons. I live in my hometown and I know basically everybody in my building. Well, there's this old man that lost his wife at 70. In the last 5-7 years, he has had at least 5 different girlfriends.

If he can, you all can. We are all gonna fucking make it. Keep stacking good coins. (I also spend my weekends drinking alone and listening to my favourite songs. And I love it!)

>> No.58423341 [DELETED] 
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get into superverse games bro, you get pay, make new online friends and is you buy $super contribute to market cap, also Its pumping again, lucky me that got in early.

>> No.58423348

>you get pay
pay? pay how?

>> No.58423349

>I'm 30. Sunday night. Alone. No gf.

>> No.58423351 [DELETED] 

>pay? pay how?
typo sorry, I mean you get to play games, its not a get me rich by tomorrow but it's something.

>> No.58423576

you are at your peak and you are not realizing it.

>> No.58423581
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extrange way to cope bro

>> No.58424223
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MAGA TRUMP token is unironically the only thing that stands me strong...
Bought at 10 cents, now it's at $5......
Will I make it bros?

>> No.58425925
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you better sell that shit before elections bro, if you "want to make it", its just a shitcoin, even less than a meme coin, that's only good for a quick 2x snipe. You are better shorting or hodln any other coin like $super or even, god forbid, pepe

>> No.58425938

>god forbid, pepe

why not pepe? its been here for a while and its memeable like shit

>> No.58425940
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>god forbid, pepe
>literally trending worldwide in finance
just kys nigga

>> No.58425945

>no jobs
>no gf
>no leads
at least i argue with my parents daily. i got that going for me.

>> No.58425947
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triggered frogbros in their way to defend their useless scam:

>> No.58425950
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Bro is living the dream but doesn't realize it, until it becomes too late

>> No.58425954

crypto, women and weed is truly the downfall of the modern man

>> No.58425957

we cant make it all bruh that man surely got his stuff going due to having an obnoxiously big cock

>> No.58425959

no weed is gonna downfall me and I'm a modern man

>> No.58425962
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can confirm that having an obnoxiously big cock is more a problem than a blessing.

>> No.58426006

play something social. world of warcraft or something. join servers in your country. maybe you can meet interesting people you can talk to or something.

>> No.58426011

this is also a cool option. try to talk to the people in your apartment. if you live in a house, talk to your neighbors or something.

>> No.58426014
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>this is spam

>> No.58426015


>> No.58426018

I was unaware. Should I get back in? Solded everything about two months ago.

>> No.58426020
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>"99999 gazillion dollars injected into web3 by literal who fund #1 and literal who fund #2!!!" in their twitter
will we ever actually see any of that money or is it just money laundering pretending to be a good thing for web3

>> No.58426109

Hi, I'm you from the future. I made it. Millions of dollars, all mine.
I bought a house too. Very cool.
Unfortunately, I'm still alone. Turns out I can't buy relationships. Not very good one anyway.
I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.58427247

just sunday? try your whole life, the most interesting topic I can talk about is how I want to make a coin in pinksale
I scare both the bitches and the homies

>> No.58427267
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I gotta say this same shit for me too. I'm a millionaire on paper but I just don't care. Trying to hit a couple mil before I can cash like 300k into my bank and get a home