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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58409213 No.58409213 [Reply] [Original]


Some Apu fan paid the naked cowboy from Times Square to sing a song about how they are different to Pepe. LOL

Apu and Pepe are the same!

>> No.58409224

How much does that cost, anyway? Anything over $20 is a waste desu

Btw, how do I flex my new 4chan pass? What do I add in options?

>> No.58409233

no they're obviously different. Pepe is an asshole ironic trickster. Apu is a sincere little fren.

>> No.58409239

I sold at 220 market cap and got a 30X out of it, the most I've ever made from a single coin outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum

Reason: Normies don't give a fuck about what the green frog "really is" - this is a fucking cope that made me start thinking about selling earlier than I thought I would, and it worked out because I was able to sell nearly 200k worth, that is now worth like 60-70k after the dumps.

To normies its a fucking green frog, they dont care for the details of whether its Pepe or Apu - just go look at Pepe, its all Apu posts and nobody gives a fuck and nobody ever will give a fuck.

The idea of marketing around this being the "real frog everyone posts" is not going to get anywhere, its a seriously bad idea to market that point

>> No.58409253

Keep telling yourself that pal! Thank God I listened tobiz and didn't invest in this. Cope seethe dialate. Cope seethe dialate

>> No.58409255
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I can believe this shit, it pisses me off. I'll just buy some so it crashes. Now what?

>> No.58409257

You’re smart for locking in profits but I’m not going to read your essay about a memecoin. Most people who trade memecoins have pulled a few 20x’ers. It’s really not that big of a deal

>> No.58409258
File: 19 KB, 567x184, imapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want newfags to leave

>> No.58409268

I'm not talking about the coin. I'm taking about the meme. I agree normies probably won't care about or comprehend the difference between pepe and apu, but its obvious to anyone familiar with both. I also sold my apu near the top. I'm off seeking non meme gains now. I hope the best for my apu brethren though. Its not impossible they could get a critical mass of momentum that apu is the funnier and cuter frog to buy, because it is.

>> No.58409274

What im saying is it has potential on its own merit, the focus on going after Pepe and trying to austically explain why 95% of the frogs they post are actually Apu is fucking stupid


>> No.58409286

I've unironically seen $pepe fans buying $apu after they got replied to by wholesome apu posters

It isn't even "autistically explaining" it's literally just "that's apu, not pepe", it's a very simple marketing strategy

>> No.58409289

saying that, GOD I wish I sold the top, it was the first time I was ever part of such a run and got greedy. An important lesson...

>> No.58409391
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1573234076518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this Apu bullshit and why is it everywhere? Biz, Bant, Twitter

Come on, the shilling is massive

>> No.58409447
File: 163 KB, 1209x925, 1710116764944382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a APUmaxxer doing sigma skibidi pomni things. You wouldn't get it.
It ain't much anyways, even in Fiverr you can get em for like 50 bucks tops.
Im wondering if any of you FAGGOTS are actually gonna be like this when brc20 ordinals start being a relevant thing again and satoshisync fucking no diffs ETH

>> No.58409460
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Have fun getting dumped on, LMAO

>> No.58409475

just check their twitter senpai
literally sold out on one cex and over 100k transactions under 12 hours
all without bizraelis niggers making it crab like a bitch

>> No.58409477

that's the most faggot thing I have ever seen in nyc

>> No.58409478
File: 7 KB, 225x224, 1689213891283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting word filtered like this
just kys nigga

>> No.58409481
File: 8 KB, 220x229, 06864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at hes name and pfp, retard is a die hard fan of fucking APU, same with the retards that shill $LRDS, you can see them living without electricity lol

>> No.58409482
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 1712182769811246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-j-j-just check t-t-t-their t-t-twitter!1!11

>> No.58409484

how can gamefi fags live without power when their ponzi is literally power dependant? are you in the next level of retarded?

>> No.58409486

Why email verifications is not keepign apu shillers out.?????????????????

>> No.58409492


Because a lot of us aren't shills, we just believe in the potential of this coin and want to discuss it?

>> No.58409495

where do I buy this satoshi sync shit?

>> No.58409737

I'm sick of APU getting involved in everything.

>> No.58409741

And what the fuck does electricity have to do with it?