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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5838913 No.5838913 [Reply] [Original]

>been in crypto since 2010
>go from broke NEET to NEET worth mid eight figures on paper
>cash out enough for property in St. Kitts and Nevis to attain citizenship
>renounced American citizenship two months ago
>thought periodically going back to the states for extended visits on a tourist visa would be nbd
>tfw tourist visa denied
WHAT THE FUCK. Do they do this to everyone who legally escapes the capital gains scam? This is fucked.

>> No.5838973

damn anon, fuck em

>> No.5839011

Literally why come back

>> No.5839110

>he wants to come back to a country with an outstanding warrant for failure to pay his expatriation tax

>> No.5839178

>St. Kitts and Nevis
why in the fuck

>> No.5839183


Anon, you've dropped your US bags. Don't FOMO back in. It's over. Make peace and move on.

>> No.5839196

1A5eXzwYCjcBPJywfiSBhjq5Uq6MtMQTET, donate some btc and I'll happily marry you and get that citizenship back for you ;)

>> No.5839264
File: 347 KB, 487x536, goldenface laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to live in the US
The US is very poor in terms of humanity.

Unless you come from a third world shithole it is a downgrade.

>> No.5839275

the more i get into crypto the more i want to leave the US. why come back? should have done a cross country tour before you left, faggot.

>> No.5839305
File: 62 KB, 642x512, SK_People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St Kitts and Nevis

LMAO why

>> No.5839322

The home of the free ain't actually free.

>> No.5839434


Hope your freedom was worth some extra paper that you can easily make more of!

>> No.5839593

enjoy your freedom to get raped by niggers

>> No.5839743


Uhh.. what part of the US did you live?

>> No.5840006

Hope it was worth the tax money you saved, anon. Look for a less shit country to visit, maybe Canada. I'm sure you can pay your friends and family to visit you up there.

>> No.5840724

Enjoy the hurricanes.

>> No.5840909
File: 284 KB, 1570x1091, 1514992492340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off roger

>> No.5841002


Lol who gives a fuck

>> No.5841118

Yes. This is what the movie inception was all about.

>> No.5841237

Don't worry anon, it's not like a US citizenship is valuable or anything. Don't worry, it's not like you made a huge mistake.

>> No.5841245

my family builds houses in st. kitts and honestly you are exactly what I had in mind when I imagined the kind of person actually buying their shit lol

>> No.5841337

African descent 75.1%,
Afro-European 12.3%,
mixed race 5.3%,
East Indian and Afro-East
Indian 5%,
other 3.3%,
South Asian ethnic groups 3%

You bought a place in a shit hole with those demographics?

>> No.5841362

Even Roger Ver still gets to go back to America on tourist visa

>> No.5841471

If you've got eight figures you shouldn't have any problem getting back in you fucking larper.

Just pay some mutt with a badge a couple hundred and walk back in faggot.

You could get to Mexico and take a fucking luxury jet ride in dumbass.

>> No.5841682

lmao he probably fell for a meme some lawyer was pushing to him as well.

>> No.5841774

It's USA, can't you like gay marry someone with XMR?