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58350083 No.58350083 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone who's not a schizo, XMR- or BTC-maxi tell me why XMR has constantly bled since it's ATH in 2021?

XMR is technically better than BTC in every way, is it just name recognition?

If you're going to say XMR's tail emission is a negative then you're too dumb to reply to this thread btw.

>> No.58350111

because price depends on the market, not functionality
fundamentally, Monero will never go away and will evolve
this in par will have some impact in price, but it's not entirely correlated
as DNM volume grows, so does the demand for XMR

you have to understand that Monero is heavier than bitcoin, meaning it does less transactions per bytes used
so it's not entirely possible for XMR to absorb the entire DNM volume all at once
vertical scaling will help, as well as horizontal scaling

>> No.58350176

>XMR has constantly bled since it's ATH in 2021?

Btc is the chosen coin by (((them))) in order for real liberatory tool like XMR to not rise to prominence. They chose btc and use tether to pump its price with hot air.

Imagine normies seeing past the bullshit price action of btc and realising XMR is the real solution to the taxman question...

>> No.58350191

Because it's designed to be a currency, unlike Bitcoin. It was designed to be a commodity. This and the demand of the dark net is nothing compared to retail buying it.

>> No.58350244

1) Monero has less liquidity and less potential audience due to exchange delistings
2) No one gives a shit about privacy, people are in crypto for profit or to best inflation, not privacy or tech
3) Monero is too complicated for the average person to wrap their head around, Bitcoin is dead simple by contrast
4) The Monero community proselytes by browbeating people about technology and privacy, which turns them away. Conversely the Bitcoin community proselytes by promising to increase your wealth, a much more attractive offer.

>> No.58350332

I sold my xmr stack because the only thing xmr has is privacy. Gov is promising lots of $$$ for cracking it. I am not saying it's possible cause I don't know how to code. I am just saying if the privacy is ever broken, what will be the use case for xmr then

>> No.58350371

More so the government is not just going to announce they broke it. Instead they will prove it by taking down a few big fish or a lot of small fish.

>> No.58350521

That's a man

>> No.58350740

Crypto valuations are set by "the powers that be"

Big old money got into Bitcoin before it hit $1500. Monero came out after Bitcoin, and the easiest way to acquire Monero was with Bitcoin. Monero printed out all of its coins excluding tail emission in its first few years, so all most of those coins are in the hands of some Bitcoin maxi (the powers that be) who dumps it religiously.

Or there's an inflation bug, but more likely the first scenario. XMR is only ultra useful if the Bitcoin chain fails catastrophically. You'll also notice that it does really well in sat value against bitcoin in crypto winters. So, if you are personally opposed to Tethering, you can theoretically preserve value through downturns in XMR to some degree. Better than just holding sats from the top anyway.

If there is indeed ancient government whales dumping XMR consistently since 2018, there may be a time where they run out, and it moons. This may coincide with Bitcoin network having some crisis. You may want to have at least a few just in case that happens, but its a if not a when, so you may be sad if you buy a lot and watch it bleed forever.

Wownero is the same tech (and is actually upstream of Monero, functioning as a defacto testnet for new upgrades), but with more upside and more core Internet values btw. Wownero's emission curve is such that no one can buy it all and dump it forever because it is a 50 year emission curve to it's finite total supply despite being a joke and not something you should put your life savings into.

>> No.58350761

Financial markets seem irrational because you don't know the mind of the people controlling them.

There is no such thing as a natural market without control by the people who run it.

>> No.58350765

OMG she is so cute I love nato

>> No.58350774

because it isnt an investment. it is a currency. and it is doing a good job of being a relatively stable exchange of value for the underground community.

>> No.58350789

Who is the mid lady in your vod OP?

>> No.58350796

Institutional and regulatory pressure against the adoption of XMR. The US Feds have been fighting to keep XMR put of CEX's and any KYC entity. They want to limit as many on-ramps/off-ramps as possible.
Part of the reason why is that BTC transactions are easily traceable by state actors. XMR is very much not. There was a while when a number of the FBIs "most wanted illegal crypto addresses" were single use XMR addresses. Makes you think.

>> No.58351144

It'll be a constant cat/mouse game. It'll never be 'cracked' because the second it is... well, it's just a protocol. You just fork and change the protocol into something better. It's not the "code must never be changed" ethos that BTC has. XMR is always getting improved.

>> No.58351727
File: 191 KB, 386x767, ErKbO_XXMAIrbl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They chose btc and use tether to pump its price with hot air.
This. Talking about price action is pointless since Bitcoin's is highly manipulated and thus detached from reality. Its insanely overvalued and will crash spectacularly once the phony liquidity is gone.

XMR has to appreciate the hard way: by growing its userbase organically with increased economic activity.

>> No.58351871

It's not at all a solution to the "taxman".
If you use the internet, THEY KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

So yes, you can avoid paying taxes on XMR just like everything else by not reporting.
But if you have any appreciable amount of money they will track you down no problem whatsoever.
You used their tubes and their network. You are an absolute fucking retard if you don't think they know where and when you accessed XMR ledger.
You are literally here talking about XMR on 4ch.
top FUCKING kek

>> No.58352087

Because zcash offers better privacy

>> No.58352375

>But if you have any appreciable amount of money they will track you down no problem whatsoever.
DNM admins retire with tens of millions.

>> No.58352443

All these cope responses perfectly illustrate why Bitcoin is #1

>> No.58352479
File: 479 KB, 891x969, shopinbit2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is #1
in a clown market lol

Not out in the real world.

>> No.58352513

Is it cope if it's a true fact?

>> No.58352655

They're the opinions of a niche group that consistently contradict reality, not fact.

The market makes perfect sense given our current political and economic climate, you just don't understand it. Politicians have the choice of destroying their own currency or their own power, so they chose the former. The clown market is just a rational response to the consequences of democracy.

>> No.58352670

a few reasons, first and foremost never rule out jewery
second, and related, is that XMR is not listed on most exchanges
third, most crypto investors don't understand crypto
fourth, there are valid competitors to XMR, mainly DERO.

also these>>58350244 which have overlap with what i said.

seriously anons, look into DERO, XMR is private bitcoin, DERO is private ETH.

Since XMR's value is derived from its legitimate utility, if there is something better for cheaper, its reasonable to assume that liquidity will flow there not into XMR.
Of course XMR has a much longer history than DERO,
every day this becomes less true.

>> No.58352995
File: 86 KB, 1200x600, whomst tf u callin a schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XMR maxi
girlfren, u dumb. ngmi

>> No.58352998

>ETH derivative
Oh, so it's worthless?

>> No.58353090

>If you use the internet, THEY KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

I use

Come and find it

>> No.58354183

They don't give a shit about you, you're a statistic. So long as the percentages work out in their favor you make no difference to them.

>> No.58355237

Why is there so many xmr threads lately. Shut the fuck up about this ancient coin you grandpas

>> No.58355436

normies don't know how to buy XMR. It sounds too hard.

>> No.58355513

It _is_ too hard. Even "monero-friendly" kraken delisted XMR in some countries.

>> No.58355730

>XMR is technically better than BTC in every way.
While Monero does offer undisputed superior privacy protections, XMR's hashrate has been declining for the last 2 years. In contrast, Bitcoin's hashrate has been steadily increasing over the same period.
Additionally, other cryptocurrencies are starting to incorporate privacy features that may be "good enough" for the average user. For example, Litecoin has added privacy-enhancing features, and Ethereum is exploring the integration of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to improve privacy. This means Monero's privacy advantage may become less of a differentiator over time.

>> No.58357138
File: 1.23 MB, 2125x3239, hooters monerochan downscaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will be number 1 when it can buy my Hooter's tendies and beef jerky, until then go back to sucking banker dick and getting cucked by the kosher.

>> No.58357218

monero people were all like moonfag GTFO!
so everyone who wanted to speculate on price left.
then exchanges delisted it because nobody wanted to buy it.
therefore the coin became unpumpable.

careful what you wish for!

>> No.58357287
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>then exchanges delisted it because nobody wanted to buy it.

>> No.58357308

Sort of, something like Doge would never get delisted, even if it adopted mandatory privacy tech, because the public outcry would be great enough. Monero doesn't have many public supporters other than default Runescape guy and his negro deepfake.