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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58348187 No.58348187 [Reply] [Original]

hold on this is important ... i need to prepare...HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAok waitHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAI fucking told you FAGGOTS that krypto and ryan would rug ya and sell more at the top. I told you they will relentlessly pump this SHIT GARBAGE HOMIE SHIT up AGAIN to the top to DUMP on you RETARDS again! LMFAO!I AM LOSING MY MIND fucking laughing right now.HA HA HA HA HA HASo, two admins cash out at the peak 2 weeks ago taking out almost 400K together.Then MORE admins cash out when LINU caps out a top again! (AS PREDICTED, LMFAO BTW!)Just wait, there might be even more admin coin wanting to be dumped. So be good little queers and pump it up for them.It sucks, but now maybe you see yourself fo what you really are, poorfags, retardfags, queerfags, loserfags.EXIT LIQUIDITY!Ryan was at least smarter and dumped from multiple wallets unlike the other two admins who rigged 400 grand hahaSeriously congrats linu baggies! You made some overweight scammers even richer. What's the next step? Gaining a zero? Better slurp! ROFL and the whole tg is like>WHERE IS MUH RYAN WHERE IS HEEEEHes gone queers! With 620k extra in funds!Thanks for playing!

>> No.58348211

lmao this was my picture orginally
I see a lot of my fud pictures actually circulating around /biz/
many for avi, linu, hokk, lucky and more believe it or not. It always brings a smile 2 my face.

>> No.58348222
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oh holy fuck you even took my thread name( i think ) and my post
lmao based

>> No.58348428
File: 69 KB, 609x604, IMG_1022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half these guys you crossed out are still in the TG. Complete fiction. Pure jeet cope. Linu is stable, holders are rising.

>> No.58348445
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>> No.58348528

I remember making the post for that song and coq. This is a vey nostalgic thread.

>> No.58348539 [DELETED] 

Not to be an air headed FUDDIE but I'm quite influential on this board, DESU.
I'm so happy when I see one of my original sauce fud images posted or threads copied
Thanks bros. Keep me alive. Keep a90e alive in your heart.

>> No.58348586

And yet you’re still poor

>> No.58348848
File: 2.67 MB, 1500x1500, LINUbold (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I'm still doing quite well. Thank you for your concern though

>> No.58348859

But I didn't read your op rant, so I may be misunderstanding your position.

>> No.58348903

I’m not OP. Sorry I thought you were fudding LINU with falsehoods like OP. Peace to you homie. We will make it

>> No.58349166

>baggies go up
>line goes down
epic w homie

>> No.58349173

No worries, anon. Shit happens when weaving baskets.

>> No.58349271

kek baggies. newfags beware. there will always be baggies coping in these threads. anyone smart bought LINU a month and a half ago and sold 3 weeks ago. Thanks for playing. My 10x turned to a 1000x after rolling out of LINU.

>> No.58349277
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>> No.58349560

Linu is up 201% in the past 60 days.

>> No.58349566

There were many posters (probably you included) saying things exactly like this in the Shiba threads in early 2020.

>> No.58350074

>60 days
holy fucking cope lmaoooooo

>> No.58350121
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LINU is life sorry you’re missing out.

>> No.58350504
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>> No.58350525

>writes this reply post
>closes tab

>> No.58352001

>less than 60 days
Tell me you’re a newfag without telling me you’re a newfag

>> No.58352021

How bout you stay in the 30 containment threads you’re currently shitting up /biz/ with. Pump that jeet bag higher!

>> No.58352037

Someone just donated 35k bucks to the squid community wallet
Get in now fuckers this is not a drill

>> No.58352044
File: 116 KB, 1080x965, IMG_3639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take you meds