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File: 6 KB, 653x214, 64b66d80b595f060191d8bdf_build-badge-blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58340635 No.58340635 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who is pissed off that we have gotten no BUILD rewards to date?

In September 2022 Truflation announced they were joining BUILD and that stakers would get tokens.

Today TRUF tokens were aidropped and sent to presale buyers. Not even a fucking peep from Chainlink.

Shit just pumped to $400MM mcap. 4% of tokens were supposed to go to nodes/stakers, so let's say stakers get half. That's $8,000,000 or at a 40,875,000 token allotment, 19.6 cents per LINK staked ($2935 at a full 15k stack) that we simply do not get for god knows what fucking reason.

We staked and waited a year and a half for this shit meanwhile presalers who bought like 4 days ago get to turn around and dump.

>> No.58340662
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i'm pissed more so about the under performance in context of percentage from ATH. maybe BUILD drops of all things will be the catalyst for token price to rise, the bleeding out in gwei and sats for years straight is also atrocious

>> No.58340678

Are you a women? Because you sound like one

>> No.58340695

The Chainlink Advocate script on this has changed considerably in the past few weeks, not sure if you noticed. Now, they are trying to gaslight everyone into thinking these were never promised, and were ESPECIALLY never promised to stakers.

The writing is on the wall. Chainlink Labs lied again, or ran into some regulatory issue, and the advocates are already trying to get out in front of it pretending like it was never promised.

>> No.58340705

BUILD drops would certainly help develop interest in purchasing tokens. Easily will result in 5-6 figs for 15k+ stakers and that would get everyone wanting a piece of the pie for when staking opens again. But we haven't gotten shit. It's all a fucking ruse at this point.

>3rd worlder
opinion instantly discarded, avocado.

>> No.58340708

Hahahaha you guys all sound the exact same. I can see your writing style from a mile away. Never selling kekfuddie chuddie wubbie. Hows your porn addiction going?

>> No.58340744
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TRUF isn't at 400MM mcap, that's FDV.

Also "Claim Portal Coming Soon"

>> No.58340750
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I trust Serg and the team. Given their track record in the space iam sure we will get the rewards one day

>> No.58340754

The team reported a supply of 935MM TRUF and the current price is 40 cents (was 42 when I wrote OP) putting mcap at $383.9MM. Full supply is 1B, so FDV is slightly higher.

>> No.58340755

>"you guys all sound the exact same"
>"never selling


>> No.58340766

gonna post this again:

how do you guys think the build rewards will be split? On a per-token-staked basis or per staked wallet or maybe even a hybrid system?

> ~100 BUILD projects confirmed
>assuming normal curve distribution of marketcap
>50 x 50 million mc
>20 x 10 million mc
>20 x 100 million mc
>5 worth nothing or <1 million
>5 worth anything north of 200 million
> = ~ 5.7 billion mc total value
>assuming 3% token supply = 171 million marketcap captured value

for per-token-basis:

> 171 million/staked link = $4.2 per link staked (for 1k link staked its $4200 in build rewards)

for per-wallet-basis (around 8k wallets staked):

>171 million/8k wallets = $21k per wallet staked

I think we will se a hybrid system. Theres also node operators to think of

>> No.58340787

What if you get the rewards one day but the price per token is 4 cents instead of 40? The fact that the tokens have been released to the market and we don't even get a nod about it is what aggravates me. They are in control of tokens which we were told we'd get as a reward for helping secure the network. If the Blueberry guy wasn't lying (which he has no reason to), they probably actually have custodied the tokens that are supposed to be ours and are just sitting on them, and saying fucking nothing.

Isn't Serg the one who said not to trust anyone? Isn't that why they're building Chainlink?

>> No.58340798

per token makes the most sense, but this is neither here nor there if we never see a single token.

>> No.58340804
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Also read the tokenomics and vesting schedule details, today at launch only 9.4% of the supply is circulating.


>> No.58340813

We'd only get about 40 tokens anway. Ha enjoy your $3.80 airdrop boys. Never mind the gas is $200 to claim it

>> No.58340822

So we got to get on this early before it hyperinflates but sergey wont give it to us until 2030 when it'll be literally $0.04 a token thanks big serg

>> No.58340825

ya for you

>> No.58340843

>Today TRUF tokens were aidropped
I hate how slow Chainlink is just as much as you, but at least give them a few days lol

>> No.58340857

So LINK has a dividend? Is it a security?

>> No.58340863
File: 79 KB, 783x388, dumping details.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know how it feels to be a VC early into a project:

>> No.58340869

Absolute state of the spastics that post here.

>> No.58340879

link was designed to cuck and dominate its holders. the token was actually designed to bleed against the market. airdrop promises are a part of that, its icing on the cake of the other vaporware bullshit that CLL teases the paypig holders with. its actually really impressive how well they are able to cuck their holders, one of the best projects in the space when you look at it like that. It perfectly fulfills its role as a paypig token and project.

>> No.58340882

Absolute state of the spastics that post here.

>> No.58340922

weird porn fetish you have there Thomas

>> No.58340954

A few days ago one guy said link was a security because it has a "company behind it".

>> No.58340974

Meant for >>58340882

>> No.58340997

guise, your ESL bot is malfunctioning
fix it, thanks

>> No.58340998

>but this is neither here nor there if we never see a single token.
This is the important part. I know this phrase is pretty overused when it comes to Chainlink Labs, but "the silence is deafening". What's the delay for BUILD rewards, and are they even planning to actually ever distribute them to stakers anymore?
If they change face regarding handing out BUILD rewards to stakers then I'm finally going to acknowledge I got scammed by CLL.

>> No.58341035

No you won't.
They lied about usage. They lied about demand. They have missed dozens of self-imposed deadlines. They give no updates. They release no products, and you are going to be a good little cuck and hold through every disappointing turn. You know it. I know it. The whole world knows it.

Link marines are the cuckolds of crypto.

>> No.58341071

how many more weeks of red candles do you think the Link/btc chart can handle before a MASSIVE 1 percent pump up followed by 10 weeks of bleeding down to 15k sats? I think a pump is right around the corner, linkie, get excited!

>> No.58341090

Look man, I know you're frustrated, and I also know you're never going to sell and you're just venting on here.
But by god you need a hobby or something going on in your life.

>> No.58341105

>They lied about demand.
No they haven't.
>They have missed dozens of self-imposed deadlines.
The only one they really missed was 2022 CCIP. "CCIP in 2023" was kinda true in a pilpul kinda way, so despite jewish contrivances they get a pass. "CCIP GA early 2024" was a "we hope to get it out by then", not an actual deadline, so they get a pass for that too,
>They give no updates.
They gave updates on all of their products last year, several times!
>They release no products
Fake news.

Regardless of your disinformation, as I said, if CLL does a backflip here and refuses to release BUILD rewards to stakers - and probably if they do so they'll pretend that they never even promised them - then yes, that's scam-tier.

>> No.58341156

>denial: the post

>> No.58341197
File: 77 KB, 759x610, Screenshot 2024-03-20 072116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no they haven't
Yes they have. They've got caught fudging CCIP numbers 3 times in the past 30 days.
>The only one they really missed was 2022 CCIP.
How can you possibly admit to this, but then consider every other CCIP deadline they've missed since then a "hopeful" estimate. Nigger, you are already 2 years late.
>They gave updates on all of their products last year, several times!
Q1 2024 update is literally no where to be found. Other updates are literally carrot dangling bullshit where they push more deadlines that they miss (Kemal promising Q1 2024, then early 2024, etc.).
>fake news
7 years into this dev and 2 years active, you've got an ETH/USD price feed to show for it. Oh, and a "cross chain" bridge that literally just swaps tokens on the open market on destination chains.

Congratulations on this. I mean it.

>> No.58341221

You are never getting your token if you don’t publicly push back on the Chainlink team for breaking their promise to reward LINK stakers with BUILD project tokens.

Don’t let them set a precedent where they can fuck over their best supporters and not receive any flak.

>> No.58341275

>They've got caught fudging CCIP numbers 3 times in the past 30 days.
That was Linkpool, not Chainlink.
Eric Wall independently managed the CCIP revenue on Dune before Linkpool, and he had constant fuckups like this too.

>every other CCIP deadline they've missed since then
They haven't set up a CCIP deadline since then.
Kemal said things like "we hope to" and "we aim to" during livestreams.

>7 years into this dev and 2 years active, you've got an ETH/USD price feed to show for it
The price feed is still whitelisted to this day, why does that count but not CCIP?
Also, don't forget about PoR, functions, automation, VRF.

Yes they should've released a lot of things sooner, but you can't just disregard everything else they've done.

>You are never getting your token if you don’t publicly push back on the Chainlink team
You're on 4channel, my dude.

>> No.58341281

They choose to fud here most because they’re anons, they get destroyed elswhere

>> No.58341294

Are those advocates in the room with us right now?

>> No.58341303
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>> No.58341305

>Regardless of your disinformation, as I said, if CLL does a backflip here and refuses to release BUILD rewards to stakers - and probably if they do so they'll pretend that they never even promised them - then yes, that's scam-tier.

Yes this. Here are my thoughts on this: This is very much going to happen. There will be some attempt to appease the holders which will succeed in appeasing the die hard link twitter bulls, i.e. they will airdrop some bare minimum shitcoins just as a gesture, but nothing like what they promised.

CLL does not operate as a crypto company and actually does not like it's token holders. This is OK on some level because CLL is trying to operate more as a traditional Fintech start up. In my opinion though, they have shit on the holders of their token so much and ignored them so badly that the project is tarnishing the morale of their own community. You could say that this doesn't matter for what they're trying to accomplish, but I think it does. They've gone too far into tradfi style fintech roastie employee style that they've just ignored an integral part of what they do, which is to spread the use of CCIP, and whatever other off chain compute stuff they offer through the actual crypto sphere. The token holders have been ignored and the price has been totally shit for so long that they are completely irrelevant in the cryptosphere at this point. Again, you could argue this is ok given they are going after banks, RWA, whatever, But i think actually focusing on getting your token to accrue value and rewarding your crypto community members is not mutually exclusive to operating in tradfi fintech company mode. inb4 sergey doesnt owe you anything, etc... I'm not saying he does, im just saying ignoring the token holders can only be bad for them, as it fucks up the morale of their online community and enthusiasm. The sentiment is shit now. How is that good for the project?

>> No.58341313
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Yeah, their whole "spamming with half a dozen aliases" schtick falls apart outside of the chans.

>> No.58341321

Pool is CLOSED

>> No.58341334

I can't believe someone is actually paying you to post this dumb shit.

>> No.58341361

It's terrible for the project. I know devs who are building in blockchain - actually used products, and smart devs... but realistically nobody has the time to research every crypto project. They hear "Chainlink" and instantly think it's a joke. That's not to say some of them haven't ultimately come around when they started needing tooling Chainlink offers, but realistically if community sentiment was good CLL could 2x or more developer interest and get shit built a LOT faster. Imagine going into a conversation with a tradfi potential partner and they're trying to do some research on you before choosing to accept a call or jumping on a call, and all they see is people calling you a scam.

There's no fucking way negative community sentiment is not hurting their ability to grow and accomplish what they want to, but for some reason there's not one person at all of CLL with an IQ high enough to realize this.

>> No.58341415

We are link marines and we are proud cucks

>> No.58341428

The question is if there is truly no one there with a high enough IQ to realize this, or if they do realize this and don't care because in the end they know that the things they are trying to accomplish are impossible and so far off that they are just milking the rest of their massive link wallets.

I have not fallen on one side of this. I would like to give CLL the benefit of the doubt and say that they are just really dumb when it comes to managing their community and doing ANYTHING to reward token holders, help the token accrue value, etc... But at a certain point and when enough time has gone by, you have to start to actually question wtf is going on at CLL.

>> No.58341453

>help the token accrue value
CLL is doing insane things to this effect.
Literally any crypto would pump hard as shit on news like the Swift trials from last summer. Imagine if Ada or XRP got that kind of news.

>> No.58341468

And yet, the token does not pump. Could it be that every pump is followed by huge offloading of CLL wallets? I know you probably have 1000 reasons as to why this token cannot pump that is not the fault of CLL, yet those reasons amount to nothing. Multiple years of bleeding against BTC. Something bigger is going on here with the tokenomics (or lack thereof) of the Link token. What could it be?

>> No.58341479

>And yet, the token does not pump.
That's right.

>Could it be that every pump is followed by huge offloading of CLL wallets?
It's not impossible, but there's no proof at all of this.

There's a very obvious reason that anyone can verify within seconds.

>> No.58341495

>Imagine going into a conversation with a tradfi potential partner and they're trying to do some research on you before choosing to accept a call or jumping on a call, and all they see is people calling you a scam
ahhh yes, banks and institutions do research by checking twitter community bot replies am I rite. they want to make a 9 figure investment, but they just saw @chainlinkbad say that chainlink is bad with 5 likes so they halt the entire operation, research over that's exactly how it goes

fucking LMAO

>> No.58341499
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>> No.58341503

The fat man’s dumps is the only explanation for the tokens performance.

>> No.58341514

enlighten me and don't say something schizo please.

>> No.58341528

honestly curious what you mean by that. their track record is literally getting BILLIONS of dollars from token sales, releasing four (4) fully centralized products to production (data feeds, automation, vrf, proof of reserve) and half a dozen of PoCs. the only good thing I can say about them is that quality and security of those services is very good, but that's as if Apple spent 7 years and billions of dollars and the result of that was ipod. Yeah ipod is pretty cool but you have fucking 700 people working there, what the fuck

>> No.58341536
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Sure, let's start specifically with the CCIP news I brought up.

It absolutely isn't.
Two reasons off the top of my head: most cryptos dump as much or more, and Sergey's token emissions seem to have a positive effect on the price since they tend to immediately precede big pumps.

>> No.58341545

>banks and institutions do research by checking twitter community bot replies am I rite
They unironically do. Pleb understanding of tradfi and what the guys in that industry are like. They are normal guys. They don't really give a shit about crypto much aside from bitcoin. They would absolutely look at twitter and google metrics about link before deciding to give some roastie a chance on a zoom call about it. Link is indistinguishable from a dead shitcoin given its community sentiment 100 percent. A non technical tradfi guy is not some elite level shadow elite businessman from a bond movie, he is an aging frat boy with an iphone.

>> No.58341578

yeah you are exactly right, similarly when an institution is interested in ETH they also first make sure to check Vitalik twitter replies and then they decide where to park their 9 figure investment depending on what some jeet crying about ETH fees is saying in the replies in the sea of bot twitter scam replies am I rite lmfao

>> No.58341583

ok i figured this is where you were going with this. So my question is obviously how is this being pulled off. My next remark would be this - Given this has happened over and over and over, why would you still be holding link and why is this not more logically indicative of some large actors trying to keep link down forever? Why would one day they decide to stop doing this? Why does price suppression like this automatically mean that it will ever be allowed to pump? Why does this necessarily mean that market dumps near good news like this are a sign of some sort of accumulation, and why then would that accumulation be indicative of future moves upward anyway?

>> No.58341592

>Tell me you've never been on a B2B sales call without telling me you've never been on a B2B sales call

You look at all info available. Other than Chainlink's website, there are some press releases and social media, mainly twitter. You would absolutely look at that. Are you 12 years old?

>> No.58341613

>my question is obviously how is this being pulled off
What do you mean?

>Why would one day they decide to stop doing this?
Either they stop or the market simply overpowers it or something.
It seems that this has happened before, in 2020.

>> No.58341624

ETH and Link are not even close to being similar. ETH does not have a company holding a huge percent of it's supply, if you cannot see how ETH is a well established widely used SC network and Link is not even on General access with CCIP, idk what to tell you. Vitalik does not control ETH. Tradfi people actually already understand what eth does, what its history is, how its price moves over longer period of time, tokenomics, etc... Link is absolutely not doing anything. CCIP is a ghost chain in beta so what else is there to look at metric wise? You are making a really retarded comparison here.

>> No.58341751

ETH launched with a hidden premine, had MUCH worse delays than Link (PoS, sharding, etc.), pumped purely on institutional hype (EEA), and still doesn't scale to this day.
To top it all off, it's now under active scrutiny from the SEC for switching to PoS.

>> No.58341797

the comparison was based on how a tradfi investor would approach the token/project. My point remains, they are not the same in 2024 on that level whatsoever and a tradfi person's analysis of chainlink would absolutely likely involve gauging its community via looking at twitter, google, etc... That was the entire purpose of the comparison before.

>> No.58341860

Sorry buddy. Not a chain.

>> No.58341868

>my point remains
No it does not you filthy brownoid lmao. Who you think you're kidding? You really believe you can pull off the concerned OG shit after this post >>58340879 ?

Eat my shit kek you are screaming into the void. All the energy you put into writing those incoherent messes of a post are promptly ignored or archived LMAO

>> No.58341877

What is the Eth foundation and who runs the mining pools.
State on the absolute spastics that post here

>> No.58341905

I don't think anyone disagrees that there's been shit performance from the token and the team for a few years now but frankly what else in the space is legitimate?

Sure shitcoins can go 100x but you're way more likely to get rugged. Link has floundered but there's been no scamming and so it has been a reasonable investment bet. Not all investments work out but if you can leave at no loss or slightly up you've beaten most investors.

>> No.58341923

imagine how brainwashed you need to be to actually believe this shit. You got conned by an obese russian with crooked teeth. Sorry.

Captcha: 4RUG

>> No.58341925

Yes you're right. Not a chain. You got me. The point is that CCIP is not being used in a meaningful amount. Nothing is going on there, and the EPIC increase in use is pathetic. The numbers are laughable.

You guys are really departing from the original point: The sentiment of the community matters because the Tradfi investor actually notices it. Thats it. Anon before tried to compare a tradfi looking at vitalik tweets, then I merely pointed out how thats a really false comparison to make considering many dif factors about how tradfi understands and invests in ETH vs something like Link. Its funny, typing that out before i knew the collective IQ of the linktards could not handle that slight departure in the argument. They would have to latch onto it, and of course they did lmao

>> No.58341970

the three posts replying to this guy are very low effort.

>> No.58342347
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This is you right now and everyone can see it.

>> No.58342360

Let me give you another low-effort response considering I’m not hired to be here like you.

Pools closed. Never selling.

>> No.58342387

Based. Some of us like this anon actually hold for the tech and not price. We don’t care as long as the tech gets adopted

>> No.58342417

Don’t put words in my mouth fag.1 Link = 1 Link and every Link in my hands is one less in the hands of the jew.

>> No.58342463

>every Link in my hands is one less in the hands of the jew.
But its one more paycheck in the hands of over 500 roasties living in NYC and LA taking unlimited vacations employed by a WEF approved company. What? Could it be that you are actually the most gullible of retards directly funding a small part of the system you abhor? You are worse than the jew. You are his paypig.

>> No.58342492
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I don't pay for the tokens staking gives me, nigger.
I bought $10k worth of LINK in 2017 and 2018, doesn't pay any roastie salaries.

>> No.58342508

Everyone look at this lil guy, he wants me to sell so bad. I’m just not gonna do it lil feller. Only reason I’m giving you (you)’s right now is so newfags can see what you’re doing in bad faith. Any lurker/newfag I suggest you check the archives about Link.

>> No.58342587

I don't get it, why are some of you retards complaining about Chainlink 24/7?
Just sell and move on? Like it's that easy.
If you genuinely believe they're scummy just sell.
For some reason you aren't. And you make thread after thread, post after post whinning like morons.
Really makes you think, huh?

>> No.58342760

You need eth tokens to interact with any erc tokens. You don't need link for anything, new buyers can't even stake LOL POOLS CLOSED HAHAHAHHA!! Why would anyone ever need to buy a link token?

>> No.58342855

So you do care about the price? What do you think is the reason for link being one of the worst performing token?

>> No.58342937

You don't have to be brainwashed at all.
Just check the date and time on this tweet: https://twitter.com/swiftcommunity/status/1697233563601580353
and compare to any BTC chart.

In fact, you have to be brainwashed NOT to see it.

>> No.58343755

The TRUF tokens that were airdropped today (I received them) were nothing to do with Chainlink but instead a thankyou to people who had contributed to their community over the last couple of years. I had interacted a few times on Twitter and received some tokens from them back at xmas 2023. Today I received 5000 of their new TRUF tokens. I'm quite sure the Build thing will happen and the appropriate portion of the supply will be paid. It has nothing to do with today's recipients, however. You're confusing the two.

>> No.58343826

>can't keep promises to their base that funds their projects
>surely they will keep their promises to us, the banks!

Not as farfetched as you think.

>> No.58343964
File: 3.22 MB, 1920x1489, POOLSFULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending thousands of hours last year (and hundreds so far this year) spamming biz with fud, seething, and throwing tantrums around the clock - just to be utterly defeated by POOL'S FULL
>b-but look at my fudcuck manifesto
>i know, i'll swap ids and pretend to be another person
>but the chart! i bought at $40 and never dca'd therefore that must be everyone else's experience!
>anyone who points out how obvious and retarded i am must be an 'avocado'
>uh maybe if i abandon this thread and make a few dozen more today someone will sell?
just no
go back to twitter and like your own posts with sockpuppet accounts >>58341313, impotent faggots lmao

>> No.58344154

I'm not confusing shit. My point is people got airdropped tokens for other shit today but there is total radio silence on BUILD rewards. You are proving my point. Why can't Chainlink be distributing rewards today? Why was there no thought or planning that went into this?

>> No.58344201

Why do chainlink need to be distributing rewards in the first place? Be grateful that you have access to the native token and have staked and shut the fuck up. The team owes you nothing.

>> No.58344228

I don't think most of us would have locked everything up for a 4% without the build tokens as an addition

>> No.58344264

I want to remark on the truflation price, I did not expect this. Quite impressive honestly. Makes me wonder what kind of products they'll be putting out

>> No.58344285

why does truflation need a token

>> No.58344288

You want 100+ tokens airdropped into your staking wallet and then have to pay 100 gas fees to get them out? I sure as shit don't. This fucking Build convo is repeated every week. Why don;t you stfu you stupid boring cunt? The build thing will happen when it happens. Stop whining like a little bitch

>> No.58344313

It will happen when it happens was a response 3 months into staking, not 2 years. At this point people could very reasonably have staked and unstaked without ever seeing the tokens that they were explicitly eligible for.

That's a completely valid criticism and pretending otherwise is dishonest or lazy.

>> No.58344340

>It will happen when it happens was a response 3 months into staking, not 2 years.
We were never promised them by a certain time, so theoretically could get them next week or in 5 years time, it doesn't matter. We're not entitled to get them in the short term. The team will airdop them when they're ready.

>> No.58344349

Well then I suggest they don't lose the private key for the wallet they held the link in as they'll need that to claim the Build rewards when the time comes. This shitty fud is so repetitive

>> No.58344363

I think we all know that anyone who left staking isn't going to be able to claim anything. It'll be some snapshot at the time if it happens.

>> No.58344378

you know nothing about anything at all. Either sell or shut the fuck up and trust what the team are doing in the long-term, the constant whining from entitled maggot brains is pissing me off

>> No.58344383

i got it too actually a pretty nice airdrop, $3500 currently
what you going to do with it?

>> No.58344385

>I think we all know
'We' and especially you don't know anything about how it will work.

>> No.58344395

Nothing. I'll leave it alone. That's the course of action I've found works best in the long run. You?

>> No.58344424

Ok we'll just have this conversation again in a year when as usual the most negative outcome transpires and you produce a new "this was good and what we wanted all along shut up" line.

>> No.58344432

generally i dump airdrops but think worth keeping it in bull. also feel a bit bad as team were generous, not just a random airdrop

>> No.58344465

>Why does Chainlink need to do the thing they said they would do?
I guess they don't but then that's a very bad look
>You want the thing you were told you'd get?
Yes. What the fuck are you even blabbing about? Of course I want to get tens of thousands of dollars I was told I'd be getting. I do not mind paying gas fees if that's what's required.

>> No.58344475

>Why does Chainlink need to do the thing they said they would do?
Show me explicit proof where they promised BUILD rewards by 2024?

>> No.58344481

That's true. I always wonder how many of these things might be stake-able eventually, too. Think i'd rather get passive income. We have Link rewards to sell anyway. It was mighty generous of them, right enough.

>> No.58344521

He won't because he can't. He'll completely ignore your point but more likely he'll start screeching. When they get cornered like that they tend to. The lesser spotted fudder is easily panicked

>> No.58344547

>The lesser spotted fudder is easily panicked
Indeed. The uptick of FUD is legitimately making me so bullish, it's much more aggressive than it was when we were at $6. With CCIP GA around the corner I think some real subhuman gremlins want to convince people to dump their link before we see at least 2 or 3x from here in the next few months.

>> No.58344566

> "In addition to the rewards described above, stakers in v0.1 will also be eligible to accrue additional incentives"

>> No.58344567

>by 2024
You guys are either paid to say this shit or deranged. The whole point of OP is that we were promised the rewards, and now that they could give the rewards out, they haven't nor do they say anything about them. Your argument is essentially
>even if they give them in 2094 it's fine because they did what they said they'd do
It's completely fucking disingenuous, you guys are not serious people.

>> No.58344603

OK you've convinced me beyond a doubt that chainlink is not a serious reputable company with regards to their unprofessional conduct in promising, not delivering and remaining silent on something they agreed to do. Therefore it would be insane of you to hold any chainlink or even discuss the project at length, correct?

>> No.58344617

I'm not seeing a timeframe in that sentence, fuddie.

>> No.58344654
File: 1.41 MB, 1284x2579, IMG_1098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess “available over time” is the new excuse

>> No.58344656

on subject of BUILD rewards, it just doesn't make sense when so few projects have tokens
what people should be complaining about is the GMX revenue stream, there is absolutely no reason for stakers not to be receiving that now

>> No.58344739

v0.1 is over

>> No.58344753

if you see in v0.2 is says that 0.1 stakers will get additional rewards

>> No.58344754

>stakers in v0.1 will also be eligible to accrue additional incentives
They didn't say by when.

>> No.58344774

I'm reading their site, it seems to be the way data feed nodes enter the network and how people vote against bad feeds. It appears you delegate your truf to nodes and get some of their revenue. I'm curious how much truf is needed to run a node?

>> No.58344782

>there is absolutely no reason for stakers not to be receiving that now
imagine the smell when we get a load of it all backdated

>> No.58344808

Ok so we're back to the truth relying on people who didn't migrate or withdrew being able to get build rewards when they come. As said I think there's zero chance they deliver on that.

>> No.58344832

There's zero chance you'll just sell and fuck off, you mean

>> No.58344833

You're paid for this, right? There would be no other legitimate excuse for your misdirections and aggressive behavior in defense of obviously misleading statements on behalf of the Chainlink team. If you're not paid for it then you are a legit psychopath coming in here with this drivel.

>> No.58344837


>> No.58344858

How much chainlink do you own? If the answer is more than 0, stop posting. If the answer is 0, leave this thread. Either way don't post any more replies criticising chainlink labs or the team. Sell and move on or shut up.

>> No.58344860

so you withdrew? why is this a major issue?
but i do agree that those who withdrew after 0.1 should get rewards as it was stated in the v0.1 blog

>> No.58344871

>p-please stop offending my masters!
This is my thread, you stupid fuck. Maybe you should leave. I didn't create this thread for you to earn your pennies per reply.

>> No.58344885

>don't post any more replies criticising chainlink labs or the team

>> No.58344890

>This is my thread, you stupid fuck
And this is our board, you're not welcome here.

>> No.58344922

they're advocates anon.
boards full of them.
very difficult to have an honest convo on here.
more annoying than those who fud.

>> No.58344953

Sergey market sold the BUILD tokens to pay for Stacey's pet insurance.

>> No.58344995

It's over.

It's best to ignore the BUILD rewards and to forget about the staking income if you are trading and not investing long term.
From a trading perspective history may repeat itself without a miracle.
The manipulation never ended and Sergey still believes in brand betrayal including from his own brand.

Don't expect to make a lot more money in this bull run and prepare for an early exit if you can't take another -70% dump when it ends before Chainlink gets its pump for the second time, if history is repeated.
The CCIP and crypto adoption delays caused this result.

It may be the right decision to delay CCIP adoption to improve the security but that makes Chainlink a horrible fit for a crypto project in this bull run.
Chainlink Labs should have been a company existing on the stock market instead of a crypto project.
Then it would have avoided some of the market manipulation and would have properly treated their investors, even if in that parallel universe Chainlink Labs would have gone bankrupt and would now be in the hands of a VC group working for JP Morgan.

Chainlink may betray investors one more time, but there is at least a possibility that the situation will finally start to improve next year if you can survive this year and the planets align.

>> No.58345118

checked. I honestly fucking hate them, they're so much worse than the fudders. So easy to spot as well.

>> No.58345270

Why are you so obsessed with a token you don’t hold? I don’t have 12 hour shifts talking negatively about XRP or even shitcoins like Apu so I’m trying to get a handle on your obsession.

>> No.58345304

>6 posts by this ID

Lmao nigger advocate
Keep holding like a good cuck lil linkie

>> No.58345315

Answer the question brown man.

>> No.58345340

You're toxic for the Chainlink community. You morons literally achieve the opposite of what you're paid for.

>> No.58345346

>I don’t have 12 hour shifts

As far as I know this is correct, you've only been in this thread advocating for 8 hours, not 12.

>> No.58345377

The most based and comfy post in this thread goes unnoticed. Really makes you think

>> No.58345420

This shit fucking depresses me.

>> No.58345453

Damn you guys got really RILED up by that question. I hold Link, it should be no surprise that I frequent Link threads wondering about new updates. You lil kekfuddies on the other hand, thats weird.

>> No.58345511

this coin is shit, Sergey doesn't know how to pump his project. it moves way too fkn slow and every year we get a new carrot on a stick that ends up just being a nothing burger

>> No.58345742

This shit is going down, plebs can either hold on till it all turns to dust or look towards Supra for a smart oracle solution. The era of chainlink is so 2017

>> No.58345903

>doesn't pay any roastie salaries
no warchest confirmed then?

>> No.58347648

You do know eventually the CLL team is going to be hunted like The Purge for all this, right? You are finished little man

>> No.58347711

Yes it is so leave. Its our board and we are pissed at what you advocates have done in dick riding while we lose money.
>we owe the team nothing

>> No.58347750


>> No.58347769

stop being an avocado

>> No.58347813

New ath from apu tonight. When will chainlink do a new ath? I think never.

>> No.58348098
File: 274 KB, 1085x654, 1710770636307102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not out of my money since I am not buying more LINK, facetious pilpul rat kike

>> No.58348249

pools closed bitch

>> No.58348270

Chainlink is the real apu token

>> No.58348309

awwww look at the discord nufudder trash trying to project about paid presences on here while running a 24/7 fud campaign on a board they obviously only discovered when they were sent here in 2021
your info will probably be sold for pretty cheap when your handlers are done with you post singularity
maybe kill yourselves before then?

>> No.58348495

I don't really care for now, but if CCIP GA comes out, the low price to move large amounts of shit coins around will make me really want those BUILD tokens.

We're going to be retardedlt rich and it's undeniable, people are just going insane because they have to wait. Do something to kill some time.

>> No.58348708

I'm just happy it's not stuck at $5 anymore. Looks like we might shoot up to $30 soon too

>> No.58348753

to give money to founders

>> No.58348785

Same. It's quite comfy that the 2020 ath has become support, but it would be nice to stay above 25 by summer for the rest of the year

>> No.58348945


>> No.58350059

lmao kys

>> No.58350163

>Show me explicit proof where they promised BUILD rewards by 2024?
>haha pools closed im going to get my airdrops!
>uhh they never said anything about airdrops waht are you talking about???
lmao this is amazing. its watching a cult implode and walk back everything one day at a time in slow motion. this project is dead for sure now.

>> No.58350391
File: 1.09 MB, 3385x2937, 1697915278099356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're toxic for the Chainlink community.
That's just amazingly hilarious coming from pic related

>> No.58350470

>it would be nice to stay above 25 by summer for the rest of the year
Bitcoin has to allow it to cross $22 first.

>> No.58350530

truflation presale? why the fuck did nobody tell me about this?

>> No.58350567

>DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE le fuddddddderzzzzzzzz are brown ESL——ACKKKKKKK



THE Cuckolds of crypto. Nobody eats more shit and comes back absolutely BEGGING for more

>> No.58350587

>Nobody eats more shit and comes back absolutely BEGGING for more
t. all in Link and never selling

>> No.58350673

Me too. 10 staked wallets and no intention of ever unstaking. Might sell a handful of rewards when we hit 60 or 70, take a round the world luxury holiday. Otherwise i'm just comfy as is. Feelsgoodman

>> No.58350682

No, this guy >>58350567
is all in Link and never selling.

>> No.58352911

Well, you fucked that up good and proper

>> No.58352954

How so?

>> No.58353477

It's on a downward trajectory. If it goes back to $5 how will you feel? Lower lows and lower highs right now. Very likely to go to at least $13 or so again with any BTC dumps, especially with zero positive news or product development to support price appreciation. Volume is increasingly plummeting as well, there are no buyers coming in.

>> No.58355001
File: 776 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-04-10-19-51-36-310_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ccip ain't a chain, you're officially retarded. Congrats.

>> No.58355133

watch out now adem and co. are threatening us for sharing his europoor shack

>> No.58355600

>the only good thing I can say about them is that quality and security of those services is very good, but that's as if Apple spent 7 years and billions of dollars and the result of that was ipod. Yeah ipod is pretty cool but you have fucking 700 people working there, what the fuck
if only it was the ipod. it's more like the Creative MuVo