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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58339408 No.58339408 [Reply] [Original]

>$24/hr + union

TFW my job is literally just stocking sodas. That's it. I went wrong somewhere

>> No.58339708

My advice? Become the manager of stocking soda. You'll make 30hr and just tell soda stocking fucks what to do

>> No.58339715

>lab technician
its over for me, should I put all my savings into Apu?

>> No.58339835

The office is very political and you'd have to be liked by the plant manager

>> No.58341813
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>$24 per hour
>job is listening to niggers tell me why they shouldn't have to pay their bills and then telling them they have to pay anyway
Wanna kms

>> No.58341845
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I've often thought about what life would be like if I had been born stupid and useless, and I actually don't think I'd mind it that much, just doing mindless work all day and coming home. You don't have to worry about anything outside of your normal hours, no stress or worrying about deadlines, reviews, salary negotiation, there's no overtime or on-call, etc. I mean, yeah, you'd be poor all your life, but at least you'd be pretty carefree

>> No.58341864

24 an hour for putting soda on a shelf? that seems really high

Are you in California or some place like that?

>> No.58342203

I would fucking love to be paid to stack shelves right now but nobody wants me for merchandiser positions. I’m at least getting interviews for cashier jobs but no success.

>> No.58342220

Become the guy that sells soda to the soda stockers

>> No.58342255

Why can't you faggots learn a real skill?

>> No.58342298

>project manager
>$35 an hour
I tell people far smarter than me when they need to submit their deliverables by
Spend most of my time shit posting on here (I’m on the clock right now)
You Should have gone to college bros

>> No.58342303

Hey I used to do that for coca cola back in the day. Can you get into a diving position? City driving is max comfy and you'll probably work a lot less

>> No.58343305
