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File: 83 KB, 227x157, taleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58330779 No.58330779 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto does not possess antifragile properties

>> No.58330893


>> No.58330899

Bitcoin is as antifragile as it gets

>> No.58331536

If you read the book, you’d know that to be wrong. Bitcoin and many pow and certain pos coins are extremely antifragile. Taleb might disagree, but it’s mainly because he’s a goldbug (and otherwise trading against you). The other possibility all the squid ink and struggling to breathe through 3 face masks to avoid kungflu hurt his brain.

>> No.58333063

It's funny he's anti crypto because buying shitcoins in the chance one 1000x's is the most talebian stratergy the common man has

>> No.58333152

after 15 years of number go up, bitcoin is lindy.

>> No.58333205
File: 45 KB, 307x475, 665134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taleb's books are unreadable shit, he stole his ideas from Mandelbrot and 99% of people who recommend his books are pseuds trying to sound smart. He's the Douglas Hofstadter of finance. The ultimate irony though is:
>build your career around claiming experts are stupid
>people should look at facts and not trust experts
>muh antifragile
>be totally convinced that a fucking cold is the next plague
>be totally convinced that "expert" doctors and nurses couldn't possibly be wrong
>fragile as fuck when anyone questions this

>> No.58333284

This. Taleb gets some things right but is mostly an idiot with a huge ego.

>> No.58333301

neither did his hair and yet he's still here

>> No.58333386

sure seems like it possess anti-arab properties

>> No.58333440

He's the same guy who once said
> If you see fraud, & you don't say fraud, you are a fraud
And then later took Calvin Ayre's money to lend his reputation to one of his BSV conference.
When crypto-twitter pointed the obvious contradiction, he called them all imbeciles and blocked them.
The money must have been good.

>> No.58333685

Thanks for this post, I had this feeling that he was plagiarising someone much smarter than him, in the way he writes convoluted and off-topic 50 page explanations for simple concepts, adding in useless stories about his grandmother or whatever...
His takes on covid, Bitcoin and politics in general are the smoking guns that this guy is a complete fraud.

>> No.58335051

can you expand on the comparison with Douglas Hofstadter? I found GEB to be a pretty good book. I didn't read any of his other books though

>> No.58335229

>but it’s mainly because he’s a goldbug
no, he had bitcoin, but because a bunch of bitcoiners were anti-MRNA-gene-treatment he went into a schizorage crusade against crypto
he even attended a BSV conference just so he could attack bitcoin lol

>> No.58335731
File: 134 KB, 1773x1773, 1684897465742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but at least it gives me a chance to progress, at this point I already have at least 4 shits in dextools that can save my ass in case I get kicked out of my house

>> No.58335809

BITCOINSV is the ultimate antifragile ideal.
It is impervious to attacks, and overtime will bankrupt mastercard and visa.

>> No.58335838
File: 155 KB, 999x932, 1681915753259095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait do people unironically follow this low IQ boomer shitmutt? who gives a fuck what this inbred muslim dumbfuck thinks, send him back.

seriously thoough, why wouldn't you follow actual high IQ people who aren't literal grifting con artists? it's ridiculous, go watch cable news or your netflix goyslop if you give a fuck what this faggot thinks, 3rd world rabble.

>> No.58335854

go easy on him, he's likely inbred and suffers from mental challenges, like most arab halfwits do

>> No.58335906

It's about to have a unique opportunity to demonstrate how antifragile it is, as its spiritual leader is being fined, disgraced and may well end up in jail, while its financial backer appears to be losing interest.
Yes, this is fixing up to be one practical lesson in resilience for the books.

>> No.58337280
File: 364 KB, 528x528, 1618966844282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw MAGA TRUMP is maintaining the $5-$10 margin

tf are you talking about anon?

>> No.58337286

of course it doesn't possess antifragile, why do you think theres ppl farming on blocklords for a token that hasn't even released yet lol

>> No.58338053

I guess the Lebanese do not possess anti-arab properties

>> No.58338062

BITCOINSV just flew over american express

>> No.58338788

You did not understand what he means and are writing some strawman version of his claims that doesn't exist.
His books are fairly readable, too. They are more or less philosophy, not really finance. Another thing that you somehow missed or misrepresent.
He does have a big ego. The only thing that the IMBECILES in this thread get right about him.

>> No.58338795

>Crypto does not possess antifragile properties
bitcoin has proven resilience

>> No.58341052

It has no spiritual leader. Bitcoinsv is a protocol that follows the Bitcoin white paper. It focuses on lots of transactions per block, and is designed to be anti fragile.

>> No.58341079

He's an archetypical lebanese boomer. Doubling down and being unable to admit mistakes is their whole personality

>> No.58341137

it's improved by exposure to moderate stimuli and randomness?

>> No.58341162

meh I don't think he approves of the lottery either. doesn't sound talebian to me

>> No.58341519

You're correct. Most pop-writers do this. I used to give a lot more of a shit about it, now I just avoid them entirely and read older books because when you start paying a little attention to it, you see the same modern names popping all over circle jerking each other, collecting big speaking fees, but contributing basically nothing new or useful. I remember now as I typed this, fucking Malcolm Gladwell. That's another guy like Taleb. They're more like the updated and more secularized version of Tony Robbins. All of the books reference each other and themselves while cutting you off from the source and much better ideas, it's absolutely fucking insane and if I was more conspiratorial, I would insist that it was deliberate.

>> No.58341602

you havent seen fragile until you call this guy an arab

>> No.58341738

Taleb mentions referencing Mandelbrot 50 times per book.
His contribution is making his findings pop culture.

>> No.58341818

Speculative assets are like that. It is the only reason you get huge ups and huge downs.
Otherwise we would be like index funds praising a 7% yearly increase as if it is amazing.

>> No.58342073

>now I just avoid them entirely and read older books
Any particular recommendations of books you've enjoyed/found useful? Thanks either way. Taleb really is an annoying piece of dogshit.

>> No.58342156

>mentions and credits and celebrates Mandelbrot a load of times per book, criticizes how his findings were completely ignored in mainstream economics
>this makes him stealing from Mandelbrot somehow
retard have you even read his books

>> No.58343398

It depends on what subjects you find interesting. As a general rule, I've found books just about around 2014 and newer to be notably different than ones you'll find as you go further back. Even the writing styles are similar and bland, but they're supposedly written by different authors. It's so fucking bizarre. The subject matter all has the same "shout outs" in it too either to people or ideas. The ideas are the usual suspects of intersectionality, critical theory, and so on.

Like those ideas just fucking devoured everything after a specific year and books really do a great job of demonstrating this because they're in print and concretely observable. Before year "X," you have a sensible and diverse amount of knowledge. After year "X," the tinge of DEI philosophy infects basically everything and the books are functionally unreadable. I don't know when "year X" is specifically, but again, the further you go back, generally the better you are.

I read a book by this guy Neel Burton "Hypersanity." Published 2019. In that book is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read in my entire life in a published book and that is not hyperbole. It was so retarded that I highlighted it in red and determined that is the zero point of knowledge. With that as a reference though, I found a lot of newer books lean more towards that zero point than in the other direction. In other words, you just get bombarded with that shit, but in a more subtle way.

The quote was:
>Today, of all people, it is the white man who fears artificial intelligence, imagining that it will usurp his status and privilege.
And that shit comes from out of NO where in the book. I do not recommend buying that book or anything by that author. I mention it only for the sake of demonstration. So in short, it depends on your interests, but be weary of newer books because someone seems to be overseeing them and homogenizing them into garbage.

>> No.58343717

kek way to call out a BUTTMAD mandelbrot

>> No.58344267

It's the lottery with odds in your favor. You're not picking up pennies in front of the roller.

Waiting for the black swan wooo diamond hands too the moon lebanon is the levant and NOT arab