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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5830865 No.5830865 [Reply] [Original]

Where will we be price wise 6-12 months from now? I've got about 700 which isn't much but is pretty good!

>> No.5831223


It's one of the most interesting investments out there imho. It's currently still in a very early stage and it has allready risen to 5+ dollars.

It literally is the world's best team of developers, working on the ethereum of privacy coins. With a total supply of just 150 million, this coin could be worth more then $100 by the end of 2019.

I'm rather bullish on it atm.

>> No.5831327


as for your question, my estimate is about $40 dollars 6-7 months from now.

>> No.5831424

Yeah the team is packed and the fact that Sandy is advising sold me on it, how much are you holding anon? I'm looking to up my supply to 1000 because it might get me a master node.

>> No.5831463

shill me the fundamentals
difference from any other shitcoin?

>> No.5831629
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>> No.5831678

TFW only 150 coins :(

>> No.5831766
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There seems to be some confusion about what the Enigma protocol is/does.

It is not comparable to other Crypto projects nor is it in competition with them.

Enigma is an off-chain peer-to-peer network that enables different parties to jointly store and run computations on data while keeping data completely private through the use of secret contracts.

This second-layer network provides privacy and increased scalability, the Enigma protocol is Blockchain agnostic meaning it can work with and be complementary to other Blockchain Networks(ETH,Monero etc).

The Potential of this project is massive, the endless use cases for Enigma will be a gateway to mass adoption of Blockchain technology.

The team is also developing dApps to be built on the data marketplace, the first of which 'Catalyst' is a data driven Crypto-investment trading platform

If that spiel isn't enough here's some links for your own research:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1430&v=z8ubzqim0LE [Embed]

Their Principal Advisor is Alex Pentland who is one of the most cited authors in computer science.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TGfZ55dOb4&feature=youtu.be&t=22m15s [Embed]

Latest update from head of Growth/Marketing Tor.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3iH3wyEX4&t [Embed]

Did a quick copy/paste for ya mate. It literally is one of the most interesting coins on the market today.

>> No.5831778

you've got to be retarded if you're not holding some ENG.

instead, /biz/tards go and buy into pajeet coins and join street shitter discord groups

>> No.5832000


As someone who works in IT engineering (Network / Systems / Storage), I will tell you this.

If Enigma succeeds in their original stated goal, it will

1) Change the face of Crypto, on the scale of Bitcoin or Ethereum
2) Be in the top 3 most valuable (valuable = useful).

Imagine you need to run SSRS reports on huge sets of data - your companies very sensitive data. I can pay a bunch for AWS / Azure infrastructure.....

OR I can use the Enigma blockchain, which costs a fraction of a single percent of the cost of traditional VMs!!!!

If Enigma succeeds, I don't see this coin staying below $100. A valuation of somewhere in the ballpark of $500 is more likely IMHO.

Cap this and check the price in 12 months.

Hodl desu. This could be the big one.

>> No.5832056

Very well said anon, I agree.

It won't be individuals using this coin either. It will be large IT organizations. With large IT budgets.....

>> No.5832123
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Thats funny because it's true. All those anons on /biz/ scrambling around shit-tier coins such as req and xlm while a x100 coin is staring them right in the face lol.

Watch this video and tell me i'm wrong:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs3iH3wyEX4&t [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.5832147

only 100 lol

>> No.5832230

sounds great but why would the current token hold any value?

>> No.5832244


That is my most conservative estimate tho... don't want to come of as a cheap shill. Truth be told, i think this coin will be more then $1000 eventually. Easily surpassing coins such as Dash.

>> No.5832325

also interested in this

>> No.5832382
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> tfw its over $1
> mfw 99% of /biz/ ignores it bc of this

>> No.5832492

CPU cycles aren't free. You'd use the ENG tokens to pay for computing - the computing the network is doing without knowing the underlying data.

>> No.5832600


ENG will be the native token used to access data sources on the de-centralized Enigma Catalyst Data Marketplace.

>> No.5832882

You guys are getting my hopes up to insane levels I think I might cry.
Literally a pauper and i went all in and bought 4600 of these with money I saved up.
I'm gonna fucking make it.

>> No.5832996


Excellent choice mate. But never go all in tho... diversfy a bit. Never spend what you can not miss. Having said that, ENG is going to be great.

>> No.5833002

Eng is my retirement plan, I have about 3000 of them.

BUT BEFORE YOU GET TOO HAPPY - remember they are trying to do something pretty much never done before. But with a bunch of MIT nerds working on it, I think they are gonna crack it.

We'll make it desu

>> No.5833141

I bought at ico/below ico so I can't lose money right now
So fucking comfy just watching to see these guys make us rich

>> No.5833250

Agreed. I'd say something like 70% ENG 30% ETH is a little more risk proof, while still letting you put 'make it' money on a single coin. Unless the entire crypto markets crashes to zero, you'll be covered by the ETH if ENG crashes and burns.

>> No.5833380

Niiiice. I got in at like $2.30 while it was trading sideways after Christmas. Comfy af

>> No.5833507

I mean Im all in and it feels pretty fucking great