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58295684 No.58295684 [Reply] [Original]

Everything you've ever learned about Chainlink, every post, every narrative, was created by the guy in the picture. Not Sergey. The real dude stealing your money this entire time never says a fucking word. Ironic isn't it? This goes back longer than the ICO. The conference was never Sergey's idea. And he never wanted to be the face of the company. He hates the limelight. But he went along with it, because he's a philosophical, gentle being. But the narcissist that never appears in public, he's been taking advantage of him for a decade. You're angry at the wrong man, and the longer this has gone on, the worse it's become. The problem is that Sergey is not a technical creature. He's logical, and to a fault, too trusting. Notice things like truth > trust and cryptographically guaranteed have been erased from his vocabulary. He was forced to pivot, because Steve was feeding him bullshit. Things like Mixicles, canonical cross-chain, and a golden record are not feasible at the moment. They haven't been "figured out"

>> No.58295695

So this is where you come in. All of these posts, the too good to be true "institutions" that they're working with, the price targets, this was all Steve's way of creating a runway that allowed the narrative around a god protocol to exist in the first place. The Eth mafia knew all along it was all bullshit, which is why they never warmed up to Chainlink publicly. And the Bitcoin OG's, folks like Szabo, never embraced Chainlink because what they set out to do was completely fabricated. If you have an eye for detail, you'll notice the early "graphics"of Chainlink's web included Bitcoin. From an early point in time, Steve swore you'd be able to eventually connect BTC to other chains like Ethereum and Hyperledger, even though it was horseshit. Again, the graphics told the story. Sergey went along with it because he was the story teller, and Steve remained behind the scenes writing up these bullshit "Features" we'd eventually get. He was the reason they purchased Town Crier from Ari, it wasn't Sergey.

>> No.58295704

Now you fast forward to present day and people are wondering where the production releases are. Why things haven't come to fruition. There is a fundamental belief that Chainlink should be $1200 by now, but Steve knew all along he wrote a check he couldn't cash. Staking this entire time has supported one single price feed, ETH/USD. It would've been logical to further iterate with the BTC/USD feed, or... LINK/USD feed right? Staking is completely phony, like Amazon's "just walk out" technology, and all they're doing is taking uncirculated tokens and sending them to "stakers" in a fixed amount. Not one time has an alarm been triggered, and that "button" is as real as Kim K's ass. If staking was so important, why do 99.9% of Chainlink's services not require it?

>> No.58295744

Sergey is the fall guy when things start to go south, and they will soon. They have an unsustainable $800 million in annual salary/hosting/fees that they keep running up. They still pay fees to advisors that aren't even with the company anymore, early boilerplate guys like Tom Gonser. CCIP isn't on mainnet because there is no demand, which is why anyone that wants to use it is immediately greenlit. One example is Xswap. Check out the service. Any swap costs $75 in gas, and was hastily thrown together by... Steve Ellis, among a few others. Isn't it interesting that uniswap, curve, etc. have stayed away? Aave is paid by Chainlink directly, and I haven't gotten intel on Compound. All the big defi protocols are bought and paid for. That's what happens when you have hundreds of millions of tokens to play with, it's just a different kind of racket from what SBF was doing a few years ago. SBF, guess who he got paid from to headline Smartcon. Steve??

>> No.58295846

This is my thought on staking as well. It should’ve been expanded frequently to showcase this ecosystem’s functionality and there’s still no reputation. I actually believe this fud

>> No.58295887
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didn't read the incel manifesto

>> No.58295910

To conclude, if you're seriously wondering why $1000 or $500 weren't achieved, the market punishes bad actors. What Steve failed at was building a story that was believable, and keeping supply tight during the 2021 boom. Every crypto was up, why not the one that actually says they're working with legitimate real world use cases. Well, he was paying institutions to say that, similar to how SBF was paying politicians to rob crypto users blind for years. This included paying Eric Schmidt a high 8-figure fee to come "onboard" when in actuality, he's made two appearances at their conference and simply went with the pre-written script. Look up the yacht Eric intended on buying, it was around the same time he was due his last advisor fee but there was a liquidity crunch due to Chainlink's poor performance, so he was unable to buy the boat.

>> No.58295915

Ah, I almost forgot. Steve Ellis has been paying farms of indians for at least 3.5 years from what I've been sent, and maybe longer. These people get a "premium" payment for each "defended post", which is why you'll notice a quick rush to dispel any negativity surrounding the project. Again, it's all out in the open but the narrative has been carefully defended on here and elsewhere (X, reddit, discord)

>> No.58295938

>from what I've been sent
Provide some kind of proof otherwise no one cares.

>> No.58295963

thank god i dont hold stink and have to deal with this kind of bullshit on the daily. I mean if the drama at least moved the price it would be worth, but it doesnt lmao you're all wasting your time

>> No.58295999

Being a person with a larger than average brain, I decided to sell every single one of my Chainlink Labs issued tokens after reading the post.

>> No.58296022

I can’t believe you wrote all that just for me to not read it. I’m going to buy a chainlink token though.

>> No.58296029

Imagine wasting all that time typing something no one will believe.

>> No.58296032

Cute LARP but if he was this manipulative he would have easily found a way to pump the price which frankly pumping a token price is the biggest grift you can do in blockchain. CZ did it to perfection, as did SBF. Jump does it on a regular basis. Hoskinson who is probably 105 IQ best case pulled it off. So all your bullshit doesn’t really check out.

>> No.58296070

If what he’s saying is true, it’s precisely why it never worked. The things they claimed would happen never panned out

>> No.58296098

I didn't read OPs post but I assume that it's some good news about a valuable addition to the mature blockchain network.

>> No.58296103

You're not understanding. Reread everything. This was not meant to be a moonshot play. Steve made his money. There are very very dark forces involved in this. Was Eric Schmidt not enough of a hint. What about the leader of WEF? Why would he include these people in a book before you knew it would "build with SWIFT"? Who do you think is taking in all of the money? And why do you think they are paying people like >>58296022
to feverishly defend against what I'm saying? If it weren't true, they wouldn't feel compelled to post right? How much they don't care, that it's not true, why waste time coming in here to defend it then? Seems like they do care, right? Hmm, let's put on our thinking cap anon

>> No.58296145

Link is needed to power the beast system.

>> No.58296147

I hope you all see the light, and understand what is really going on. There is a large large army of people like >>58296098 being paid to "not read or care". It's strange that people who don't care, don't read, and don't sell would waste their precious time telling us this, right? Watch carefully the next few weeks. There was a reason for the pivot to asia. It will all make sense, and you'll be able to come back to this post as confirmation. Remember that the light is sometimes covered by darkness.

The WEF is not your friend. SWIFT is not your friend. Central banks are not your friend, and neither is Larry and Blackrock. Funny how they all love Chainlink though, right? Before you know it, your money will be gone, and you will be a slave. This entire project was a psyop. You sitting with 30000 tokens for 7 years, worth not even a million dollars, while being strung along that you're the new elite. It's sad, psychotic, and evil. Sam was everyone's friend too, until one day he wasn't. And the money was gone. Don't become a pawn, and get out while you still can. Insider out.

>> No.58296156

Okay so what's Steve up to now? What's the next vaporware grift after Mixicles, DECO, & TownCrier, insider?

>> No.58296157

This nigga has a big XRP stack

>> No.58296159

I actually completely forgot about Klaus and the Saturn shit. Fuck, no wonder I’m missing the bull run again. I trusted kikes with my money.

>> No.58296187

literally just sold all my LINK for ETH and SOL 5 minutes before this was posted. ive been debating about it for weeks, but i literally can't take the slow bleed any longer. i might buy back in the future, but for now, i am not only embarrassed to have only focused on one token - but i am financially worse off than if I would have just invested in S&P 500 since i first bought

idk who you are insider anon, but this post helps me reaffirm my mental position on this at least

>> No.58296288

I don't know wether to believe OP or the "didn't read" crowd, everything is a massive psyop. I can't tell who's jewing who anymore because bagholding with CLL carrot dangling has completely ruined my ability to discern what's actually going on.

>> No.58296305

OP, most of /biz/ got in under a dollar LOL

we dont care.

anyways buy APU

>> No.58296311

link is having a hard time to gain mass adoption sure... and it will probably fail or take 10-15 years

but its still gonna go up with bitcoin.

just hold it and dump when everyone is choosing there lambo colors in link threads

>> No.58296325

Idk what crack OP is on.
I'm an OG, bought on Etherdelta in 2017.
Sold a little/balanced out the portfolio a bit since then.

I think he's just a salty fudder who's really going all out with the effort on this one. Feels like Thomas adjacent posting.

IMHO the whole market & narrative is completely retarded and shit right now and fuddies are taking advantage of it.

Long term, CL is going to keep building and stick around. They are the most active project in development in crypto if public github activity is anything to go by.

Don't fall for FUD, this is the fucking golden ticket anon

>> No.58296337

Bro I got in under a dollar, it's meaningless given the cost opportunity of buying other crypto with how long it's been. OP makes good points, it's insane how it's only an ETH price feed for staking.

>> No.58296350

Im excited for the new stablecoin thats looking to be released. The seething will be fun to watch.

>> No.58296356

I can't sell anyway because all my shit is in staking, but if I could go back in time and choose to never take the LINK pill, I definitely would not f*king take it and would have made it by now. By far the worst experience of my life. And if you think otherwise, you are definitely lying to yourself because we never would have even imagined things would have played out like this.

>> No.58296368

You're not wrong in saying it's taking frustratingly long.

I only regret not aping into other things too rather than just sitting/holding on majority link.

>> No.58296376

you have way too much time on your hands
you might think this is clever or amusing or something
but it's just pathetic
grow up

>> No.58296378

This is why I stick with no utility meme coins, Apu might be a shit coin but at least he's cute and is printing me money.

>> No.58296387

>saar do not redeem
>bitch basterd lasagna

>> No.58296392

yea i know its sad, worse is how bad i feel for making my gf invest in link when she wanted to invest in doge in 2017.

we would have had 10 million by now.


but now we are still in 6 firgure hell.

still dont care.

>> No.58296411

As someone who reads a lot - this is pretty incoherent and low IQ fud
What the hell happened to this forum

>> No.58296429

Checked. It’s actually well written so op definitely pissed off some people kek

>> No.58296489

What tipped me off is how despite all these bankers supposedly building this fourth industrial revolution god protocol, somehow there's no insiders front running it. Human nature would ensure that if a billionaire elite found out he can buy something for $20, which will be guaranteed to be $1000 - $81000 then they would take it. The opposite is true, there is no demand for link and it performs exactly the same as every other mediocre shitcoin

>> No.58296499

Yeah it's really weird how all these supposed long term holders are able to not care about bad price action... it's almost as if they don't actually hold any link so they don't have skin in the game.
If you had a lot of money on the line you WOULD care very much.

>> No.58296777
File: 96 KB, 600x800, 2593f1b1-71b9-479f-9596-ada4af9b2df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got burned really bad at LPL. Never wanna talk to any of their team members and Chainlink still associating themselves with LPL is a bad look.

>> No.58296801

lul triggered, holy shit - as LINK pukes another 5%. I can smell the selloff

>> No.58296802

They all got in at the picobottom don't you know. they're already all retired lol.

>> No.58296825

literally, like i can feel this thread making people finally hit "sell"

>> No.58296832

FUD posting just means the token is alive and well and someone wants it or doesn't want you to have it.

You know a token has truly died when no one talks about it at ALL neither NEGATIVE or POSITIVE. It just crumbles into dust while not occupying a single person's consciousness and scatters to the wind.

>> No.58296841


>> No.58296855


No no what I said was completely accurate. You see any REQ threads lately? How about NEO? Yet everyday all day long both positive and negative threads ALL DAY LONG for LINK occupy the catalog. There is a reason and I just explained it.

Worry when NO ONE is talking about your token or project regardless of sentiment. Then you know its dead.

>> No.58296856

But, you did just mention those tokens - thus disproving your point.

I hope you diversified and aren't just a LINKler.

>> No.58296911

I've been feeling the same way for years. I decided to scour discord servers and tried to find all the SWEs I could to get their perspective. While almost everybody knew about crypto, barely anybody had heard of Chainlink. What was even more baffling was finding people who were supposed to understand Chainlink but they couldn't for very stupid reasons. For example, I got a guy working at Charles Schwab who knew of Chainlink, claimed he understood it, but after two hours of debating the benefits of smart contracts couldn't admit they were useful in any capacity. Eventually I realized this mfer literally didn't understand that Chainlink itself isn't a blockchain, and that they aren't trying to get everybody on ETH. He literally thought Chainlink was trying to, and I quote, "ETHify" everything. I could literally give hundreds of examples of dumb fucking people who by all means are capable enough to understand, but completely ignore the usefulness of not just Chainlink but smart contracts as an industry solely due to hubris. Of the people that actually got excited, I'd say 80% were hightime preference 'wen moon' retards, 15% had a slightly more technical grasp but didn't like the idea of investing in something without clear price appreciation (trend followers), and the remaining 5% were truly excited for the possibilities and were willing to wait. Keep in mind, only about 1/20 people got excited. of that 5% about 5% of people actually understood and got excited to invest. So only about 0.25% of people actually showed true enthusiasm. It's no wonder people don't care to invest (higher QI and low IQ alike) both absolutely hate the idea of even being associated with crypto, and think its a blatant scam. Even if you sit these people down and told them all the good news, they think I'm lying about the project and ask why tf the price is so low if whatever I'm saying is in fact true. Then they retort the same old 'Efficient-market hypothesis' bullshit.

>> No.58296913

Woah that's interesting anon. Can't wait for the netflix adaptation. In the meantime, still not selling.

>> No.58297052

thank you i just sold all my link

>> No.58297069

It's a completely different mentality than you have. People who bought under $1 can just relax without worrying about price.

Like you think Sergey cares about all the FUD? He is a billionaire. If Link goes under tomorrow it won't effect him in the least.

They did a study about rich people and they are hardwired to not care about people poorer than them.

>> No.58297080
File: 72 KB, 750x772, IMG_7372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to come clean with the Chainlink trolling. You see. Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.58297097

no offense but i never was dumb enough to fall for chainlink
and i'm not reading your elaborate larp either
it's just not that interesting
you guys, both chainlink apologists and detractors, need to fuck off back to facebook or whatever
your low quality content was tolerated long enough on this board
7 years. isn't that your magic number? "777777"
so there you go. go forth and venture somewhere else now

>> No.58297206
File: 13 KB, 238x211, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My story with chainlink begins in 2004. Someone told me something on a phone dating Chatline. I feel God will show me a sign when it's time to share my story.

>> No.58297216

funny how 'they' know how to send him their evidence but we don't lol i love these effort fudposts they always have these wonderful moments where truths falls from the hole in the swiss cheese

>> No.58297295

reckon o.p is larping but i do have a question.

there's 1 million twitter followers.
dont know, half are bots and double accounts.
ok half a million twitter followers.
and half a billion link tokens.
considering how many i've got and how many other anons have got and then there's nodes and proper whales, how are there are so many followers on twitter for so few tokens?
or are do some people follow who don't actually own link?

and then there's the staff. 500-1000 people.
whatever 500 people working on the project and they know how big it will be and they don't each take out loans to buy up as much as they can?

and then there's the price suppression story.
so the price is suppressed from 40 to 20 so that each big corporation can save 1 million on the 50,000 link they buy? and if it's so that they buy more than 50,000 then there isn't enough to go round, especially with thousands of other corporations buying in and the price being suppressed for, and especially if there are 1 million or half a million twitter followers who presumably have a financial interest...

some news on ccip surely coming next few days

>> No.58297384

Agree, sergey betrayed all link buyers. link has more casualties than ftx, maybe not in $ amount yet, but that will also come over time. Its sad.

>> No.58297399

wow who the fuck would actually bother reading any of these unhinged fudcuck rants lmao
you're desperate, but the pool's closed
simple as

>> No.58297697

Chainlink bad

>> No.58297719




>> No.58297884

bro you fundamentally destroyed that no LPL pooler fuddie LOL!

>> No.58297912


>> No.58298013

Good thread. Link makes no money, DTCC and swift make no money and will likely drop link anyway. They only hire bimbos because they’re not smart enough to understand it’s literally a scam company.

>> No.58298025
File: 1.81 MB, 1448x2048, 1712189718703831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not selling my linkies.

>> No.58298055

>I I I dont care I promise

>h h hodllll marinesth

>keyboard drenched in tears


THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58298108

i am inside sergeys mom

>> No.58298125

haha your posts were good until this one but still fun!

>> No.58298152


Going against what all these fucking retards said, with 700k holders I don’t think Chainlink is an “out in the open” grift to steal 4chinz money. These fucks quite literally own the money. The amount of hush hush about this despite the high level people they work with is astounding. Make the decision for yourself if you want to buy Link. Just understand the posts wanting you to buy meme coins and sell Link outnumber the ones who want you to buy 100:1.

>> No.58298162

The longer this thread goes on, the clearer it becomes that people are being paid to tell people they’re not selling and that anyone saying otherwise is “unhinged”. OP, thank you for this thread

>> No.58298204

The longer this thread goes on, the clearer it becomes that people are being paid to tell people they need to sell and that anyone saying otherwise is “a paid shill". OP, thank you for this thread

>> No.58298287

I appreciate that the FUD spam has at least some resemblance of effort now like in the old days instead of the usual poop and cuck MS paint images, that was just boring,

Although you slipped when you started talking extremely ridiculous shit like how Eric Schmidt can't buy a yacht because Chainlink didn't pay him lmfao, erase that part next time and just focus on the le bad technicalities instead that will work way better.

>> No.58298373

Opposition can be used to reinforce cult like behavior

This is why linkies are called the cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58298408



>> No.58298604

thanks op! now that the truth is out it seems CLabs is panicking and crashing the price

>> No.58298743

Bro half the shit in top 20 is an actual scam and I’m not saying this ironically, I worked in crypto for 3 years and have seen some wild shit. LINK was always in the shadows so I can’t verify one way or another but “working” and price appreciation are two different things. A master grifter in this space gets maximum token price. OP is saying Steve is a maximum grifter.

>noooo we don’t want to make MORE MONEY we have enough lolol
Yes, the people you claim are so greedy to scam people with an elaborate grift are not going to maximize gains (which by the way is the EASY PART in this market). Fucking retard.

How about the fact that OPs LARP also sheds zero detail. All vague crap anyone could make up on the spot with little imagination. OP is a bored linkie who is butthurt watching cat coins out perform his investment and is taking it out on his fellow “investoooooorz”.

You’re in the Wild West, if you can’t handle the heat then sell and move the fuck on. You people who try to drag others down with you and spend an inordinate amount of time on this are actual psychopaths. You are bad people who the species would be better off without.

>> No.58298951

Mein Gott OP really struck a nerve lmao. This is a surreal thread watching people freakout over this.

>> No.58299025

This is 100% the truth. Screencapped

>> No.58299051

>What tipped me off is how despite all these bankers supposedly building this fourth industrial revolution god protocol, somehow there's no insiders front running it.

Hmm, what is otc? But yes, you are right. It's time to sell.

>> No.58299171

yeah pretty much this
Couldn't take the crabbing so I sold right as the bullrun started. Made money from it, very good choice that was.
It's bizarre to see how people defend LINK like it's their religion, including people I see as friends and mentors within this space, whilst simultaneously acknowledging its shit performance over the years. It's a kind of doublethink

>> No.58299251

what the FUCK is going on with "staking"?
fuck the non existent build airdrops and all that garbage noise, WHERE the FUCK is reputation, slashing, more feeds etc

>> No.58299299

We heard about reputation and slashing 6 years ago, nothing

>> No.58299385

I believe it. I’m so sick of this shit. Swore I wouldn’t fuck up another bull run , and I did diversify a bit, but link is still my biggest bag and it’s so heavy. Goddamn it.

>> No.58299426
File: 65 KB, 378x357, 1526078436637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of text, MUMU the bull is better, the end

>> No.58299432

You sck anon

>> No.58299635

Notice how no one ever dispels the points of concern. You'd think linkers would be able to easily provide answers for the "fud"

>> No.58299905

This kind of post cements exactly what OP is referring to. You always have to tell us that the pool is closed and it's "unhinged" and that they're "desperate"

This REALLY got people upset. I am astounded at the effectiveness of this thread

>> No.58300090

be honest, the lack of front running is ridiculous, considering the proposition and the sheer number of people involved.

the chainlink staff, those working in and around the industry, bankers, banks and other institutions themselves who will presumably be nodes, thousands of people and institutions, but nobody is front running it.

>> No.58300105


>> No.58300126

Name a point of concern, concerned anon.

>> No.58300170

Eric Schmidt can't buy a yacht because of Chainlink apparently lmao. be very concerned

>> No.58300227

>single price feed ETH/USD
>CCIP ga?

>> No.58300269

>>single price feed ETH/USD
This I would say is a good point of concern. I get why it doesn't make sense to fully expand staking yet, but surely at least one or two more price feeds would make sense to be live on staking so far. This current version of staking is supposed to be modular where they can make upgrades without having to migrate, so no limitations there either

>> No.58300278

The fud is much improved. Keep it up.

>> No.58300301


the price.
that's a concern.

and why is the price like that?
is it because the price is suppressed?
it's manipulated, that's true, but in what way and for what is it suppressed?

is it suppressed so banks and telecoms companies and all the institutions etc who will be involved (10,000 banks at sibos alone) can save some money?
if it's $20 or $40 it will cost whatever mega corporation $1 million more on a node stack of 50,000... that's not a convincing argument and so therefore the lack of price movement upwards is a concern.

ccip ga not here, that's a concern.

staking, as we were originally told it would be way back when, isn't here. that's a concern.

should i go on?

anon, we have families and we've held through two bull runs believing in the team and the project. we're all watching our hair slowly going grey

>> No.58300459


>> No.58300524

To be quite honest with you most of the threads about LINK these days are fud threads, and the reason people create them is because insufferable "Link Marines" shitted up the board for four years all the way from 2017 to 2021. Think of it as your karmic payback for trashing this board for as long as you did, smug little LINKbaggies.

>> No.58300528

And yet all these "concerns" vanish the instant line goes up. Because that's really is all that matters, isn't it? Nobody gives a fuck about any of this garbage. No, really. Staking, ccip who cares. Lame narratives drive lame prices in 2024.
Do you see the crypto landscape these days? Is it what you imagined things would be 10 years ago? That Pikachufartcoin would outperform Link because le funny meme? Sucks doesn't it but you need to realize the space you inhabit and the monkeys you share it with. As much as you might want people to care about fundamentals, they don't. And desu they never really did. It's always been about line go up. It's just easier these days to get straight to degen business than have to dress up projects with serious fundamentals.

>> No.58300595

From OP:
>Staking is completely phony, like Amazon's "just walk out" technology
Amazon's just walk out technology was powered by their Mechanical Turk, an army of pajeets masquerading as AI. Staking is as barebones as can be right now and does literally nothing but lock up and redistribute some tokens. What is phony about it though? Even with just one price feed it does more than what is considered "normal" staking in crypto. Don't think you can fault linkers for not "dispelling" this "chainlink staking = mechanical turk" fud.
>>single price feed ETH/USD
Barebones, underwhelming and a placeholder. As I said, still more "useful" than pretty much 99% of other alts that can be staked. Not losing much sleep about it.
>>CCIP ga?
Too late, delayed multiple times, will be ready when it's ready. From OP: "CCIP isn't on mainnet because there is no demand" wouldn't be surprised if this is the truth. Demand is created by showing devs what they can do with it, looks like Chainlink is once again so far ahead of the curve they ended creating something nobody really needs yet. Looks like they are trying hard by doing community outreach, hackathons, seminars etc. Delaying CCIP GA until demand spikes seems odd, will take many years.
Not mentioned in thread, doesn't really interest me enough to be concerned about. Care to tell me why it should?
Not mentioned in thread, but: probably shelved until this shit is actually needed by at least one customer.

>the price.
Very concerning indeed, I agree. Consider this point addressed.

>> No.58300641

no anon. i get you, but no. all the concerns don't vanish if line goes up.

line goes up calms the concerns but the qualms would remain because i'm never selling.
i'm in it for the staking. ccip adds value which makes staking more worthwhile.

if line would go up to 500 i'd have more collateral to move more over to btc but i'm not selling anon, not at $3 and not at $500.
so price going up calms the concerns but they don't vanish no.
you know what makes them vanish, ccip ga today, a q1 2024 update. updates on everything, clarity on build rewards, a clear timeline on staking as originally outlined or a clear outline on how it's going to be here on, and better communication, less advocate fools.

>> No.58300841

>looks like Chainlink is once again so far ahead of the curve they ended creating something nobody really needs yet
In the business world we'd call that a solution in search of a problem.

>> No.58300948

>It's strange that people who don't care, don't read, and don't sell would waste their precious time telling us this, right?
Whats more strange is that you would waste your time making this thread. Am i to believe you have some “moral” obligation to anonymous strangers? Let me guess, /biz/ helped you make gains and you are just “giving back”?

>> No.58300963

>But the narcissist that never appears in public
nice joke. they crave public attention

>> No.58301045


Please give us the behind-the-scenes on who are the key decision makers blocking BBBY from squeezing and sending the SEC after Ryan Cohen.

It's clear that a squeeze would not be good for whoever was really hiding behind you and your boyfriend at FTX, so you might as well fuck them back by spilling the beans for the apes to schizopost about.

>> No.58301072


>> No.58301100

thank you for the insider info anon, i appreciate it.

DYR frens

>> No.58301108

which APU?

>> No.58301115

the game theory has always been that they'll make linkies rich and have a bunch of wealthy, autistic dissidents to deal with or that they'd rug crypto altogether and we'd head back to the stone age. it's win/win for linkies.

>> No.58301140

Thanks OP this fud made me sell my $200 Link on exchange. My suicide stack is steaked and I won’t be unsteaking due to the cool down period and resulting loss of rewards.

>> No.58301148
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hey linkies:
>no gains?

>> No.58301196

Sergey and Steve both need to be thrown in jail with SBF for the deceiving business practices and fraud they have committed over the past 7 years

Personally I have no owned link since 2020 when I realized how deep the canal goes. I only hope current linkies come to the same conclusion I came to 2020. Only then May the healing process begin for current linkies who are no dont in a cult like mind status after holding through such pain being only handed little bread crumbs

>> No.58301338

it makes sense when you understand that the only purpose of this retarded v0.1 staking was to get linkies to lockup their tokens. the purpose of a system is what it does.

>> No.58301506
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, 5A402CD1-464C-4822-B8AC-7B9B76A2C612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another thread where it's obviously just some retarded fuddie abusing airplane mode and talking to himself
i dont know how many hours are put into this every week but theres like 10 actual people on this board nowadays, and i doubt it has made any of them sell or do anything with their investments

>> No.58301578

you're overthinking it, and oversimplifying it

there isn't one entity that's colluding to suppress price. rather, crypto hasn't actually evolved since smart contracts and defi, 2017-2020. the paradigm is still the same. the next step hasn't arrived yet, and scammers are simply squeezing what liquidity is left out of the market while they can.

banks don't need to suppress the price, they are going to be able to buy OTC, that is if they don't already have deals with CLL for the 350 million remaining that's meant for enterprise node operators. but think of it from the other direction, what incentive does anyone else have to pump the price? you "pump" the price of an asset you intend to flip, or sell. nobody actually wants to sell their link. so its stuck waiting for actual organic growth, of which there is still very little in crypto. the money flying around in sol and other shitcoin casinos is all fake, just look at the FTX ruling today where a bunch was sold off at 1/3 market value to enrich creditors, who are obviously going to dump that on retail now.

i'm not telling you to hold, you do what you want to do. but its as simple as this, you can either hold link and take the bet that there is a next stage to crypto, or you can play in the casino with the other degens and accept your odds of winning are extremely low. its all a gamble, you can't win big in life without taking risks.

>> No.58301593

Caroline pls my family is starving

>> No.58301664

I'm in it for the tech yet I don't see any actual tech being released..
Why Is there still only one staking pool after all these years?

>> No.58301669

>you can either hold link and take the bet that there is a next stage to crypto
That bet has come and gone.

$1k eoy was not just a meme but it's an entirely different bet now.

30 cents to $1k means broke bizlets can make it.

$17 to $1k means a well-off tech bro can make it if they put most of their savings into it. But most of those guys will already make it anyway.

I don't see the point in telling broke bizlets about link at this point because it won't save them. Waiting years to eventually multiply their net worth by 58x, taking them from one used 2001 Corolla to 58 used 2001 Corollas, still leaves them in the pod and eating bugs. It just might get them more time with an AI generated onlyfans girl and perhaps some chocolate-covered bugs if their carbon credit score is good enough.

>> No.58301813

Cute cope /dear diary

Imagine thinking 1B payroll and not making a dent in the CLabs pocket is anything but gigabullish

Fuddies please…you don’t own enough Link

>> No.58301948

Not fud, just sad I missed out

>> No.58302101


>> No.58302121

well that bet still exists for anyone previously in crypto, but you are correct that someone who has done nothing in their lives and thinks they can put 4 figures into link and make it within the next 5 years is probably fooling themselves. even if you go by that metric, people who bought link at ico and only put in 4 figures are only on the cusp of making it now and still haven't made it. doesn't change the fact that link is probably the only potentially good investment in the space right now, even if it is admittedly a gamble, and the rest is more or less just trying to time rugpulls of varying size.

>> No.58302392

Sure. Though one can deduce that specific paths of technology will run into certain bottleneck at some point in their development, and bet on creating a solution while the bottleneck is beginning to manifest. Risks includes the technology diverting from the path you thought it would take, effectively sidelining your solution, or another party beating you to market.

>> No.58302506
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Most of fud posts about LINK are made by pic related and its very real

>> No.58302509

This. If you hold $100k-400k in LINK, you still need a massive move to get to make it money which is around $5-10M. So someone with $400k in LINK still needs a 10-20x at minimum to make it. Imagine asking for a 10-20x on something with the market cap LINK has, that does nothing. lmao

>> No.58302581

During a gold rush, the person making money is the prostitute working on-site

>> No.58302628

link doesnt have that high of a market cap, it could easily be next to bnb and thats an 8x

>> No.58302721

Anon I...

Steve Ellis never appears in person. Ever. He barely even shows to his own conferences. OP is onto something, why is the co-founder of Chainlink always MIA?

>> No.58302810


Ok so why isn't it? It's partnered with SWIFT right? And Euroclear? And HKMA? So where the fuck are the 200IQ tradfi chads to buy the supply up? 10k people in tradfi evidently "working on Chainlink" but no one is spreading the gospel to their rich brotherhood to go all in?

SWIFT is bullshit. They're not even a rich organization, they're simply a consortium of banks. Banks hate spending money and want fees down to $0. This is the real reason LINK is $17, it doesn't need to be worth much for these systems to function. Or do you really believe a crypto working with the finance world is worth less than shiba

>> No.58302976

Hey anon thanks for taking the time to type this all up. Still don't think I'm going to sell, and as far as I know the pool is still full.

>> No.58302991
File: 1.20 MB, 538x403, littlemy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead stinkie
keep saying "not gonna sell"
keep saying "pool is full"
and we'll keep doing pic related @ u

>> No.58303111

>Larry and Blackrock

Larry and Blackrock have never said a word about Chainlink. Why did you bring them up?

>> No.58303138
File: 482 KB, 750x728, IMG_2350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw him at smartcon
I hate that picture of Sergey on the roof and people claim he’s looking at Larry.

>> No.58303545

Did I not type "barely even shows to his own conferences"?

>> No.58303958

>Steve Ellis never appears in person.
>He barely even shows to his own conferences
Never ever, or barely. What is it?

>> No.58305498

FACT CHECK: This is false information. Chainlink was/is being purchased in very large amounts.

-"Chainlink (LINK) in High Demand: Whales Buy $50 Million"
-"This Crypto Whale Bought Over $8 Million in Chainlink (LINK)"
-"Whale Who Bought $90M Worth of Chainlink (LINK) Over the Past Week Also Stocking Up on Pullix (PLX)"

>> No.58305885

Amazon took 7 years to turn a profit. In the 4th quarter of 2001, they earned 1 cent per share on a revenue of over $1 billion dollars.

For those 7 years that Amazon was around but wasn't being used, was it a solution in search of a problem?

>> No.58306079

ur stinkie dinkie winkies are not amazon

>> No.58306237

It's amazing to read the replies to my thread. As someone with inside information, I'm extending an olive branch to you, the poor people that thought the token would be $1200 by now. You still have no idea who you're up against. After all this time, you think right about... now. Now is the time they'll just deliver you $1200 a token, right? You didn't read a thing I wrote. There are forces involved that WANT you to hold this. This is a trap of the most sinister order. I didn't touch on the other "sinister" parts of all this. Trapping you and vouching for programs and "protocols" that took all your money and rung you like a register. Deliver your money directly to them, mysteriously backing entities like Celsius and Bancor, and whistling away after the damage was done. You have not been delivered wealth, you've had it taken from you year after year, month after month. I read there are still people who think one day, Steve will have "build tokens" waiting for them under the Christmas tree. Free money! Step on up! You are delusional, gullible, and broken. Please tell me how "wealthy" you're about to become, while they've taken everything from you for years. The opportunity cost you'll never get back, the tokens stolen from you, the poor price performance. Keep telling me I'm wrong, keep swearing Steve and Klaus are the good guys who have your Bentley on standby. You deserve everything you've received from this project. You will wake up in 2030 and realize you wasted so many years of your life believing in a lottery you already won. It's $17 right now but don't worry, Klaus and co. will multiply this x100 once this and that happens. Congratulations in advance.

>> No.58306578
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>> No.58307129

The anti-fudders like this poster make me more bearish than the fudders. It makes me think "holy shit are these the type of retards holding chainlink with me? Maybe I've made a mistake." It's actually more effective than actual fud at this point.

>> No.58307264

>no insider info or proof of anything
great schizo rambling op. you had 6 years

>> No.58307888

>not going to maximize gains
they absolutely are. if you pump and dump, you can only make a fixed amount and then you need to get lucky again with your next project. the smart grifters learn from this and invest more into image, rub shoulders with clueless tradfi managers that crave the pr etc. that way you get continuous revenue from they paychecks of thousands of victims for years. that amount dwarfs the pitiful one time scam.

>> No.58307901

sergey is live announcing ccip general access


>> No.58308078

he didn't announce shit, as usual
I'm beyond demoralized at this point

>> No.58308677

and this thread dies while literal shitflinging contests between shills and fudders stay on top of the catalog
absolute horsehit

>> No.58308999

it's the same thread

>> No.58309048

Kinda like op is right. Ccip is vaporware

>> No.58310244
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fuck it gonna keep bumping

>> No.58310267

pools closed dude. deal with it

>> No.58312097

It's funny how all these "insider" fud threads all expose themselves eventually by getting more and more unhinged in the replies.

>> No.58312226

1000 eoy is fud if you truly understand the scope of chainlink. Chainlink with the marketcap of bitcoin would easily be $2000 and btc is 16 years old and nothing but a decentralised store of value that can't scale and has no privacy. Chainlink is a decentralised computing platform, the next TCP/IP. Chainlink is basically web 3.0 at this point and it will be much more valuable than any layer 1 or layer 2. Even with super linear staking the price would have to increase a ridiculous amount if chainlink underpinned the world financial system and every asset/derivative/security were tokenised. The current price of the link token is still ludicrously cheap, which is probably why the fud is still intense. If there weren't that much more room for price appreciation you wouldn't need to fud, people wouldn't bother buying.

>> No.58312244

eric schmidt didn't even bother to show up in person and instead sent in a recording. then there is the recent tiktok fiasco. before that, sergey lied about the progress on staking only to throw shitty shitcoin staking over the fence at the last minute to save face. then there is the endless carrot dangling for 7 years

>> No.58312255

>For those 7 years that Amazon was around but wasn't being used, was it a solution in search of a problem?
it was used heavily, but not profitable. link is not used and not profitable. that's the difference

>> No.58312421

banks get OTC deals. remember that chainlink was literally hand picked by SWIFT in 2016

>> No.58312606

it wan't picked. Link IS SWIFT.

>> No.58312613

>Swift is simply a consortium of banks
tune in tomorrow for
>Blackrock simply manage a few assets

>> No.58312708
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Basically I'm just not gonna stop fudding is all (the link token!!)
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....
It's just that I'm gonna keep fudding, is all