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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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582882 No.582882 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, do you think a 40k annual wage is sufficient for a single childless anon to live on?

>> No.582883

Yes. I'm poor, I know it can be done.

>> No.582885

Define "live". Also, you certainly can. Read a book about what happiness is.

>> No.582892

Depends on where you are located.
You can live off 20k if you dont mind poorshit foods and live in the midwest.
Then again 90% of the people on this board live in cities, so your perception is skewed because they can't live off anything less than 80k

>> No.582895

You should get a gf, so you could split bills

>> No.582906
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750 rent
600 food (20/day) generous
400 entertainment generous
500 car/insurance (<40k car leased 5-7 years)

$2250 total out of $3,333 per month

$1,083.33 savings

$12,9xx in savings per year

Nice little amount for potentially another cheap fixer upper apartment to renovate and sell as a hobby over 2 years for more $ or to get more income

Hey it can be done for $28,000 which is still generous I believe...

Anyways yeah, so good luck

>> No.582909
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have at least an apartment to live in,basic bills and some spare money leftover for vidya.

>> No.582910

Umm yes? You can live on $10k/yr and not be starving. $20k/yr for a reasonably ok life and $20k into savings/investing.

>> No.582914

the main idea here is not to be a wage slave.

>> No.582922

City/metropolitan area? Doesn't really matter, tbh, but if you live in metropolitan NY CA or WA, it may be more challenging.

>> No.582923

Well in that case I would do the following:

-Live on 20k/yr, torrent movies/music for entertainment, live in modest home, use public transit, etc and it should be easy.

-Use the remaining 20k/yr for investments/savings/put into your business idea or whatever

-Continue working on your "dream" in your off-time while working your fulltime job

Eventually you will have a good amount of money amassed or invested into your idea that it will probably work and you won't be a wageslave anymore.

>> No.582924

>600 food (20/day) generous

$20 a day on food is shit. You'd literally have to be eating out everyday

>> No.582931

>> 582924 #

Idk if I did that right^ 4chan noon here

And okay make it $25, or $30 even, its enough to still have about $1,000 in savings per month

But he's not gonna be eating out everyday He's gonna go for friend potlucks and company dinners and he can cook some days and days he gets laid he'll save $ too

>> No.582932

Not hard at all depending where you live. It is easy to budget major expenses like car and rent but if you have never lived on your own you want to think about hidden expenses as well that a lot of people don't account for. Things like:

>kitchen appliances/utensils
>phone bill
>car insurance
>health insurance
>holiday/birthday expenses
>emergency fund

>> No.582987
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U will be paying taxes cause ur single. Factor that in too ;)

>> No.583008

Holy fuck is this guy serious?

>> No.583014
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>40K is 3,333 per month.

you literally just divided 40k by 12 didnt you anon....

>> No.583087


> holiday expenses

good one anon. very very easy to forget. Every year it is about $300 for me to get the people in my life gifts.

>> No.583156

you're fucking retarded, and this is why kids we learn how to cook. buy $80 of groceries every week.

$10-15 on chicken breast
$10-20 on vegtables
$20-30 on rice ( you can get good ones at your local asian store, and they will last you 2 weeks+)
any remaining money of that $80 can be spent on condiments.

>> No.583157

It's more than average. Families of four live on less than that. How delusional are you?

>> No.583161

I live in the midwest and live off of 24k just fine.
>Rent: 350
>Food: 325
>Utilities: 100
>Drive a shitty car
>Put half my monthly income into savings

Just have the self-control to only buy stuff once every couple of pay-checks and you can make it on much less than 40k.

Still, I'm really happy I'm only doing this shit-tastic job for one year.

>> No.583163

I've got news for you...40k/year is anywhere between $2300 - 2700/mo depending on your state's income tax and how you file your federal return.

Also, a single guy can live off of $50/wk in groceries. I lived off of $75/wk making myself two steaks a week and drinking copious amounts of cheap wine.

>> No.583171

I second this anon.

Stuff I buy every week:
>1lb of 92% lean ground beef (6 bucks)
>1 steak (8 bucks)
>2 bags of spinach (5 bucks)
>1 container of strawberries (3 bucks)
>2 containers of 6 flavored water (4 bucks)
>A shit load of greek yogurt (15-20) (20 bucks)
>A gallon of whole milk (3 bucks)
>4 Protein bars (4 bucks)

Stuff I buy every two weeks:
>Bag of ravioli (3 bucks)

Stuff I buy once a month:
>Bag of steel cut oats (4 bucks)
>Bag of brown rice (4 bucks)
>Bag of flax seed (4 bucks)
>Bag of skinless frozen chicken breasts (13 bucks)
>Misc. condiments I run out of during the month (3-8 bucks)
>Protein powder (18 bucks)

This is enough for me to hit 3000 calories a day with great macros and great micros with low cholesterol and sodium. Mix and match all this stuff and the bill fluctuates between 50 bucks on cheap weeks and 90 on expensive ones, but the average sits around 75.

>> No.583172

I seriously wonder where most of /biz/ lives. I could live well on ~$12k/yr in the US (live in the South, single, cheap housing).

Just live close to a grocery store and your employer. Buy in bulk and don't drive a fucking truck or SUV. Again, assuming you're single or don't have kids.

>> No.583192

This. I live on food stamps (trust me, I'm working to change this. Fast). But this excatly how I live. Maybe not as much veggies and more fruit but this is essentially it. Plus it's a great creative outlet for me aaaand it helps me stay in shape.

>> No.583200

It's easily possible. Just live modestly

Considering that Median Family Income for the US is $51k