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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 305x165, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5815482 No.5815482 [Reply] [Original]

Hows the smooth ride to mars going my fellow ripplers? +25% today

>> No.5815554

Incoming muh marketcap

>> No.5815558

I ripple balance has been froze.
>How fucked am I?

>> No.5815598


>> No.5815614

Too busy making two times more gainz on xlm. Nice try ripple but you dont have much more room to run before the eventual dump.

>> No.5815618

Literally the new Bitcoin.

>> No.5815626

You should be holding all year you dumb faggot

>> No.5815691


>> No.5815712


>> No.5815870

Feeling very comfy

>> No.5815919

Can this possibly hit 100? I miss every boat. If this hits 100 I can afford a full paid college education.

>> No.5815936

I feel like shit cause I bought at 80c and not 20.

>> No.5815987
File: 987 KB, 229x176, 00D7488A-C8DC-4A67-BF9E-2AD2226AD8C9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you normies find this board?

>> No.5816001

This is the bank backed crypto. Alot of retards on biz will say"MUH JOOOZ" but the fact that it has jewish support means this is their chosen currency, and I'd rather go along for the ride with the jews than to be some poor and retarded polnigger

>> No.5816085

im not a normie you fat peter griffin looking four eyed fuck

>> No.5816092

I agree, play with the big guys if you want to win.

>> No.5816123



>> No.5816177

literally everything bitcoin was created to destroy

>> No.5816189

So how much of meltdown will this board have when XRP overtakes BTC on coinmarketcap?

>> No.5816191

4chan is one of the most visited sites in the world. You're not special for browsing it - in fact, you're average for doing so.

>> No.5816226

thanks for the defense. i bet he doesn't even know how to get on exhentai calling me a fucking normie I'll show him. don't go to school tomorrow

>> No.5816241

holy fuck kill yourself

>> No.5816267

you're as normal as they come pal. Everything you're interested in is crafted by large marketing agencies to sell product.

>> No.5816320

i'll beat your ass edgy nerd

>> No.5816322

I'm starting to believe...

>> No.5816324

+30% gain (£172) in 24 hours

Comfy as fuck

>> No.5816331

1403 holding am I going to make it

>> No.5816345


Since everyone one wants to be /b/tier, I’ll tell you like this. The marketcap literally would have to be 4 trillion dollars for this to hit $100

Don’t be a retard. If you want to invest into shitcoins, invest into Tron before the normies pump it up and then dump at 50c

>> No.5816382

I'm not going to invest in your scamcoin you fucking loser

>> No.5816414

Ripple single handedly doubled my portfolio after bitcoin dragged all my coins down the other week. Thank you based jews. You are truly good goys.

>> No.5816434

just look at the language you use. You are a product of this website's culture. You have no individuality. Lemme guess, you get your politics from /pol/? you get your health info from /fit/. your oppinions from r9k?

>> No.5816470

No. I get my politics, health, and opinions from /qa/

>> No.5816485


Can somebody ban this guy? /biz/ is a serious board. We don’t need your edgy autistic behavior . I actually tried helping you with real advice

>> No.5816505
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shhh dont tell em

>> No.5816524

Help mods!!! He doesn't want to put money in my pump and dump! Heeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!

>> No.5816578

For every one minute I wait trying to send BTC, I can send XRP 15 times over. In one hour, while still waiting for dinosaur coin to figure it shit out, XRP could have been sent 900 times.

Oh and let's not forget the fees. For an average BTC transaction cost of $25, I can move XRP 1,008,064 times.

Bitcoin moves money like a freight train. Ripple moves money like information. Stew on that, purists. Welcome to the future.

>> No.5816589

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5816610

sold 5% of mine today, had to take some profits.

>> No.5816621

this shit is always mooning. I buy to move fast between exchanges and end up winning $. Is this how they take over?

>> No.5816626

Can't wait for that to happen

>> No.5816635

When we dump this??? Im scared

>> No.5816636


>Thinks 4chin is edgy.

>> No.5816639

Your pump and dump scheme is against the law.

>> No.5816640


I second this


and cringe at everything this anon types

>> No.5816650

15,000 @$1
I Caught the rocket ship this time

>> No.5816670

Feels great. Bought in at 40 cents

>> No.5816745


>> No.5816774


I threw $800 in at ~4 cents. Been hodling ever since. This shit is gonna pay off my house.

>> No.5816882

$121,208,585,963 market capitalization
38,739,144,847 currency circulating

$2.77 current

$3.1 is a reasonable goal, $3.2 may already be overvalued if the market capitalization doesn't grow

>> No.5816953

Its already 3 in asian markets, namely korea, but thats because theres some sort of tax credit for korean citizens on this coin as I understand it

>> No.5816980

clearly not

>> No.5816988

we're over 20k lads

>> No.5817112

4chan's top ripple shill here. You are welcome.

p.s., I really believe in the tech, it's not just about pumping my bags.

>> No.5817148

First time in a rocket, guys. Feels pretty good.

>> No.5817221

when this shit gets on NormieBase
price doubles with in hours
price triples by the next day
cap this

>> No.5817231
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Rewarded by the jews.

>> No.5817239

Can this go much higher?

>> No.5817256
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Over 3 USD. Feeling comfy. I wish I had some hot cocoa.

>> No.5817281

it's not even a crypto retard. fucking newfags

>> No.5817303
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Comfy hodler here

>> No.5817320

It all depends on market capitalization. Current coin supply is 38 BLN. Anyways, if the market capitalization grows to 500 BLN, the price will rise to $12 a coin. If banks really start using XRP, that's still not much. They usually transfer much more per day.

>> No.5817351
File: 67 KB, 591x687, cobra bitcoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is that you assume bitcoin's market cap is the ceiling. Let me remind you, Bitcoin is fucking useless. It can't serve real world purpose like XRP. The only thing Bitcoin is good for is speculation. Ripple will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.

pic related is the owner of bitcoinlorg and bitcointalk.org

>> No.5817357

>value in both USD and satoshis both going up

Why shouldn't I just put all my BTC into this?

>> No.5817380
File: 141 KB, 546x788, 1504019718825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, please moon more. I'm just a shitty Balkanfag I need this. Liberate me from poverty goddammit.

>> No.5817460

Ripple will dethrone Bitcoin this year, Bitcoin will be probably fall to the third spot, but you should diversify, or save some money to buy future dips.

>> No.5817525
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone has any doubt about the scale of shit Ripple is planning

>> No.5817564

when is the best time to sell? at 10 or could we even get to 20 by the end of the year?

No Rippler tears incoming

>> No.5817570

Ask on reddit.com/r/ripple or xrpchat.com

>> No.5817587
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, dna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> math

American education

>> No.5817599

cuz it`s not a crypto hurr durr

>> No.5817666
File: 16 KB, 480x360, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking some tea here, stay comfy space brother

>> No.5817694
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>in 2018

>> No.5817736

I'm already on reddit.

What's wrong with my math? Should I convert it to metric?

>> No.5817751

BTC is at 18700$ in korea, that's why every other coin is also higher.
XRP/BTC is exactly the same on both korean and us exchanges

>> No.5817767

it's a comfy 2018 HODL. Coinbase, Amazon etc.

Honestly I think the range from 10-20 is the ceiling. Then I will sell and park it elsewhere

>> No.5817785

12 percent + 35 percent + 5 percent + 8 percent + 17 percent + 8 percent + 15 percent

Where's the other 20 percent?

>> No.5817835
File: 59 KB, 1080x611, goofi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is gonna be $200 EOY i feel it

>> No.5817946
File: 79 KB, 992x900, 1509294294695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is going to cuck this shitcoin soon. Screencap this.

>> No.5817964

Fuck of to twitch.tv cringerkid

You normiefag come to this website to play the 'you're just like me!' trumpet, when in reality you are just some anon trying to run before he can walk.
Learn the rules and lurk more instead of using your snobby attitude to try and shape this into your own personal reddit.

>> No.5818048
File: 250 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-03-12-24-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.

>> No.5818157

this "shitcoin" already cucked eth twice.

>> No.5818215

>he says as it surpassed ETH multiple times in the past few days
It still amazes me how willingly stupid biz is sometimes

>> No.5818235

and it will cuck bitcoin too.

eth and bitcoin will be fighting over the #2 spot

>> No.5818377

it seems stellar (ripple's fork) will cuck bitcoin's fork soon.

will roger kill himself this year?

>> No.5818389
File: 213 KB, 750x1147, 1B6D6699-2446-4F47-BB4D-8C0B6DBEF2A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5818506

Gah damn nigger. Congrats on it.

>> No.5818611

>You normiefag come to this website to play the 'you're just like me!' trumpet, when in reality you are just some anon trying to run before he can walk.
Learn the rules and lurk more instead of using your snobby attitude to try and shape this into your own personal reddit.

Damn look at this mad as fuck secret clubber. What's the matter? Too many Redditors on your turf? Guess what, buddy? We're here to stay.

>> No.5818662



>> No.5818704

Damn. 10x in a month. And it's fucking RIPPLE. IS THIS REAL LIFE

>> No.5818759

>Guess what, buddy? We're here to stay.
you're piggies waiting to get slaughtered
see you again in 6 months arrogant fuckwit

>> No.5818832

Getting near 3x gains for me. Comfy AF

>> No.5819048

You’re a fucking idiot, how did you find this place? Do you have any comprehension of math or supply or marketcap? Did your normie ass friends tell you to do crypto?

>> No.5819065

I'm on both. Get mad

Do we sell XRP Now? Looks like it's dipping.

>> No.5819098

Why are you asking others to make decisions for you millennial?

>> No.5819215

No, hodl you fucking idiot.

>> No.5819504

Tron is legit. I invested 70 euros 2 weeks ago.
Profit +130 euro.

>> No.5819536
File: 143 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-200230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>sign up to ripple beta
>given 1000xrp on launch
>fuck this shit coin
>forget password
>no password recovery option
>lost is lost
>meh kike coin won't go anywhere
>mfw XRP hits $3

Picture related

>> No.5819840

LMAO. Sorry to hear anon, but this is why you write down every seed and mnemonic in a little note book

>> No.5819859

I am hodling, I was gonna buy it back on the dip. It hasn't had a good dip in a few days so I am hesitant to sell. Was about to yesterday at $2.10, glad I didnt.

>> No.5819882

He says from his basement

>> No.5819967

email their customer service obviously, call them do w/e you have to

>> No.5820026

Don't even think about selling until it hits Coinbase.

>> No.5820227

why dont you ask your parents to burrow you some money to put into xrp? maybe ask your friends aswell
it'll go to 100$! invest now or stay poor
think of all the shiny nice things you can buy with all that money you're missing out on

>> No.5820262

time to go short now? its reached its ath

dont buy high and sell low

>> No.5820330

I'm already in XRP silly

>> No.5820366

buy more, cant have enough
its literally free money

>> No.5820677


>> No.5820733

pls. I hope it hits normiebase so it crashes

>> No.5820791

>Ripple is EVERYTHING crypto is against

it's literally the most decentralized crypto, satoshi's vision (1 cpu = 1 miner = 1 vote) failed the day ASIC was born.
-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.
see what the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org has to say about bitcoin centralization: >>5817351

>> No.5821066

that is not a picture of him, normie

>> No.5821220


>> No.5821355

China Wants To Regulate Energy Use For Bitcoin Mining; Ripple Soars

China Wants To Regulate Energy Use For Bitcoin Mining; Ripple Soars

China Wants To Regulate Energy Use For Bitcoin Mining; Ripple Soars

bitcucks and miners on suicide watch

>> No.5821438

>not even a cryptocurrency
>single company owns 60% of supply

Sweet im in bro.

>> No.5821550

>being a cuck is a good thing logic

>> No.5821650
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>> No.5821690

I'm locked out too what did you do?

>> No.5821752

probably bounced a transfer

>> No.5821754


>There are people on this board who sold their XRP when it was 1.50


>> No.5821797

i lost the phone that had the authy thing on it and cant reset it because i lost the key too. don't have a web cam either so i can't submit photo verification. coinbase wont let me just upload a photo.

>> No.5821801

it has no mining. the supply had to be created at once. Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

founders and early adopters/miners of other cryptos own most of the supply.

they cripple by the market by keeping the liquidity low and they scare new users because can get dumped on

litecoin: charlie dumped all his coins and said he will leave the project
ether: vitalik threatening to leave. He and his friends own most of the supply.

what do you they have in common? their coins aren't locked.

we have other situations like bitcoin where developers don't give a fuck at all, they didn't increase the blocksize which effectively killed bitcoin

>> No.5821879



>> No.5822009

Please fucking dip already so I can buy more


>> No.5822029

Ah, that sucks...as for me, I did have a (few...) transfers bounce, because my Bank account was recently compromise, at the worst fucking time as I'm getting into all of this. Admittedly, I was retarded and probably signed up for a few shitty sites out of carelessness... I'm way more careful now.
I'm considering a Coinsource ATM but Idk much about it...

>> No.5822122

>muh market cap
Lol crypto illiterate

>> No.5822539
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>Where's the other 20 percent?

>> No.5822697

I don't give a fuck about jews or your gay little vitriolic battles, all I know is Ripple is getting my ass out of debt, so let it rip.

>> No.5823286

Hashflare contracts about to sell out

>> No.5823355
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>> No.5823564

Honestly, I'm all in for Ripple but it's going way too fast.

>> No.5823629

I'm too scared to go to bed. Bad shit happens when the americans wake up. They dump shit.

When I wake up this ripple should be a 4 dollar.

>> No.5823827

my fucking sides. my eyes are filled with tears

thanks for the laugh

>> No.5823833

Its afternoon in america you brainlet

>> No.5823845

comfy read anon