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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58154616 No.58154616 [Reply] [Original]

Landies what happened? You guys told me nobody loses in real estate.

>> No.58154661

AirBnb doesn't work as a cash cow in meme cities because there's only so many people visiting Austin that need a place to stay. Especially with how expensive housing is there it seems obvious you'd make so much more money having actual tenants.

>> No.58155035
File: 116 KB, 1451x797, GJjFlqcWQAETlJw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this, zesties. Not like this.

>> No.58155044
File: 1.77 MB, 498x284, 5745334353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which market is that?

>> No.58155054

Landlord here. Can confirm things are getting tough. I only increased my rent by 10% last year and can barely make ends meet. To those of you renting: please consider tipping your landlord.

>> No.58155072

there are markets where rents are decreasing, because they cant find tenants

>> No.58155077

>squats in your house for free
Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.58155081

Thank you for your service. I will be tipping this year. I hope things get easier for landlords everywhere.

>> No.58155083

have they considered getting a job?

>> No.58155094
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Not my problem

>> No.58156021

Speaking as a landlord, why are tenants or tourists so ungrateful? We provide a safe place to stay with all the above-market amenities, well being in a safe and convenient part of town. Why don't you show some gratitude by paying on time and maintaining the property? It's times like these when I just have to raise the rent for you leeches to break even.

>> No.58156056

I am a bit of a hypochondriac so I'm always wiping stuff down with clorox wipes and I always use a kleenex or something to touch the flush or door handle. And I always flush it down the toilet kekkkkkkkkkkk "ERM CHUD U SHOULD NOT DO THAT" FUCK U AHHAHAHAHA

>> No.58156075

Idk but it looks just like the MSPUS (entire USA) chart.

>> No.58156082
File: 207 KB, 1080x1557, 20240130_154648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem

>> No.58156092

airbnb is like one of those retarded womens owned businesses, smart thing to do is rent your shit out when your on vacation yourself,
you can rent out your personal residence tax free for 2 weeks a year

>> No.58156231

They shouldn't have bought in commie hellhole Texas with massive property taxes

>> No.58156248

>retards learn what TX property taxes are like
But hey, no state income tax!

>> No.58156268

Don't listen to them kleenex are fine, even for septic I think.

>> No.58156269

Those who buy to rent or airbnb deserve all the pain and misery they get, they make homes unaffordable and contribute nothing to the community.

>> No.58156284

Seconded. I hope Blackrock and the other RE buyfags lose their shirts.

>> No.58156320

What we need is an increased homestead exemption and then increase the taxes on non-homestead SFHs to offset the losses

>> No.58156342

of course they gonna have negative cash flow and the taxes were gonna eat them, this is not a good moment to invest into real estate (according to trulation)

>> No.58156431

me when I hear dripping behind my wall after any time I use the hot water.

>> No.58158057

you buy real estate with cash
only bitcoin is bought with credits
dumb fucking goyim there will never be more than 21M coins, you don't have time to wait