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58153494 No.58153494 [Reply] [Original]

LOBO and BLUECHIP rugged

>> No.58153504

now do you mean the devs took the money and ran or do you mean the retard nu-biz version of the coin dumped in value and you called it a rug like a retard?

>> No.58153545

BlueChip rugged.
Lobo has little volume. Around 10k sells initiated about 4 hours ago.
It was being held down by early whales anyway, it's better for the chart longterm.

>> No.58153568

so the retard ment the coin dumped and instead said rugged like a retard faggot. got it another dumb nu-biz retard queer that cant even get words right. hey OP you're subhuman in IQ it dumped not rugged you pathetic poopjeet tier retard

>> No.58153584

Thank God. Them lobo-shits were fucking annoying.

>> No.58153601

the latter
in 90% of the cases
even APU was just a dump, liquidity was not removed

>> No.58153632

they really were. thinking if they just spam enough they can brute force the coin to millions. idiots and the devs are full on retards

>> No.58153756

It's rare on the bigger coins nowdays Devs yoink the liquidity pool and run for a classic proper rugpull, since it's been found illegal in the US/EU. Way easier just to have a bunch of tokens spread out across hidden dev wallets to dump the price instead, which hasn't been found to be against the law but just highly unethical.

>> No.58154316

This is what's going on with LOBO
Dev and friends deployed fairly, but sniped their own shitcoin to get themselves in first. Then, they airdropped a miserable amount to hundreds of wallets to make it look like number of holders was growing.
Then, some of the most retarded /biz/ whales bought it when they were shilling it <10,000 mcap and got their asses raped by price impact because of shit liquidity and now they're asking for heads to be served on silver plates (specially one of them which is ass mad.)
Jerry is obsessed with jeets. You can tell he's traumatized by them. The second you sell, he will call you a jeet, braindead, retarded, a brown, what have you and will start tracking your wallets religiously.

And all of that without mentioning the baggies that were made at 1-2 million mcap and the fact that the contact wallet initiated a stealth buy that nobody caught a glimpse of. This shitcoin already mooned. If you made it, congrats and move on. If you're holding, take the L and move on. There's a shit ton of wallets holding millions of tokens ready to dump the second they're on the green. One of those holds almost 20 million and has been bleeding the chart for ages.

Oh and before I send this post, these are the people who shit on APU holders when they got rugged. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is kek

TL;DR don't buy LOBO. Whales are coordinating to sell en masse. I've also got DMs from a few people saying they're nervous that whoever provided the new discord will also sell a big chunk because he's way at the top and move on (~7-10k worth)

>> No.58154364

Sounds over until new baggies take the next dump on the chin. Thanks for the heads up guy. I will be monitoring this situation.

>> No.58154398

they were also trying to market the shitcoin to furries because "they got retarded money" according to Jerry, then they went on to second thought it as they kept saying "hold on furries are generally libtards and libtards hate crypto oh shit" kek these people are retarded at marketing. they think they can brute force their way into millions by aggressively spamming the board and shitting down on other people's bags. they've been saying APU holders should buy their shitcoin because they were retarded for falling to such obvious rug and how they were Stockholm Syndrome braindead kek

>> No.58154409

I bought a few hundred dollars of lobo sub 10k mc by luck. Was surprised af when I saw a thread about it pumping at 2M mc. I immediately dumped my whole bag. This was the shittiest type of shitcoin and anyone who didn’t immediately recognize that is gonna have a hard time. It was worth a punt at 10k, anyone buying above 1m was retarded

>> No.58154432 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 706x649, Screenshot from 2024-03-26 22-26-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The COPE channel also has that Jerry fag in it, and one other guy was setting up a private whale channel (for holders of more than 0.3 eth worth, wow) so that can only be for bleeding coordination

>> No.58154501

KEK wrong on both counts. Well, apu holders are retarded but it's the kind of retard energy stupid shitcoins need. Plus they have a lovable mascot. And furries love tech and making money they're definitely into crypto. The poor judgement shown is bearish. It always stank to me. With a meme coin the big test to me is having some kind of thing for the community to rally around and meme and a blue wolf and calling it LOBO was just always kind of lame. >>58154409 this guy see to sum it up.

>> No.58154559

Lobo is already recovering

>> No.58154572

more like I need a LOBOtomy for putting my money in it

>> No.58154605

it isn't. it'll go to 0.002 and then the whale wallets will wake up again.

>> No.58154636
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I managed to make out with about $1200 buying the dips and selling peaks before the dev would do one of his hidden redeem tricks with one of those “damn jeet whale wallets”. So funny how the dev and Jerry seem to pop out of nowhere on tg minutes after a whale sell and act all surprised. Then the furries on tg start their little morale building activity and try to restore support for another dev dump

>> No.58154779

OP is trying to associate Lobo with Bluechip. There's been a coordinated campaign to fud Lobo because it was just too resistant to dips before. Weak hands getting shaken out. The change in distribution is mixed due to the large dip. Some new whales. Some existing holders accumulating to significant holdings, eg going from 0.5% to 1% of supply. Still a gradual increase in total holders. Now at 696.

>> No.58154824
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This blue elephantpepe will never betray you

>> No.58154840

This guy is just the same guy in telegram who was complaining every time the price jeeted down. He had his suggestions on where to focus marketing, but the sentiment was poor. Then he turned the mood foul in the telegram with his incessant bickering and was banned. So he took his show to 4chan.

>> No.58154861

Meh I put in a hundred. Doesn't look like it rugged though. It's just a massive shitcoin.

>> No.58154870

Fud or not this thing has barely any steam left and anyone invested in it knows it. Volume only picked up because folks can’t get out fast enough

>> No.58154893

This post aged like lobo shit kek
Don't say you weren't warned, retards

>> No.58154913

haha avi has some fags like this and they are insufferable

>> No.58154939

cute assumptions and just cope excuses for a shitcoin going nowhere in life. keep making up boogey men in the shadows tho its cute to see your lil scary stories posted on /biz/. le boogey man from the tg! boo!

>> No.58154947

no idea on the context kek but it's highly believable some retarded kid comes in the TG spouting "ideas" and gets shut down. Therefore ties the emotional damage from that to their investment and sells once they see the price fluctuate 5% up or down. it's not unrealistic at all and happens to other coins often.

>> No.58155019

yeah the sensitive "ideas guy" whale is something every shitcoin has to navigate through and most fail, circle went through the same shit with few but seems to have gotten through. dunno if lobo has that same tard energy
shit like doginme and brett are just as bad, you never know what's going to resonate

>> No.58155040

I'm sorry but if your shitcoin fluctuates 5% from 100 dollar buys that means the liquidity is shit and your "Dev" is just a smelly curry punjabi from New Delhi that was gonna rug you sooner or later.

>> No.58155043

>yeah the sensitive "ideas guy" whale is something every shitcoin has to navigate through
I didn't even think Martingale was that bad.
This kid was just a Punk, and not a whale.

>> No.58155052

you'll probably see the same 'ideas guy' reply to you multiple times under multiple IDs phone posting lol
yeah those retards clog up the pipes but they always end up getting flushed when a big enough turd load is sent through. They get so fucking butthurt that no one cares about their ideas.

>> No.58155078

Liquidity is almost 14% of market cap. That's actually a higher percentage than Circle right now.

>> No.58155093

Difference between Circle and your shitcoin is that one is not a obfuscated transactions campaign and actually has an attractive product that actually sells. No need to generate AI pics of circles to sell it KEK

>> No.58155163

Circle is older than Lobo, so more of the $50 day zero bot bags cleared out. Circle also has a lot of AI art, good for them.

>> No.58155236

>obfuscated transactions campaign
>attractive product that actually sells
they're both nothing more than shitcoins, retard. circle has interesting tokenomics tho, stabilizes the price action a bit
>No need to generate AI pics of circles
lol you've never been in the circle tg have you? christ I can see why you were run out of the lobo tg, you're dumb as shit

>> No.58155338

>doginme and Brett
Dog in me is a popular normie meme and Brett is pepe hype+marketing agencies so those make sense. There's always an angle.

>> No.58155452

Lol, any good coin will get some FUD from those that sold. LOBO is still the best play on Base and I suspect several Green Day’s back to ATH and a bit more of it along way

>> No.58155492
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This is your wallet distribution. Good luck with those green days

>> No.58155559

ooof looks like anon is trying to get more people to buy so he can dump his stack on them. shameful soulless poopjeet behavior. I can smell him from here and it reeks of poop and jeet

>> No.58155889

The shitcoin has a spic name, what did you expect?
LOBO more like LOBunjabi KEK
When the moon is full, you can hear them howling "SE-SE-SEEEEEEEEERS" in the distance.

>> No.58156029
File: 19 KB, 1080x128, Contract Wallet unlocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, man. LOBO is going to be the pun of this run. We're gonna tell each other "remember LOBO?" when everything moons while these people get bagged on.
The shit that keeps on giving.

>> No.58156472

>the contact wallet initiated a stealth buy that nobody caught a glimpse of
How would one spot this in the future? Any signs to look for?

>> No.58156577

Literally the reply's pic above yours.

>> No.58156968

LOBOtomy fits perfectly

>> No.58156974

Perhaps I should explain to you something about how shitcoins work. So I'll address this.
>sniped their own shitcoin
Every single coin has people who know when it launches whether its plan is let it run or to very quickly rug. You take your chances if you grab a bag of a brand new super low mcap coin. People who know the dev aren't taking chances. This is true for every single damn coin, including bitcoin.
> <10,000 mcap and got their asses raped by price impact
When the mcap is that low, there's no reason to provide a generous amount of liquidity because the goal is to let it rocket up. Different coins handle the initial phase's liquidity in different ways, but they all have that common goal. At least the current trend is not to have IDO where the max price the coin ever has is its initial price for retail, then you get the 90% drop, kek.
>Jerry is obsessed with jeets.
Every tg can benefit from one or two people tracking just who the big sellers are. These are the people who can tell the community whether big sellers still have significant stacks remaining, whether they're connected to the dev, and so on.
>baggies that were made at 1-2 million mcap
>wallets holding millions of tokens ready to dump
As mentioned before, the coin has gone through a lot of jeeting in the 0.002 to 0.0024 range with rapid slurping. This led to a gradual improvement in the distribution. More recently there was more jeeting, combined with some rotation out of shitcoins into ETH. This led to changes in distribution that are at worst neutral. Some of those "baggies" took their moderate stacks and made them into large stacks to replace the outgoing moderate/large stacks. And new moderate stacks were made, as well as small stacks.

>> No.58157007

>contact wallet initiated a stealth buy
There's nothing stealth there. The contract initially retained 10% of the tokens inside the contract, then quickly farmed out 9% to accounts and announced in the telegram what each account was for (marketing, team, etc.). The other 1% was subsequently handed out in two transactions. The contract also used ETH in it to make 3 buys of the token, each buy 1 or 2 figures, the last one was under $5.

>> No.58157015

Thanks, I've been around a while but just recently came back and always seem to learn new scams the hard way. Bought myself a very expensive rug just last week.

>> No.58157048

Rugdish Patel and his coin scams.

>> No.58157243

I'm like the other anon, back after a long time and gettting fucked left and right. Thanks for the post bro

>> No.58157265

I'm fairly new to Base, so still adjusting to it fren. Crypto stays fresh.

>> No.58157521
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BOOM! there goes another 3k sell
these whales are SAVAGES this lil puppy is being put down LIVE KEK
all that blog for me to wipe my ass with? you shouldn't have!
just tell us at which price you bought and how much so we can laugh at you and move on already.

>> No.58159628
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APU holder here.
You deserve everything bad coming to you.
Yiff in hell.