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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58142351 No.58142351 [Reply] [Original]

About how he was at Sergey and Stani's talk and Sergey said we had "so much further to go"?
Well now that the whole talk has been published on youtube, I watched it and it turns out Sergey never said anything to that effect. Sloppy job, fuddie.

timestamp for Stani's comment: around 42 minutes

link to the thread in question: >>58081115

>> No.58142398

i am shocked and appalled that someone would just lie about chainlink like that on 4chins

>> No.58142410

It’s unconscionable
Personally, I blame Jews

>> No.58142414


>> No.58142415
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This. My worldview has been shattered and I don't think I'll ever be able to trust anyone again.

Now if you'll excuse me I must shid and fard my pants

>> No.58142497

since you're correcting the record what did sergey exactly say?

>> No.58142545

Bro link is the same price it was 3 full years ago. You're a c**kold.

>> No.58142565

lol, fuddie be lyin

>> No.58142928


>> No.58142958

OP here from that other thread. I can’t believe they would just edit and remove that part.

>> No.58142992

>you and me, probably a few years ago, like, 5 years ago, if you'd asked us "how close are we to getting this all done?" you'd be like "oh it's easy, we've just gotta do these 5 things and they'll be done. And now, 5+ years later, we're like "man, there's all this stuff to do."

>> No.58143024

op from that last thread wasnt wrong. Fuck both those fat asses

>> No.58143054

lol nobody cares linkoid, let's see that chart...

>> No.58143077

Hey so uh I looked at the chart and from this morning I’d say it looks pretty good. Might have to go back to the drawing board fuddie

>> No.58143131

lmao 7 years for $20
get cucked lil linkie

>> No.58143146
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>he only holds link

>> No.58143189

this is hands down my favorite cope argument of them all
>j-j-jokes on you! I hold other stuff too!

>> No.58143214

Well yes. That's how you avoid getting so upset at one specific coin that you spend hours every day spamming vitriol on a Laotian heel scraper refurbishment board.

I get it, you like link so much you basically went all in; but trust me when I say you should really diversify, heavily.

>> No.58143225

So he did in fact say that?

>> No.58143229

if the mocking doesn't apply to you because you're safely diversified, then why do you even bother responding?
the banter is directed to LINK maxis obviously who have roundtripped all of their gains against the market throughout the years
so, what's your problem?

>> No.58143245

You don't get it, I'm the one mocking you.

>> No.58143246

seethe more, linkie

>> No.58143255

I truly don't, sorry
all I said is that this argument is massive cope and you know it
>the only reason I haven't an heroe'd yet is because I hold other coins!
the absolute state

>> No.58143265

>this argument is massive cope
No, crying about Link underperforming is cope for "I went all in Link without diversifying".

>> No.58143268

stinkies are so pathetic xD

>> No.58143277

you just described every 5+ year old alt community!
be sure to visit /xsg/ and let them know as well kek

>> No.58143287

safemoon was full of people saying "diversify" kek. it's the last gasp for dead shitcoin holderz

>> No.58143289

Literally none of my 5+ year old bags have this degree of whining in their "communities", and I still hold some Holo.

>> No.58143307

Holo is dead though, so there can't be any "whining" if nobody cares lmao
why are you ignoring a perfect example I've presented to you?

>> No.58143379
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>Holo is dead though
That's exactly my point, dumbass.
Even a completely extinct laughing stock has less whining than Link.

>> No.58143412

>that's my point, nobody cares about a dead stock
are you dumb? it's dead, everybody moved on
what's next, you also haven't heard any whining about Bitconnect these days? lmao

>> No.58143426

>it's dead
Except it's not, is it?

>> No.58143446

lol okay dude whatever you say, HOT is alive, along with REQ, OMG, XRB, ZCASH, DASH, BCH, BSV!
don't forget about Peercoin as well, development is still going strong!

>> No.58143459

>HOT is alive
In the very literal sense, yes it is.

>> No.58143505
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>In the very literal sense, yes it is.
all of the coins I've mentioned above are still alive in the same very literal sense, but are they now anon? are they REALLY alive?
SKY is also still alive, how about mining some anon?
pic rel, weird how you don't hear any 2014 bagholders complaining about peercoin, huh?
really makes you think!
XRP bagholders on the other hand...

>> No.58143534

I really have no idea what your point even is. Holo is alive and being developed.
And guess what, it did a 4x while Link roundtripped $20 these past 4 years.

>> No.58143558

hah! that's peanuts, BCH did a x6 while LINK stumbled and fumbled these past 6 years!

>> No.58143601

>BCH did a x6 these past 6 years
BCH was $800 six years ago. Link was $0.4

I still hold a little bit of BCH from their inaugural airdrop. It too never saw anything like the kind of whining Link has been getting for six years now.

>> No.58143634

it was a typo, meant 4 years
>bch had no whining or drama
get the fuck out, now I just know you're lying
you simply weren't here in the summer of 2018 if you really say shit like that
that fucking shitstorm is NOWHERE near comparable to autistic neets bitching about their bags on 4chinz, because that is the only place "people whine about LINK" and that's it
XRP on the other hand...but by all means, keep ignoring it

>> No.58143666
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>>bch had no whining or drama
lol who said this?
But even at its absolute peak, BCH never garnered a fraction of the vitriol Link gets every single average day.
Because nobody on here was ever all-in BCH, but a lot of you are all-in Link.

Pic related, it's what happens to this place when Link crabs.

>> No.58143693

>BCH did a x6
BS -how could you possibly know that?

>> No.58143786

To summarize, what they actually said was full, complete adoption in 5-8 years. >sell now and buy back right when they adopt you can get a 1000x.
More seriously, that 1000x (or more) is going to come in waves over the coming years, probably not predictable, pricing out retail, and by the time chainlink is a household name, the average person won’t be able to buy 1 link with their paycheck.

>> No.58143855

Also that other anon is right, people bitch about link because they are all in and have done nothing else with their lives. Which is a common thing with autists, to obsess over one thing and neglect others. I don’t think the answer is to diversify with crypto though because the rest of the market is mostly scams/rugpuls and if you aren’t an insider or ruthlessly trading you stand to lose it all overnight at any point, rather most anons need to diversify from /biz/, put more focus on /fit/, /lit/, a little /pol/ but not too much, some /x/, and so on, live your life and be successful.

>> No.58143957

is this guy actually sitting making this crap up or has he got an AI thing to spew it out? what effortpost, if not. surely he must be being paid? who the fuck does that?

>> No.58144008

Why would anyone use link when you can directly interface with web 2 on the internet computer

>> No.58144010

One more note to consider how much room link still has to grow under the radar, it could 10x tonight and still only be slightly higher marketcap than bnb/sol. Maybe 1 in a thousand people on the street even know what those are. Maybe 1 in 50 to 100 have even heard of ethereum (people here vastly overestimate normalfag crypto awareness). What this really means is link can go to triple digits, so long as it’s not literally overnight, and not suffer a hype cycle. Which if you’re staking is pretty nice, because 10k staked is retired at triple digit link, comfortably at $200+.

>> No.58144038

No just bored at gym between sets

>> No.58144080

Transfer and call smart contract functionality

>> No.58144116

Wild, someone with braincells is posting. I miss when this board had real conversations beyond throwing shit back and forth. Mirin btw

>> No.58144135

the internet computer can do that too

>> No.58144154

>full, complete adoption in 5-8 years.
full adaption implies the tokenization of everything
we speak about 81k USD per link at this point
we will reach $500 to $1000 dollars way earlier, probably in the next 12 to 24 months

>> No.58144201

Yes that’s what I was implying, it’s going to happen in waves. Link debuted at 20 cents, after 2019 nobody will ever again be able to purchase sub dollar link, after 2023 it’s likely nobody will ever again be able to purchase sub 10 dollar link, 2027 you might never see sub 100 dollar link again and so on

>> No.58144244

I totally agree
imagine a five figures link price, most of the board would be hyper elite in this specific scenario
1k suicide? it might be the make it stake all along

>> No.58144304

>most of the board
nah I think the distribution is going to look like early eth/btc buyers, I genuinely believe newfags are fudded out of link at this point simply because they can’t see their 4 or low 5 digit investment making it for them. The shitcoin threads aren’t all bots/jeets, there’s real anons losing their lunch money, look how many losers were whining about that apu rug.

>> No.58144430

>newfags making actual money and gains on APU, PEPE and DOGE
>linkcucks forever bagholding at $20 after 7 years

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking linkcuck
Newfags will be set for life after this bullrun but you'll keep holding for another 7 years while the fat fuck dumps on you

>> No.58144448

>newfags are fudded out of link at this point simply because they can’t see their 4 or low 5 digit investment making it for them

Newfags are 'fudded' out of link because they can see it's a dogshit investment with a terrible price action that's only defended by rabid cultists who want to unload their heavy bags you stupid fucking linkcuck
Too bad people woke up to the fat russian's grift and you'll never get your exist liquidity
kek baggie

>> No.58144480

Good posts.

>> No.58144491

i misread your sentiment and thought you were fudding. now realise you weren't . sorry man

>> No.58144626

Kek fuddies. Pay up. Never selling. I know adems address.

Did I miss anything?

>> No.58144638

>for linkcucks having to wait 10 years for $100 doesn't count as FUD anymore

That's what happens when you marry your bag.

lol you fucking linkcuck, nobody needs, wants or is buying chainlink.

>> No.58144741

this anyone with braincells knows that by the time there is full adoption then all the big players will have bought in and the price is the meme 81k, thats how capital markets move they speculate on value long before all of it is realized
so the original fudsister thread was a joke to anyone with a brain from the getgo
to now know he even made it all up is even more entertaining

>> No.58144838

>confirms original post was fud
gee thanks we never noticed

>> No.58145126

Your ID is pink.

>> No.58145130

Why do you guys bother with this bullshit when there's bitcoin? It's like self sabotage

>> No.58145223

the "i'm doing this because i care about your well being" angle should always raise red flags.

>> No.58145297

the link to the relevant quote was posted within 5 replies of the thread being made, it's incredible how few people here actually interrogate anything, let alone going to the source and watching the whole talk.
You're all very easily led.
Here it is again:

>> No.58145320

Red alert at the shill discord! advosisters... how do we spin this?! I just requested backup from rabbi Zach.. I'm shaking...

>> No.58145326

Yeah, sure, my mates, 81k for a CHAINLINK kek. That would make Chainlink LABS the richest company in the world. What the hell happened to /biz/? I swear to God there are more midwits here than in /sp/

>> No.58145357

sorry but i'm just not going to read any posts, watch any videos, unstake any link, or sell any link

>> No.58145409
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The sat bleed will continue until morale improves.

>> No.58145456

I saw it, and it confirmed that the poster from the other day was fudding. We all already know that the entire world won't switch to a new system overnight. We always knew. Most of us need the link price to get to 1 or 200 and we're made for life. There was never some deep joke we didn't get as >>58144741 implied. The guy the other day got called out for talking shite and the youtube vid merely confirms it

>> No.58145459

They literally say exactly what he posted. There are a ton of problems and it’s way more complicated than they thought 5 years ago. There are technical issues and legal hurdles. Are you retarded?

>> No.58145528

>That would make Chainlink LABS the richest company in the world
How? the token supply will all be pretty much all released and the rewards distributed among the nodes ops and stakers. The business model isn't a boomer one. It could easily happen, given the nature of the target market, who aren't retail

>> No.58145547

Yes, so 5-10 years before the entire market is running on it. Did you think it was going to happen overnight? oh, sweet summer child...

>> No.58145566

>video literally confirms that anon was there and telling the truth
>"it confirms he was fudding"
I actually give up lmao

>> No.58145572

Fuck this thread is just a bunch of nitpicking fudders trying to twist everything.. so boring. i'm out

>> No.58145659

>watching the whole talk
i wasnt gonna watch the whole thing to find out if that op lied or not when as i explained one could dismiss his point directly out of the stupidity it made
if i had to watch or read every piece of garbage posted here just to correct the record on paid malicious fudsisters i would have a full days job and obviously i dont care enough

>> No.58145714

>I'm not going to watch chainlink content I'm just going to say that the people who actually did watch it are fudding

>> No.58145737

even chainlink puts out way too much content that always the same basic slides so no i doubt most people even watch all the link stuff
and yes it has been established completely that they did indeed fud it, as almost 99% of concern trolling is indeed trolling

>> No.58145753

but the original OP was shown to be telling the truth, and half of this thread is people saying "we knew he was fudding from the start" without even watching a 20 second clip that would prove them wrong.

>> No.58145862

and we've already had some of these waves
we're not seeing $0.20 again
we're not seeing $1, $5
after this bull run, bottom might be $20

>> No.58145996

you are arguing with people paid to post here. its not worth it anon. even that one retard posting from the gym is braindead

>> No.58145997

>but the original OP was shown to be telling the truth
no he wasnt, point to the exact time stamp where sergey responds as the original op stated he did

>> No.58147048

Why do you even think this scenario unlikely?

>> No.58147092

How much would HTTPS be worth if it was tokenized with 1 billion supply?

>> No.58147240

>oh, sweet summer child...
Go back faggot
And yes if you were actually here with the rest of us 5 years ago you’d know that we all thought we’d easily have made it by fucking 2024

>> No.58147660

>go back
you all need to gb2ebaumsworld

>> No.58147955

i care, i convinced my dad to scoop 4k LINK last week

>> No.58148015

Its belivable, gold will blow up to a 81 Trillion dollar market too
LINK's market cap == gold
as others >>58145528 have pointed out, the link is distributed. probably more than gold, which is wild to think about. and its distribution will reach a steady state based on demand from usage

>> No.58148326

>Go back faggot
newfag detected

>> No.58148439

ok but...

(wait for it....)

chart xD

>> No.58148512

some of us have made it, kid ;)

>> No.58148577

>he thinks 1 mil is le making it
i make more than that on a weekened

>> No.58148598

checked and congrats. I doubt >>58147240 does, though

>> No.58149551

Nice but he will be mad in the bear if you dont encourage he offload some before the music stops. Its not like link will move against the market in the bear and price him out

>> No.58149565

and your uncle works at nintendo

>> No.58149622

Yeah for that to happen you’d need something ridiculous like swift utilizing ccip, and it’s not like that’s going to happen in the next 12-24 months. Also getting kinda sleepy gonna go take a nap, I think we all could use some rest.

>> No.58149886
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>it’s not gonna happen overnight bros
>b-but yeah I already made it so I don’t really care haha

>> No.58150928

are you fucking retarded that anon was on point after watching that. even if you didnt read that thread and looked at what chainlink is trying to do objectively hes still right. banks and other gaint corps move at a snails pace you fucking faggot.

>> No.58150946


>> No.58150959

not interested in LPL

>> No.58150991

welp anons looks like this no lpl pooler is seething because he didnt fucking listen

ahhh just miring with based ai generated limited edition based jonny bollocks nft collection don't mind me ;-)

fucking seethe!

>> No.58150994

oh here we go
LPL spam time

>> No.58151120

This is /LPL/ newfag...

>> No.58151385

Token not needed

>> No.58151394


>> No.58153186

it's been posted twice In this thread already. fucking retard

>> No.58153234

>5 years ago you’d know that we all thought we’d easily have made it by fucking 2024

If you told us 5 years ago that Chainlink would absolutely dominate the crypto market the way it does right now, we would all naturally conclude that Link would be rank 3.

>> No.58154716

>I already made it so I don’t really care haha
close, though i do care. shouldn't i? wouldn't you?

>> No.58154778

did you actually listen what he said

>> No.58155065

You know who doesn't look around and say "wow, we've done so much and still have much more to do"? People who failed and have no scope/path to success in front of them. How fucking dumb are you eternal nigger faggots trying to insinuate that hiring employees and doing work is somehow not bullish?

>> No.58155449


>> No.58156424

The best part of this video is when that guy asks Serg what his favorite drink order is and Serg just stares at him.

>> No.58157118

I lold too.
I don't think he understood though, Stani said it with a very thick accent.

>> No.58157276

there is no arguing with these retards
no sergey does not respond in the video in the way original thread op said he did
again you specifically tell me the exact time stamp in the vid where sergey does it
cause it has been posted and sergey doesnt respond that way you colossal retard

>> No.58157308


>> No.58158354

That’s the funniest part. It actually is happening and the price action goes nowhere because the tokenomics aren’t tied to adoption yet. Absolutely no one saw that coming kek, at the very least they figured retail would be smart enough to see the writing on the wall.

>> No.58159394
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