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58139609 No.58139609 [Reply] [Original]

I used my inheritance on crypto, got rekt in the bear market.

Degens, Spill your plays, bros. I’ve got just 3K left in the bank before I flip it off.

>> No.58139688

Uh does that mean you used your inheritance as collateral for leveraged trades? Idk who left it to you but thats more shameful than if you spent it on hookers bro

>> No.58139720

Does it really matter?

Risk management is zero here.

Why would he use such an amount in crypto when there are other options with low risk, like investing in some blue-chip index fund?


yet another perfect way to lose your 3K. Don't ask such a ridiculous question, because you won't find that life-saving kind of asset. I'd suggest you start looking into utilizing some depin solution. You don't need to invest in this. Take a look at natix, honey bee, earn, silencio. Download the app and start mining. In the Peaq ecosystem, you will find tons of them. Do this while you study and learn how to apply proper risk management before investing in any assets.

>> No.58139740

lil bit of alpha for you bro
StrikeX, consolidating after a massive surge today, 33% owned by CMC Markets (part owned by Blackrock) and whose founder is Lord Peter Cruddas DYOR

>> No.58139842

you retards never learn. keep gambling and get rekt.

>> No.58139889

Stop crying like a poorfag, buy alts and some trending narratives.

>> No.58139942

Save it up ahead of the upcoming SUPRA TGE.

>> No.58139947
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when Jeet, with literally zero knowledge about Web3, tries to speak.

wtf are you saying?
> buy alts and some trending narratives.

are the trending narrative not alts? are they fiat or btc?

btw, which do you consider a trending narrative?

>> No.58139961


I doubt if it will be worth it. That's not a good idea, considering the fact that this is not that hype.

>> No.58139966
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But how can a poorfag make it in life when he doesn't have money?

>> No.58139969

best bet, learn a skill else you'll lose it all anon. nothing beat personal development.

>> No.58140009

airdrops anon. lot of normies make shit load of money just farming airdrops with $0

>> No.58140030
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>> No.58140056

The blast-off campaign is still on, not too late to dive on it.

>> No.58140093
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tell me anything better than the above.

>> No.58140111

Trending narratives like RWA, AI and ORACLE are just what we need ahead of the next market

>> No.58140136

stop this moron. airdrops like venon are a waste of time dishing of $20 to participants.

>> No.58140143


>> No.58140152

Thanks for playing!

>> No.58140167

2024 is the year. so much money to be made but these fags keep getting rekt with memecoins. I hope you invest it all wisely.

>> No.58140174

Long term options: plebbit and dextop
Short term: suicide

>> No.58140175

You don't have what to say fag, earning $20 without doing anyhing is win-win so pamp it

>> No.58140187

privacy is shit anon. no one cares about all this privacy talks with XMR

what the hell is DID.

>> No.58140215

told you all
1% make it in crypto and 99% are losers. You'll just jump and this zero sum game.

>> No.58140221
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ORACLE is ahead, take a look at LINK, SUPRA and DIA.

>> No.58140239

The -real- business and finance lesson here is that if you don't want your progeny to give the fruits of your life's work to jeets, you shouldn't bequeath inheritances in a form where beneficiaries have direct and unrestricted access, and especially not cash.

>> No.58140266

PYTH a joke to you? I've got to load up more PYTH while waiting for SUPRA to launch.

>> No.58140269

how did you get rekt now, we are in a bull for over a year
no exchange blow up and no real coins died so if you donated your familys money to a jeet rug or to the chink leverage casino you deserve it and your ancestor look down in shame on you
is it really arcane knowledge to have 80% of your folio in btc/eth and only gamble with the rest if you have too

>> No.58140311

shitcoins died. a lot got rekt chasing presales after BOME. That's why I just stick with actual projects.

>> No.58140332

ORACLES and RWA are my best bet.
LINK, MPL, ONDO and a few others doing pretty well.

>> No.58140405


>> No.58140410

But LINK have lost its steam

>> No.58140433
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just say you don't know how to play the presale game anon. there's no better way to get in early than with presales.

>> No.58140458
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Faster oracles like DIA and SURPRA are dominating the crypto space presently

>> No.58140493
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Linkies are losers thinking this shit is going to 100.

>> No.58140509

>SUPRA to launch
Participated in the crowdsale last year, ain't gonna miss out from the lauch.

>> No.58140543
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The upcoming oracles are making waves but I'll push for oracle that provides bridgeless cross-chain interoperability using hyperNova.

>> No.58140546

dumbfucker could've spent it on blue chips at least

>> No.58140558

Put $500 on the right solana memecoin and you'll become a millionaire overnight. But since the goal isn't to keep losing his funds, he should degen play into Supra at TGE, he prolly already missed the public sale, the TGE is the next best time to ape in

>> No.58140579
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seen Pike presale anon? dedder than shit

>> No.58140613

i'm particular about what gives me money. wait until money start flowing into bnb chain.

>> No.58140642

better safe than sorry. play it safe or lose it all like the OP.

>> No.58140649
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nothing new with oracles outside data feeds coming to OG blockchain.

>> No.58140717

i dont have much either but if you can show my what btc price will be on halving, maybe i might just stand the chance to win 1BTC from NUklai prece prediction campaign

>> No.58140719

what if it rugs? it's all a game of luck and the retards make the most money with solana plays

>> No.58140749

it's always the interoperability talk. i don't see why anyone is here for the tech.

>> No.58140751

Buy BTC and go to sleep.

>> No.58140758

All going down the drain. You will die poor.

>> No.58140766
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Based chud.

>> No.58140773

There are no narratives asides BTC and ETH. Everything else is a shitcoin and worthless jpeg.

>> No.58140781

Guess you havne't heard about the blast-off campaign, dyor.

>> No.58140782
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pic related

>> No.58140787

$3k into $Apu right now will be $150k in a few months

>> No.58140828

Stfu, oracle and rwa are no child's play

>> No.58140852


>> No.58140870

WTF still holds shitcoins when they are not going to pump for life

>> No.58140899

didn't know channers have started this challange, looks like my chance of winning this just droped by another 10%. fuck!!!

>> No.58140962
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top oracles ensure data integrity, reliability and lightening fast oracle services.

>> No.58140994

can this be true? should i blame the jews if it dosn't moon?

>> No.58141013

instead of shitposting on 4chan, why not monetize contents on hydro and get paid? do yo>>58139609
want to die poor?

>> No.58141070

Excels in delivering lightening-fast decentralized oracle feeds.

>> No.58141140

What are fags still waiting for in crypto? sell it off, crypto is worthless

>> No.58141157

This. It’s so fucking easy. Buy BTC, but AI coins, but poorfags want their 50x for flexing on here so they go all in and lose everything.

>> No.58141162

Waiting for the Supra TGE.

>> No.58141371

You haven't seen SupraLabs desu, lots of web3 microinfrastructure service accompanying DORA. That's some next level shit beyond Pyth-like oracle

>> No.58141374
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no ser

>> No.58141400

AI still looks like a scam to me

>> No.58141414

maybe soon?

>> No.58141476
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Put everything into $APU. You know that's what you should do.

>> No.58141521
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That's the next generation cross-chain oracle solution.

>> No.58141679

when is the Tge?

>> No.58141757

This Q1. Don't snooze

>> No.58141775

Just buy Earnfi. Its this cycles safemoon. Biz keep ignoring it like moron but you should at least get a small bag. MC is still low.

>> No.58141787
File: 806 KB, 1080x2034, Screenshot_20240325-063236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying lucky
100x is all but guaranteed once Bitcoin picks up speed.

>> No.58141839

do ya smellllll wut DAROCK is cookin. move over old men TREMP, BODEN, DAROCK is the prezident 2 unite the ppl we all need.

jus launched 1hr ago, tasty buy opp at-200k. staking and evm-sol bridge on roadmep.

>> No.58142009

Smart contracts totally rely on Supra oracles for faster execution and spot-on data feeds

>> No.58142016

what are you smoking? Q1 is absolutely less than a week to go. If the TGE is gonna be in Q1, there'd have been some visible moves, don't be a retard anon, Q1 not feasible. Earliest would be Q2

>> No.58142039

How about Oracles and RWA?

>> No.58142048

Imma CELO chad, that shit is on Celo now, don't know how it works and really Idgaf. If it pamps my Celo bag, just send it

>> No.58142069

>a rugpull is all but guaranteed once Bitcoin picks up speed.
FTFY, Rhavinda

>> No.58142070

Guess you're a retarded LINK holder

>> No.58142082
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Oracles are needed for sure, so long they improve the old laggy ones and improve user experience, cheaper transactions and all the stuff
not needed atm desu, maybe in another 5yrs. RWA now is just another bogus story to shill some tokens without actual use cases. It's like NFTs in 2018, the era of FRESCO

>> No.58142126

Oracle is top notch and having a cross-chain bridgeless oracle is a significant development

>> No.58142146

smart chud, YGMI

>> No.58142175

Fucking based. Asides link though.

>> No.58142186

Wen launch?

>> No.58142188

K, feel free to miss out.

>> No.58142194
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why are there so many plebs on this board? This doesn't say shit about no TGE, just some wojack 500k cadets or wtf it means

>> No.58142210

OP is fucking retarded, I'm not commenting on that shit. I'm just here to see what's interesting

I missed this and I'm glad.

>> No.58142213

I'm now so retarded, all what I've been holding are dumping. Wtf is wrong with me? Am I really cursed??

>> No.58142235

I jumped on Supra's own and I'm waiting for TGE. Am Igmi?

>> No.58142248
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That's the fastest, reliable, and most decentralized Oracle feeds to amplify the gaming experience for players.

>> No.58142256

It definitely will. Wake up sucker.

>> No.58142268

Bnb shitcoins are all pump and dump.

>> No.58142284

I'm still holding LINK, oracle is gonna make real sense.

>> No.58142307

Dump that shit for Supra

>> No.58142354
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Not when DIA and SUPRA have edge LINK out.

>> No.58142403

Don't be lazy dickhead, get your hands on Blast-off campaign

>> No.58142431

Fabwelt is a ground-breaking concept that integrates blockchain technology into the heart of high-quality games of all types and genres

>> No.58142456
File: 118 KB, 1241x1374, 20240324_090548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fight against Russia and earn 5500k

>> No.58142461

This might just be the most degen of degen plays. >Porn Site
>Only Fans Agency
>Cute Purple Bunny Mascot

Presale is in 5 hours. Im pre-cumming.

>> No.58142475
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Go back in time and buy avi.

Just kidding, you can get rich off 3k op just put 1k into lucky, 2k into avi. Once lucky hits 20m+ you can sell and rotate more into avi or kns, but kns is likely gonna jump to 100milly soon.

>> No.58142498

Getting my fingers crossed, the integrations of its VRF and dVRF functions by gaming platforms will melt faces.