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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 300x300, IMG_2175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58138653 No.58138653 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>58128424

Apu is going to the billions of dollars in market cap, this is “the one”

Currently at a 20M market cap after dev rugged it down to 1M (20X)

CEXs are coming soon, and we’re going for all exchanges for max exposure

This is the memecoin that will make you 6-7 figures this year for a small bag

>> No.58138706

Lot of crabbing today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

>> No.58138707
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getting comfy frens, breaking through again tonight, get ready for melting faces

>> No.58138711
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frenly reminder we are the only coin to actually have rugged up

>> No.58138716
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>> No.58138721
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Holding my 100m stack until it passes PEPE. If we somehow rug again I'll buy 900m more. On Cowswap of course.

>> No.58138722

>CEXs are coming soon, and we’re going for all exchanges for max exposure

My penis is erect frens

>> No.58138748
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Winners win

>> No.58138773

Sold my 200m stack at the bottom. Could only afford 20m today. I shouldn’t have panic sold

>> No.58138790

Hey So basically I'm just not gonna sell, I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna sell is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.58138791

What's the make it stack? I'll buy it right now

>> No.58138807

1 billion

>> No.58138808

50M sui
500M makeit

>> No.58138811
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Apu is a jeet scam

>> No.58138823
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 1000035465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 apu fren
come join the frenzy. +450 new frens on telegram in 24 hrs

>> No.58138824

50M - suicide stack
250M - make it stack
500M - make it even more stack
1B - this is like owning 21 Bitcoin right now

>> No.58138839
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It's happening!

>> No.58138842

What if you have multiple billions?

>> No.58138855
File: 31 KB, 512x411, 1195052E-CD25-42F2-8E4D-CFC141EAEA2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fag in the last thread said he knew who the dev was, what did he mean by this? This coin feels weird, it’s all too convenient. But I’m holding my lil 100M bag forever.

>> No.58138878

1B Apu = 21 bitcoin.

>> No.58138883


>> No.58138896

oh really? darn, I guess I should sell now

>> No.58138913

Can someone get a hold of the jeet dev and convince him to dump his remaining tokens, i want in but that shit bothers me.

>> No.58138924

It would be funny if he's a true believer in APU now and doesn't want to sell anymore.

>> No.58138925
File: 379 KB, 995x803, 1523909592156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a dream about this coin for two nights in a row, I am mentally exhausted of thinking about the potential of missing out again. I can no longer continue to cope missing out, haven't traded since 2018 how do you buy this coin? What exchange? Please don't bully.

>> No.58138934

KEK, if you dont buy this your ngmi

>> No.58138938

I bought it on uniswap
you'd probably have to activate a metamask wallet, go to uniswap, connect it, search for Apu (the one with the logo) and trade ETH for it, would have to send ETH to your metamask wallet
good luck, your dreams give me hope, right now the price was .0000666 when I last checked, reminding me that this is satan's realm, just an illusion, remember to not get pulled in by greed or material desire and remember to keep eyes on God
this might solve our financial problems entirely

>> No.58138941

>What exchange?
Cowswap until it's on Binance/Coinbase. See >>58138721

>> No.58138950

I’m not convinced the plan was to rug all along. I think he started out genuine, albeit being a cunt taking profits early when he shouldn’t have, then just had a hissy fit when he burnt and didn’t get the praise he was expecting, got the shits and rugged and walked away. If it was always going to be a rug I just don’t get why he burnt 20%.

>> No.58138953

Fairly sure it was his last attempt to save face when more and more people were confronting him about having more than 8% supply.

>> No.58138958

this is gonna rug back to sub $1m mcap within a week, screencap this

>> No.58138961

I'm going to look into metamask, and uniswap. This will be the first time ever using it, I'm still haunted by seeing the first shib thread on /biz/ and thought how stupid it was and then it was listed on coinbase and the rest is history.

>> No.58138965
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1000035479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lore itself is crazy.. frens this might be the biggest memecoin we ever see. this will become a news story

>> No.58138980

>remember to keep eyes on God
>this might solve our financial problems entirely
Holy crackers what a sell signal

>> No.58138983

>save face
That’s kinda what I mean. If your plan is to rug who cares what people think, why lose your supply.

>> No.58138989

yes sell now

>> No.58138995

So many forced faggots baggies from telegram on this thread. Never on biz, but when trying to shill, they will show up with thier plebbit asses

>> No.58139027

No one is buying your linu bags retard. BSC is a dead chain and your coin is dead.
>checks linu 24hr trading volume
Hearty kek

>> No.58139031

linu isnt on BSC you retard

>> No.58139041

Even funnier. Shows how irrelevant your shitty coin is that I didn’t even know nor care.

>> No.58139100

bsc and sol are such shity pajeet chains

>> No.58139114
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You're probably right, there's no other explanation

>> No.58139149
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I hope APU really does moon. I missed Shib, Doge, dogwifhat, etc. I really need to fucking make it. I don't even need that much, only around 800K. Please God let this be the one.

>> No.58139186

In post-mortem he actually did a pretty good launching the coin. $50m mc in a week is unicorn. I don’t even overly mind him taking such a big bag he just communicated it very poorly. From day 2 or 3
>frens the big wallets are me
>some will be used for marketing, some give sways and if needed I will burn for price corrections
>my dream scenario is we go Pepe level and I sell OTC to CEXs and I make my money not dumping on frens
>you have no reason to trust me but every launch gets sniper whales who would you rather has the bag a dev fren who is all in or random anons waiting to dump on you
But he was cagey, the FUD got high level not helped by the obsessive linu fags and devs own actions. He burnt to prove he was legit and the FUD only got worse so he said fuck it you all aren’t worth it. I don’t even overly blame him.

>> No.58139194

imagine being a dev apologist.
fuck palladius. i thank him for the entry though

>> No.58139196
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I want it to dip again so I can buy lower aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.58139210

Lol sure poor Dev only making 2usd an hour.
Stop coping, it was a scam that went better than expected so he didn't dare to overtly steal tens or hundreds of thousands because he's scared of the police. Once you're big enough, the IRS and SEC cares

>> No.58139211
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reborn through fire and flames frens

>> No.58139214

>imagine being a dev apologist.
No apologist, he fucked it badly and traded 9 figs for 6 figs, maybe 7 if he doesn’t fuck his remaining bag. I simply try and ration what happened so I can play things better next time. If I believed the FUD from day 1 about it being an Insto rug I wouldn’t have my 2 Billy stack.
>fuck palladius. i thank him for the entry though
I doubled my stack thanks to him.

>> No.58139219

>Once you're big enough, the IRS and SEC cares
As long as you pay your taxes literally no one cares. Meme coins aren’t a security in anyone’s eyes other than the tax man. There was nothing he did that was illegal.

>> No.58139221

Ironically without his wallet and rug we wouldn't be here today so I doubt he would have had 9 figs. Better distributions and whale wallet purchases and a much more resilient community. I wouldn't have entered either if it wasn't for the rug providing cheap slurpies to turn it around to a based 1b project.

>> No.58139241

>Ironically without his wallet and rug we wouldn't be here today so I doubt he would have had 9 figs.
Based on the theory we go Pepe size and he sells over counter to cex. Long shot obviously but there was a pathway there. Anyway I’m comfy as fuck and the only person who should pissed are frens who bought the top and even then they just need to wait a week. Ex Frens who panic sold will be pissed but that’s on them.

>> No.58139245

cant believe i sold the bottom and was fudded out of buying back in
might just kill myself

>> No.58139250

good morning sirs!

>> No.58139254
File: 775 KB, 1170x2256, CE609B04-CAA4-4AEA-8F56-CF60E47E5A83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big wick energy. Get in or get side lined

>> No.58139286


Why after dumping did he transfer his funds through two wallets and into tornado cash, why would he feel the need to launder the profits?

>> No.58139352

He's a dumbass

>> No.58139358

>Tax and also paranoia.
I’m not dev rugging and I regularly wash to lower my footprint. Hard rugpulls are illegal in a lot of countries but I’m not aware of any, at least yet, where a soft rug like this cunt did is illegal. The day it is meme coins are over as it effectively means they are under securities regulation.

>> No.58139425

He's an Indian so doesn't believe that his gods are omniscient. If you wash your coins, so the thinking goes, even Vishnu can't trace them and so you escape karmic debt for rugging.

>> No.58139440

Damn that's retarded. So glad I bought that dump though.

>> No.58139466


> OnlyFrens user who knows the lore

I don't blame him either desu, his shit was fudded a lot, ye even leaked his conversations and it was all a shitty look, if he continued to hold the sniper would still dump slowly and everyone would lose interest as they would all think that he was the sniper. we even forced him to add $100k of liquidity and at that point I think he said fuck it all took the easy $250k that was avalaible and left a moonbag, which he seems to still be holding and probably will for a long time, else why would you call it "youwillthankmelater.eth", he really seemed keen into the meme

unironically I think that what he did was the best for him, for the community and for everyone involved except those who panic sold. If we go to 1B I will thank him later.

>> No.58139494
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this meme picture is so true

100 million mc very soon

>> No.58139530
File: 187 KB, 1194x189, please sir do not DO NOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everyone thinks they are going to become millionaires, no one is.

Verification not required.

>> No.58139553

It’s been a crazy fucking ride that’s for sure. On the very small chance we go Pepe levels it sure as shit deserves a movie if GME got one.

>> No.58139584

Hey guys I just woke up and WTFWT!?!?!

>> No.58139640

Here we goooooooooooooo

>> No.58139646

TFW I only have 20M...

>> No.58139651

How I buy this?

>> No.58139657

cowswap or uniswap

>> No.58139658

>25mil mc
>didn't buy the generational bottom

It's fucking over for me

>> No.58139664
File: 3 KB, 252x253, 1703684376056129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swingies get the rope
wtf are some of these nibbas in the blockchain doing
fees too high to be swanging $100 lmao

>> No.58139665

You’re going to say you wish you bought at 25m mcap when it’s 2.5b mcap

>> No.58139676

Yeah but nobody has a crystal ball. Until then it's too risky to buy now.
Already missed out
I never buy shit beyond 3mil mc anyway

>> No.58139683
File: 58 KB, 647x889, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*kshh kshh*
message to all frens
non-frens not allowed to listen
25M market cap has been reached
I repeat, 25M market cap has just been reached over

>> No.58139694

unironically dev here

signed message: https://pastebin.com/yV6CvTsn

on pastebin because it is too long for 4chan

>> No.58139700

Palladius is that you faggot?? I'm not clicking that

>> No.58139709
File: 755 KB, 1080x655, apu chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to https://apu.community/ and follow the instructions fren. Make sure to set uniswap slippage below 1% to avoid MEV bots.

>> No.58139710

Just two days ago, we were analyzing a rug on #APU token, causing a price drop. With increased volume and improved supply repair, we suggested the token might rebound. Today, the community took charge, and the token now sits at a $25 million market cap. Incredible turnaround!


>> No.58139713
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1686317176782684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henlo frens i panic sold minutes after dev dumped (if i was sleeping at the time like i usually do i'd have still panic sold when i woke up but gotten 3x more for it...)
now i have aped back in with everything and so now i have 100m apus, before i had just under a billion
i will never sell again... this is more than i started with in eth from the first thread but it still hurts, am i still wagmi

>> No.58139715


yes faggot it's me, its a fucking pastebin nigger, I am not injecting you a wallet drainer with that

and jannies please fix your fucking site I had to use 3 different vpns to be able to post this crap

>> No.58139725

All of my shitcoins are massively up today. Glory to God

>> No.58139735


I did an awesome launch except I didn't include a blacklist function to prevent snipers from buying and that I didn't hide my wallets well enough, other than that the launch was perfect. $50m mc in a week is only seen, as you said, in unicorns.

I fucking breathe APU, all the memes I post are him and everytime I go on the internet all I see is his face. This will unironically go to +1b, what I created is bigger than me.

and I am not an attention whore, this will be my only time posting and I will go dark, do not try to contact me later on.

>> No.58139736

Tl:DR are you rugging again?
you could make some nice money right now by doing so and buying back cheaper for a 3rd pump.

Do it faggot

>> No.58139752

not reading the pastebin but i'm guessing you're some Venezuelan

>> No.58139753
File: 198 KB, 750x587, 1710732916687131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58139759

Dump your tokens i need an entry.
Also don't want in knowing you are still holding, you cost me a lot of money already.

>> No.58139760

>i am not going to attention whore
>proceeds to attention whore
What did he mean by this?

>> No.58139761

If true, do the right thing for once and burn at least half of your remaining stack.

>> No.58139763

You're an attention whore 3rd worlder. You made something awesome, tried to fuck everyone over, and it still succeeded. Go hide in shame faggot

>> No.58139766


> are you rugging again?

no faggot this wasn't supposed to be a rug at all. I had full intentions of riding it to +1b but some nigger decided to start digging around and leak shit so I was forced to do what I did

not selling, so buy now or miss it faggot, the project is in good hands so I am sleeping comfy.

>> No.58139767

You should burn at least some more of that 7.8b stack, just for some type of retribution and as an act of good faith for the project that you tried to ruin

>> No.58139776

the community is what drove the price up. it succeeded in spite of you. you were a weight sinking us into the water. hang yourself

>> No.58139777

well thanks a lot I'm up 10x and didn't buy til the dump

>> No.58139784

I ain't dumping shit

I just wanted to explain my reasons and send a nice message, after this thread is archived you will never hear from me again

yea sure buddy

>> No.58139787

Don't try to give yourself credit, you didn't do anything well. Timing was on your side. You would've made so much more money if you literally admitted to the intention of rugging and then burned most of your hidden stacks. You truly are fucking stupid. Like unimaginably stupid.

>> No.58139797


whatever you say man, go create the next apu if you are so smart

>> No.58139800

I sold 70m for pennies cause i wake up to a deleted tg and your fucking rug, now i have to watch on the sidelines while i gsther funds to enter again because this community revival was nothing short of a miracle, do some reparations is not enough with your word

>> No.58139801

You lied multiple times, you expect people to just throw money around and not even attempt to see that you secretly held a doomstack? You are an actual nigger faggot, literal “the jew cries out as he strikes you” vibes.

>> No.58139803

poomp hpos bsc version

>> No.58139807


> deleted tg

yea sorry about that. I had to cover my tracks, maybe in the next dump you can get your 70m back :)

>> No.58139809


you will thank me later

>> No.58139817

why won’t you admit that the new ”dev” 5g is also you or your friend?

>> No.58139827

wen doomp

>> No.58139828


nah he isn't my friend, at least not anymore but even if he calls me pajeetious or retarded dev I will still like him

you are in good hands. revival was a miracle and only someone that is worthy of having the lead would have been able to do it.

>> No.58139836

>I had full intentions of riding it to +1b but some nigger decided to start digging around and leak shit so I was forced to do what I did
So you just proved him right? I guess it's all good since you can afford indoor plumbing now lmao.

>> No.58139837

>you will thank me later
Nobody is going to thank you later faggot
Many lost their entry and stacks due to panic selling after the rug

Unironically the only way to "thank you" is rugging a 2nd time but tha ain't happens so you already caused many ropes

You're a nigger faggot shitskin spic
It's over for many of us and it's not worth buying at this price

>> No.58139843


otc after this is worth 1b-2b and I can cash out 30m-40m, may even not sell everything at that point lol, apu is just way too strong

>> No.58139847

No, infact you being an attention whore faggot just killed the momentum at the worst possible time so now this shit isnt going anywhere with the metric ton of free fud ammunition you just produced. You could have let this succeed but yet AGAIN your selfish faggotry gets in the way and destroys it. You are an actual nigger and you are too far up your own ass to see it.

>> No.58139848

That ain't gonna happen.*
Die and you'll be tracked believe it or not

>> No.58139849

Truly a narcissistic scammer third worlder 80iq mentality.
>i had no intention of rugging
>faggots started digging around so i was forced to
I agree in the end it was better that you ended up dumping now than by 1bil + mc, but jesus christ dude. The most wholesome shitcoin community by far and you do not have the balls to admit to being a piece of shit and burning a huge amount of your hidden wallets. Imagine what that would have done to your reputation. Instead you jeeted and ran like a fucking pussy LOL. Well i am jealous of that 8 bil stack that you still have. You will make it money wise but spiritually you are doomed.

>> No.58139850

you should also mention that the website needs to work on mobile. I've brought this up to several crypto-notable people and all stopped looking when I texted the site to them.

>> No.58139852

Some guy in the tg just pointed out that the new website is running on the same stack as the old one and since it's WP it couldn't have been ripped from the browser. Is that right? Is the new website made by the old dev again?

>> No.58139855


> I guess it's all good since you can afford indoor plumbing now lmao.

thank you fren


> didn't sold after -66% dump from ATH
> sold after -99%"rug"

sorry but you were never meant to make it

>> No.58139856
File: 53 KB, 1068x303, pod racing pt 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.58139862

he is a complete brainlet

>> No.58139863

How did he get the same tg group back then? How did he get your wordpress backend? Why was he nowhere to be seen pre-rug?

I have never heard of this 5g pajeet but suddenly all APU TGs are sucking him off like hes Michael Saylor.

>> No.58139868

also the massive faggotry in his "message to the community" https://pastebin.com/yV6CvTsn where he talks about the website in such detail as to misguide people thinking he wasn't controlling it in the first place is super fishy

>> No.58139871

Yup and now its rugging again now that dev nigger has shown his face to announce how big of a nigger he is. All he had to do is enjoy his money and shut the fuck up but nope, had to have attention. Fucking idiot lol

>> No.58139873

care to explain? it's a good question, how can the website be ripped without access to the wp theme source code?

>> No.58139875

They clearly have very different personalities, that's really hard to fake.

5G based on how he talks clearly has a higher time preference than pajeetus.

>> No.58139878

and they both drop pastebin links? they're the same person then.

>> No.58139879


>> No.58139880

Damn this is so fucking bearish
We are gonna being dumped again , right?

>> No.58139882


> I agree in the end it was better that you ended up dumping now than by 1bil + mc

It would have never been able to reach 1b mil if I didn't rug, that's the part you don't see, now it has a chance, and most likely it will

> You will make it money wise but spiritually you are doomed.

it's just numbers on a screen man, they literally don't mean anything, get a grip


nah it looks like shit. I mean I give them credit that they recovered that from the archive but fucking reach out to me and I'll send them the backup of the wordpress file that they can import and even have the plugins imported

yea I wanted to do that, already had it planned out in my mind how the mobile version would look but I guess it is not in my hands anymore

>> No.58139883

He gave 5G control of the twitter before the rug happened. Just up and decided to do so. Hmm yes let me share control of an integral part of the project with an anonymous stranger yes this is *definitely* what happened.

>> No.58139885

Why are you fucking talking you dumb faggot? You come here trying to ruin it again. Just STFU. Why are you like this? No one wanted to hear you still have a stack. Why didn't you just rug it all.

You can't even stfu for your own interests.

>> No.58139887

wtf you nigger faggot i literally just bought.

>> No.58139892

I meant lower.
If 5G was pajeetus, it's rational for him to never bring up pajeetus again, it brings attention there is literally zero upside. Pajeetus is clearly salty as fuck at his own degenerate high time preference personality and is covering it up with some ego bullshit right now.

>> No.58139895


> wow a linu holder saw this and now it is dumping!!

stfu man, nobody cares about what is posted in here, only /biz/tards that were my frens and that is the only group I want my message to reach out


yes, 5g and me are the same person. sorry it was all planned and now you are going to get rugged again

>> No.58139896

okay listen here. I'm almost certain you are the same retard from TG.

you go to the website archive.org. you search for a snapshot of the website apu.club.
now you do the unimaginable and click view page source. you can find every single image used on the website still cached there. all of the html/css is there.

>> No.58139897

>panic selling after a rug
Nigger that is 100% on you. Never panic sell a soft rug. Accept it and try and time a bottom break even buy. Every dev soft rug ever at least 5xs from bottom.

>> No.58139900

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.58139901

Dev dumping his tokens and deleting the tg would force anyone with fucking logic to sell immediately because logic dictates that everyone will be exiting like 99.99% of the cases, it wasn't a "rug", it was a rug.
-66% on a memecoin is nothing.
What you did would've have killed any other project you piece of shit.
Give our stacks back.

>> No.58139909

It would have if you just came forward and admitted to being a filthy jeet scammer. Go ahead burn 1bil and see how TG and price reacts.
>just numbers on a screen man
you are scamming people to increase your numbers on the screen, what the fuck are you talking about. Burn 1 bil and watch.

>> No.58139910

He craves the attention because hes a little faggot attention whore. He is too stupid to realize people see through it. The same way he was too stupid to realize people would find his hidden wallets and uncover lie after lie after lie. The same way he is too fucking dumb to realize that he just nuked all momentum this had regained by showing his face again. He is a literal retard nigger faggot.

>> No.58139911


> No one wanted to hear you still have a stack

> first thing an user does when they join the telegram is ask what the dev still holds
> everyone answers 7b - they have all the wallets tracked

>> No.58139916 [DELETED] 

Palladius, im a disabled pensioner
I invested 14k of my money and fucking panic sold the remaining measly 300 dollars . 7 months of hard work for you to rug. Three sleepless fucking nights because of you. You played me.
Well done.



>> No.58139923

Nice try palladius

>> No.58139927

This palladius is the most annoying faggot ever

>> No.58139928

Not me, it's this guy I'm pretty sure >>58139863

Saving the client side source (markup, css, images) won't get you to a running website in a matter of hours if you're missing the wp theme. The CSS is somewhat tailored to the theme, isn't it? So you would have to be a total WP fag and know the theme that was used and be super knowledgable and quick spinning it up, registering the domain and all of that in a matter of 2 hours.
OOOOOOOOOOOR palladius just clicked ctrl+c ctrl+v.
Which one is more likely to you?

>> No.58139932

>yes, 5g and me are the same person. sorry it was all planned and now you are going to get rugged again

In fact i'm going to believe you because that faggot scrapped/deleted all the rugs he shilled before from his twitter acount
Some anons here already knew he was sus.

This spicladius should
Just dump it all already and set us free.
if he isn't gonna redeem himself burning his 8B stack then give anons a last entry and gtfo

>> No.58139934

>I sold 70m for pennies cause i wake up to a deleted tg and your fucking rug

I bought around 50M for pennies, thanks for the discount, paperhands

>> No.58139936

KEK you're painting a nice rosy story, meanwhile you created this coin to rug from the get go. Get fucked.

>> No.58139944 [DELETED] 


> didn't read the pastebin
> says stupid shit


I ain't burning shit nigger and I am also not dumping shit. the only way these tokens leave my wallet are if apu gets listed on binance and I can sell them otc for million of dollars

> you are scamming people to increase your numbers on the screen

I like my numbers going up okay, sry fren

seconds ago you were fudding saying me and 5g were the same person and now you are saying that I killed momentum by appearing

kek, go buy linu or some shit rajeesh

>> No.58139945

Damn it took them 2 whole hours?
I think the motivation of recovering thousands of dollars in the light of a rugpull would motivate me to do it in 10 minutes.

>> No.58139949


do you beleive that $APU goes to over billion market cap now?

>> No.58139951


>> No.58139958

it's just not possible, the code is too tailored to the old theme, don't you understand? I don't care btw I'm still holding

>> No.58139959

Kek bot

>> No.58139964

Wp is for retards you don't need it

>> No.58139980

>get a grip money is just numbers on a screen
>i like my number go up mhmhm
Do you even read what you post? Fucking retarded sub 90iq ESL monkey. Thank god money won't bring you happiness.

>> No.58139981

>matter of hours
I’m pretty sure it was at least 24hrs

>> No.58139988

Bro, let me be direct and autistically blunt. Everyone is in their own way telling you the best thing you can do for us, the token, and even yourself is to shut the fuck up and live with it. Your ego is making you want to be involved and credited. You lost that. When people were saying that there is karma, this is what they're talking about. It's true nobody's perfect, but sometimes the universe fucks with you in really weird ways, it doesn't involve men with horns and fire, sometimes the universe is laughing in your face in the most ironic way possible for trying to scam others. Frog energy, you get it?

>> No.58139993
File: 46 KB, 855x366, IMG_5973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I ain't burning shit nigger and I am also not dumping shit. the only way these tokens leave my wallet are if apu gets listed on binance and I can sell them otc for million of dollars

You said the same thing first time around. What changed?

How did 5g get the telegram group?

Why did you announce you were going to rug on tg?

>> No.58139994

yeah honestly, just make your money but shut up you write like a high school dropout

>> No.58139998

This anon is right. Just disappear mate.

>> No.58140004

meant to quote this anon >>58139988 as well

>> No.58140008

You care enough to spread fud over it? Fucking faggot.

>> No.58140010

His egotistical bullshit is the biggest clue he isn't 5G imo. The ego and poorly hidden jealousy is palpable.

>> No.58140011

>How did 5g get the telegram group?
I’m pretty sure once it’s deleted anyone can grab it and he didn’t get it for a solid 2-3 hours from memory.

>> No.58140014

> I ain't burning shit nigger and I am also not dumping shit. the only way these tokens leave my wallet are if apu gets listed on binance and I can sell them otc for million of dollars

I can’t take your word for it because you already lied about everything else

It just seems like you got impatient and wanted out to move on to making a new rug but then got surprised by how the community brought it back

But I will agree your decisions which I do believe were not planned, just in the heat of the moment, I mean, you probably thought it would max out at a few million and you’d rug 50-100k or something, but you let it ride out and we hit 50 mill then you got impatient and started increasing selling pressure more and more and got so impatient that you just decided to rug

Dont pretend like this was all part of your plan, we’re all retarded gamblers, but we aren’t stupid lol

>> No.58140025

no I'm just tired of literal middle school excuses >"ehh teacher i know i didn't do homework yesterday but TODAY I REALLY WANTED TO but uhhh, you know, something really unexpected happened..."
just be a man and say that the new website uses the same wordpress source code and that he runs it again and gg where's the problem? Why confess 80% and lie again about the 20%?

>> No.58140029

He's a literal ESL monkey 90IQ faggot retard with a huge ego. Dude he is pissing me off so bad. Just him being here being a faggot I'm seeing a see of red on dextools lol

Palladius FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. You fucked people over, now it's successful in spite of you. You can't betray your own token and community and then try and come back and brag. It's successful because you FUCKED OFF. You ruined people's lives. You're a scumbag piece of shit faggot

>> No.58140034

$APU community is already too strong

i suggest dont sell, this is your chance to make it if this goes over 1 billion market which is a good chance

>> No.58140037


>> No.58140040

Already too late for some of us. fuck

>> No.58140041

Are you saying it's hard to find the same theme on WordPress

>> No.58140043

we are literally telling you how it is done and you are refusing to accept it.

I will entertain you this one time.
Show me an element or any other piece of the original website that you think would be impossible to recover without what is given in the archive.
I will then show you how it is done. :)

>> No.58140048

Just throw like 2k in and let it ride

>> No.58140052


what you mean, mc is still only 24 million

1 billion is 1000 million, so huge gains if this goes to at least 1 billion mc

and $APU community is already too strong and getting stonger all the time

>> No.58140057

Cant. Palladius fucking did me in. Panic sold the bottom

>> No.58140063

>selling for a loss ever
Stop crying fags, you literally did it to yourselves by clicking the "swap" button. You're supposed to consider shitcoin gambling money already lost and be pleasantly surprised if it moons, not panic sell the fucking bottom

>> No.58140066

One more thing

Yes it’s worked out better that you

1. Sold a lot of your Apu slow rugging
2. Burned a lot of your Apu to decrease supply
3. Impatiently rugged the majority of your remaining Apu
4. Only have what is it? 7 billion Apu remaining?

So yes it worked out, but it’s the community that did it, your actions were malicious but it just so happened to work out positively, so I can thank you for at least that

But I ask if you just sell 50% of your remaining 7 billion on the way up over time, so you only have 1% of the supply instead of 2%, if you want to help on purpose this time I think you should take that into consideration


>> No.58140068

This can become a good drama story in the crypto scene with a happy ending

>> No.58140073


you made more than 4k within all your trades, no pensioneer browses /biz/ retard, if you are buying crypto you are already living more comfortably than 90% of the world.

it's the story of apu, like it or not

1b is unironically fud, depends on the team at this point desu

i'll gladly fuck off, just wanted to give my side of the story, you won't ever hear from me again

that nigger sniper isn't me fucker. I wish it was, he fucking sold like a stupid nigger as well, if it wasn't for him maybe I wouldn't have rugged


I literally said in the pastebin that this wasn't planned and that I am no genius mastermind

>> No.58140078

it'll be okay fren. there's lots of bad people in the world. just let it wash over you. if you must focus on anything, let it be the fact that he thinks anyone will be thankful to him. it's a pretty funny joke

>> No.58140083

what was the leak palladius?

>> No.58140086


Of course, I feel sorry for those who lost money as a result of rug

>> No.58140089

Take responsibility for your own actions faggot

>> No.58140091

it's not impossible but just way more unlikely that some autist spent time figuring out which theme was used by looking at some of the CSS overrides than accepting that the old dev sent a .zip to one of his friends
Hell, even the download link of the archive doesn't work https://archive.is/BE5WM

I could easily mimic the visuals of the old website in less than 2 hours starting from scratch but I couldn't even begin to understand the jeety nigger code of the old website in the same time. It's just so massively unlikely that I'm beginning to ask myself why you're so invested into fighting the rumors that the new website is owned by palladius again?

>> No.58140092

Ok I didn’t open the paste bin

But please answer >>58140066

>> No.58140096

>he continues to defend himself and says the rug was not planned when his intention was to hide the fact he holds 50% of the supply
Thank god you got found out. Now disappear for good fucking nigger.

>> No.58140100

now you have $0?

>> No.58140101

okay it seems that the theme is what you are worried about.
open wide here is the exact theme used:

now please fuck off

>> No.58140106


some guy tracked wallets and started talking to me, then he said he had my metadata, deleted messages and went to a group that was for the best of frens and leaked the screenshot of my chat with him in there

at that point it was pretty much over, rugging was my best course of action and although unplanned it ended up being the best course of action for the community as well

(unless you sold the bottom like a retard)


I am not bragging, sorry that you got hurt.

>> No.58140114

Ah yes you mean the sniper that was funded with eth MINUTES before the token was created? Yes pure coincidence im sure. Nigger

>> No.58140116

interesting because i remember i tracked your wallets too but did not leak

>> No.58140117

how do we know that pgp signature is you?

>> No.58140120

I was in there too. How was that your best course of action? They just wanted you to timelock your shit and keep you in control and things were recovering then you just sperged out and attempted to rug

>> No.58140129

Also if I'm handing out blunt thoughts, it's clear you're going through some shit.
You may feel turbulence, but realize that the best thing you can do or dwell on is be a better fren to all going forward. If you ever go into a dark place, realize that moving forward is the best, that can be done by committing to try doing your part in the world as a positive force day-to-day -- this doesn't mean help kids in Africa (sometimes that kind of stuff is just avoidance), it means just doing it everyday life. We're all doing our best here. The community will be fine. Just some friendly frog energy.

>> No.58140134

Hello you fuck i sold my bag to break even from your rug gimme some tokens.


>> No.58140141

Because he is an emotional ESL monkey. Probably got angry and sold while tripping on power. The right choice would have been to burn most of his coins (selfless, benefitting the whole community). Only problem then would've been that sniper though.

>> No.58140142

you're talking about how they copy and pasted the css?

>> No.58140145


What you did may not be legally wrong
But morally. Yeah its wrong
Yes i lost ALOT.
There was alot of loss in the community and what we had in the TG.
the suicide hotline was even posted in there.
(not been funny either).
Brutal. Some anon lost 100k
Litterally sold his remaining stack
And quit crypto. Brutal

>> No.58140149


it was a sniper, it used banana gun, I never used a telegram wallet.


it's a signed eth message, you can verify using etherscan verify signature


with the faggot snipper still selling and the word already out that I had lied to you guys my presence & my holdings alone were enough to make nobody want to buy the coin again. I saw trough this and decided to sell, same thing with providing liquidity. you guys would have eaten into my ETH or even worse, pepe whale would have one shotted the LP.

not saying what I did was inmoral, it was lol, luckily I do not believe in karma but just explaining my thought process. most of you retards would have done the same in my shoes.

>> No.58140155

so you gonna unrug us and rebuy?

>> No.58140162

>Some anon lost 100k
normal in crypto

>> No.58140163


I'm wondering why you don't send 10M tokens to every faggot who sold the bottom in here? It will cost you maybe $10k in total but it will repair your image and will make news outside of /biz/ for sure. It will undeniably prove that you're serious about not rugging a second time. Or are you afraid to be called a commie by your whale friends?

>> No.58140164

You do not believe in karma, yet. Also you could've handled it a lot better, but i thank you for exiting soon. Everyone who sold the absolute bottom can only blame themselves.

>> No.58140169


thank you fren. I didn't want to do it but if you understand my thought process it was the only rational maximizing value for me action to do.

I felt like shit afterwards and couldn't sleep, I srly didn't want to do it even if I don't believe in hell or karma.

hugs to you, hope you make it.


sorry that you got hurt.

>> No.58140177

He won't do that because he loves his money and is a greedy, evil fuck. Nothing else to it. He says he "luckily doesn't believe in karma" lmao. Remember this post saar.

>> No.58140179

Just sell in clips and rebuy in new wallets. It's not that hard.
Can you please do us I solid. With the added info I get why.
I'm not even asking for you to be against your interests. Just get the stink of the dev wallets out of the projects.

>> No.58140182

giving tokens to people who panic sell the bottom would be bad

>> No.58140189

I forgive you..

Do we have any other whales to worry about? If i buy back in. (Serious?).

>> No.58140192

me and my friend track palladius's transactions on etherscan and found many wallets where he was transferring Apu onto dozens of wallets that he dumped all throughout since the launch of Apu.
He still holds BILLIONS and BILLIONS of Apu.
not buying this fucking shit unless that pathetic fucking retard burns all his tokens.

>> No.58140198

I agree, I wouldn't even accept them personally it just feels gay but if I had millions that would be the things that go through my head for sure. You give out a few million tokens to those that can show transactions where they sold the bottom, it costs you nothing but you create incredible amount of bullishness among the weakest of society. The poor niggers will love him for doing that, we will just think "hmm maybe he's not scamming a second time" and the whales will just laugh for the novelty of it. I think it's a net positive for sure to do something like this.

>> No.58140201

Fuck you pajeetus, remember jim the thumbs up guy? A day after you sold he deleted telegram and the community misses him.

>> No.58140203


Personally, I would not be able to live knowing that I had stolen money from others

You could somehow try to correct the theft and crime you committed

>> No.58140204

>pepe whale would have one shotted the LP.
makes sense if you were sitting there watching everything like that. I guess you got scared and tried to make a play, thinking it's better for you to have the liquidity than someone else.

>> No.58140206

well, according to him, its just numbers on a screen. so why not lol. the answer is that his greed outweighs his guilty conscience and any kind of moral imperative that could guide him.

>> No.58140207

This. Jesus Christ we have rebound si hard and all these faggots can’t take responsibility they fucked up.

>> No.58140208

Also while you're here, what are those jeety nvidia tokens you have in your wallets?

>> No.58140209

>sorry that you got hurt.

The community needs more than a just sorry you fuckin inbred.

>> No.58140211


you are welcome. I was just acting in my best interest but you will unironically thank me later (even if I did not meant to do anything good)


If you really want me out I can do that, but doesn't it make it magical that even the rugger felt fomo and held to a billion plus?


not that I know of, the sniper faggot sold a lot at the bottom and then even bought back in kek, but he doesn't have much now.

>> No.58140212

Certainly sounds bullish as fuck that the jeet rug dev came back and donated to people he fucked over. He just cries about being forced to rug and feeling sorry for his "frens" that got hurt yet he does NOTHING to improve the community. Already made a shit ton of money but too greedy to even show good faith. Simply him coming forward is bearish for APU so he would do something (like burning his dirty jeet tokens) good for APU if he actually cared, but he doesn't.

>> No.58140216

It wasn't a panic sell you motherfuckers it was the right course of action in this scenario which was THE OWNER OF THE PROJECT FUCKING EVERYONE.
How the fuck i was supposed to know the community would flip it like this not even this fucker though he also believed it will kill it.

>> No.58140217
File: 863 KB, 936x1307, IMG_5989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence that palladius stopped posting same time as 5g went to sleep.

>> No.58140220

The blockchain is a public thing. You can literally go and see for yourself.

Let me guess. Your linu holder friends?

I don't understand why people are still talking about the dev. The project is now independent of him. Even if he dumped his 7.3B it would not change a single thing anymore.

You should stop posting and lurk a bit more. You are so wet behind the ears that it is starting to drip all over the thread.

>> No.58140228

Billions and billions? So less than 10B? That's like 1% of the supply.
So best case scenario is 40x, not that much considering the huge risk. I have a micro bag of 5M, won't invest any more.

>> No.58140230

>If you really want me out I can do that
leave some dust in the wallets but do it anyway to increase holder count. actually you could do this all day and people will be amazed at the holder count rising.

>> No.58140231

He actually panic-rugged when that sniper whale faggot dumped. He's not some mastermind genius, he's obviously retarded. This would realistically be 3 to 4x the price right now if he never rugged.
I figured he would rug, but I was shocked he did it so early.

He's here with rug-remorse because the community bounce back proves he blew his load too son and could have rugged when this had done at least another 10x from ATH, maybe more.

You should not buy into this. He still has billions. He will dump on you faggots again and again.

>> No.58140233

>but doesn't it make it magical that even the rugger felt fomo and held to a billion plus?
No, but you donating to people you fucked over does. Even a billy to the community fund, anything. But you won't do it, of course.

>> No.58140237

Yeah that was sad.
He was the special ed schoolteacher in chicago.
He lost it all too.
Sad man...

Jim if your reading this, all the best.

>> No.58140243


> Fuck you pajeetus, remember jim the thumbs up guy? A day after you sold he deleted telegram and the community misses him.

that made me genuinely sad, I am sorry.

this, sorry but if you sold the bottom there is nothing that I can do, everyone who held is already massively up from my "rug", and I bet there are a lot of faggots that bought more and are now up tremendously.


no idea, probably scam airdrop

yea, I mean you can all me a nigger or a jeet but 90% of you would have done the same in my shoes.

>> No.58140245

>If you really want me out I can do that, but doesn't it make it magical that even the rugger felt fomo and held to a billion plus?
Nah man people just see bad actor is still in. If you could please sell and just buy with unrelated wallet.
It would help out. Thanks.

>> No.58140253


this was my last message. I am out forever, peace and wish you all frens the best. genuinely sorry for those who got hurt by my actions.

>> No.58140254

idk about you but i don't really care about the dev for a meme coin. all they did was make the token. i just think of it as them selling their position and it looked like a good buy after the dump because it seemed like it still had a lot of momentum which seems right. also seems to attract newfags which is bullish.

>> No.58140255

It's not even a real sorry lol. A narcissist says "sorry that you got hurt" instead of "sorry that I hurt you" not as an apology, but to deflect blame.
Just fuck off Palladius, you rugging jeet. Go use your rug money to buy a working toilet.

>> No.58140259
File: 67 KB, 1039x692, IMG_2167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want build some positive energy back into the universe and add to the lore to story that is positive, you should really do something with a % of your remaining tokens

I don’t know what that would be, I’m not saying give up them all, but something like giving away 20% of your moon bag to random hodlers could be something, or maybe burn 20% of your remaining coins as a gesture of good will.

You already made a good chunk off this and you’ll make a good chunk off 7 billion tokens when the market cap is in the billions

Just do something as a final goodbye that is positive at least… come on

>> No.58140264


> but 90% of you would have done the same in > my
> shoes.

I do not believe that 90% of the world's people are thieves who have no conscience of their own

>> No.58140267

You keep reiterating how you were forced to do this and there is nothing you can do to help lmao. You already made a shit ton of money and you are holding a MASSIVE stack of this coin.
>nothing i can do to
Keep fucking telling yourself that you greedy fuck. Also you are only posting because your sense of guilt finally caught up to you so now you desperately try to make everyone believe you never meant for this to happen. Karma is catching up to you fast.

>> No.58140268

>this, sorry but if you sold the bottom there is nothing that I can do, everyone who held is already massively up from my "rug", and I bet there are a lot of faggots that bought more and are now up tremendously.
I actually DCAed the bottom. I put in 1/6th of what I put in during the earlier days and have even more APU.

>> No.58140271

Exactly... could never have either. I gotta fucking sleep at night

>> No.58140277

who instantly says oops I lost and sells their whole bag after 1 doomp? KEEEKKKKK buy the bottom newfags. his fault for being jim the newfag redditor.

>> No.58140279

This, don't reward paperhanded bitches

>> No.58140282

I would say that thieving jeet-type people are overrepresented on /biz/. This place is not made up of average people with average consciences and impulse control. It's made up of people like Palladius, I think his 90% figure probably isn't too far off for /biz/

>> No.58140290

he really needs to convince himself of that though. same reason he needs to think people will thank him. really heavy conscience. go find a confessional dude

>> No.58140297

>you would have done the same in my shoes.
yeah but if the goal is to help the token succeed then use that to fund consistent advertising like ads on /biz/ for the next year or 2 straight at least or buy back in with tons of different wallets.

>> No.58140301

Mc fucking kill yourself piece of shit scammer and dump it again
PS: you will never be White

>> No.58140303

It's pretty clear that you are a greedy piece of shit that could rug again at any moment.

>> No.58140307

you didn't actually pull the lp with a scam contract/exploit so no one can really blame you

>> No.58140308

Him and 5g are the same person, why do you think he gave 5g control of the twitter right before the rug? Fucking idiot just killed the breakout pump just by his attention seeking behavior and now we are dumping once the burgers wake up and read this shitshow. Literally was about to go parabolic but captain faggot just couldnt resist fishing for updoots

>> No.58140316

what the fucking fuck? I thought the dev rugged this shit. How has it pumped again?

>> No.58140317

his idea of selling to an exchange later is pretty good as long as it isn't some jeety as fuck unknown scam exchange

>> No.58140320


>> No.58140322

How do you change the y axis to market cap?

>> No.58140324


>> No.58140327

This is actually probably good advice, I mean community fund is an option (even though foundation money often times gets wasted), I'd recommend a little bit higher percentage-wise but whatever it's all the same.
I would like to add, and this may seem weird, but if he wants to really get over it (this situation is clearly messing with him hard), do what he needs to do with transfers, then delete all copies of the private keys -- and I mean ALL copies. Otherwise there's continued attachment, ego, etc.
Dude you need to take the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test and post the score. The odds of this kind of behavior even with a sophisticated sociopath is pretty hard (sociopaths have a challenge emulating internal turbulence/guilt).

>> No.58140328

Maybe buy us an exchange pateetus??? Like a proper one.

>> No.58140338

Unreal how mentally ill this guy is. Keeps telling himself how he had no choice and there is nothing he can do to help the community. Holds a semi bearish 8bil stack which is a huge amount of money in the future but too greedy to donate any of it to the community funds or straight up burn some to prove any sort of regret he is "feeling". He is also so fucking stupid he doesn't realize that him burning half of his stack is worth it if that is keeping the market cap prisoner.

>> No.58140340

To clarify, delete in such a way so that he can't ever lay claim to being pajeetus, even if tempted.

>> No.58140346

if they rug it you can just buy more and make a new twitter kek

>> No.58140352

5g is another scammer
He deleted almost every scam shilled on his twitter

Also this>>58140217

>> No.58140358

I told him to do this and he called me a nigger. He is just that fucking greedy. Doesn't realize that making the coin bullish as fuck by burning some of his stack benefits him as well. That is the thing that narcissistic fucks like him have a hard time understanding. By being selfless for a short time you can actually benefit yourself more than by just being selfish. It is unreal how he can not see this. If i was him i would have burned 4bil right after coming forward. Would be bullish as fuck. This guy is just a pathological liar and the most selfish person on earth.

>> No.58140367

what is your plan

i hold, This community is truly one of the strongest I've seen and is only growing

Apu Apustaja is actually one of the best memes, with the most funny meme images that people love and identify with

forget about that original dev cheater

If he has any conscience, he will probably regret it too, and he will regret more if $APU succeed

from this personally, I look at this $APU card to the end and believe in $APUn success

>> No.58140368

even if he burns it all it won't have that much of an impact

>> No.58140371

Don’t you linu faggots have your own coin to worry about?
I’m sure the suspended twitter is doing wonders for you

Kindly, get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.58140373

It’s not about making an impact

It’s more so just a gesture of good will

Adding something positive to his own lore and the lore of Apu

>> No.58140390

Im done holding. Ill watch and do some swings but at this point its fucked. We were fine until nigger faggot opened his mouth seeking updoots. The irony is that he probably thought his little diatribe would be seen as bullish but instead it flatlined the chart. He could have done NOTHING and let this pump but his autistic need for attention had to get in the way.

>> No.58140398

I'm not talking about the impact on price. I am talking about the impact to the reputation of this coin. That pastebin is unironically bearish. Rugger jeet dev coming forward after community takeover and burning his tokens would be giga bullish. He would be doing everyone, including himself, a favor by burning half of his remaining stack. I hope he comes to his senses and helps everyone by doing that. Him being greedy and holding that 8bil stack is just cringe and this thread is a bearish shitshow.

>> No.58140407

if he wants to help, it's best to keep as much of it in his hands as he can for as long as possible (years). so I would definitely recommend keeping that 8b til it's worth "make-it" money. then sell only at that point because he made it so it doesn't matter what happens to everyone else kek, but the coin is already extremely successful at that point so it still wouldn't die even if he just swapped his whole stack for eth.

>> No.58140412

And after he does what he needs to do, it would be maximum impact posting all known private keys associated with him on the publicly so he can no longer claim to be pajeetus.

>> No.58140413


He no longer has any influence to $APU

as well as his stack is relatively small

personally, I believe that $APU will go at least 1 billion market cap, and I would regret selling so early now

>> No.58140419

Uhh.. remove the words "on the"

>> No.58140421
File: 880 KB, 745x925, physique of the average american.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though he said he is not going to reply anymore i know he is going to read this thread when he wakes up. Just burn/donate half of that stack as a sign of good faith and watch it do wonders to the coin. There is no way you are this greedy/stupid that you do not realize the potential of it. It's not like i am asking you to burn it all. 4 bil APU + what you already made should be enough.

>> No.58140422

glycerin fu?

>> No.58140427

you're really ignorant if you think /biz/ alone is effecting the price at this point, obviously it's beyond /biz/ now and a bunch of the people buying are never gonna read this shit. I don't think his posts effected the price at all. it's just people buying and selling.

>> No.58140431

>what is locked liquidity
You’re so fucking dumb you deserve this. You literally have zero understanding of crypto.

>> No.58140437

>relatively small

his 8b stack is currently worth $0.5m and he could sell it all for $243k right now, dumping the price by -55%

>> No.58140439

palladius you fucking nigger brained faggot you cost me fucking 13k and i will find you and flay you alive even if it takes me years i will fucking find you and when i do no amount begging will make me stop

>> No.58140440

He still has a massive impact on the lore of the coin. I know APU will be successful and even if he does nothing I am fine with that.

>> No.58140449

>I am talking about the impact to the reputation of this coin.
no one is even going to remember any of this happened in a month unless the whole community memes the fuck out of it nonstop. especially if those dumps look like 1 pixel on the chart after it poomps.

>> No.58140452
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>> No.58140457

FU and your fake pump.

You try to rug another time you greedy bastard.
Probably you are a team of cons doing this jeetposting.

>> No.58140460


He already seemed to regret quite a lot, and told us that he couldn't sleep

I really don't envy him, probably his bad feelings will increase

He knows he's a thief, a criminal, and money doesn't help his conscience

>> No.58140461

Sacrifice, scapegoating. That's the stuff of deep mythology. Girardian Mimetic Desire. In the narrative arc, APU is the archetype of overcoming cryptojeeting.

>> No.58140464

Thats if it doesnt die in its crib. Look at the chart. The second dickhead opened his mouth it killed the breakout we had going. Majority of this coin is fueled by biz and it is going to get fucked once they wake up and read this shitshow and how jeet and 5g are the same person. Believe me I want this to succeed too but captain faggot nigger just spawned the literal most effective fud possible by opening his dumb mouth.

>> No.58140466

>this was my last message. I am out forever, peace and wish you all frens the best. genuinely sorry for those who got hurt by my actions.
I hope you will spend all your money on an unsuccessful cancer treatment.

>> No.58140469

he already made a shitload of money and already said he thinks that remaining bag will be worth way more. if he dumped now people would happily buy more and he doesn't want to be out.

>> No.58140470

I hope he burns in hell desu.

>> No.58140478

imagine buying this while the dev monkey still holds billions

>> No.58140481

Positive Mental Attitude. The best we can wish for instead is to live a great life and show him what frens positively working together can accomplish.

>> No.58140482

B-but he said he won't dump

>> No.58140483


Money does not bring happiness, stolen money certainly does not bring happiness

He must have other problems now than lack of money

>> No.58140485

if he regretted anything he would not hold onto those tokens. he doesn't.

>> No.58140486

Fucking this. Look I hate defending this fag and how much he literally fucked up a unicorn but at the end of the day he was a bag holder who panic sold just like the million retards bitching here except unlike those retards he panic sold after burning 70% of his bag.

>> No.58140487

look what happens when it dumps? just buy more then.

>> No.58140497

I have no money after selling the bottom

>> No.58140500

Kelly Criterion.

>> No.58140504

why bother selling at the bottom for $0?

>> No.58140508

>coin pumping big time
>pajeet dev comes back from beyond the grave to fuck us over one more time by fomenting FUD
>kills all momentum, coin starts dumping
I kneel. You are such a piece of shit dude.

>> No.58140515

>Positive Mental Attitude. The best we can wish for instead is to live a great life and show him what frens positively working together can accomplish.
ok I'll be positive, let's say that he will see that, before the cancer slowly ends his life,
but I don't know if that lesson will help him while he's rotting in hell for eternity.

>> No.58140516

Ah, didn't mean to be so snarky about that.

>> No.58140521
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>so like it or not, I am riding this to +1B and making 8+ figs off it

You are a fucking retard. Imagine actually writing this and publishing it. It just proves how yiu have absolutely no empathy or ability to see things from a perspective besides your own.


Imagine this narrative instead:
>nigger jeet scamming dev sells , and rugs his own community
>token bounces back and goes to 1b anyway
>the tokens that the dev sold would have been worth 8 figs if only he didn't fuck everyone over
>karmic justice is delievered the jeet dev
>everyone rejoices
>people pump the price higher and higher as a way to say fuck you to scammers and jeet devs in general
>they will pump the price in the hopes that you kys for having fumbled an 8fig bag

People would actually buy and pump that narrative. Nobody is going to buy and pump your bags after you stole everyone's money you dumb fucking nigger.

If you actually want to make it off this coin, dump or burn your stack today, and buy back in at the market price with an anon wallet. Otherwise this coin is doomed. Nobody is buying while you still hold, you nigger. You are despised.


>> No.58140523

because not all human beings are not purely logical machines who can perfectly process data when they are emotional and stressed.

>> No.58140530


>> No.58140531


I don't see this as so gloomy now for $APU coin

the fundamentals are still positive, if the price is a bit dumped, then new people will buy more because they know $APUn potential

remember that crypto investors have been buying Luna coins that are in a completely desperate situation

>> No.58140536

Contact 5g, we want to buy your tokens OTC, you retard.

>> No.58140537

Yeah, that post is a bigger fuckup than the rug itself. The narrative arc is so fucking strong either way, it's mythic. This is symbolic of overcoming all cryptojeets. Crypto needs APU.

>> No.58140548
File: 37 KB, 618x464, 1553039252743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those that hate you obviously sold the bottom but crypto is survival of the strongest/dumbest and only the strong/dumb will hold this to 1+ billion mcap. What you did obviously wasn't nice because frens don't dump on frens but I thank you regardless for shaking out the non fren paper hands. I mean think about it, those that sold the bottom cry about you dumping on them but then they in return dump on the frens that held through the dev dumps. They have no one to blame for selling but themselves and honestly them looking for pity when they dumped on us diamond hand frens is pathetic.

Ps: burn 0.32% because the burn wallet saying 19.6814% and not 20% is driving my autsim crazy, Thanks.

>> No.58140556


those who sell now because of this, may regret, when this rebounce and starting to mooning again

remember, that only small amount of $APU investors even know this rug, or this dev

i suspect, that if you sell now, you will repeat same mistake, i.e. sell the bottom

>> No.58140559

I'm bullish on APU for sure but i think we can cancel the plant of a new ATH EOD. The entire message of bouncing back from sub 1mil dump is a middle finger to the jeet dev. Now he openly brags about holding to 1bil. Not like i personally care that he makes money but overall that pastebin is bearish as fuck. Hopefully he realises this. Unironically starting to think he is mentally ill and every post he makes about feeling sorry is complete bullshit.

>> No.58140563

you are so fucking new it hurts

>> No.58140565

selling the bottom was your own decision. I wasn't even in this token at all until the last dump and I knew to buy from experience. just use it as a learning experience and don't quit. you should buy massive dumps on hyped tokens, even if it's some kind of utility token that isn't poomping based solely on memes, where the dev was actually developing something, and quits and dumps, you can at least sell the dead cat bounce on that because there will be one. even if some swap gets hacked or something you can sell the dead cat bounce on their token if they have one for example. just don't sell the bottom. even if you have barely anything left, just leave it there and preferably buy more if you had any faith in the token at all at any point. as long as the liquidity isn't getting pulled from an exploit or something then you can even go so far as continuing to buy up the supply no matter how low it goes and doing something with it yourself, that's like a shib situation, where the community became devs that started developing tons of different things and using shib. continuing to dca and making something happen with the token yourself is always an option.

>> No.58140571

Sorry you missed out on the most obvious pick of the bullrun.

>> No.58140587

My point is that the narrative is 100x stronger if this fucking nigger just dumps his tokens and leaves the project alone. The fact that he still has a huge bag is holding us back MASSIVELY. People are scared to buy in , knowing that this nigger can dump at any time.

Pajeetius , if you are reading this, you need to understand : this coin will never moon while you still hold that bag. I, personally, would have dumped 5 figs into this coin yestersay if only you didn't still have those tokens. Instead I bought for less than 1k.

Apu could become a meme coin rallying around a great 'fuck you' to scammers/ruggers. Everyone in crypto has been scammed or rugged , everyone can sympathise with this sentiment. The power fo frens overcoming evil. Remember GME?
This has the potential to be really big. But pajeetius needs to forfeit his bag first.

>> No.58140593

I didn't sell the bottom. You asked a question and I answered it. It's not logical, but it's also not really a strange response.

>> No.58140601


let's forget him

he said that he would never go public again

this is a good place to continue

$APU 1 billion MC is coming

>> No.58140604

The dev doesn't hold shit. He sold all his coins when he rugged and only posted that pastebin shit hoping that people would panic sell so he can buy in cheaply. There's no other reason for him to come out of the shadows.

Pajeetdius is missing the APU bull run, that's why this nigger is salty

>> No.58140605

Let the Meme Magic / Mimetic Desire play out bro. It needs to happen on his own free will.
If it does, this may very well be one of the great crypto narrative arcs.

>> No.58140610

dumb brainless retard
do some fucking research before you open your stupid fucking mouth

>> No.58140619

all this drama and im just sitting here with 30mil apu. Its not make it amount but it's gonna be decent i feel.

>> No.58140622

Makes sense.

>> No.58140631


yes, 100 k - 200 k usd is better than nothing

>> No.58140637

Prove to me that this wallet:
belongs to the dev.

You can't. The dev doesn't have any coins left and is pretending to have this wallet, so he can buy in cheapies. There's no reason for him to come out of the shadows other than that. This is obvious to everyone with an IQ above room temperature

>> No.58140645

etf will pump BTC to 300 k - 500 k at least

imagine how high $APU will go then

>> No.58140657

Also, there is already enough material for greatness, potentially more powerful than all the dogcoins/frogcoins.

>> No.58140668


yes, we now only 44 % up last 24 hours, outperforming most meme coins

>> No.58140669

God fucking dammnit nigger we had the list of all the devs wallets and just followed the transactions.

Even the wallet that he used to tornado cash the rugged 100 ETH sent some ETH to the 0x3b wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0xfaf635bc4aa222a0a3618103b926b75ea1e66033

If you follow the tornado cash wallet transactions, you reach this one, where dev sold 34b all at once (this is a wallet he confirmed was his):

>> No.58140713

He really thinks that he can rug the coin and still make it off the back of the community pumling his bags for him HAHAHHA

Palladius, you lost your right to that when you dumped the coin to 0. You need to understand right now, that you are a fucking dead weight on this coin and the only reason we are not at ATH is because you still hold that wallet. This coin will never moon so long as you still hold that supply. It's that simple.

>> No.58140741


forget that loser already

>> No.58140748

Shit. So you're telling me he holds 1.7% of the supply and could drain around 500k at any time, which is more than half of the liquidity?

How greedy is this fucking nigger. He dumped so much and still has a shitton of coins left. There needs to be a way to get law enforcement on his ass. Nigger can't dump if he is in jail

>> No.58140761

we are back, nice gains last 24 hours, and we are still very early, at least 1 billion mc is coming

>> No.58140816

I bought at 1m mc. Et tu?
You really should just stop posting.
His pastebin literally impacts nothing

>> No.58141110

Lol this shit is such a rollercoaster lmao. Basically confirms what I expected from the start too, that dev didn't plan to rug so soon, but panicked and sold because he has (brown) paperhands. He never believed in this project. Also picking up serious narcissist vibes from the replies in the thread. Pajeetius you probably have far to inflated an opinion of yourself to do it, but you should seriously burn the tokens you got left and then kys. Thx fren

>> No.58141120

Is it still worth to get in?

>> No.58141181


>> No.58141239

not with your rent money

>> No.58141856

Only if it is with your rent money. Gotta take a wild ride.

>> No.58142028
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Good day frens. Get ready for generational wealth.

Hold, stay if or stay poor faggots.

>> No.58142041
File: 53 KB, 680x674, WE CAN DO IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gm to the based $APU community. No gm to shills and haters. Love waking up to mad profits in the morning. Going to be a good day bros.