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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58120186 No.58120186 [Reply] [Original]

Dev just sold again

>> No.58120195

Stop getting rugged and buy APU on Sol, faggot. We're about to take off.

>> No.58120198

It must be so fucking demoralizing to keep shoving in money to """sluuurrrpp"" while the dev keeps dumping and dumping on you while you lick that succulent palladius cum
Must be so so demoralizing

>> No.58120205 [DELETED] 


Can’t believe you retards are still bagholding this failed project.

>> No.58120209
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why are you still posting about this

>> No.58120218

should have sold with 10% gain when i had the last chance
it's really over
i think 30m MC is the ultimate threshold that decides whether it's a shit coin or not

>> No.58120221

nigga just ape into the SOL project

>> No.58120231

Probably made by the same dev. He is rugging your niggers over and over

>> No.58120240

He literally just posted saying hes going to keep dumping around 2 hours ago, about the same time he posted yesterday that he was gona rug

Wonder if he will do it in 1 go again, or wait and slowly exit with his remaining

>> No.58120245

Different dev. I don't trust jews from /biz/ anymore

>> No.58120255

Good, the niggers who've been spamming this scam for weeks here need to lose all their money and suffer.

>> No.58120257
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he just transferred billions more and started dumping again, and absolute retards keep buying the dip

>> No.58120259

>ape in bro cmon ape in lmao just do it bro
you kikes are relentless. at least change your script

>> No.58120279

People on the TG are copeing saying its not the old dev and that its a """"sniper""""

Meanwhile the dev was constantly saying

>le snipers are selling guize, i hate them!

Obviously he sniped his own shit, and that is him. So how much does he have left? I only see 4 billion there, can you trace anymore from where that 4 billion came from?

>> No.58120368


>> No.58120384

liquidity unlocked

>> No.58120402

3billions left in that one, the master wallet that transferred to it has none left, would be unironically bullish if he's truly out of tokens

>> No.58120407

>resistance to dumps is bad
It's bullish no matter how you look at it. Many retards willing to pump bags is bullish no matter how you turn it

>> No.58120410

How we know for sure he isnt also one of those 5-10 billion wallets?

>> No.58120412

Now thats just peak comedy

>> No.58120416

>b-bu-but he has literally BILLIONS of tokens left!!! he will keep on dumping on you retards!!!! dev palladius cum must be tasty!!!!
literally too retarded to rug

>> No.58120432

He transferred to another wallet. These are his 2 wallets and they are running out:


3b tokens left which is only around 30k USD.

Liq is already burnt and can't be unlocked. There are people adding more liquidity as well over the past 24 hours.

Let's see
>Peak capitulation/fud
>Holder counts rising
>Big wallets accumulating
>Pepe whale buying the dip
>Other things in the works
>Dev/jeets sell pressure decreasing
>Biztards here at max fud to shake out noobs

>> No.58120451

How much lower will it go if he dumps that 3b tokens?

>> No.58120468

I hate this scumbag so fucking much! I can't believe I trusted that faggot for a second! FUCK. Just let it pump to 15M GOD DAMNIT

>> No.58120474


>Just let it pump to 15M GOD DAMNIT

Is that your break even?

>> No.58120487

20% max, a slight dip. Of which will be slurped quicker than ever, once people find out his remaining tokens are gone

>> No.58120491

My break even is 8.5. I just wanna pull out a 2 grand kek

>> No.58120498

My break even if at 0.8m. But won't sell until it surpasses ATH. Which if it ever does, ill probably hold anyway like a retard

>> No.58120502

I posted this in another thread but I'm gonna post it here too.

fren.s I was there since day 2. Witnessed all of it. I got in at 1M, got out at 25M, regreted it at ATH, thanked myself for not being a greedy kike at 15M and felt super bad in the morning when I saw he rugged.
you have got to be U T T E R L Y RETARDED to not realise that HE STILL HAS BILLIONS OF COINS, that he CAN STILL CRASH YOU WHENEVER, and that the mods of the "community takeover" ARE THE MODS FROM THE ORIGINAL TELEGRAM.

I'd love to see this get revived but that autistic spic shitskin faggot still has his hands too deep in this and there is no way out. he kept 10.17B tokens (THAT WE KNOW OF) on purpose and the recipe remains the same - every crab up, the TG reads "slurp slurp slurp" and then (((someone))) sells ~1 ETH worth.

since this happened, and i am truly sorry that this happened to some cozy frens, if you STILL DON'T GET IT, I can't feel bad for you, you deserve what's happening to you and what is going to happen to you.

>> No.58120510

I want to spit on Palladius face. He's the worst kike I've ever seen

>> No.58120511

Are you implying the mods are "in on it"?

You know, sort of like, part of the "gang" - but lower tier members of the gang, who the gang leader (pallidus) has let now fight for scraps?

>> No.58120523

They're not. I was there when they confronted him in the more private TG. But we all believed his excuses like retards the day before he rugged. He said his "friend" was responsible for the dump. I should've seen the red flags and sold at 25-30m but I'm a greedy kike

>> No.58120526

he has roughly $30k of tokens left that's a laughable amount, it will start flying. I just bought back in after having sold the night before the "rug"

>> No.58120527

Are people still buying it? I want to believe ...

>> No.58120528
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>yeah, people can't wait to be exit liquidity for a dead scamcoin

>> No.58120542

Listen, I'll only post this once. A bunch of us are buying and slurping the dips. We own a bigger chunk of the supply than you fags think. Will personally buy out the jeet dev if it comes down to it. 10B tokens will be fine compared to what we own collectively atm.

>> No.58120584


Fine. I'm not trying to FUD or anything. I was a believer, I did my share of shilling on twitter and /biz/, etc.
You say you witnessed a "confrontation", you say he has few coins remaining, alright, maybe. All I will tell you is I was in the first 60 people of the original telegram and the admin of the current one was the first and only mod (initially, pre-500 members) of the original APU telegram. Do with this information whatever you want.

I genuinelly hope you're right. I really do.
I simply can't justify nor find a rational reason to ape back in, in light of recent events, especially so because I was luckily able to get out around an x20 from my investment. For my financial safety I will not be getting back into this coin. I hope all frens make it and wish you all the best luck. Your blind trust has cost you already.
Fool me once...

>> No.58120592

You saying 5G is in on it?

>> No.58120610

I got it early enought to get out with no loss, but I could have cashed out a 10x if I wasn't greedy

>> No.58120612

I'm not saying anything.
Jim was the first mod of the original TG and is now the admin of the new one, while 5G took up Palladius' role, although I'm not sure how.
Both were really cool and cozy in the TG chat overall, we had some good laughs and I honestly don't think they're shitskins or spics, but this has proven turbulent enough that I refuse to take the risk (again).
Palladius really fucked this up far too early, due to being a subhuman filthy shitskin, he lacked any kind of future sight and thinking forward, the monkey couldn't help himself. The toppest of keks here is that, in terms of opportunity cost, he is by far the biggest loser.

>> No.58120620

You should all get out before "someone" decides to pull the plug for good

>> No.58120621

And as soon as that 30k runs out, the tg will be deleted again, right?

>> No.58120624

I think i know who you are talking about but it seems like hes no longer a mod on the current one. He might have been found out

>> No.58120634
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Why are you talking to yourself

>> No.58120638

Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.58120657
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>mfw this thread
Imagine being scammed and still buying back in knowingly and repeatedly getting dumped on. Not even the lunc baggies were this deluded.

>> No.58120775

Lmao is this real life? Have these people really been willingly getting dumped on for days now?

>> No.58120784
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>> No.58120798
File: 33 KB, 750x425, apu0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant to say:
"Dev just gave us another based 90% discount on APU"
"This is your last chance EVER to buy APU at these low prices"
"Anyway I am still up 5x so I am feeling comfy and slurping right now"
"Don't miss out on this last chance to make it"

>> No.58120809

Still holding what i got. He cant do this forever.

>> No.58120821

>Oh no my beer money!

>> No.58120840

Not only that but they're smug while doing it. Literal cattlebrained retards.

>> No.58120852

They are doing a “community takeover” of a token the dev still owns massive amounts. These are the same people who were too retarded to sell in the first place when it became obvious it was a scam, so why should anyone expect them to stop? They join a tg where some anonymous stranger tells them the dev has nothing left to dump, and they believe them without question, just to be dumped on again.

>> No.58121023

All of this has been happening while BTC is red. It would be crazy to not own a bag of this heading into a bull run, based on how it pumps during shitty times like these. I just wish that fucking faggot would sell when I’m actually awake so I could get a 2m entry point.

>> No.58121070

Anyone shilling SOL coins is definitely too poor for APU. And I think alcohol is outlawed in their village.

>> No.58121080

>dev still owns massive amounts.
he doesn't though
there's no early wallets left
all the snipers are gone except for one who only has 3B left (from 37B)

>> No.58121098

Yeah thats the dev. This was already proven

>> No.58121109

Hmmm, so how much did he dump earlier?

>> No.58121178

Fuck it, I bought $800 worth. I think this can survive another dev dump. I want to have a bag heading into the halving because this community is retarded enough to make this hit an ATH.

>> No.58123463

I forgot to post sentence 2 so I just replied. It is, as you have pointed out, obvious that the posts are both me.

>> No.58123485

same reasoning here, I just bought 14 million APU let's fucking go

>> No.58123494

Stockholm syndrome baggie

>> No.58123500

Kek baggots

>> No.58123513

How fucking rich is he supposed to be? I feel like if he had that many wallets that he could afford to pump and rug over and over, he'd be a smarter investor and just let it ride. He seems like a low time preference retarded zoomer.

>> No.58123518

>ape into the thing with even less market cap, liquidity, holders, that saw an even larger rug!

>> No.58123566

I'm going to give it another few days and ape back in myself if it hasn't crashed with no survivors. I still have 65 million Apus that I haven't touched.

>> No.58123643

I slurped my way from 4 million to 18 million. WAGMI.

>> No.58125559

I have 1.6 billion Apu that I bought when it rigged, have almost 110k in profits now bros

>> No.58125766
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L1 Blockchain > L2 smelly token

You won't ever learn won't you?

>> No.58127180
File: 6 KB, 250x213, 1700997414389930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bagging shits and buy based alts like RIO, CPOOL, OM, QANX and CTI. Make the trend your friend, anon and stop getting rekt.

>> No.58127216

I just made 40X from yeasterday. HAHAHAHAHAHA

BIZ told me to not to buy- I ignored - now my STUCK i bigger than my WHOLE CRYPTO WALLET. HAHAHAHAH

>> No.58127260

This is what they wanted you to do, retards. They want you to FOMO back in the coin so they can rug you again.
They know you will not withdraw until it hits at least 40m, so they are not afraid for their money.

>> No.58127282

lol how do you know these people aren't in the same group? it's been the same few people since forever. it's always 5 posts of like, "that's it I'm putting everything into this". so obvious. get farmed retards.

>> No.58127311

Dude, we can see the entire supply on ETH scan. We know how much the dev and early whales have. There isn't much left to dump. Oh no they will dump less than $100K worth of APU, big fucking deal. More slurpies.

>> No.58127337

I bought at the bottom. I'm 40X now. Took the initial - letting it ride to 1B. Biz fags - please fomo at ATH - might sell you some bags.
Will see.

>> No.58127346

nobody cares about your $30 investment rajeet.

>> No.58127368

I care, I am happy when I hear frens winning
I want everyone of us to make it so one day we can dump on people buying on robinhood

>> No.58127401


>> No.58127403

Yes sir. 40X - thank GOD i dont listen retards here and I do ecerything opposite to BIZ suggesti9ns.

40X in one day... HAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.58127495

How my frog bros doin today?

>> No.58127559

Great bro!

>> No.58127586

Based. Someone pulled screenshots from the old PEPE threads here and it's identical. Imagine listening to /biz/ faggots when they fudded themselves out of PEPE

I swung and doubled my bag. See you in valhalla fren

>> No.58127651

feeling good
just went on a little walk and a beautiful girl looked at me in the eyes, smiled and said "Hi"
she was gorgeous, I think I fell in love

>> No.58127673

Tell her you're holding APU

>> No.58128182

I said
"hey" and I felt a spark of attraction between us because when I said it it came out very clearly and easily and found myself grinning like an idiot
I know where she lives, on my usual walking route, about 5 mins from my house, maybe I will see her again and when we moon I will be ecstatic enough to have a chat

>> No.58129829
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they love it, they must be into it or some shit
perhaps just straight up masochism
it's the only logical explanation to their behavior at this point
no one with some self-respect would willingly go at this shit and keep on trying to make it despite multiple attempts, warnings and the eventual rugpull
Why can't they look for something else? there's thousands of different options ffs
like have you seen loafcat? it's a memecoin, yet somehow it's more valuable and legit and "stable" than apu