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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5807517 No.5807517 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready /biz/?

>> No.5807571
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>> No.5807617

True. Req Will leave link in the dust. Every coin will leave link in the dust. I'm glad I didn't buy more than 1k link. If I was all in I might've kms

>> No.5807627

Are you from the future?

>> No.5807630

Just 1 day left

>> No.5807767
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LINK and REQ are brothers. They've always been together in market cap. Now one needs to rise or the other needs to fall.

>> No.5807804

It's best to have both.

>> No.5807819
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Request aims to be highly tied to ChainLink, as any other project relying on Smart Contracts.

Stay poor.

>> No.5807858

You wish, faggot. It won't happen. You'd better off loading that money into XLM

>> No.5807872





>> No.5807945
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There are three horses in this race and they're all coming first

>> No.5808001
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>> No.5808136

I'm 30% ETH, 30% LINK and 30% REQ. I am ready for anything.

>> No.5808187

When's the dip for this?
By the time I found out about this coin, it had already mooned. I need to buy but not that the top.

>> No.5808208

Req is one of the literally millions of use cases for Link.
Let that sink in.

>> No.5808303

There was a point when ethereum reached its ATH of $10 and there was someone like you waiting for a dip of $1 to get in and they missed a boat as a result.

Don't be that anon. 2018 and 2019 will be absolutely insane for these three. Get in now or regret it for life

>> No.5808391

>When's the dip for this?
Quantstamp? They announced a partnership. They won't go back to pre partnership prices.

>> No.5808468

So buy at 45 cents
Dammit. I missed it by 3-4 days.

>> No.5808568
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This is the fate for stinky linky

>> No.5808612

I was going to buy Quantstamp and Mod when Salt moons so I feel sick the last few days. It was 38 at its lowest yesterday try get in at 42 or lower.

>> No.5808626

come on, that FUD is so weak that even your parents are embarrassed by your retardation at this point

>> No.5808697
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Accept your fate.

>> No.5808770


Whats the one with a Oand X

>> No.5808904

That's Quantstamp.

>> No.5809004

Can it hold off til the end of the week?

>> No.5809048

What's our ultimate ceiling?

>> No.5809074
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REQ is headed for 5 dollars.

I'm really not sure about LINK. The team seems to be a single man with no computer science or software engineering background... What exactly is the reason for /biz/ being so bullish about it?

>> No.5809208

A lot of projects want to use LINK's decentralized Oracle systems REQ is one of those companies.

>> No.5809335
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hope to see you in a while when link blows up, provided you didnt kys for being so smug and only having 1k link

>> No.5809349

>The team seems to be a single man with no computer science or software engineering background...
And that matters why?

>> No.5809476

>I'm really not sure about LINK. The team seems to be a single man with no computer science or software engineering background... What exactly is the reason for /biz/ being so bullish about it?

this is the only reason I know req will do better than link in the short term. Req is so easy for brainlets to understand it's attracted the lowest of the low iq normies and redditors. I'm 50/50 but it's becoming obvious LINK will be the big winner while req will moon in the next couple of weeks.

>> No.5809485

kek one man. Even if it was only sergey guess what? He ran a fucking POC for SWIFT and had top notch advisors and a peer reviewed whitepaper and has Zeppelin OS onboard. FFS not everything needs 100 devs and skateboards

>> No.5809499

so both of these are going to 1b+ mcaps?

>> No.5809509

Are you dumb? Without link request has virtually zero chance at processing any fiat payments. If you don't trust the SmartContract team you shouldn't be so confident about Request

>> No.5809635

Personal anecdote. I took over an app project coded by a Russian Dev with a degree in philosophy and his code was top notch.
It wasn't Sergey obviously but one of the many reasons I have confidence in this coin

>> No.5809725

LINK is getting to 50b mcap this year I think
REQ if successful will settle at 15-20b

>> No.5809817


Sergey doesn't actually code, but Steve seems pretty cool from his blog.

Both projects have nearly identical marketcap and req is resorting to the shadiest hype tactics imaginable (they talk about the token price in the white paper lol and how burning will be lucrative for investors). Everyone who bought req has bought req unless it catches some sort of normie zeitgeist magic like ripple did. Chainlink is the one you want now.

>> No.5809838

Wait why is REQ gonna take off?

>> No.5809874
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I've said it from the beginning, link is a shitcoin shilled by pajeets.

>> No.5809887

because whales were accumulating for a while now

>> No.5809956
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Can you actually address the concern. I'm not FUD, I own 10K LINK, but how exactly do you expect one man with no formal education on software engineering to pull this off? Do you have evidence he's hired professionals?

Is LINK the only Oracle solution?

>> No.5810005


More like the other way around.


Peter Thiel, who also advises Y Combinator put 2.5 billion into REQ over the weekend.

>> No.5810105

So I just hodl now? I went all in on yesterday's dip

>> No.5810119

Why the other way around? It has been said countless times already that in the same vein that REQ requires LINK to function countless other projects and situations will require LINK to function. Why do you think REQ has more potential despite having 100 times less use cases?

>> No.5810190

Have you watched him speak?

>> No.5810384

It's the only trustless decentralized Oracle network compatible with all platforms, yes.

>> No.5810479
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If you like chainlink you need to buy OracleChain (OCT). It's the chinese chainlink with a real team and real partnerships. It's the exact same technology.

>> No.5810543

>how exactly do you expect one man with no formal education on software engineering to pull this off?
Just sell all your Link already.

>> No.5810548
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Sold my Verge at 18 cents after the shitty wraith (good call) and now I have 10 000 LINKS holy shit
>1800% gains from verge
>+300% gains from LINK atm (bought around 14 cents)
>+5000 LINKS at current price
Holy shit can't wait for my linkies to moon. This will be epic. 10 dollars incoming

>> No.5810576
File: 19 KB, 1332x176, Screenshot-2018-1-3 Why there is ZERO hype • r LINKTrader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5810641

fuck off shill, nobody wants your bags

>> No.5810767

Is this bazingacoin v2?

>> No.5810787

>OracleChain is a smart contracts Oracle platform for the EOS platform, providing a market-enforced system for accurate data feeds to power decentralized prediction markets and any other EOS dapps which require oracle services into a smart contract.

Meanwhile, ChainLink will work for any blockchain.

>> No.5810897


Chainlink will run on eth initially then it's "possible" it may run on other blockchains years in the future *if* developers write adaptors for it, which is a big if considering sergey has done literally nothing to get the word out about it or encourage people to work on it.

>> No.5810904

Stop posting this coin it's fucking obnoxious

>> No.5810958

It's clear you own Link just quit FUDing it pls or at least come up with some new material

>> No.5810970

Someone shill me QSP. Should I diversify my link and req shares into qsp so I have 1/3 of each?

>> No.5810995

bahahahaaha fucking annoying LINK shills are getting mad. I'm going to shill OracleChain 30 times per day just like u

>> No.5811111

He has stated that adaptors can be easily ported. Read here https://medium.com/@sergeynazarov/chainlink-an-overview-and-our-focus-14f03335b803

>> No.5811120


He stated in the announcement he's hiring a marketing director with 3-5 years experience launching new products.

He believes in specialization

>> No.5811185

>Chainlink will run on eth initially
The Ruby version already works with BTC, ETH, and Hyperledger, you mong.
And Chainlink will work with any blockchain, DLT, or similar platform, so long as adapters are developed.

>> No.5811242

I don't shill shit I call out ppl like you when they post bs over and over

>> No.5811328


you do realize you can't just hire a marketing director and expect to be successful right? Do you really think one marketing director can do graphic design, copywriting, b2b, social media, SEO, etc. etc. etc. lol sergey has no idea what he's doing.

>> No.5811349

Literal who coin

>> No.5811356

Guys, I will buy link.

>> No.5811358

>Do you really think one marketing director can do graphic design, copywriting, b2b, social media, SEO, etc. etc. etc
Wait, who thinks this?

>> No.5811368

Just... read the fucking whitepaper and watch the 2 or 3 talks Sergey's held, what the fuck dude. 10k and you don't even know how grand in scale this shit is. You don't even know they've been actively hiring for months and have been rewriting their code and that the main net is scheduled for the first half of this year in addition to the BTC superconference in february, just... wtf man. I'm poor and only have 1k link and I'm more mentally invested in this shit than you, get a grip friend

>> No.5811442

No, but literally any news at this point from a "professional" is more than enough to boost this coin. It has more going for it than most top 100's

>> No.5811489

Not to mention SXSW.
The normie awareness of Link after that conference will send us straight to Saturn.

>> No.5811562

Shit he’s presenting at south by?

Gonna buy more tonight

>> No.5811577

Don't regret it.

>> No.5811593


Sergey, he only hired one marketing director. He refuses to hire a whole team.

>> No.5811612

That's a convenient place to cut that image off. They then go on to list a couple of totally different alternative solutions which don't involve Chainlink.

I am fucking waist deep in LINK and thigh deep in REQ, but no need to make shit up. REQ has not yet committed to LINK. LINK still has a lot going for it, and doesn't need REQ to succeed. And REQ may commit eventually. We'll see.

>> No.5811616


>> No.5811667

With the CEO of DocuSign I believe.
Yea DocuSign. 2018 will bring about legislation to make SmartContracts legally binding and Link with DocuSign will automate tons of legal processes eliminating a lot of need for lawyers. Ripple only does banking. Link does everything.

>> No.5812150

If you believe LINK and smart contracts have a future you should also believe QSP will succeed. QSP will be used to audit smart contracts and pretty much every smart contract that wants to be used seriously by anyone will need to be audited.

Personally I'm 100% in link with zero req or QSP because I believe LINK has a fuckton more potential to grow. But the other two are great investments, too, if you're uncomfortable with all inning one coin.

>> No.5812544

55k LT. Colonel reporting in. Buildup in armaments is going well. Our REQrads have provided arms and ammunition from the West. We have mighty Zepplins amassing in an air armada ready to drop their payloads over the cripples. The LINK Marines trained hard; slogging through endless FUD through FUD-week. We are ready to storm Cripplecoast at daybreak.

- LT. Col. LINKface

>> No.5812571

REQ moon in 3 weeks. Still have some time.

>> No.5812664

I'd have to sell my req for qsp and req is a very good coin.

>> No.5812819
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No you fucking dipshit, a marketing director is the person you want to seek out external and hire internal resources to do all of that while providing high level direction and approval/disapproval.

Have you ever worked a day in your life?

Mud fud, 8/10 for making me reply

>> No.5812941

Ripple is being pumped by some Goldman Sachs type assholes. Go look at the graph and tell me that doesn't look a bit too scheduled. It just keeps making those little steps. The bankers have infiltrated

>> No.5813117

It literally says "Solution 1". I know they have many options, as any decent team would. But ChainLink is the preferred way, not only by them but many other projects relying on Smart Contracts.

>> No.5813269

They probably know it's their best option. I wouldn't be surprised if they're also off put by lack of communication from SmartContract since they must have much bigger payments processors they are working with than Request and Request may feel threatened and so they won't 100% commit to saying they will use ChainLink

>> No.5813408

>I wouldn't be surprised if they're also off put by lack of communication from SmartContract
If by lack of communication you refer to shilling and tweeting in order to calm the so called "investors", I think you don't see the scope of what they are aiming to achieve. ChainLink is having all the communication they need with the projects interested. Again, read here https://medium.com/@sergeynazarov/chainlink-an-overview-and-our-focus-14f03335b803

>> No.5813580
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I thought thats what >>5813269 trying to say too, but now that I read it his brainletism is a little more subtle

>> No.5813609

what's so good about quantstamp? It's like it's trying to piggyback off LINK's memes

>> No.5813940
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Sergey knows his shit. Listening to daddy is like ASMR to me.

>> No.5814200

Team is solid.
YCombinator backed.
What they do is auditing security of Smart contracts.
They do airdrops of any project they review for QSP token holders.

>> No.5814214
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>> No.5814292

Interesting article on oracles and ethereum from 2 years ago if somebody hasn't realised chainlink's potential yet.

>> No.5814488

Source on thiel? Huge if true

>> No.5814508

Chainlink is a failed pump and dump shitcoin scam. Sad biz bought into this vaporware. I market sold my stack while waiting for the exit scam annoucement and subsequent dump. Linkies BTFO this poop token will never hit 70 cents ever again. Bleeding out back down to 25 cents after the massive red candles. It's ogre. Market sell all LINK, ASAP.

>> No.5814541

the memes on this coin are intense. too bad the gains aren't

>> No.5814847
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>disregard low price here
This is you

>> No.5814897

I was going to explain this to him but you covered my points.

>> No.5814988
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>> No.5815030

The best thing about Chainlink is that the fudders are bagholders themselves. I think that's why LINK has such good memes. Both for shilling and for FUD

t. Bagholder

>> No.5815122

You won't even give it a couple of days to cool down. Relax you triple nigger, we don't want weak hands who plan on selling after holding only a week.