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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58071510 No.58071510 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know whats going on with this shit?

>> No.58071594

Shadowtoads destroyed the project

>> No.58071670

You got flipped off and fisted end of story.

>> No.58071689

What the hell are shadow toads?

>> No.58071705
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Th-thats not true.. :(

>> No.58071709

Absolutely nothing, tg doesn't know shit, nobody does. Shib retards tease us but never actually do anything, it's one of the worst fucking bags I have, extremely annoying.

>> No.58071715

Whose hand does this belong too?

>> No.58071734
File: 769 KB, 1024x1024, 1710855410971840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TOAD main goal from creation was to become Pepe's Shib aka the #2 frog coin
>Instead TOAD does fuck all for an entire year
>Now APU is claiming the #2 frog spot
It's officially over.

>> No.58072019

I thought some anon here a while back said there were quite a few people working on things for toad?

>> No.58072074
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>> No.58072108

Lmfao you niggers always come to toad threads shilling worse shitcoins..

>> No.58072218

I joined the tg and was immediately banned? Tf?

>> No.58072411

if Toad is not Treat then this fucking shitcoin will dump into oblivion
4/20 is the final meme date
prepare for the final gigadump or pump

fuck Septembear
Fuck yomi idiot
fuck Rika (yomi) idiot
fuck jannies

>> No.58073008

Why is that the last meme date?

>> No.58073375


>> No.58073391

I think he's just bullshitting due to 4/20 being a meme date and hoping something comes out on that date. The truth is, the only even that has some possible juice is shibarium 1.5 release, they might announce some toad shit in it. Apart from that, it's a desert. Good luck.

>> No.58073431

any idea on the shibarium 1.5 release? I thought they just released something recently?

>> No.58073463

i don't understand why the volume spiked to 200k+ and we pumped and now its just going back to its previous low.. fml this is a frustrating hold.

>> No.58073588

Did any toadbros get in on DAMN while we wait for the treat announcement?

>> No.58073730

here you are again shilling more shitcoins... make your own fucking thread for christs sake

>> No.58073842

I was just trying to help toadlets make some bread on shibarium while we wait for them to airdrop us our treats. I hope you sell early and die poor broke and lonely you miserable fuck