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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58070098 No.58070098 [Reply] [Original]

hello /biz/, lately i've been growing tired of giving 120k to my government every year and i've come to realize i'm a retard because i've never invested in anything and don't know shit about how any of this works. can someone recommend some website, yt channel or whatever where one can learn to be competent in this thing? i unironically enjoy learning new skills and don't want to just mindlessly follow tips from people more knowledgeable than me. also yes i can google it but figured there might be a popular document in these circles

>> No.58070263

bump. been neeting for the past 4 months and dont have a lot to do.

>> No.58070346

Listen to warren buffet, you'll do better buying great companies at fair prices than yoloing on gamestop. Invest most of your money conservatively and have a few AI stocks, personally I'd look at palantir and soundhound

>> No.58070375

simple, buy the small market cap crypto that gets shilled here
I put 100 into Avi months ago and now it’s at 1300
I put 150 into apu the other day and now it’s 488

tldr, buy low sell high don’t be afraid to hold but be smart about it

>> No.58070412

Get in here before it's live. Use bonkbot or a sniper


>> No.58070443

What dou you mean giving 120k to your government every year? In taxes? Or how

>> No.58070584

>i unironically enjoy learning new skills and don't want to just mindlessly follow tips from people more knowledgeable than me
>every anon replies with random tips

>> No.58070597

yes i live in Canada

>> No.58070698

wtf am i supposed to do with this?

>> No.58072145
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basic of basics, buy low, sell high, buy btc and some alts like $super bnb or eth, you'll learn on the way or die trying mate.

good luck

>> No.58072213

holy shit that actually looks decent, thanks

>> No.58072230

play web3 games dude

>> No.58072233

shitty advice. plenty of literal dogshit gets shilled here on the daily. few got lucky with avi, pepe, apu. none of them will perform particularly well during the real bullrun either and all of them are at risk of rugpulling, make no mistake, these developers are not your friends and if they make enough and don't want to risk it anymore they will literally vanish into thin air with all the money. best course of action is and will forever be investing into real alts with doxxed dev teams behind them and a lengthy history of being in the crypto scene.


>> No.58072244

That's a smart contract address. You are supposed to do literally nothing with it. When faggots here post these, it's always some shitcoin so insignificant they can't even get a spot in some decentralized exchange. MEXC and OTX and others will literally list anything that doesn't reek of pajeet trash and if they can't get it then it's an unserious project started by amateurs looking for a quick buck.

>> No.58072248
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>buy low, sell high
bizcucks really have 0 concept of trading or making money in general do they

>> No.58072251
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learn to cope then, theres no happiness here...

>> No.58072270

then what the fuck you think we could say. faggot

>> No.58072276

Most influencers that "teach you" how to make money with crypto are no better than biz shills and they will "recommend" shit that will benefit them. They all got an agenda and you are part of their liquidity plan.

Go to Binance, even if you don't want to use that platform to actually move your money, and use their Academic program on crypto. It's a moderate amount of reading, and there's very few videos, none of them with an obnoxious zoomer fuck trying hard to be funny on camera to keep your attention, but it's worth it. Then, go to Tradingview and use their learning material as well. Read top charts from people there.

>> No.58072286
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>Read top charts from people there.
Sorry I fucked up, read TA* from people there. Stuff with good rating. Usually made by people who more or less understand what is going on.

>> No.58072287

wise word of wisdom

>> No.58072301

if you are a complete newbie you should just dca into something you can stake.
>but the bool room is now!!! i must buy and trade right now!!!
go ahead and get fucked. if you insist only use spot, do NOT fuck with leverage or options or anything else. you do spot and that's about it. buy when low sell when some profit has been made. don't pretend like you can hold something and confidently know it'll x5/x10 or whatever just sell the moment you got 100 extra bucks from a 300 dollar investment or something.

>> No.58072307

>Ai stocks
You mean nvidia and literally nothing else.

>> No.58072316


>> No.58072325
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>just stake alts bro its simple
good way of fucking over a newfag fellas.

tell him to lock his stake for three months while you are at it. kek

>> No.58073504

bruh why are captchas so fucking hard here i missed over 20 in a row not even kidding

>> No.58074302

what apps should I use in Canada? for crypto, stock market and for solana shitcoins?

>> No.58075045

I use a frankenstein combination of guarda, metamask, and kraken for cashing out
you can connect metamask to solana

>> No.58076417

ordering a cold wallet rn (Trezor)
am i off to a good start?