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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 551 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20240318_171239_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58053840 No.58053840 [Reply] [Original]

>Cryptards: "FIGHT THE SYSTEM"
>Also cryptards when the most evil man in the world endorses bitcoin: "FUCK YEAH, PRAISE THE SYSTEM:

>> No.58053860

>the most evil man in the world
nah larry is nice, dude made me a lot of fucking money I don't care if he hates wagies

>> No.58053864

if Jews make me money I don’t care

>> No.58053872

It's not like we can stop them from buying retard

>> No.58053901

Criticizing evil isn't going to stop the infinite printing, might as well grab some bags before you're priced out of basic living, let alone BTC.

>> No.58053924

permissionless system, you fucking retard
my transaction takes the same priority as blackrock's
now tell me another system where the same case is true

you must name one or apologize
else your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.58053942

It's because they realize they can make money off of it too, so they'll have to accept a few fringe types getting rich as they pump our bags. It's the biggest jewish dilemma since free ham.

>> No.58053976

I just want to save myself. Simple as. And if the tribe helps me, so be it.

>> No.58053980

Unless you're cold storing BTC and transacting it yourself, you're probably using a wallet that has prioritization or has a delay or fees on processing transfers.

>> No.58053997

The whole FTX legal docs showed there is a preferred system built into most crypto exchanges for high rollers.

>> No.58054038

midwit take. becoming the global reserve currency was always the plan, which obviously involves big players hoovering up as much bitcoin as possible

>> No.58054058

Ethereum for instance has a "gas" system built in that deliberately taxes you on transactions based on volume.

>> No.58054094

Look at these bots and redditors. This website is fucking finished. The Jews won. Ruined it so it's pointless to continue. Fucking kill yourself all of you

>> No.58054116

With Jews, you win
They make you rich

>> No.58054135

I remember when people said this for FTX, Celsius, and ******. They do make you rich though, just remember to get out before the rug.

>> No.58054155

cry more faggot

>> No.58054272

no, it's based on execution size
has nothing to do with cash volume


>> No.58054291

Keep holding chain-shit while the rest of us actually make money.
Crypto is nothing more than a casino and the 'technology' or 'fundamentals' mean absolutely fuck all.

>> No.58054298
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what the fuck are you talking about, retard
we only have 1 mempool

FTX isn't the bitcoin mempool you fucking retard holy shit

apologize or your mother dies

>> No.58054359

So you're saying everyone trading bitcoin is using it to transact with and not just holding it as a security for "going to the moon" and on exchanges? What about the whole ETF thing? Why does Binance hold the largest wallets? I'm saying unless you're cold storing yourself and transacting, you're going through an exchange or a wallet like Coinbase, and in that case you're getting a fee or delayed fulfillment. For most normies, transferring bitcoin across wallets is not what they do. The mempool is irrelevant since they go through other services. The FTX example was to show that in most of these exchanges or wallet services there is a prioritization that occurs based on how much you have invested into their service.

>> No.58054376

>'m saying unless you're cold storing yourself and transacting
A wallet is not always "cold". You can transact with a hot wallet too. Stop saying this.
A fuckton of people do use wallets.

>> No.58054416

The government and big corporations also hold a bunch of gold. In no way do I think they're "endorsing" it or desire a return to the gold standard.

>> No.58054468

You're right, as ransomware gangs showed that is possible and done a lot.

But it's naive to say there isn't a prioritization that occurs within the hot wallet service that can and does occur.

The majority of people don't even use crypto to transact with, but held on "hot" wallet account. Or not even, as FTX showed, most of the time they don't have the transact any crypto they just have to transfer the dollar amount whenever their client requests.

>> No.58054483

Who gives a fuck about exchanges?

>> No.58054495

>You're right, as ransomware gangs showed that is possible and done a lot.
what the fuck are you talking about
>But it's naive to say there isn't a prioritization that occurs within the hot wallet service that can and does occur.
what the fuck are you talking about, you dont use a wallet "service", that's no longer a wallet and is now a bank which of course isn't honest in behavior.

>> No.58054592

Those hippie anti establishment types are just a very vocal minority. Most of us are here to make money.

I am not some fucking GME ape, I am not going to be antagonistic to a thing just because a rich institution is behind it.

>> No.58054638

if someone is trying to make me rich i will boost their signal. "elitist' probably disagree with me on 95% of things but there's definitely overlap. getting rich? yeah we both like that. breathing air, drinking water, getting drink, getting pussy. long walks on the beach. bitcoin. im sure a lot of evil trillionaires would have some similar interests to regular people.

>> No.58054998

Perhaps it's not the same group of people saying both of those statements, retard. The libertarian side of bitcoin was always fucking retarded. It's much more sensible to realize that blockchains/smart contracts are the natural and inevitable UPGRADE of the current financial/business system. Trust and counterparty risk have a huge impact on how the financial world works. It's only natural that they'd be attracted to bitcoin, then blockchains, then smart contracts.

>> No.58055054

not my problem
>The mempool is irrelevant
I only use the mempool, it's relevant to me
get fucked

>> No.58055092

your whole argument is some midwit retardation
imagine trying to dissuade people from drinking water because indians shit on the ganges and drink toxic corpse water

my water does not touch, go through or even gets close to india
how is the state of calamity on the ganges in any way relevant to my drinking water, thousands of kilometers away from that hell hole?

you are fucking retarded

>> No.58056650

They own the money, they decide the power of money. With Jews on power, you will always be a slave. They want a society where every job is automated, keep the society under 500M goys, and where every Jew gets a split of those 500M goy slaves. If you don't have kikes, you either hate yourself or you're a kike yourself. KYS either way.

>> No.58059656

>permissionless system
nickname for ur mums butthole

>> No.58060973
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This is /biz/, not /pol/.

Niggas here like /$$$$/

>> No.58061101
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>> No.58061113
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>thinks his cold wallet is storing his crypto
>and not some ledger rehypothecated by jikes like pic related

>> No.58061286

Those were amateur Jews, Fink is the head honcho.

>> No.58061354
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/biz/raelis are in this shit to get paid, you don't understand this board

go back to /pol/ you tourist

>> No.58061367

Meds shiny rock stacker
Your asset is inflationary and not digital hence can never be real money ever again

>> No.58061392
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Correction: Bitcucks

>> No.58061448
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Giga cope
Crypto is legal rehypothecation

>> No.58061467
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>> No.58061477

That has nothing to do with people praising larry fink you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.58061487

shows how quickly ones principles are subverted when greed is engaged

>> No.58061503

Ser you need to stop. India is an advanced country where people poo in the loo. It's also still on track to become a superpower by 2030. You're being a bigoted chud sir.

>> No.58061508

From my point of view they're good

>> No.58061528
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>muh larry fink is going to pump my bags
Kike Genrihk yagoda was responsible for the holodomor and a cryptokike named douglas evil gave the orders to firebomb dresden civilians.
Even cash is significantly more permissionless than crypto. The best form of money is metal coinage due to its durability.
>inb4 how are jews suppose to teleport the wealth they stole (via rehypothecation of crypto and fractional reserve banking) when they flee their host country

>> No.58061541

>muh greed
Most anon just want to be able to buy homes and start families without falling into abject poverty. If you lurk the average "ideal net worth" threads and they're pretty reasonable

>> No.58061549

You're a low-IQ schizo faggot who fudded yourself out of the easiest and most straightforward wealth multiplication strategy of all time. You clearly do not understand wealth or money. Just shut the fuck up you retard.

>> No.58061556

okay then just replace "greed" with "monetary gain".

>> No.58061587

Hahahaha seethe jesse you jewish poojeet.

>> No.58061600
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>> No.58061625

Okay, fair enough. Yet you still can't discount the fact that we're getting priced out of our own communities and quality of life by foreign interests. It's either hustle or get cucked, and I know what I'm choosing. I've seen how quickly men can fall through the cracks into homelessness. No one gives a fuck about men, and that's the truth.

>> No.58061640
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Institutions and governments are bending the knee to us cryptotards

Next step?


The next step is...

brace you are gonna love this...

I'm serious

the next step is...

We force governments to adopt a currency just like bitcoin - a public decentralized ledger - and nothing else, and now we can easily track all government spending to significantly help or even 100% curb all government corruption. Meanwhile, citizens can use any currencies they want, including privacy ones, because the government should always have less power than the citizen.

>> No.58061876
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these baby eating adrenochrome injecting sociopathic lizard people got btc to 70k and helped super and kas get out of the shitter after a year of literally nothing so i kneel to them. simple as. im not here to take a part in some culture war i dont care for im here to make money so i can move to thailand and surround myself in ladyboys and shemales.

>> No.58061893

/biz/ is a board for business and finance
Jews, as it turns out, are good at making money

>> No.58061969

>thinks we have any kind of power over the goverment

nice one anon good luck overthrowing the US

>> No.58062008

> wtf isn't everybody using coinbase and. crypto.com as their bitcoin wallet
> ...guys?
There's a reason most of us didn't lose money in mt gox. Self custody is an integral part of cryptocurrency. If your wallet doesn't integrate the protocol correctly, that's on you. The bitcoin, now called core, wallet has worked fine since day one. The only priority system built into the network is the option for miners to include only transactions with fees above their preferred threshold. Everything else is optional. Exchanges can manage their money however they like. If you send money to an exchange it's their money. If i give my money to jamal at the park, it doesn't matter what he says he'll do he can do whatever he wants. Not your keys not your coin. If you have the keys and your wallet is prioritizing transactions i suggest you start by creating a wallet on an airgapped system and transferring everything there immediately

>> No.58062055


Crypto people are degenerate gamblers that mask their speculations behind a veil of "le currency".

>> No.58062088

It’s basically that these WEF central bank types are in check. It’s a good investment to buy BTC as a store of wealth. And there’s no way they can control it unless they own it. There forced into a position. Can’t beat the crypto so there joining the game with us.

>> No.58062210
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OP we’ve been fighting and losing for the last 20 years straight. We’re literally at the point where we just want to make enough to escape the system. If the fucks we’ve been fighting want to buy our bags to increase the coming cyberpunk dystopia most of us don’t give a shit if we can afford a comfy cabin innawoods.

>> No.58062459

So we have an invite for a telegram alpha channel on crypto here yeah?

>> No.58062521

Where are the telegram invites for crypto alpha channels bros?! Let's go! Let's make MOHNEE!

>> No.58062595

>Also no-cointers when the CEO of the biggest traditional asset manager in the world endorses bitcoin: NOOO HE IS THE MOST EVIL MAN IN THE WORLD!!!!!

>> No.58062716
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The difference is crypto retards entire shtick was getting out of the traditional financial system and having a decentralized currency system on a blockchain, in which people would exchange cryptos for goods and services without needing any 3rd parties, including banks, brokerages or payment processors. Except over 99% of crypto trades are about getting rich with US Dollars. You take USD from the bank and put it on an exchange, then you buy crypto through the exchange, then you sell your crypto for USD in the exchange, you then take your USD out of the exchange and put it back into the bank. Your exchange then let's the IRS know you made money in crypto and you pay taxes on it like the good little tard you are.

The vision is dead. Stop pretending like crypto is anything more than just a way for people to gamble. At the end of the day, you want USD. You can't even deprogram your brains to think outside of that system. You're obsessed with the price (in USD), you tell others they'll have fun staying poor (in USD), you plan on selling all of your crypto (for USD), so you can buy actual tangible assets like real estate and your lambo (which requires USD), you will pay your taxes (in USD). You people actually can't escape. You don't have the mental bandwidth or willpower. You're a fraud. Nobody that buys stocks or bonds is pretending to be escaping the centralized financial system. It is you that has made that claim, and you have failed.

It's over.

>> No.58062728

crypto died the moment "supporters" gave up on it being currency
the "store of value" angle is purely jewish

>> No.58062784

Taht's a shit tone of cope!

>> No.58062913

Speak for yourself. You are a no coiner, but I hold crypto because I know for a fact its better money in the long term. While I MAY sell to trade and buy in lower, I do it to acquire more crypto, not to have more USD. Although in the long run that mathematically means I will have more USD because the exchange rate of scarce crypto to USD will increase over time as the exponentially print more and more USD.

Except crypto is used in a lot of places as a currency, usually where the local fiat currency has collapsed. Its just in developed countries its easy to use crypto as a currency by just using existing payment systems with the USD exchange rate. Like when you travel to another country, you can just spend your payment card, and all the charges are in BTC/ETH/USD, whatever you hold, even if you're buying things prices in EUR/GBP/CAD. If I have $100 USD in the bank and go to Europe and buy a $1 EUR coffee, I get charged like $1.1 or w/e. What currency I am using?

But even if in developing countries the biggest demand for bitcoin is as a store of value, that doesn't mean the currency/payment use case is "dead." You can buy BTC P2P if you want get private addresses. You can use mixers on ETH, etc. Its just that use case isn't anywhere near as in demand as the store-of-value utility because of how integrated our payment systems are. Give people a reason though, like they have in developing countries, and the option exists, and so it will be used.

>> No.58063013
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You are addicted to USD. Like a crack addict. No amount of coping on 4chan will save you. You need help.

>> No.58063091

You can always tell when it's a tourist because they space after the link.

Fuckin retard, go back

>> No.58063123
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Look at yourself. You are enraged by simple facts being pointed out. You need to get help Anon. I'm serious. You are so angry that you are losing your mind on an anonymous internet forum. Like a drug addict going through withdrawal.

Please, get help.

>> No.58063142


Who isnt addict, we are here for that...

>> No.58063169

Nobody cares! Lol. You can still beam BTC anywhere in the world and store wealth and the government is never going to touch it with inflation. It’s over for big government. They can tax us on it, and trace it as much as they want but the people are still going to use it. And freely transmit it to USD and back as much as they want. It’s all working out perfectly.

>> No.58063175
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Im addicted to AI and technologies, so I here, all moves with money.
So, you dont need to be greedy, just want to support something, in my case Tau/AGRS)

>> No.58063183
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You ll loose all your savings rtrd.

>> No.58063193


Btc suck


That to.

Bunch of rtrded

>> No.58063202


Waiting for Nvidia announcements anon?

>> No.58063217
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>Please, get help.

>> No.58063228
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>> No.58063248
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in the beginning, crypto was innovative high level computer science. after that it was fun and a meme. now it's being taken far too seriously by mouth breathing retards fronting as experts. the problem is the belief system. money doesn't get things done, people and tools and machines do. the financial system is an extra burden that isn't necessary in a post scarcity world. when the real paradigm shift occurs over the next seven generations, money will be completely useless. for now it's increasingly degenerate clown world as usual until humanity can apply greater solutions to solve problems.

>> No.58063264

For the time being it’s a great tool

>> No.58063266

Larry is my niggah! Lets get some whoop whoops in the chat for the big man of the hour, The Big Fink! Give it up everybody! Go Finky! Go Finky! The Finkmeister is in the building folks, and he's not fucking leaving!

>> No.58063272

That guy looks like a knock off Klaus Schwab. nu-Life sucks

>> No.58063338

Lolbertarian ethics 101

>> No.58064529
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glow nigger cope
you weren't here at the beginning
you don't know shit about crypto
BFT is at it's highest point
Nakamoto Coefficient is high in multiple protocols
majority of DeFi has no admin controls

you lost
we won
you die
we kill you

>> No.58065352
