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5804250 No.5804250 [Reply] [Original]

This is comfiest hold of 2018 (besides perhaps VEN)

Let me ask you do you guys trust chinks, burgers, and pajeets that are in all of these unprofessional teams?

Or a fucking powerhouse A-team with nip bro Jun, maximum power level autist Vitalik, innovative Poon, and Captain Thomas Greco.

Idk it seems like a nobrainer to me.

>> No.5804290

TA looking like it's gonna break out soon!

>> No.5804299

OMG + VEN is the combo that will usher the South-East Asia region into a new Golden Age. Mad comfy here bro.

>> No.5804341

Nice we will all be rewarded for believing in their vision and skills rather than chasing stupid pumps

>> No.5804352

>the sdk is in the hands of our partners
I've worked in banks before, even if the project comes to completion there isn't a hope in hell it will be green lit for real world deployment.

>> No.5804356

The god tier coin
Will I make it with 4k?

>> No.5804377

lol stop fudding retard
It is pretty much confirmed that Mizuho and MUFG will be using it for their digital currencies.

Bring on the FUD fuckers, I can debunk all of it. I trust OMG with my fucking life.

>> No.5804443

You didn't debunk my me though, banks have a million projects. They will never do anything bleeding edge because it involves risks, banks exist to minimise risk.

>> No.5804518

You clearly do not know the climate in Japan and the rest of Asia where they are readily accepting blockchain in their institutions and their lives. They literally are doing something bleeding edge by incorporating OMG in their digital currency system. Hell even just having a digital currency is being innovative. So idk what you're on about besides trying to baselessly FUD.

>> No.5804587
File: 23 KB, 443x332, CAUSEIMASUPERMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jun hinted at a big 2018 for holders, I expect some announcements in January.

>> No.5804600

i like the project but jun is such a retard

>> No.5804604

I know the climate very well friend, they are still primarily cash based. Having some random fee reducing blockchain tech behind transfers isn't going to change that culture.

You're out of you depth, just go back to speculating, OMG is essentially worthless, that won't stop it pumping like the other shitcoins though.

>> No.5804685

>they are still primarily cash based
Maybe in Japan but definitely not in other Asian countries. And the bigger point I was making is how willing Japan is to work with blockchain.


Your assumptions that new tech won't disrupt current financial institutions is so fucking retarded and short-sighted.

>> No.5804741


He's just a jap. Japs are a bit weird.

>> No.5804772

>Still shilling this ecr 20 token in 2018

>> No.5804785

>going to be on its own blockchain

>> No.5804789

>Your assumptions that new tech won't disrupt current financial institutions is so fucking retarded and short-sighted.
Whatever dude, believe what you want, it won't be adopted, I've told you why it won work. if you want to ignore all of it and just call me retarded go ahead. Great job debunking the ((FUD)).

>> No.5804792

what about other fintech solutions? what do you think of monaco?

>> No.5804812

Unlike you I am willing to change my viewpoints given proper evidence.

But it seems you have given up debating because you have too much kike cock up your ass.

>> No.5804898

Cool it with the anti semitic remarks

>> No.5804910 [DELETED] 

Anon, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to make it. Don't let it go. Join this Pump group asap....

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.5804948

Fuck off and report faggot, tired of pajeet

>> No.5804962

>he doesn’t know it’s moving away from being an erc20 token

>> No.5805042

I'm a very progressive person but you're a pussy if you can't handle racial slurs on fucking 4chan.

>> No.5805101

You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.

>> No.5805150

pg insult lol this guy's 12

>> No.5805160

lol come get me hebe shit
Oh wait you can't afford a plane ticket to Paris LOL

>> No.5805206

I've heard OMG is gaining momentum in France.

Any reason why?

>> No.5805250

There was a prominent France facebook crypto group that really liked to promote it.

But it could be some insider shit, impossible to know.

>> No.5805309

Come on those are American Psycho quotes. Didn't mean to insult you anon sry. btw I'm actually 30 minutes away from Paris at the moment

>> No.5805349


Never gonna make because just 1000 OMG's. Fuck.

>> No.5805351

>they didn't read our lord's scripture and memorised it word by word.

>> No.5805377

Damn my b. I've seen the movie twice lol. I'm probably just too heated by the other guy.

>> No.5805412

Remember to always stay calm and use your head anon.

>> No.5805482

Good advice.

I think for me I get really frustrated when people dismiss new tech so easily even tho you can literally see how it has fundamentally changed our world. But ya def have to work on my anger a bit.