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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 236x213, IMG_2492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58029210 No.58029210 [Reply] [Original]

THE FUCK IS LINU DUMPING… Its obvious the admins dumped but wtfwtwf is going on?????

>> No.58029217

it'll correct to 0.0000000075 and the market will decide where it goes from there could go lower though

>> No.58029221

no huge sales, looks fine to me anon
top 10 still holding

>> No.58029231

Its chilling at the support level, itll be back up on monday lol. Welcome to the swing cycle

>> No.58029241

Stfu faggot

>> No.58029254
File: 154 KB, 640x358, 1710530154515044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's healthy for the coin long term sorry reality is hitting you so hard though
could even go to 0.0000000045 levels
You do realize it fought between 0.000000001-0.000000004 the entire month of February, right? Well, we're going back. Buckle up, kiddo.

>> No.58029268

It's fucked until the uncertainty around bitcoin settles

>> No.58029381

im buyin. me and my homies are all buyin. get wrecked jeets.

>> No.58029432

Thanks for playing

>> No.58029804

You people told me it would go 100x

>> No.58029860 [DELETED] 

Eh, still safer and has better potential than anything I've seen shilled around here.
With any luck, this bitch'll slow roll up until I can get long-term capital gains.

>> No.58029895

Congrats anon, this might be one of the stupidest fucking comments I've read. Are you deluded or just trying to pump so you can get out?

>> No.58029920

What happens if BTC goes to 74k+ ?

You think this token will just keep doomping?

C'mon man

>> No.58029971 [DELETED] 

Excellent reasoning. Your logic has caused me to reevaluate my thesis.

>> No.58030021

Fuck off, it is pumping.

>> No.58030023

it'll actually dump even harder as people flood back into eth and btc

>> No.58030064
File: 172 KB, 631x595, 1641313246083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the exchange listings were going to pump this into oblivion. Now I'm gonna have to wage and kill myself afterwards

>> No.58030075

Nah it is not how it works.
People put in shitcoins their profit from btc, that's why alts always dump after the btc dump.

>> No.58030085

Literally everything is a scam

>> No.58030162

Those idiots did not have volumes at citex and for some autistic reason they decided that getting listed on 2 more cex would definitely improve their case.
They just should have done more ads instead.

>> No.58030186

People are so impatient, I have spoken about this in great depth with my brother Rostamos and we both agree.

TVL looks good considering the state of BTC and ETH.

Will this shibsplode? I doubt it.

Does it have the potential to jump up? Believe it to be so.

>> No.58030197 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1040x815, 1704054627846650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason I referenced "safe" in comparison to the other things shilled on this board.
But you're a 1pbtid fudster hoping to shill plebbit or apu or some shit, so I understand that your misinterpretation of my statement is intentional.

>> No.58030206

guys GUYS

Is it OVER?

IS IT? Tell me guys i need to make it this year please i will rope if not i hold 200b please give me hopium

>> No.58030242

I would unironically suggest that they get delisted from bitmart to remove retarded shorters from trading.
This cex literally dumped the coin.

>> No.58030251

just a healthy 65-80% correction before moon time. the mev bots will make sure this bleeds, i've seen it before. doesn't mean linu won't moon in the end though once the mevs are done eating.

>> No.58030286

>80% daily dump

This is what you call normal?

>> No.58030295

just buy back at 0.000000004 or 45

>> No.58030311

LP down another 25% today. Will you hold out linu sisters for it to be drained another 25%? Smart money sold when it was 20M genius money sold at 30M and smart money will buy back in at 3M to 5M mcap
it is what it is
thanks for playing

>> No.58030319

Capital gains are taxed when you convert to USD, not when you buy.

>> No.58030326

Sorry homies ;)

>> No.58030328

Whales dumped their bags onto bitmart retards + bitmart retards shorted the coin.
It will take time to restore the value, but it is a healthy process of healing. Coins should be redistributed between frens. Whales out, frens in.

>> No.58030333 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1045x603, photo_2024-03-16 12.04.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are reactionary and emotional.

>> No.58030337
File: 589 KB, 400x399, 8945 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing thanks for playing

>> No.58030342

Am I the only one here that will literally kill myself if I don't become rich?

>> No.58030343 [DELETED] 

When you convert to anything, but yes.

>> No.58030354
File: 1.71 MB, 1024x1024, 1709984155550301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5M mcap is in the programming

>> No.58030355

>Will you hold out linu sisters for it to be drained another 25%?
I am going to buy a huge bag under .01 price. Nothing terrible happened actually, just degenerate whales unloaded. It is time to increase your shares before the halving.

>> No.58030362

Damn the fud is working on someone

>> No.58030367

Admins were so laser focused on CEX listings, they forgot the marketing aspect is just as important
I unironically bought at 3m

>> No.58030374

sorry goys, now that it's on an exchange, it makes more money to short

>> No.58030377 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 600x800, d6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming 1.5M mcap is in the programming

>> No.58030381

>these retards are currently making money while 4channel chudcels are losing it

-75% dump kek baggies

>> No.58030385

Lol stfu jeet

>> No.58030401 [DELETED] 

Clever retort. That took you 20 minutes?

>> No.58030409

itll be pump when the market recovers will be similar to the run shib did back last run.

>> No.58030418

Gaining a zero baggies

>> No.58030424

>i hold 200b
After revisions with my brother, Rostamos, this will be approximately 50k USD in 3 months time

>> No.58030433
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 10703 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies Gaining a zero baggies

>> No.58030434

Ah so is that the game? Whales come in, pump it up, then dump their bags AND short at the same time? That's actually ingenious. I can see that paying off very well.

>> No.58030446

im a big gay retard

>> No.58030451

this guy is probably crying right now

I told you all 3 days ago, know when to take profits and don't trust anyone who tells you to buy their bags because they aren't your friend

You told me I was "concern trolling". you people are actually evil and you deserve everything that is coming to you

>> No.58030459
File: 7 KB, 180x192, 33662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evil you people are actually evi

>> No.58030461

The funniest part is, you didn't even have to be particularly smart to anticipate this

Pre-listing pumps and post-listing dumps for shitcoins are pretty much guaranteed at this point, and baggies are holding allllllllllll the way to the bottom.

They're in this very thread acting smug while continuing to lose money. Pretty funny stuff.

>> No.58030474

the amount of reddit spacing and baggie tears on this thread is too much
im out
see you niggers when we're down in hell

>> No.58030478

it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become

>> No.58030487

Fuck man, idk why I never thought of this. I'm a whale in a few tg's. I certainly won't dump on people, but I know when cex's are coming and I might start shorting and buy more of the coin with profits.

>> No.58030490
File: 8 KB, 192x192, 54236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become it's sad really, what a cesspit this board has become

>> No.58030503

Dude this isn't making you look good, nor is it making anyone look bad. It's really cringe and reeks of someone who bought the top and is really mad about it.

>> No.58030515

I think he's trying to sink it lower or something

>> No.58030527

Probably. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional.

>> No.58030533
File: 71 KB, 1600x1027, 5320 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good, Dude this isn't making you look good,

>> No.58030537

i slurped

>> No.58030551

>Probably. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional.
Why is that bad? You know he will buy back in at a loss when it starts going back up again.

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.58030553

Whales are dumping hard.
You want try to scam the white man, brown skinned shit eating scam monkey?

>> No.58030556

I slurped yesterday like a retard. That's okay though still hodling

>> No.58030558
File: 251 KB, 600x903, 21225 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional. I'd be afraid to hold a coin with someone like this. Way too emotional.

>> No.58030570

lol keep going, do one for me please

>> No.58030571
File: 33 KB, 1635x880, Screenshot 2024-03-16 173151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA anon here. Here's your next buy in levels, -25% still to go. You have to be a retard to not buy at these levels desu.

>> No.58030589

Ta on a shitcoin? Sigh

>> No.58030590


>> No.58030600

Will you stop being a schizo?

>> No.58030612
File: 2.73 MB, 245x196, 1388895139141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pump and dump shitcoin I bought after the pump is dumping... how could this happen to me?

>> No.58030616
File: 508 KB, 1000x1500, 63886 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo? Will you stop being a schizo?

>> No.58030625

wtf is happening in this thread

>> No.58030629

I don't know but I'm loving it

>> No.58030645

a soiteen is mad because his shitcoin bags are dumping

>> No.58030651

100% mindbroken. How much did you lose?

>> No.58030670

Its ogre LINU bros time to rotate into APU

>> No.58030695

Degenerate jannies would keep nuking normal threads but tolerate retards like this idiot

>> No.58030715

Based and Apu pilled. Dog coins are dead, frog coins are now the new 1000x

>> No.58030728
File: 43 KB, 755x687, 1710313995550714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elevator approaching floor 0.00000001 next stop 0.0000000045 so please get off if this is your stop!

>> No.58030729

Yeah that little green fucker has some real momentum, reminds me of Linu two weeks ago let’s fucking go

>captcha RG0Y

>> No.58030739

>feeling bad about getting rugged by a low cap whale coin?
>why not try a new low cap whale coin!?
Some poor retard will do it.

>> No.58030742

At least you're humble enough to admit you made mistake and are willing to learn from it.

Most people never do and they get burned over and over again. The definition of NGMI.

>> No.58030750

Damn I would never have the stomach to hold LINU. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes back up, but I'm happy with my coins that don't dump all the time and still get gains.

>> No.58030754
File: 1.63 MB, 1400x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme

>> No.58030755

>Some poor retard will do it.
Those who don't get shaken out of their Linu positions and just hold will probably be best off. Seen this many times before.

>and baggies are holding allllllllllll the way to the bottom.

You would have been one of those people who got shaken out of SHIB

>> No.58030762

Literally every coin is down 10% today. Look at a top 20 or top 100 list. It's a massive market dump. Reminds me of 21, just the pump was way smaller.

>> No.58030766

Thanks man. I almost made it last bull run but bag held too long. Hoping to .ale more strategic moves this time.

>> No.58030778

>Those who don't get shaken out of their Linu positions and just hold will probably be best off.

Yep. That's why I'll hold. I usually recoup holds. Hell, I usually profit.

>> No.58030795

Was holding 1T Linu for the longest time and all the holders are based but yeah I aint giving up my gains to “take one for the team”. Yall have fun riding this to the floor, Ill come join you guys after my bags are 10 times more swole from Apu and buy fuckloads of Linu when its at 5mil mcap again.

>> No.58030797


I don't wanna shill my coin here but it's up today and held steady through the down market. 45% 24h drop is pretty rough too. I've seen Linu holders survive massive dumps before so I think you guys will be fine, but I don't have the stomach for it.

>> No.58030804

we are down like 40%

>> No.58030816

I would make a long effortpost trying to explain to baggies why this most definitely is not the next shib but I just can't be arsed.

Maybe this dogshit token has one more good pump left in it but that's about it.
You're not hitting 1b. Even 100m would be a miracle.

>> No.58030821

For sure. We haven't even hit the actual bull run. This was more like a baby bull started by Blackrock with their ETF shit. There's a good chance we do have an actual bull run this year like in 21. If we do, That's the time to sell.

>> No.58030836

My gains in Apu are taking the edge off of this dump. I'll still hold another week but if this drops below $5 million mc then I'm out.

>> No.58030839

I've profited after worse. In 21 I held through 80%. It's a 2x today.

>> No.58030842

>Literally every coin is down 10% today
But LINU is down over 50%

>> No.58030848

You won't make it through an actual bull run.

>> No.58030858

Holy shit someone just tried to buy back in but jared fucked them into paying .028 for their bag, imagine taking an instant 50% on your trade. Fucking br00tal kek cant even escape if it starts dipping more

>> No.58030872

Did that dude set up a 100% slipage, what the fuck was that

>> No.58030880


>> No.58030882

Im selling my linu stack before I lose profit and rotating into apu. Bye linubros its been real.

>> No.58030884
File: 60 KB, 385x390, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.58030886

Thanks for playing lmao

>> No.58030894

You about to get fucked

>> No.58030897

I am deep underwater. I don't care. I am a masochist.

>> No.58030898


If you are rotating out, maybe consider utility tokens that don't dump all the time.

>> No.58030909

He just did it again, hes fed jared like $10,000 lmfao

>> No.58030913

Kek baggies

>> No.58030917

I have other serious portfolios. This is just my memecoin casino portfolio.

>> No.58030926

Is that guy actually retarded lmao

>> No.58030936

Maybe he doesn't yet realize what happened

>> No.58030946

jared eating good

>> No.58030953

Hes holding like 7 trillion Linu and just spent the last of his eth getting raped by jared into paying double so yeah, i think hes retarded

>> No.58030957
File: 11 KB, 561x361, Screenshot 2024-03-16 180829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My levels work, when I say I'm TA anon you listen. They just touched the 4 hour/daily support and then retested a significant daily resistance. We're most likely headed to the weekly which is at 0.000000006833229 but they may just say fuck that and take it up from here. All depends on btc/eth this week.

>> No.58030966

I don't see what everyone is freaking out about. It's following the exact same trajectory as every other dog memecoin. It just has a lower cap than doge, shib, bonk, etc.

>> No.58030975

>I would make a long effortpost trying to explain to baggies why this most definitely is not the next shib but I just can't be arsed.

I'm in 100% agreement that it isn't the next SHIB, I do think, however, after careful analysis with my brother Rostam, that there is still profit to be made over the coming months.

Mhmm the strudels and cortados are particularly delicious today with the taste of blood in your mouth.

>> No.58031020

Well it bounced off the 1250 level maybe TA works afterall

>> No.58031022 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 310x411, 1709876135208456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta give you that one. You were correct in an exceedingly timely fashion.
I'm going to go have a cocktail after all that

>> No.58031054

Bravo anon

>> No.58031104

It will be an easy trip to 1000x. I guess more CEXes on the way, everybody talks about LINU and it's strength. Also the technology, the engineering is unique behind the coin.

>> No.58031107

i just waited for ae13 to sell and get price to 07..13 and bought. Just felt right man, these meme coins are for the chad of heart. Bless Linu
Just tagging you cause your TA matched my intuition.

>> No.58031130

Explain the engineering

>> No.58031140

Sorry for more context, my original buy prices were 07..15 and 08....9 - so I will buy more around your second blue line too. I'm buying at your lines before I saw your chart. Confidence +100 with your lines matching my vibes.

>> No.58031151


there is no way this does 1000x.

it would put it at a 10 billion market cap?

>> No.58031164

That’s only $1.2 per person if the whole world bought in

>> No.58031170

>Also the technology, the engineering is unique behind the coin.
It's a bone standard OpenZeppelin ERC-20 token, that I am now bagholding. There's nothing special about the engineering. https://etherscan.io/address/0x78132543D8E20D2417d8a07D9ae199D458A0D581#code

>> No.58031225

God this is an absolute massacre....these whales are just ass raping you guys at this point.

>> No.58031229

Already made it through two newfag
Why did they pin a bot buy in tg?

>> No.58031234

>shib is at 14.6B mcap

>> No.58031237
File: 164 KB, 402x300, 71948563-CC7C-4005-984B-5EB4413452A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hype gone, nobody cares. Real utility comes from partnerships and use cases, it’s gambling otherwise, not investing

>> No.58031240

The tech behind this coin is that it is a luna dog. dog coins moon, this dog have moon in name. number go up. this obvious. take some time. list on exchange ppl buy moon dog. sell when you feel like you be rich in like a few more days. defeat greed brain with chad heart. go go moon dog, 4chan anonas, my concubinas
y u so gaaaay fudbuckets?
get rekt or get kekt my timeline is set

>> No.58031243

I’m so glad I sold this shit a week ago. Fuck you faggots I hope it goes to 0

>> No.58031244


>> No.58031296
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>> No.58031327
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REMINDER shib got dumped many times and went to zero

>> No.58031346

You can't rape the willing

>> No.58031361

I cant take the dumps

>> No.58031375

Grow a pair

>> No.58031377

This dump makes sense once you look at shib, which is also dumping

>> No.58031385

It's following the same trajectory as shib doge and bonk. It'll recover.

>> No.58031387

And lose gains? Fuck this I'm out

>> No.58031417

damn, shoulda sold this turd at 4. See you at 0. Bye losers. Enough for an ar15 at least.

>> No.58031440

Sure but in the meantime Ive swung my 1t Linu stack into Apu so I can see it 10x this weekend. Ill buy back into Linu once its down at 6bil marketcap again. Going down with the sinking ship is for tards.

>> No.58031468

Cool. I'm legit just copeing because I don't even have enough money to trade out because of gas fees. Good luck in apu

>> No.58031486

You cant add like $40 of eth to your wallet? Apple pay? Paypal? Debit card? Anything? Being stuck as Linu sinks has to be brutal, the SS Apu is comfy af

>> No.58031520

Nope. It's not like apu is gonna moon while the entire market is crashing anyways anon. It might hit it big in the next bullrun, but in that far a timeframe, Luna is still a moonshot as well.

>> No.58031538

Its about to burst through ATH right now lol. Just because the market is down doesnt mean everything is down, people want pumps and they go to whatever is successful and these days thats frog coins like Apu

>> No.58031558

I've just doubled my stack by slurping. I've got 1b now god it's satisfying to be a whale. And we're so early. The algorithm behind this coin only works at ~5 % imagine when it's going up to 50-60% workload.

>> No.58031580

Fair enough. I'm just gonna let it go. I'm not cut out for trading. I'm one of those retards that bought into the Elon dogetrain back in 21 and wound up holding bags. I figured I would put in a bit more and go for shit like Linu, Shib, etc, since I actually recovered my losses and actually started making money on those dumbass doge bags. I'm just gonna let everything sit and see what happens. If I lose it all, then whatever. My folio was only ever worth 2k anyways.

>> No.58031598

1b? You mean 1t? I bought 3b for 100$. That's a babystack.

>> No.58031608

i cant believe I dumped 900 bucks into this and didnt sell when I was in profit
now its going to zero and I cant even sell it on citex theres literally no buy volume lmao
oh well serves me right for listening to biz I guess

>> No.58031619

Yep. I'd be weary of apu. I'm pretty sure the people here are just as retarded as we are. Could also be people sitting in discord all day waiting to dump on retail.

>> No.58031638

its 100% my fault all my alts were pumping and I got greedy and figured Id gamble on some biz shitcoints. I completely deserve it. all my other bags are still iln profit except this turd lol

>> No.58031643

It's not dumping, it's rugging.

>> No.58031652

No 1b. If it goes up to 1b mcap it will be almost 10 million usd. It's more Than enough for me.

>> No.58031661

I think I'm about even. I'll never buy a /biz/ coin again, that's for sure.

>> No.58031672

1b? What is that, like $25? You'd be paying more in gas fees bro. Either way, hope we both make some money. Cheers

>> No.58031761
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The ride never ends.

>> No.58031784
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Baggies what happened?

>> No.58031799

Smart money went to Apu, the rest, well.. heh

>> No.58031915 [DELETED] 

Yeah man. Smart money always moves to centralized supply.

>> No.58032091

Smart money is money that yields more money, like Apu is right now as it literally sets an ATH this very minute while the rest of the market sinks. Smart money certainly isnt holding Linu as it falls 50% lmao never bet against clown world and the most popular meme in it

>> No.58032104 [DELETED] 

>Smart money puts themselves at the whims of a kike that owns 25% of the supply
Sure. Sounds reasonable.

>> No.58032110

Damn that sucks, I took 60% of it when it dumped to 18m the second time and then sold the rest at 11m, then again I got in at 3m

>> No.58032130

It was 8% before, then 20%, now 25%. Do you just keep raising the number to coincide with my gains and your losses?

>> No.58032161 [DELETED] 

No. It's always been 25%. You can just look on etherscan.

>> No.58032179 [DELETED] 

You might be thinking of the 80% of the top 10 wallets that have only ever interacted with apu... Maybe that's where you're getting that "8" from.

>> No.58032183

Nobody owns 25% lmao stay salty with your Linu bags though. While youre at it you can check pepe, look at those wallets, and see how well pepe did. Welcome to clown world nigger you best get used to it or stay seething and being 2smart4gains

>> No.58032224 [DELETED] 

It's one thing to take on risk and be at the whims of the market. I'm not bold enough to put my self at risk of the whims of a singular individual.
So I will stay away.
Best of luck to you when you eventually start a thread actually about apu.

>> No.58032237

Remember Shiba. It dropped nearly to zero now it's in top 10. Linu is almost the same just with better technology.

>> No.58032241

I wouldn't touch that thing with a 10 foot pole

>> No.58032256

>im not bold enough to make money
>ill just keep holding linu as it prepares to tank yet another 50% from its current position
lmao ok whenever you are tired of getting raped feel free to join us over at Apu, plenty of gains to go around.

>> No.58032280

oh no homie it's over!

>> No.58032281

It rugged and won't come back. All the smart money sold, thanks for playing. You can contract the jeet devs to complain at their local call centers.

>> No.58032301 [DELETED] 

No thanks. Now fuck off.

>> No.58032340

Stay poor linu chud

>> No.58032360 [DELETED] 

Create a thread. Attract attention. Maybe you'll convert me. But shitting up other threads like a fucking plebbiter isn't very compelling.

>> No.58032391

Every time you post, Apu hits new all time highs. If youd rather continue bagholding while the literal entire crypto market tanks instead of holding a coin thats mega pumping, thats your problem.

See for yourself lol

>> No.58032409

Buy a fucking ad then

>> No.58032423

Is just Linu dumping right now? Why so much fud specifically in this coin?

>> No.58032468 [DELETED] 

Shillers come here to market their coins because of the eyes Linu attracts.
In order to do that, they need to shit on Linu first.
You'll see it every time the price drops.
Then they shut up when the price rises.

>> No.58032478

the only people fudding linu are the jeets who literally and unironically bought "a poo" and are now invading every thread they can to try to scam people into being their exit liquidity.

>> No.58032494

Just don't look at the chart lmao

>> No.58032504

I literally sold my 1,000,000,000,000 linu stack for apu because im not a retard who goes down with the ship. Nobody needs to “fudd linu” it does that all by itself right now. Sure ill buy back in but only once it drops another 50%. Until then im enjoying winning with Apu making hand over fist as it hits new ATHs every couple of minutes

>> No.58032525

how do you know APU isn't going to pop any second now?

>> No.58032537

Probably the most obvious attempt I've seen to shake people out ever. I hope nobody is actually falling this shit. If anyone out there is even thinking for a second that any of these fud posts are genuine; I want you to ask yourself if any other shitcoin consistently has 3 or more threads up freaking out about a 2% dip.

>> No.58032541

Because i know better than to bet against the most popular meme on planet earth, the fact its pumping while everything else dumps, and autism. This is clown world, anon. Its easier to win than you think.

>> No.58032546

Jeep scam

Pnd group

>> No.58032558

>2% dip

>> No.58032620

I can't buy apu, now fuck off.

>> No.58032636

That li'l Linu dumped to hell. Hahahahahaha!

10 billion market cap! Next Shiba! LMFAO

>> No.58032668
File: 64 KB, 883x824, retardPan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 fud posts
Get a job nigger

>> No.58032696

Why would i need a job when im holding Apu? I already dumped my 1 trillion linu before it took a fat shit, i dont need to work, Apu works for me. You can screech all you want but at the end of the day the charts tell the tale and Apu is straight WINNING

>> No.58032759

APU is the new LINU. The meme coin musical chairs game keeps turning.

Get in and watch that APU dump. Hahahaha! LMFAO

>> No.58032802

WTF. A jannie banned me from the LINU TG for no reason.

>> No.58032890


man, random shitcoin shills really flock to linu threads
shoo shoo

>> No.58032969

Banned from the off my an admin for questions what there doing with the community wallet

>> No.58033046

Tg by**

>> No.58033138

Lots of fud happening here

>> No.58033256

Right all those fanny's going on about not buying in because it's too high have the perfect spot to buy in now

>> No.58033331 [DELETED] 

They have to fud in order to shill liquidity over to whatever token they have that can't stand on its own.

>> No.58033381

When's the best time to buy more?

>> No.58033391

Literally now and then watch what happens a week from now.

>> No.58033607

Did a wallet track and just confirmed Ryan and Archville have sold. Archville is banning people in the TG wildly and going mad with power. Do not believe a word he says. This coin is going downhill fast. Anyone that is not out should GET. OUT. NOW.

>> No.58033608

Im waiting for 5-6mil market cap to get back in, i should have at least triple the Linu i had previously. Price has stalled and it isnt even night yet. Stay up late for the best entry.

>> No.58033618

the cope in the tg is delicious

>> No.58033622


>> No.58033652


>> No.58033703

same thing. i was lucky to get into apu when it was under 1 million mkcap

>> No.58033744

Show us. Screen cap the wallets and post them. And tell us how you connected them to the admins .

I agree they have banned me and i question what there doing . They did this with the nfts to only buy back in and get back and a low entry . So im not to worried as LINU has always gone back up .

>> No.58033784

You guys are babies that need spoon fed? Just fucking look at dex tools and check the top wallets and see what's different. Or look at the big sellers the last 2 days. Check their wallets. You'll see some fun things!

>> No.58033807 [DELETED] 

It was easy to track 8/10 of the top wallets of apu back to one person, but I would be interested in knowing how you tracked wallets to Ryan and archville.

>> No.58033809

Anyhow. Just sold off the last of mine. Thought about keeping a bag just incase it's another case of admins swinging but I think I'm done with LINU.

Hope the admins enjoy their gains. You dipshits could've probably taken this higher if you weren't such jeets though. Greed is the downfall of coins from making it above 100M mcap.

>> No.58033811

lost $368 on this. oh well lesson learned. never buy the top. and never listen to 4tard hype.

>> No.58033836

>One of the top wallets sell
>Said top wallet previously sent like 8,000$ to the community wallet

Is it fucking rocket science?

>> No.58033871


Yeah i'm glad I'm out. This'll be funny to watch from sidelines.
>Total paid in to LINU: 300$
>Total sold: 30,000$

Been nice playing.

>> No.58033872 [DELETED] 

You're missing a couple of critical connections there, so yeah, it might be.

>> No.58033916

>>Total sold: 30,000$
congratz anon and dont forget to do your taxes!

>> No.58033931

Marketcap got too high too quickly. Invest in lower cap doggies

>> No.58033934

Heh.. are ya winnin’, son?

>> No.58033950

Yeah taxes always suck ass I typically put aside 30% of my profits into a second checking account and then consider the rest my money to do whatever I want. Whether that's invest more in or cash out. Right now I'm holding it as ETH and USDT. Market might pump again in a week or two. Looking out for anything I might want to invest into.

Probably will avoid memecoins. They're easy for short term gains but long term? None of them hardly ever reach 100 Mil Mcap or above. Teams usually jeet by then. Or early buyers. Same shit here.

>> No.58034072

Any other doggies you like anon ?

>> No.58034119

I got banned for asking why the admins have 0 fucking plans after the CEX exchanges and have done 0 marketing efforts (not even free raiding) except shilling on 4chan where half this board shits on it. This coins dead.

>> No.58034150


Does it make you feel a bit better to fantasize and make things up online to cope with your pathetic life and perma-brokie status?

Nobody has ever bought $300 of LINU and sold it for $30k (or anything similar). You realize everything is public and all one has to do is look at LINU on dexscreener and click on the "top traders" tab to see the PNL's for everyone who ever bought and sold the coin?

You low IQ fudders get dumber and dumber every day kek

LINU will be at 1B within a couple of months, meanwhile apu has about a week left before it gets rugged by the jeets scamming you and holding 30% of the supply.

>> No.58034151

Damn dude. Nice. I got fucked hard. I can't imagine what it's like to have 30k. You should be happy

>> No.58034175

thanks just bought $100k

>> No.58034195


I've been in the TG for weeks and nobody has ever gotten banned just for fudding or asking questions lmao, and they're the most transparent of any memecoin admins I have ever seen. You are the same fudders who were saying fameex and bitmart wasn't going to happen, and now you're eternally shifting the goalposts to cope. Everything about this token makes it primed for mooning, luckily for you it's at a discount right now so you can still join us so you no longer have to spend your time coping and fudding out of jealousy.

>> No.58034202

He made it up and is in all likelihood indian, kek

See >>58034150

>> No.58034225

>LINU will be at 1B within a couple of months
Thank you for having put a little bit of realism back in the thread.

>> No.58034231

Until today retard as LINU takes a massive dump .

>> No.58034232

They banned me earlier today for literally nothing. The only thing I can even think of is I showed a screenshot of my percentage losses on every token I hold today to show how it’s not just LINU taking losses. I didn’t even show other token names, just percentages.

>> No.58034243

not surprised at all Archville is a snake. Ryan is too dumb to know what's going on probably.

>> No.58034289


>> No.58034296

What’s up with holo coast . He’s the only holder I believe In

>> No.58034337

this thing literally looks done now holy shit lol

>> No.58034396

Yup its over.

>> No.58034398

Archville must be a 13 year old or a fucking serious autist, that guy should not be an admin of any project lmao

>> No.58034400

We're just getting started

>> No.58034402

rotate into lucky and thank me later
cex listing and massive marketing in 48 hours

>> No.58034415

ive lost $70k over the past two days on this holy fucking shit
i knew i was retarded but i might just be the biggest giga brainlet on this board

>> No.58034423

Shiba went through way worse than this
Like waaay worse
One bitcoin pumps again linu will be back

>> No.58034424

the 90+ weth sandwhich attack candles look nasty as fuck

>> No.58034425

Fuck you and your dog coins. I'm buying avi.

>> No.58034480

Is this your first time in crypto or something? Kek.

This is why paperhanded jeets like you will never make it, you are pretty much all the same. You FOMO in near the top, then when it corrects like every other coin that 800%'s you panic sell at a loss, and then dedicate your time to fudding in order to cope and try to convince others to also sell at the bottom out of jealousy.

Zoom out of the chart of literally every single long-term coin that has ever mooned (SHIB is a good example). Newfags that are virgins to crypto have trouble understanding this and are too cowardly to ever make it.

>> No.58034514

I know. If I turned 300 into 30,000, I would be extatic. That kind of money would be life changing for me. Man, I wanna win just once. Hopefully this market gets less fucked soon. Fuck Larry Fink.

>> No.58034520

It's not the next shib so stop saying that. Did the listing pump this coin instead of violent dump for 24 hours?

>> No.58034530

Shib has dumped too though. I think that's what he's trying to say.

>> No.58034532

4mcap eod?

>> No.58034540

So true, I panic sold back in January and I habe lost 500B LINU buying it back. Not going to happen anymore. If this thing goes to zero, so be it.

>> No.58034546

Looks like the Listing provided a good chance for whales and admins to cash out

>> No.58034562

I just hit triple digits lmao

>> No.58034566

holy shit aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.58034603

The cope in the TG is astounding. Same in here. Their only anxiety relief is repeating "SHIB" over and over to themselves when this shit has nothing relating to SHIB's success in any way, nor the right place, nor the right time. It is not the next SHIB and the faster you accept that the faster you can move on and actually make money elsewhere. Even if this is the next SHIB (it's not), putting all your eggs in one crypto basket is stupid as fuck anyway. Sub 10m mcap with 3 exchange listings... It's over.

>> No.58034612
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>> No.58034614

What are touching currently anon

>> No.58034639

Kek baggies

>> No.58034641

It'll be okay. I lost money too. Probably a less than you, but what I lost is worth a lot to me. I feel no different than the retards who spend their last penny on lottery tickets. I just want a better life. I'm sure you do to.

>> No.58034663

Should've sold for 2x

>> No.58034715

I don't celebrate people losing. I'd rather people wake up and realize that it's easy to get lost in the soothing and repeating words you hear in every shitcoin TG. "next leg up" "moon from here" "10m incoming". If you don't believe me go join some shitcoin TGs and see for yourself. They repeat that over and over as the coin goes down to zero. LINU is no different with everyone whispering "next SHIB" and "we're going to 1b". Don't get manipulated by that shit and remain logical. It's a sinking ship. You guys have zero risk management or knowledge about wtf you're even doing in this space.

>> No.58034727

you mean 10x

>> No.58034752

it’s over it’s over it’s over
i bought high and i’m selling low
see you nuggers in the doge threads

>> No.58034761
File: 9 KB, 225x225, IMG_5889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding heavy linu bags… gonna ride em to 0 if needed. Only silver lining is that my lucky is still rock solid and has 20x potential with its first Cex listing early next week. Hoping I can make back my loss there…

>> No.58034801

these apu jeets are in every thread shilling their scam.

>> No.58034847

I think the jeets are using AI to mimic white boy talk.

They type "Buy some, sir!" in ChatGPT and it spits out for them "Get in fren!"

Biz is toast.

>> No.58034846

>loses a few whales
big deal. watch this pump

>> No.58034851

yes we need "spoon fed" post the proof. Why is it every time people like you get asked for proof you never provide it? Post it now or fuck off. Sick of your gaslighting in every thread.

>> No.58034878

have you tried dming the admins and getting let back in?

>> No.58034879

Good luck anon, but the whole market is fucked atm

>> No.58034889

I don’t care, these thing are totally retarded.
Today it’s -60%, the next week +400%, just stop being so paper handed faggots if you can’t stand crypto volatility.

>> No.58034896

Except today the admin archville or whatever went on a massive banning spree. I’ve been supporting linu for over a week and haven’t done any fud. You retards are turning people away by your own doing by eating your own and freaking the fuck out anytime people question anything. Gg faggots go to apu

>> No.58034912

>coordinated raid on our tg
>admins remove scammers and their associates


>> No.58034929

Everyone is stressed out. Don't take it personally. We're all losing/lost money.

>> No.58034946

Im just waiting for it to bottom out tonight so i can swing back in with 2swole2control bags. Swung out and rode Apu for several thousand dollars of gains, now I wait comfortably on the sideline for my time to strike

>> No.58034969

I don't think this is the next SHIB and I never said that. There will never be another SHIB, no dog coin is going to hit 40B MC again.

My point which went way over your head is that all succesful memecoins (which are especially volatile) go through phases like this, and if you were to zoom into SHIB's charts early on you would also see massive spikes followed by massive dips. This is how crypto is, there are too many newfags here who don't understand this and get scared and sell as soon as they see red.

>> No.58034990

those patterns and dips have a lot of details you have to consider too, like what preceded them, how was the volume, at what mcap etc.
what LINU is doing looks like complete capitulation for now, the daily candle still has to complete

>> No.58034991

> Did the listing pump this coin instead of violent dump for 24 hours?

The listing came at the exact same time as the entire market shitting the bed, which it is continuing to do atm.

>> No.58035012

Yeah, what LINU is doing is a combination of the correction from the pumps prior, combined with the entire crypto market dumping.

>> No.58035043

This is the same guy who lied about "I bought $300 and sold for $30k" not realizing that all transactions are public and anybody can easily verify that nobody did such thing. You really think he would even be smart enough to trace a meticulous rugging operation through the blockchain? kek

These jeets will always make up shit and lie and never post proof because there isn't any.

LINU is unruggable.

>> No.58035044
File: 421 KB, 576x484, gkosdjknsfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotate into lobo. We've got a killer logo and narrative, amazing website and a based dev that is open to communicating and transparent. We just recruited some normie whales who are interested in this project and amazed we arent more famous and are down to help market and push. This coin aims to be the representative meme dog of base chain and its got a pretty damn good chance of achieving this organically without cabal connections.

Incredibly low entry at 1.2M mc comparitively speaking to other base coins like toshi, mochi, dogime and more. Even your linu on eth shitter chain was able to reach 20M MC before cratering.

We started off at 6.5k MC and reached a 2.3M ath in the span of 7 days. And we are consolidating around 1-1.4 million. Burned liquidity, non mintable and renounced contract. Dev actually has CEX connections and experience and has big plans for this coin, even working on his own dex on the base chain, on top of an upcoming listing. Biz was able to pump and get linu to where it's at today. If you want to relive the glory days and go beyond join LOBO. You just might be surprised.

If you all want to jump off the titanic and into the carpathia and are a non jeet, we'll welcome you with open arms. TG has almost 300 members with a lot of them being chill biz frens. The days of shitcoining on eth are long over. Join the future on base chain or be left out, your choice.

CA: 0x4e98b3917310b0E1F0d53C0619f87FE48dEB804b

>> No.58035046
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Did we piss off the jews or something?
Got another 3k ready to shoot for when it bottoms out, might fall asleep before it does haha

>> No.58035065

Looks and sounds gay

>> No.58035076

it's dipping way too hard for that man, something is up
it will take time to recover but they can still do it if they're dedicated, for now you just gotta roll with the blows

>> No.58035094 [DELETED] 

I love that chick...
Bottom looks in, but I don't do much TA

>> No.58035100

yea its over

>> No.58035110
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>up 5% from a 60% dump
we're so back

>> No.58035172

The whole market is down and linu is an obvious rugcoin. I hope it goes to zero.

>> No.58035181

Well stay on the titanic then and take your chances. Others are boarding the Carpathia for a brighter future

>> No.58035191 [DELETED] 

Link your thread.

>> No.58035207
File: 114 KB, 2497x842, maaaybee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit

>> No.58035335

Just got deleted by tranny jannies. That should be your cue. Jannies only delete gems and let the other dogshit/already pumped coins stay. Check the archives for my post "My biggest bets for the 2024 bull run"

>> No.58035349

But what if you could go with consistently good, resilient and solid? What if said coin was on the most promising chain for 2024 bull run? What if the dev was actually competent and not hyperfixated on just getting exchange listings, so much so they get scammed by rajesh?

>> No.58035363 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 960x965, captain kangaroo inu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just like that, the fud dies. Because it preys upon uncertainty in order to move money from good coins into bad.

>> No.58035377

LINU devs didn't get scammed by Raj....

>> No.58035412

Bottoms in boys. I kepted a 100b coins and solded the rest . What am I in for anons

>> No.58035428

More doom drops tonight. After that we should be pumping again though

>> No.58035446 [DELETED] 

Either opportunity or suicide, depending on where you sold.

>> No.58035465

I’ll go with suicide . That why I kept a sui stack .

>> No.58035485 [DELETED] 

Fuck it. It happens.

>> No.58035492

in other words… you made that shit up

>> No.58035510

Came back to this thread. Are you stupid? I didn't sell off in one large chunk. I did multiple sell-offs with a total profit of 30K.

>> No.58035525

Still made 5k off LINU . Could made 20k last week. I’m an absolute Newfag so I’ll take this as win. If it moons my sui stack will be decent .

>> No.58035599

I bought 568B at 200k mc and sold for $9k at 11mil mc
why would i lie about it?
there's more people who held at least until 20mil mc

>> No.58035615

The cost of 568B was $270 to $350 irc

>> No.58035818

Damn! Never seen anything like that in my life. Maybe Jake Paul will win, kek.

>> No.58035901

I bought another 100 billion earlier today, but probably should have waited, would have gotten alot more

>> No.58035902

It is. It'll also make you money since furries love buying gay shit and the dev actually has a brain

>> No.58035929

That archville faggot needs to kill himself. He dumped his bag at a loss and is rage banning everyone now.

>> No.58035946
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Archie boy is either a legit autistic idiot, or an over emotional 16 yr old kid.

Either way, I hope the faggot lost a lot of money

>> No.58035953

I stupidly sold my 200b stack after the nft rug crash. Then saw the Fucking thing mooned and cost me 8k. I brought back in during this dip. Not going to get paper handed again. Lesson learned. Fuck either 0 or 50k.

>> No.58036011

I do remember if it was him but someone blurted out the words “i wage slaved 7 weeks for this” in tg after someone told them to relax and i just about pissed myself. Today has been a real laugh riot.

>> No.58036046

people are rotating into LOBO on base. Get in tard.

>> No.58036152

That's what i heard, I don't know the full details

>> No.58036810

Lobo isnt on base

>> No.58036856


>> No.58037037

Someone post tg or discord

>> No.58037120

>never posts a source
>all of the top holders are still massively holding
this disinformation fud is bullish AF. I'm buying more now.

>> No.58037136

Did a wallet track and just confirmed Ryan and Archville have sold. Archville is banning people in the TG wildly and going mad with power. Do not believe a word he says. This coin is going downhill fast. Anyone that is not out should GET. OUT. NOW.

>> No.58037162

Why did you feel the need to spam that a third time? Its just not true. I watched him post his wallet address in chat. Its there.

>> No.58037178
File: 284 KB, 2000x2028, not_selling_crypto_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what jannies do?
When a thread reaches bump limit they delete posts to force it under 300 bumps now?
Wow. This board is totally and un-repairably corrupt.
Why is no one noticing this or talking about this?
Biggest most active FUD thread on the board is not stickied but mods are forcing it on the board.
Really makes one think.

>> No.58037187

LOBO will welcome all LINU refugees with open arms. Our tg is almost 300 strong with comfy vibes amongst biz frens. Dev has a lot of plans for this coin and is aggressively marketing now. >>58035044
Refer to this post to learn more. Eth is not gonna be the play 2024 for shitcoins, base is. Get with the program or continue getting raped by gas fees

>> No.58037192

Seriously, this thread was 305 replies page 10 about to fall off the board then they deleted 15 posts and bumped it.
These jannies are getting too uppity.
Need to put them in check.
If feedback doesnt work, lets Chat GPT translate a request in Japanese to Hiro's email and get these jannies removed.

>> No.58037195

LOBO will welcome all LINU refugees with open arms. Our tg is almost 3000 strong with comfy vibes amongst biz frens. Dev has a lot of plans for this coin and is aggressively marketing now. >>58035044 #
Refer to this post to learn more. Eth is not gonna be the play 20240 for shitcoins, base is. Get with the program or continue getting raped by gas fees

>> No.58037202

Bro if you haven't figured it out already, jannies only keeps up threads that shill obvious scams or giga pumped coins. Notice how alphas or genuine gems are deleted the moment they pop up? I shilled lobo everyday starting at 6.5k mc when the tg had fucking 4 members and now it hit 2.3M ath and has nearly 300 tg members.

>> No.58037207
File: 74 KB, 1893x384, jannyscam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags ask yourself why a fud thread needs to be made for a coin that is this small and almost no one knows about.
Ask yourself why there needs to always be a 300 reply thread always on the board long after it hit bump limit?
Jannies abusing their power and overplaying their hand massively right now.

>> No.58037212

Thanks for pushing this thread over bump limit.
I hope it fucking falls off the board this time like it should.
Otherwise jannies need an asswhooping.

>> No.58037216

Newfags ask yourself why a fud thread needs to be made for a coin that is this small and almost no one knows about.
Ask yourself why there needs to always be a 3000 reply thread always on the board long after it hit bump limit?
Jannies abusing their power and overplaying their hand massively right now.

>> No.58037262


>> No.58037270

Holy shit. Jannies removed bump limit on a thread without stickying it.
Is this even allowed??? WTF???

>> No.58037393

LINU to the moon bros
Fuck jannies

>> No.58037399

1 Billion or nothing. Gets for the Get God.

>> No.58037408

Checked. LINU keeps getting digits

>> No.58037415

LINU is the official /biz/ coin of this bullrun

Welcome and enjoy the show.

>> No.58037456

im so done with this garbage board

>> No.58037548
File: 240 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to volatile trading. Your first roller coaster? lol. Keep holding. It will go back up… if anything, slurp this and be in a better position for the next rally and if at that point you still want out, then exit. But my 500 billy position is going to 6-7 figures or the ground. Honey badger don’t give a fuck.

>> No.58037645

Are you retarded? The PNL on dexscreener shows the cumulative PNL of ALL transactions. Why try to double down on your pathetic lie kek

>> No.58037665

too bad i hold all my shit in a cold wallet offline and my hot wallet (metamask) is for trading shitcoins. too bad the IRS has no idea who owns either of those wallets. Would be a shame if it wasn't reported to the IRS because I don't trade on any CEX or ever have nor have plans to ever cash out to USD because I'm a perma btc/eth holder.
Wow, IRS. Pls don't be so angy.

>> No.58037679

>one last pump for admins to cash out
I wonder...I feel like I've seen this posted by MULTIPLE anons over the past week.
Yet people just called them fuddies etc kek
Thanks for playing though. Once linu gains a zero and goes back to the 2-4 range, I'm sure ryan and his buddies will buy back into it and "revive" it again for another half a million dollars in profit. Why not? Maybe they'll even move onto their own coin.

>> No.58037693

The one agency you don't want to piss off is the IRS anon

>> No.58037704

then they should deploy their service to map out every transaction on block chain for all tokens erc 20 etc and get coinbase or whatever major CEX to spill the beans instead of giving them "External wallet" as the wallet that the OG crypto was sent to.
The only taxes anyone should pay for is if:
1) You are retarded and trade on coinbase constantly / other known CEX
2) you cash out crypto => USD on a CEX
Other wise, fuck off and suck my cock. Come get me.

>> No.58037735
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>> No.58037866

Hiro speaks perfectly good English and is in on any scam being run here

>> No.58038443

Well I sold during the dip, bought back in this morning. Threw some of what I had into a poo and will swing any profit from there back in.

Probably the wrong thing to do but then you never time it correctly

>> No.58038760
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, _a4b80d04-457e-4e2a-8ed0-b93cd2dd82d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is over, everyone has rotated into APU or LOBO take your pick for the next 10x

>> No.58038772

What’s with the massive amount of fud? Mad people that got sidelined during the x10?

>> No.58038787

They are still mad even though this dip gives them the opportunity to jump in lower