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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58020563 No.58020563 [Reply] [Original]

>she isn't slurping the obvious dip

>> No.58020613

you make a good point

>> No.58020619

> he's slurping the top

>> No.58020633

Thank you for affirming my gender identity.

>> No.58020711
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>> No.58020718

Preach it sista

>> No.58020721

statistically speaking, at least 20% of biz is biologically female

>> No.58020800

why won't they make themselves known? what are you buying biz women. please tell me. i promise i won't just imply you have a dick like these incels.

>> No.58021813
File: 429 KB, 1500x1061, 1704218082788513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slurp my dip bro. Go ahead.
Also of course I'm slurping. Everyone is. It's a shame we are so unstable right now though, Satoshisync keeps partnering up and shit but still won't release their fucking coin, I want BRC-20 to be real before the fucking halve. Kaspa still hasn't pumped. Optimism in shambles while ETH takes the crown again. It's a pretty weird fucking bull run if I say so myself.

>> No.58021841

I slurped. It went up after. Probably was all me. I saved crypto.

>> No.58021843

>ETH takes the crown again
eth holders right now are literally the same as linkies. Your point? Missed

>> No.58021851

oh i double dipped that bitch EXTRA nasty

>> No.58021867

what you niggas dont know is that onion dip is disgusting. Garlic is just superior.

>> No.58021879

misato-san will never be not hot lol

>> No.58021883

obviously this isn't slurping anymore. it's just dcaing. we all know it will go higher and we don't really know yet if a good buy window will present itself anymore for a while so may as well buy for 65k+

>> No.58021885
File: 591 KB, 723x716, 1601937591285019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slurp my dip
How has no one commented something like this before? Based

>> No.58021888

Yaaaas queen she's servingggg omg yasss

>> No.58021897

because you fucking incels lose your shit whenever you see 3 pixels from some fictitious anime girl's thighs? imagine having a bunch of undesirable, bad breath bad body odor ugly pimple ridden manchildren breathing near you for being born a woman with a pair of tits.

>> No.58021918
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Fucking based.

Garlic bread and coffee is literally all you need to stop being clinically depressed, at least for a few hours.

>> No.58021926

haha i wonder how misato smells after a good, hot day of slouching and drinking beer all day haha oops i think my peanus weanus is going up, lol weird. does she burp?

>> No.58021936

bc it's fucking gay, that is why no one does it

>> No.58021938

yeah they keep announcing partners every fucking day but not their own token

>> No.58021967
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x960, 1650276570274102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

misato is one of my harem waifus, respect homie

>> No.58021972

because we can see your posts

>> No.58021978


>> No.58021981

strong y2k fag vibes from this post

>> No.58021999

Go back to your femcel imageboard where you belong. We will troll you anytime you reveal that you are a female, as we should.

>> No.58022023

those are all men

>> No.58022046

i "slurped" the entirety of 2023 with anyone who was still around here, we posted slurpindor, and we bought. I took my first profits at 70k. I'm not buying until its actual slurp time again, not when its already been bullrunning for 18 months.

>> No.58022212

and that's a good thing
go back roastie

>> No.58022530


>> No.58022535

BTC, PALM, and probably Apu.