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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57984505 No.57984505 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the BSC casino is back in business what can we expect from this guy? If BNB multiplies ... It multiplies ... It can also multiply itself but there's also reflections so even more gains.

>> No.57984558

dobro bumping, itll come back.

>> No.57984559

I’m bonking

>> No.57984588

>green ID's

>> No.57985601

Checked and green

>> No.57985603

rolling for green days ahead of us

>> No.57985630
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I am so unbelievably comfy

>> No.57985648

holy green ids
we're going to make it from BNB pumps alone, nevermind the inevitable volume

>> No.57985657
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>> No.57986255

Rolling for 500 B stack = $1m by May

>> No.57986323
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mein neger
t. owner of approximately 250B dogs with bats

>> No.57986341


>> No.57986363
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Dobros, our time has come

>> No.57986724

22B tee ball dogbat stacklet reporting in. She said it was a good size.

>> No.57987083

No amy
No buy
Simple as

>> No.57987310

Brown hands

>> No.57987642

>No amy
>No buy
>Simple as


This is going up, with or without you or that Amy.

Be retard, stay poor.

>> No.57987864

>It goes up
I bonk
>It goes down
I bonk
>It crabs
I bonk

I have become enlightened. Be it by volume of buys we will eventually reach the moon.

>> No.57987879

Or buys*

>> No.57987953

No reflections
No buy
Simple as
Traitors can join fudders in the rope threads
50b eoy

>> No.57988454

>If BNB multiplies ... It multiplies
Why not just buy BNB then? Then you don’t pay 15% tax each way to get in and out. Also, bonkdog has gone down since it hit 13 back in December, but BNB has more than doubled since then. Also, volume averages about $1k. I think I’ll look elsewhere desu

>> No.57988539

>Why not just buy BNB then?
Just buy BNB then. I'm tired of spoonfeeding fudders. You'll cry later like they all do.
Also this has outperformed BNB. Figure it out. Or don't. I don't care

>> No.57988873

>this has outperformed BNB
>checks charts
>hasn’t outperformed BNB on 1 year chart
>hasn’t outperformed BNB on 3 month chart
>hasn’t outperformed BNB on 1 month chart
>hasn’t outperformed BNB on 14 day chart
>hasn’t outperformed BNB on 7 day chart
>has outperformed BNB on 24 hour chart, 10.5% to 10.3% (not really an “outperformance” though, remember donkbat only outperforms BNB if it performs at least 25% better due to tax and tip)
Whoa buddy, you really showed me. Thank you for the spoonfeeding anon

>> No.57988912

Look at the atl and learn how to use a measuring tool.
Bnb has gone up like 3x from the low
Bnb dogbat has gone up 6x from the low

>> No.57989119

Bunch of niggers

>> No.57989236

>this has outperformed BNB, but only barely after factoring tax plus tip, and only if you bought during a four day period of my choosing
lol okay bud

>> No.57989266

And just like that dog with bat will never be below 6m mc again

>> No.57989276
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our time coming bat friends with dog

>> No.57989321

Lmao literally by 2x and that's without the BSC casino reviving. Again, I'm tired of spoonfeeding fudders. You got filtered. It's that simple

>> No.57989337 [DELETED] 
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>forgot to change ID

>> No.57989413
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Few understand
There is only one dog shitcoin on BSC that will 1000x

>> No.57989466
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The only dog shitcoin on BSC

>> No.57989483

Math is hard for some I know

>buy $100 BNB
>up 300%
>sell BNB
>have $400

>buy $100 dogbat
>pay 15% tax
>have $85
>up 500%
>have $510
>sell dogbat
>pay 15% tip
>have $433.50

Like I said, if you bought during a very narrow several day window that only you get to choose you barely out performed BNB. Why do you have so much trouble understanding this?

>> No.57989590

Just don't buy. You got filtered. Also it's 10% tax, not 15%. The fuck is up with fudders and their lies. Don't pretend that was an accident. You dumbasses always lie because you have no arguments. The math you posted is also common fucking sense. Ya no shit if your stack goes down 10%, you need 10% to recoup it, lmao and yes that goes for the sell as well. So basically you need a bit over a 20% pump from entry to be at break even. The fact that you did math for this common sense shit is comedic. Also with other chains (namely eth) you basically get fucked by fees too. It's the cost of doing business. If you don't like it, don't buy and stick with normie shit. Also, clown, the tax is why we have:
1. Highly distributed supply
2. Super high liquidity
3. Reflections aka bigger stacks

>> No.57989629

also for point 3, burn wallet counts as a holder and the reflections they get goes up like a snowball effect since the more you have, the more dogbat you're rewarded with per transaction

>> No.57989681

>anon, everything you’ve been saying this whole thread is common fucking sense!
Thanks, but I knew that already

>> No.57989706

>fudder has a piss id
every time kek
assmad over a doggycoin

>> No.57989723

/biz never sees clearly. D0b o is sitting like a nuclear reactor on the brink, just waiting for us to hit the big red button. 3.4M in locked liquidity + amazing disribution + 43K holders means this thing's tighter than ur moms p*ssy – UNRUGGABLE. With its genius tokenomics and legendary memes, it’s not a question of if, but when. Whales? As rare as a good day in fiat land, with the fat cats in deep freeze since dawn of this legend. This isn’t about catching a rocket already in orbit. It’s about being the crew that fires it off. Miss this and the only thing blasting off will be your regrets.

>> No.57989789
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never seen a chart this bullish ngl

>> No.57990118

rolling for digits

>> No.57990282
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Can someone smarter than me please make an AI carnival barker or 40s newsreel announcer read this?

>> No.57990672
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>> No.57990743

Only one of you can be right. For me, it’s 672

>> No.57990820
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Let it be known.

>> No.57990856

ath again and my village will eat for years

>> No.57990887

Should I dump my eth dogbat token for this one? The eth chart looks dead as shit with no updates on any socials.

>> No.57990973

zoom in

>> No.57991084

See that flat straight line middle of that pic?

Thats where i bought most of my d0b0. I am already x5'ish maybe x6, not sure and really dont care.

I know there are anons who bought lot cheaper before ath, but this is my stack and i have nothing to complain.

>> No.57991114

Obviously. D0b0 ETH was always a scam, same with d0b0 on SOL despite the efforts of that one shill who inevitably shits up every d0b0 thread.

>> No.57991145

Whats the best way to get d080 into my bank account? I know about changenow and coinbase, but BSC no longer comes up on when I go to trade.

>> No.57991193

>BSC no longer comes up on when I go to trade.
Can you not use Metamask and Pancakeswap?
Anyway what I do is
>fiat to ETH on Coinbase
>transfer to Arbitrum
>crosschain swap to BNB on sushi or xswap
>buy dogbat on Pancake swap
I imagine you can just go the other way to cash out but I haven't done so and won't until 50B EOY. Should be even easier to crosschain swap large amounts with CCIP soon (I am a LINK baggie).

>> No.57991239

Does this avoid alot of the fees or something? I've been buying bnb straight from binance, send to metamask, switch to bsc network on MM, pancakeswap

>> No.57991290

its all just bnb now or something
no more BSC

>> No.57991404

>Does this avoid alot of the fees or something?
No I'm just an amerifat and not allowed to use Binance.

>> No.57991444

That's why you're poor. My dogbat stack is near $40k now and it's still at a very low market cap.

>> No.57991467

You can buy BNB straight from metamask and swap at pancakeswap, but at an increased fee. No 14 day wait time on deposits though

>> No.57991474


There's probably a more efficient way, but you can still buy USDT at any other on ramp, transfer it to Binance.US, swap for BNB, then transfer to Pancake Swap and join the casino.

>> No.57991498

this too. Binance.us still has bep20 auto conversion

I'm surprised jews haven't allowed usd onramps from banks on binance.us again now that a WEF is CEO of Binance aka jews want BNB to succeed.

>> No.57991508

*binance.us has the bep20 withdrawal feature, but you have to toggle it. If you use the other bep network, you'll lose the money when sending to a defi wallet

>> No.57991529

I used to use Binance.US but the wait period to withdraw was too annoying, especially since I keep enough on Coinbase so that I can immediately move ETH off of it to my hardware wallet. Using Arbitrum/L2s also keeps the fees down, so it's really not bad. Maybe I spend an extra couple bucks everytime I do the process and buy dogbat. It is what it is.

>> No.57991646

I just found around 120B in one of my old wallets pumping by itself, what is going on and is this a good stack

>> No.57991786


I mean how do I cash out my d080 holdings since BSC isn’t available anymore? I’m on (p00)(coin) via meta mask on the BNB network

>> No.57991860

swap dogbat into 'x' using pancakeswap, transfer 'x' to centralized exchange, then sell for usd. When doing an initial transfer, send just a small portion just to test and endure no mistakes were made

>> No.57991876

kek its sad, also the reason i think this isn’t gonna work out, too hard for burgers to buy, they’re being funneled to shitlana and base. We got lucky with the bsc pump reviving us, but we now know the tax is shit and does nothing to support the price. It’s a hard sell to outsiders compared to 2021 and i hate the tax now myself kek i almost feel bad shilling

>> No.57991928

It's a dog with a bat and a clown market how is it hard to sell?

>> No.57992075

You guys think binance is aware this coin exists on their chain and has this behemoth like liquidity? Guess it would be a lot of work for them to onboard this and implement transactional auto-staking just for a memecoin. It's just so insanely deflationary in theory it could probably make them a fuckload of money.
A man can dream I guess

>> No.57992181

>but we now know the tax is shit and does nothing to support the price.
You're mentally retarded.
for you -> >>57989590
You had 2 years. Keep crying

>> No.57992216
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They are aware of it. That much is true
Pic rel

>> No.57992958
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I personally prefer vinu, anon. its more consistent and the fact that is not overly hyped for no reason suits me best
but i can respect your choice, you're free to lose your money however you want topkek

>> No.57992995

The prophecy is foretold.
$17b bag holder

>> No.57993043

That's dead and buried.

>> No.57993061

Please go up

>> No.57993131


Remember ID what do you remember anon?

>> No.57993371

Finally a dobaggie who gets it. You, sir, are not delusional

>this is a super easy sell come on guys
Obviously it’s not though. When you average $10k volume during one of the biggest shitcoin pumps in history you clearly have a problem attracting buyers, and I’ve got a feeling the issue might be that nobody wants to pay a massive tax to get in and out a long dead pumped and dumped shittoken

>> No.57993414

>My dogbat stack is near $40k
Whoa look out poorfags we got a megawhale over here!!!
Your stack is only worth 34k btw, try selling it if you don’t believe me

>> No.57993535

this is why i didnt buy. its not intuitive that you need to put 12% slippage for it to go. i guarantee to you 99% of people do not increase the slippage to 12% and will just move along to another shitcoin

>> No.57993559

I remember that I am the biggest active dog with bat holder and I'm not selling till we bonk the shit out of ATH

>> No.57993573

I still have 7B sitting on my old trust wallet
Why is the bsc casino even coming back to life all of a sudden

>> No.57993618

>Your stack is only worth 34k btw
Lmfao this retard. Yes, nigger. I'm aware of the 10% tax. Everyone is, you dumb moron. I'm not selling here anyways.

>> No.57993631 [DELETED] 

You are samefagging yourself. Imagine being this assmad over a dog with a bat. You kissed the bottom. Get over it. There's no other reason you would be this salty

>> No.57993652

You are samefagging. Imagine being this assmad over a dog with a bat. You missed the bottom. Get over it. There's no other reason you would be this salty. You're not smart money. Simple as

>> No.57993663

It isn't, it's still dead.
D0B0 is just following BNB because of it's massive liq
If casino revives it will go insane

>> No.57993681

It outperformed BNB by 2x from the atl. Bsc isn't revived yet. Dumbasses like you never buy before pumps. Only after, kek. You'll buy when 80% of the gains are already gone, lol. You aren't built for crypto.

>> No.57993739


If people have no problem paying Eth gas fees and that hasn't stopped memecoins on the chain, I don't think a tax will be a problem. All buyers need is the belief that line go up enough that they still in profit even after the fees.

>> No.57993758


I mean it does literally say on the d0b0 website to put 12% slippage to account for the taxes lol. It's not that hard. But obviously CEX listing would help out immensely among normies.

>> No.57993774

these niggers want to pretend eth fees aren't basically the equivalent to a tax system, but it's worse because at least with the tax system the coin gets stronger while with eth, it just goes to miners. I think they are just too poor for defi. I'm actually curious if he's a third worlder

>> No.57993784

You high on meth or something? I'm bagholding this since Oct 21

>> No.57993803

My bad. I didn't read your last sentence so assumed you were the nigger samefagging

>> No.57993862
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I'm thinking we are we back bros ??

>> No.57993899
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Holy shit we pumping hard.

>> No.57994132

LOL forgot about this steaming pile of dog turds. That ghostbro was fucking annoying.

>> No.57994206

Starting to bonk let’s go

>> No.57994621
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Lots of green IDs LFG

>> No.57994677

ok, I'm gonna spoonfeed you but just because I like your WIN ID. because with d0b0 you win.
Something that a lot of people don’t understand is that 2% of every transaction is burned forever, and that percentage will keep growing over time. It's all because the burn address is *also* collecting reflections. This coin is hyper-deflationary. This is a little unintuitive, so hang with me here.
This is the list of holders, right: https://rentry.org/dogbatholders
Now who’s the largest holder? The Burn address. It holds 452 trillions, or about 45.2% of the entire supply. But it didn’t start with that much! Only 30% was sent there, and then several additional trillion later on. Bear in mind that money is burned forever and can never be accessed again. So where did that extra hundred trillion come from? Reflections!
That’s right: that burn address functions just like a regular holder, and still collects reflections. These reflections can never be retrieved, and only serve to make the burn address stack even larger which will eat even more tokens in every transaction.
Literally the supply is rapidly deflating, making every token more valuable by the second. And that doesn’t even include the free reflections we’re also getting.
So in a way, this coin does three things with every transactions: burns some tokens forever , gives some to every holder, and also permanently increases liquidity too!
It’s a triple whammy. If you are reading this now in March 2024, you have no idea how blessed you are. You basically are the equivalent of someone who learned about Dogecoin in November of 2013.

>> No.57994814

High IQ play. If you know you know.

>> No.57994853

Checked and also the price goes up with BNB on top of that it can't lose chinance numba 1

>> No.57994943

I have a mid 200b stack that I held since the first pump back what feels like ages ago now.

It was my first experience in crypto low mcap coins. I was hooked forever since, even though I didn't sell at the top like a noob moron. However, I never ever sold and I hold it as a lesson but also because I 100% agree with you.

>> No.57995569
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whew, confirmed this dog with bat is the comfiest hold of 2024. WAGMI

>> No.57996042
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DoBros our time is nigh

>> No.57996172
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>*sigh* I guess I have to spoonfeed these dumb normie retards
>words words words words words words
>see? Sells don’t actually hurt us at all

>> No.57996270

>memecoins crab in a bear market news at 11