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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57982300 No.57982300 [Reply] [Original]

When I make it, I will
>buy a condo in Miami
>buy a Cadillac
>buy a sick gaming pc

>> No.57982306

Why not just buy the PC and play Cadillac Simulator 2024 and Miami Condo Simulator 2024 on it?

>> No.57982310

>superficial goals

>> No.57982337

I will pay my house off, finish my self-sufficient homestead plans, and buy more ammunition.

>> No.57982338


>> No.57982354

>trolled by the cia in a perpetual state of fear thinking civil unrest is a remote possibility

>> No.57982377

Miami? Enjoy being killed by an illegal, spring breaker, or fentanyl. A condo in Breckenridge would be much better. 98% white

>> No.57982378
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when i make it I will abandon civilisation

>> No.57982384

I fear ONLY God. Everything else is preparedness. I live in hurricane territory so a self sufficient, self powered homestead is handy when storms can take down the grid for weeks

>> No.57982386


>> No.57982398

Pay off all debt, live frugally, continue to invest in crypto, buy a nice vintage Rickenbacker 4001 and become a music neet.

>> No.57982402

and what are your goals nigga?
end world hunger and cure cancer with your money?

>> No.57982416
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I will no longer work for others, which is the most important thing.

>> No.57982434

Glad you asked. Start an orphanage for African children with the goal of bringing them to the US.

>> No.57982435

>no hard r
2x ngmi

>> No.57982540

What I'll try to do:
1) Buy back the piece of land next to my cottage home that got somehow taken away from my family after the country regained independence in 90s.
2) Buy the forrest next to my family's cottage home.
3) Buy a shipping container and build it into lab where I could do my plant tissue culture hobby.
4) Help my mother by paying her debts and give my brother some starting capital for his business.
5) Different building materials for renovation

>> No.57982557

I will just pay for sex for at least 5 short haired tomboy whores. One of them has to rim me for hours.

>> No.57982893

Miami real estate is supposedly poised for a crash
Where are you looking to buy? South beach? Brickell?
I just missed out on a beautiful place on Michigan Ave cause I waited too long.

>> No.57982943

miami is gay unless youre planning on having latinas snort coke off your dick but it's a lifestyle that will, 100% guaranteed kill you

Expensive cars are a meme

Just get a pc you fucking tard

>> No.57982967

>not caring about superficial goals
you will not make it poorfag

>> No.57982974
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>buy a sick gaming pc
wait, you don't have a gaming PC already? and how you are going to use superverse, poorfag?

>> No.57982988

those are not actually superficial goals, those are /quality of life/ goals by proxy. Nigga is explaining how little he needs for basic needs. He's identified the daily structure of his life that he wants to achieve. Everything else follows from that.

Miami is infested with niggers, but otherwise he's onto something.

>> No.57982999

I'd just buy a smol comfy home for 100k, nice PC hooked up to a big TV, and make the inside of the house look comfy. And probably a new Corolla since it's reliable. I don't need too much.

>> No.57983004
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So... Are you a boomer, or are you black?

>> No.57983005

Sunny islands Miami is my favorite

>> No.57983083

>smol comfy home for 100k
Not possible.

>> No.57983096

I live in flyover land. You can find a lot of little old 2 bed 1 bath homes for that much that are basically move in ready