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File: 186 KB, 617x507, 1626394055902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57952467 No.57952467 [Reply] [Original]

Why give me false hope like that? When will chainlink fucking pump? I demand an answer immediately

>> No.57952485

Any week now

>> No.57952488

duhhhh I scwobbled on da chart wook its a penis prager pattern huerrerh urrr

>> No.57952536
File: 3.86 MB, 576x1024, roastie neeting off your profits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what we all did a week ago and swap LINK to BTC and forget about that fat russian scammer and his neet whores living off your gains.

pic related: undeniable infinity fud

>> No.57952563

it literally pumped 5% overnight

>> No.57952576

Dude should be permabanned for giving false hope his little chart has been negated numerous times

>> No.57952598
File: 262 KB, 1170x904, IMG_4733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek linkies told me 2 months ago “don’t buy avi buy link we’re gonna moon!”

Kek this is 2 months later

>> No.57952606

holy shit dude you're so rich

>> No.57952633

Not at all man I have a lo my way to go, point is you guys go into every thread shilling link shitting on anything else when in reality your coin is a boomer stock tier coin now.

>> No.57952642

>point is you guys go into every thread shilling link shitting on anything else
oh really? I swear I never see anyone shilling link only fud it

>> No.57952681

there are more chainlink shills than fudsters.
it might have been different once upon a time.
not these days.

link is the best play in crypto.
and the price manipulation is real.
but the carrot dangling with 2 more weeks is real too and plenty of shills do it.

better than any chart or graph is curve is link's job postings / vacancies page.
the company is growing very quickly.
they are looking for engineering managers in Dubai, San Francisco, Barcelona, Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Bogota, Amsterdam, Dublin, New York, London, Vancouver, Singapore, all remote but location relevant.
And then it's very similar for data streams, data feeds, payments, blockchain integrations. Then they want senior software engineers, locations everywhere again, and then you see they want data engineers, all over the world too, and then you see they want general legal counsels everywhere, and assistant counsels, and all types of product managers and so on and so on.
It's either a very elaborate ruse (it isn't) or the vacancies page will tell you much more than any anon could tell you with ta and the chart.
It is the best bet in crypto and i am never selling because i think the team and project is so impressive, but there are cunning anons on this forum anon. Just do right by yours and it will all fall into place, don't believe all these anons dangling carrots and false hope.
The price will go up when they let it go up and that might be this week, this year, or in 3 years time so keep that in mind.

>> No.57952685
File: 260 KB, 1467x2048, 1700764924363469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made those threads as a larp to get your hopes up. Just 2 more weeks hodl marines!
Kek baggies hahahahhahahahha

>> No.57952695

You should go into other threads bro, always in portfolio, low caps, new coin threads, every time there’s some linky shilling it to the poors (like me) promising huge gains.

Do I think link will perform positively, sure, could it hit $200+, maybe, but for poors and bros with no money you shouldn’t push this. Not saying you do but a lot of linkies do.

>> No.57952715

This price manipulation shit is pure amc/gme/bbby tier bro there’s no normie hype behind link.

>> No.57952717

Are they actually doing the arcade? Only reason apt if anons probably didn’t buy is because there is little to no footage of the working arcade. If their was this thing could run to over 1b mc easily.

>> No.57952728

This fud is so powerful. Just imagine all the days and hours you've poured into studying LINK and tracing candles up and down; imagine the bull runs you've sat out telling yourself
>delayed gratification. Long run. Tech.
All the while Zayi is eating pad thai with the gals at lunch and walking her dog in a posh Los Angeles neighborhood where only wealthy whites exist, separated from the lesser races. She glides easily through life; every weekend she goes partying with chad (who bought Pyth and sold for millions in the first run). She goes back into work at 11am Tuesday (she just wasn't "feeling it" Monday) and makes a day in the life tiktok video for the tens of thousands of hard working stressed out linkmarines who make her impossibly lavish life a reality. You watch it and you realize in the span of a 24 second tiktok video that this whore stole your life. You sacrificed and slaved away at work and suffered ridicule in both real life and on internet "investing communities". Your hair is thinning. You see, in that span of 24 seconds, YEARS of your hard work and sacrifice washed away. All so this fridge body diversity hire could earn $200,000.00/year making tiktok videos. It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.

>> No.57952729

Yeah but the fact that you are willing to buy a pajeet shitcoin means you will lose everything in a rugpull when you least expect it.

>> No.57952806

There are videos showing it already? Not looking hard enough but I don’t blame you. There is 0 marketing besides the few tweets about it as the team isn’t using marketing funds until audit passes and product is ready. They wanna roll out the bridge first then arcade I think is the order.

>> No.57952822

dude, ur rich as fuck

>> No.57952830

>AVI is a shitcoin

And this is why you will miss the train. I’ve been getting fud from people like you since 1 milly.

>> No.57952856

Far from it, not showing off the total amount point was the profit ratio. 20x in 2 months. Imagine if you swung your link stack into avi at 1 million 2-3 months ago and sold it today to buy back in link.

>> No.57954070

imagine if you swung $1M into some lo-rent shitcoin with crappy volume
what could possibly go wrong