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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57947176 No.57947176 [Reply] [Original]

Despite BTC reaching ATH, the amount of traffic on /biz/ is still abysmally low and nothing compared to both 2021 and 2017.

It's not the pandemic because 2017 was similar in traffic to 2021.

Why is the 2024 bull run almost devoid of hype in the general public? Almost no one is talking about crypto at all and there is essentially no mania.

Where does the pump volume come from if it's not retail? Why is retail absent at all?

>> No.57947191

Institutional ETF and shiet dump your bags and fuck off /biz/ is dead for good

>> No.57947202

biz is dead only pol bagholders are here holding their 2021 LINK bags

>> No.57947210

the normies will come, we are months away from the retail blow off top at 600k

>> No.57947216

Perhaps it's because everyone is sitting and sweating about their altcoins not going up ?

>> No.57947217
File: 65 KB, 1525x511, firefox_SJfioRRexp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better screenshot to showcase that we only have 10% of the traffic on /biz/ as during 2021.

>> No.57947238

Jannies banned everybody critical of a certain token. I won't say it's chainst-ink, because that would get me banned.

>> No.57947239

That was all GME redditor influx, retard
Hopefully most killed themselves after getting margin called

>> No.57947253

2017 had a similar amount of traffic and feeling as 2024 (I was there for both)

>> No.57947588

because we're earlier than you believe. the pump is gonna be huge

>> No.57947626

also don't forget the GME and Rubic bags /pol/ tourists are still holding since the last run

>> No.57947654

is there any public data on reddit or twitter/x traffic we could compare?

>> No.57947690
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>tiny minority actually made it
>vast majority are either bag holding shitty alts or got rugged on options, scams (alts), or straight up ran out of biden-bux

the only real posters left at the moment are the desperate "look at my meme token!" scammers (pajeets), LINKies on suicide watch, the goldbug schizos, and then a very tiny group of maxis smugly watching their predictions come true

>> No.57947703

Retail is absent because the economy right now is by far the worst it’s been during any crypto bull.

>> No.57947708

captchka removes dyslectics and sub 80 IQ. cloudflare wait 60 s filters tiktok brained zoomers

>> No.57947709

Didn't captchas get way harder a few years ago? Plus there is like a 5 minute cooldown now before you can make a thread, so jeets have probably given up on /biz/ for a large part. Now that I think of it, we probably lost a shitload of jeets to things like Beoble too, where they can scam each other more efficiently.

>> No.57947710

r/cryptocurrency is also very close to its all time low in terms of activity.

We can't access reddit API anymore to see full traffic, but we can infer through upvotes/comments that engagement is still very low.

Don't know twitter/x but botting since LLMs has become worse so we can't know for sure anyway.

/biz/ traffic for me has been the most reliable indicator of real organic interest in crypto as a topic.

>> No.57947729

Unironically it's because everyone here got shaken out into shitcoins and is totally sidelined.

>> No.57947741
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This. I wonder how many /biz/raelis committed suicide in the past few years.

>> No.57947750

bottom signal, time to go all in

>> No.57947763

Low volume bull run in reality as well. This is bull run is mostly big corpo buying in, expecting 100K.

>> No.57947765

The powers that run the world are invested in crypto now. When the halvening happens theyll pump out boomeresque news segments and articles and that's when normies will come. They won't come from seemingly esoteric ETF announcements that's too difficult for them to understand, but less mined BTC can be explained with supply and demand bullshit that even your dumb boomer dad can understand and that's *probably* when they'll start buying in

>> No.57947795
File: 268 KB, 859x860, obese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> monkey jpegs going for 800m
> market dumps -60% in 1 week
> sbf fraud all over the news and netflix show
> crypto taxes out of the ass
> banks blocking you from buying
> record inflation levels making normies broke

this bullmarket is only for american richfags and boomers

>> No.57947804

> wealthy boomers buy into etfs
> They then go and browse /biz/ on the daily to keep up with the current dog coins

>> No.57947860


There was a lot of money sloshing around during covid and you had AMC/GME bullruns as well. Shit like RobinHood making the news for freezing trades in GME because their backers threatened to rug them because said backers were about to take a scalping due to their short positions, etc.

Like someone else said, a lot of people don't have money to risk on a coin that's going to crab for months or is a pajeet scam on the off chance that it's going to 10x once off their $100 investment. Right now there's a few players on here but most of it is scammers, idiots taking out second mortgages to short BTC, and wagies hoping to hit the lotto by dumping their rent check into pregnantcumbuttpisscoin.

>> No.57947892

the real reason why traffic, social metrics, google trends, mainstream media haven't come back yet is because this is echo-chamber pump, and it's the same participants buying from each other

whether this party continues or not entirely depends if we can sustain new capital inflows

>> No.57948033

It’s the opposite of this. After GameStop the board has been flooded with garbage to gradually discourage anons from browsing biz. It seems to be coming the same organization that has been shitting on pol.

>> No.57948042

this means we are super early

>> No.57948082

Most of /biz/ was bragging about having mostly shitcoin based portfolios and being all in on crypto. They're all irredeemably fucked. BTC hodlers and ETH miners are the ones who made it to this day
And I guess LINK battered wives and XMR extremists are still here too, just quite a bit poorer than they were

>> No.57948146

/biz/ traffic is one indicator.
front page headline news is another. bitcoin price action is pretty much absent from all widely read news websites. Go on die zeit, the guardian, new york times, nothing. You have to go to the business sections and even then it isn't major news. On the financial times, today there's an op-ed but generally it is not major news, on bloomberg neither.
There's no 'stadium sponsorships' by crypto or whatever the next equivalent will be.
And, importantly, this isn't being set up as a typical cycle with the associated rug pull implied.
As i have said many times, imploringly, to the bears and stoch rsi anons and cme types, this is a new frontier because of one principle and incalculably important difference.
Bitcoin is being set up to prop up the financial system.

When all value is predicated on theoretical value and said theoretical value has lost much of its credibility, you have to find a way to reaffirm the credibility or all is lost. They are going to reaffirm the credibility. The alternative is losing it.

bitcoin is being adopted as a supplementary axiomatic pillar of the financial system.
It doesn't mean we won't hike hills along the way, there will be ups and downs. But we are ascending heights that haven't previously been explored and treading paths that haven't previously been trod. The volatility might be greater in nominal usd but percentage wise it will be ever less.

>> No.57948243

>tradfi is fake and gay, we'll make our own
>fake and gay tradfi hoards your coins and uses the legitimacy you created to prop themselves up
That sounds exactly like the kind of thing those sewer rats would do. Never thought about it that way but you might be right. I'm only hoping that they're not smart enough to do it. It would pump my bags but I'm ready to donate some of my bags for the greater cause of tradfi sewer rat removal

>> No.57948252

Bingo. Everyone else ITT is retarded, but you, anon, are spot on the money.

>> No.57948273

It just means Bitcoin will reach the million EOY

>> No.57948387

believe it or not. crypto has had a very bad reputation since 2021. people are buying doge at 60c and watching it fall to 6c. the jewish whales have completely destroyed the momentum and publicity out of greed.