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57897866 No.57897866 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy this $2 million house when I make it? Imagine waking up in some place that cozy.

>> No.57897927

Too big for me, too much effort cleaning. And I don't like those big windows, would creep me out at night if I was watching horror films. I'd go for something smaller and cosier and use the rest of the money to do fun stuff.

>> No.57898004

Depends on location, but historically it hasn't been a good idea to have a very high portion of your net worth in real estate because it doesn't appreciate as much as ETFs or even government bonds. There are exceptions. If you have 10 million dollars I would say go for it. If you have 2.5 million dollars I would say be wary.

>> No.57898069

this anon >>57898004
it's about the location for safety and your neighbours, it looks comfy but it has to have someplace with shades for all those windows, also check the seasonality
when you have the money to afford such a house you don't do the cleaning yourself

>> No.57898088

id be more concerned about what it costs to heat and cool that space. high ceilings are neat but its just empty space that you cant use. And whats the point of 2 living room areas? You wanna watch tv or look at the moose? no thanks

>> No.57898090

Send the address to scuffed realtor right now. Live on YouTube.

>> No.57898102

More like cold with that much heat loss from windows. Enjoy keeping it warm

>> No.57898117

I'd make an offer for 850k, and that's already generous, it's not worth a penny more.

>> No.57898151

I've thought about such a thing myself, but I feel like you have to be a certain kind of person. Have a family, entertain guests a lot, something like that. You have to be a Big Man (preferably physically as well as metaphorically), someone who is indisputably, and is content with being, The Guy. Otherwise, it's kinda sad to have all that space to yourself. Among other things, you basically have to come up with a routine to maintain and use it all ("Oh, it's Tuesday, I should use my Tuesday bedroom."). Looks more like a retreat than a primary home. Under certain circumstances, doesn't really seem safe, either.

But I do like the decor and layout. I could imagine enjoying a few weeks here.

>> No.57898159

>buy mansion
>no gf
>no kids
>no friends
What was the point?

>> No.57898162

>when you have the money to afford such a house you don't do the cleaning yourself
I suppose this is true, in the sense that people who can afford the house but not the cleaning tend to let things rot.

>> No.57898163 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 830x573, Expertrising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't make it if you aren't holding EXPERT


Damn nigga you need some EXPERT


>> No.57898186

>big windows
If I wanted to be murdered by some psycho, I'd definitely buy a house this creepy. Too much windows and entry points makes my fight or flight sense go haywire.

>> No.57898195
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1xebdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>sold 500k btc at ath
>buys mansions
>get starlink
>go to pc attick battle station
>go play some blocklords
>jerk some off


>> No.57898211

like that movie hush? that movie fucking sucks, and not precisely my balls

>> No.57898283
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of course the hell I wont, that's jose manuel or pedro's job.

>> No.57898291

stupid fucking mexicans stealing Americans their jobs.

>> No.57898919

>too much effort cleaning.

Lmao you just have pepita do it.

>> No.57898994

>local top

>> No.57899027

My make it goal is to have enough for a house manager and full time staff.

>> No.57899341

i want to look at the moose. yes.

>> No.57899382
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1561282606034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the heating bills...

>> No.57899483

if by making it you mean nw>=10,000,000 then i say go for it

>> No.57899502

In a year you’d turn it into Detroit inner city. You probably don’t even know how to mop floors. And don’t say you’d pay someone. You didn’t make it that much.

>> No.57899539


>> No.57899876

no beach view wouldnt buy

>> No.57901367
File: 234 KB, 682x1024, PLZPLZPLZPLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a normal one or that shit you're showing? i personally like having space but not too much, it depends
Do you plan to live alone or with people? because those are two entirely different experiences
Personally i plan on finally moving out (i already have enough, but i want to buy a fridge, washing machine and stuff) when the elections pump affects my memecoins, specially bigmike, since it's the one i've invested the most

>> No.57901389

This would cost 32 million in Canada

>> No.57901774

>godawful shit flooring
>giant ugly ass windows
>look like a rec center
wouldn't buy it for a dollar

>> No.57901820

Looks like a good deal. Is it in oklahoma or texas or something? That's super cheap. I have a million dollar house in colorado and you could fit 2 of my house inside that one room alone.

In my town that house would be $10-$20 million. Maybe more.