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57874569 No.57874569 [Reply] [Original]

Does ICP really give Bitcoin and ETH superpowers?

>> No.57874585

Lurking for technical discussion

>> No.57874587

it gives VCs supermoney

>> No.57874598

it does but it's retarded, it fragments liquidity by requiring btc and eth to be bridged over to the network in order to get the "super powers"

>> No.57874621

So why don’t they just bridge all BTC and ETH over? Then everyone gets superpowers.

>> No.57874628

no, its just a software/server platform like aws but they added a token and a chain (not needed) its just a federated system. doesn't have anything to do with cryptocurrency

>> No.57874652
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>UFO id

>> No.57874668
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Tyler said ICP would hit 2k in 2022 :/

>> No.57874692

good i only had 100 icp then but now i have thousands

>> No.57874755

ICP is too grand

>> No.57874816

>So why don’t they just bridge all BTC and ETH over? Then everyone gets superpowers

never will happen, if it could be an abstract layer in which everything runs on icp but also has interoperability via other chains in which the average user doesn't even know they are using icp tech then maybe we have something that'll work

>> No.57874821
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It's literally a mafia-esque scheme for the chain to make trillions being the middleman, similar to what stinky linkies want to accomplish with CCIP but with different end goals (Sirgay has grand fantasies of hosting the whole world on the blockchain with the help of Herr Klaus, Icy pee is more grounded than that)
token not sneeded but still will be worth thousands of dollars... God I hate this actual fucking cope

>> No.57874870

The coin is needed. You need to burn icp to produce cycles and you can host data only with cycles.
At some point it will be deflationnary and we will see 4 digits icp like ETH.

>> No.57874906

It solves the ETH gas problem. ICP is just too grand for some people to grasp

>> No.57874909

That's exactly what I said, retard, try comprehending irony for a moment. Both ICP and LINK are needed in theory, but at this point I only trust ICP to actually deliver on it's promises. Sirgay s a proven grifter who has burned me one too many times.
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>> No.57874928
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Be careful newfags. You entered a scam thread promoting a scam project. VCs bought for 3 cents.

>> No.57874930

And staking to secure the network

>> No.57874962

you know you are just renting a server basically right? muh cannister lmao. just rent a server on aws. pay for "computing power" too. its exactly the same. only aws doesn't have a dumb token

>> No.57874986

And tell me, what price did VCs buy ETH at? What price did WoW neckbeards mine the vast majority of BTC in circulation at? You're using the greater fool fallacy as your only (pathetic and weak) FUD "argument" against ICP, which must mean you're either a boomer metals nocoiner or a zoomer redditor trying to bait.

>> No.57875010

The whole point of insane clown posse is that it'll be exponentially cheaper than AWS according to devs.
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>> No.57875034
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Want to see where our industry will be in 2 years? Look to where ICP is today.

>> No.57875072

The funniest thing about this statement is that ICP has by far the most impressive tech yet it doesn’t even have a stable coin

>> No.57875105

Doesn’t need one with CKeth

>> No.57875116

no lol

>> No.57875149
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>And tell me..
No. I’m not doing it.

>> No.57875185

That's right, sit the fuck down kid. I'm looking forward to mETHeads seething as their shitcoin crashes down to way below ICO prices because of your astounding 180iq gigaintellectual argument.
See you at 2k icy pees.

>> No.57875222
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> That's right, sit the fuck down kid. I'm looking forward to mETHeads seething as their shitcoin crashes down to way below ICO prices because of your astounding 180iq gigaintellectual argument.

>> No.57875354

No, that would be actual eth integrations such as eigenlayer restaking, modularity or oracles.
Icp doesn't intergrate with eth or btc at all lmao, cketh what the fuck is that nigga hahahahahhahaha

>> No.57875580

You don't need staking to secure the network like ETH. Staking is only for voting

>> No.57875888

LINK is not needed in theory. ICP can interface with web 2 without oracles.

>> No.57875899

>putting your BTC or ETH onto an AWS server that can be taken down by the DAO at any time if the canister owner posts any racism, questioning DEI, or non-gay porn on the ICP network
Literally ckNGMI

>> No.57875928

None of this is accurate lol

>> No.57875938

That image is dumb, Trump's highest paying donor in his last presidential run was a Zionist and his kids are married to Jews.

>> No.57875939

how can it be cheaper when the icp network is spread on datacentersl (so they rent from aws,azure and others) and on top of that they put a token not needed that gives extra friction?. its 'ven more dumb than a chainlink token. which also isn't needed. imagine if the visa network had a visa token intermediary, how shit it would be.

>> No.57877125

Correct it’s not proof of stake but voting still secures the network.

>> No.57878003
File: 194 KB, 1280x800, CC42EA03-3408-4F44-92DA-D49E8B2C8166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most retarded fud i’ve read yet

>> No.57878081

it's dumb but funny. The modern left unironcally believes that Trump is like another Hitler, this is how far the Overton window has shifted where literal zionist butt kissers get labled as "Nazi's"

>> No.57879613
File: 227 KB, 905x1343, IMG_4131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate trump because he’s not hitler